Steve Thomas's Theory/Murder Timeline

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Foreign DNA doesn't exonerate the Ramseys, IMO. By itself, the presence of the same foreign, male DNA profile in a few "curious" locations causes me to consider it quite likely a 5th person was in the home that night, and that he had direct, unlawful contact with the victim.

Maybe the stine's boy? Maybe JAR?
I personally think the killer is already dead, Burke cannot be prosecuted for any part he may have played due to his age at the time, and the Statute of Limitations has expired on anything I think John may have done to cover it up.

Of course, like everyone else here, I would love to see a final resolution, but realistically, I don't think it will happen.

I was thinking Hunter said there would be no limitations until the killer is caught.
Maybe the stine's boy? Maybe JAR?
It's not JAR's DNA, and I'm nearly positive DS's DNA was compared. If you're interested, use the forum search function to find and read posts by former poster "BlueCrab".
It's not JAR's DNA, and I'm nearly positive DS's DNA was compared. If you're interested, use the forum search function to find and read posts by former poster "BlueCrab".

If there was someone else there who could it have been? Also joe barnhill says he saw someone who looked like JAR walking up the sidewalk then retracted his statement. Do you know anything about this? i have tried searching but cant find it now
Hunter doesn't decide about the Statute of limitations (Thankfully)

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Hunter doesn't decide about the Statute of limitations (Thankfully)

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What's really sad is the new police chief's immediate announcement that he has no plans to revisit the case. That makes Absolutely no sense to me. Why would he make such an assertion so quickly?
If there was someone else there who could it have been? Also joe barnhill says he saw someone who looked like JAR walking up the sidewalk then retracted his statement. Do you know anything about this? i have tried searching but cant find it now
No, I don't know much about this. Where did you learn that Barnhill recanted?
What's really sad is the new police chief's