Steve Irwin, The Crocodile Hunter, Is Dead

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My heartfelt condolences to Steves family and our Aussie posters. The world has lost a wonderful human being. It is such a loss for his family and all the people that learned so much about animals from his work. To bash him today, at this time, is very insensative and petty. I was upset when I saw the film footage of him with his baby, but I don't think one public mistake wipes out all of the good he has done. To call him an idiot on the day he is being mourned is beyond disresspectful, it is quit hateful. He was a wonderful person that really cared about animals and he will truly be missed.
I agree with Sundayrain. To say anything like the man deserved it, is just heartless and cruel. Steve Irwin did a LOT for animals all over the world, but especially his native animals & reptiles in Australia. He was a wonderful, wonderful man. God rest his soul and prayers for Terri, Bindi & Bob. I loved him so much. If he had time for any last thoughts, I know they were of his beloved family.

RIP, Croc Hunter. I'm sure he's up in heaven going, "Crikey!!"
I'm sad to hear this news, may Steve rest in peace, and may his family and friends find peace in the wonderful memories they have shared with the adventurous croc hunter. He will be missed.
narlacat said:
Hi Dark Shadows :)

Maybe he was somewhat irresponsible with the whole baby thing, but I was horrified when they compared him to Michael Jackson.
It was classic media sensationalism.
Thank you for your kind thoughts.
Unlike Michael Jackson I'm 100% certain Irwin
A) knew the reprecussions of what he was doing, at least in terms of the animals, if not the press
B) Was 100% aware of his circumstances & what the crocs were capable of/able to do at that exact moment
C) Would have put himself in the croc's mouth if it had come to that
D) Was sober at the time

RIP mate, you were one crazy *advertiser censored* Bruce.
narlacat said:

Just heard it on the news as well.

He was a legend.

Bye Steve, we loved ya mate :blowkiss:
A Truly an Awesome Man...lived on the edge. He will be sorely missed by millions of fans! Deepest symphathies to his young family. :(
He's in heaven now! REST IN PEACE STEVE!
Sassygerl said:
Here's a bit of an insight on what happened....also he was not working with the stingrays for his "Oceans Dealiest" show.

Irwin, 44, was killed by a stingray barb that pierced his chest, according to Cairns police sources.

Irwin was in the area to film pieces for a show called "Ocean's Deadliest" with Phillippe Cousteau, grandson of Jacques, Irwin's manager and friend John Stainton told CNN's "American Morning." But weather had prevented the crew from doing work for that program, said Stainton, so Irwin decided to do some softer features for a new children's TV show he was doing with his daughter, Bindi.

"He came over the top of a stingray that was buried in the sand, and the barb came up and hit him in the chest," said Stainton.

Wildlife documentary maker Ben Cropp, citing a colleague who saw footage of the attack, told TIME that Irwin had accidently boxed the animal in, causing it to attack. "It stopped and twisted and threw up its tail with the spike, and it caught him in the chest," said Cropp. "It's a defensive thing. It's like being stabbed with a dirty dagger."
So he didn't even know it was there. Stingrays bury themselves int he sand to feed. I've stepped on a ray/skate or two in my time. I was lucky just to get a "whip lash" across the leg by one, although I've been stung by jellyfish more than once.
Floh said:
Useful to the coroner, but i hope the children never see it and i hope it is never released on the internet.
Hate to say it but this will be the most sought after video by those individuals looking to make "big bucks" off this tradegy...

It is my hope that after it is released it is turned into education of the dangers these creatures posess
Poor Steve isn't even buried and people are already trying to make money off of his death on ebay. I just checked ebay out of curiosity, and there's over 600 listings, most of them newly listed since he died.

This Steve figure was listed Aug.31. Little did this person who listed it know how the price for this would climb and how this figure would now be in demand. My dd has this Steve, plus the gator and snake that came w/ it. She also has The Crocodile Hunter Game, but I'm not about to make money off of his death.

I got the little talking Steve figure out of dd's drawer and put him on our kitchen counter. Every time I walk by and see him, I will say a prayer for Teri and the children. My thoughts and prayers are w/ them and the Irwin family and friends.
kahskye said:
Poor Steve isn't even buried and people are already trying to make money off of his death on ebay. I just checked ebay out of curiosity, and there's over 600 listings, most of them newly listed since he died.

This figurine/doll of him was listed Aug.31. Little did this person who listed it know how the price for this would climb and how this doll is now in demand. My dd has this Steve, plus the gator and snake that came w/ it. She also has The Crocodile Hunter Game, but I'm not about to make money off of his death.

Wow....up to $88. If it were me who had listed that figurine, I'd have to donate the money I made from the sale to Steve's Australian Zoo, in his memory.
BillyGoatGruff said:
Unlike Michael Jackson I'm 100% certain Irwin
A) knew the reprecussions of what he was doing, at least in terms of the animals, if not the press
B) Was 100% aware of his circumstances & what the crocs were capable of/able to do at that exact moment
C) Would have put himself in the croc's mouth if it had come to that
D) Was sober at the time

RIP mate, you were one crazy *advertiser censored* Bruce.

I agree.

I'm just really sad.
I am sorry for all of our friends that feel this loss so deeply. I never really followed him too much, but enjoyed him on talk shows and respected the programs he put forth on behalf of conservation and animals.

What an ironic twist to life, that he did so many dangerous moves only to die from an event that is so remote of happening. Must have been destiny...the "whys" we don't know.

A question this the same kind of stingray that we petted and swam with in the Caymen Islands?

I'm another person just so very sad to hear of this, and my thoughts and prayers go to his wife, kids, and our blessed Aussie posters here.

I've heard he's done some wonderful things for the animals, that he really did care about them. So, he was an entertainer, educator and a good guardian of the animals.
lynie said:
I am sorry for all of our friends that feel this loss so deeply. I never really followed him too much, but enjoyed him on talk shows and respected the programs he put forth on behalf of conservation and animals.

What an ironic twist to life, that he did so many dangerous moves only to die from an event that is so remote of happening. Must have been destiny...the "whys" we don't know.

A question this the same kind of stingray that we petted and swam with in the Caymen Islands?

There have only been 17 deaths "ever recorded "from a stingray. They will usually scurry away from a person.......
I don't think I'd like to swim with one now.....after this.
Everytime I see that smiling face on TV today......I just get a little bit more sad. Didn't he have the most wonderful accent.....and his eyes, when something all of a sudden went at him......WIDE open. Like Whew.....!
Such sad news today......
I just read the Cayman Island stingrays are more gentle......not so on guard to spear the tiger sharks.
Steve was only the second Australian to die from a sting ray barb, he was just really unlucky.
Amraann said:
I could not read all 5 pages of this tragedy..

but I can reply to the post I did get too..
Steve did not dangle his child over a gator. If you see the video the baby is on his far left hip.
If your life is to play with deadly things then your perception maybe is different.

I awoke this morning and checked my phone messages and my 10 YO's friend left one.
OMG there is nothing like hearing a 10 yo tell you someone died.
Thank you Amraan for the clarification.
The baby was NOWHERE near the croc.
The media blew the whole thing out of they do.
calidreamin said:
My heartfelt condolences to Steves family and our Aussie posters. The world has lost a wonderful human being. It is such a loss for his family and all the people that learned so much about animals from his work. To bash him today, at this time, is very insensative and petty. I was upset when I saw the film footage of him with his baby, but I don't think one public mistake wipes out all of the good he has done. To call him an idiot on the day he is being mourned is beyond disresspectful, it is quit hateful. He was a wonderful person that really cared about animals and he will truly be missed.
Thankyou Cali..there has been a few harsh words spoken about steve on this thread,,and now is proberly not the time to be doing it.
Steve was a wonderful embassador for our country and he will be sorley missed.....
Some here are crititical of Steve for carrying on his dangerous work after the birth of his children......this was the mans life....its all he knew.A lot of fathers still carry on with dangerous occupations....a lot more still persue their dangerous hobbies.....racecars...motorbikes...and the like.
Steve slipped up when he took Baby Bob into the croc inclosure....but I have no doubt that Steve believed his son was for the ones saying Steve was abusing animals..the croc with the broken teeth....Well a lot of these animals were being moved to safer places where they wouldnt be shot on site.
Today Australia is grieving.....RIP done us proud.
Peter Hamilton said:
He was such a great credit to his country--at first,he was only known to Aussies--but when his show aired in the United States,he acheived international fame--Most of us Americans know very little about Australia,and barely knew it existed until Paul Hogan(Crocodile Dundee) became famous in 1986---Steve Irwin has to be the most famous Australian since the Hogan Days--(ok Russell Crowe is great too)--He seemed himself to be fascinated with the United States,his Travel Channe special took him to several Western states,from the north to the south--His American wife and their two cute kids were a joy to watch--Its always a shock to see someone die who had such an incredible euthusiasm for life
That was the word I was looking for yesterday Peter.
Irwins enthusiasm was contagious!
I saw him on Denton last night and he couldnt contain himself.
He just wanted to have fun, spread the word and like Ellen said, his wealth only meant he could do more good.
Denton said he was way bigger in the states than here, that us Aussies were sometimes embarrased of his antics and catch phrases.
Well, not me!
Cypros I'm sorry you thought he was an idiot, maybe you missed all the stuff he did for the greater good.
He was so in love with Terri, and adored his kids, I hope Bindi gets to see that interview one day, how proud he was of her, he got tears in his eyes recounting a story of her first snake bite, it was hilarious!
Bless him, I am sadder today than yesterday.
dingo said:
Thankyou Cali..there has been a few harsh words spoken about steve on this thread,,and now is proberly not the time to be doing it.
Steve was a wonderful embassador for our country and he will be sorley missed.....
Some here are crititical of Steve for carrying on his dangerous work after the birth of his children......this was the mans life....its all he knew.A lot of fathers still carry on with dangerous occupations....a lot more still persue their dangerous hobbies.....racecars...motorbikes...and the like.
Steve slipped up when he took Baby Bob into the croc inclosure....but I have no doubt that Steve believed his son was for the ones saying Steve was abusing animals..the croc with the broken teeth....Well a lot of these animals were being moved to safer places where they wouldnt be shot on site.
Today Australia is grieving.....RIP done us proud.
To all of Our Australia Friends.......Dingo,Cyndi, Kahskye,Narlacat...and many who I havn't yet met or know...... We are all very sad, and it is not a happy day here thinking about loosing him, and about his family. People with hearts, and compassion...have already forgotten that 5 min. baby issue. I am sure he knew what he was doing. He was born and raised with them......
I honor his work, his teachings, his dedication to animals, the risks he took, and all that his personality eluded too......You were so lucky to have him as one of your own. Remember only the good words here on WS.......

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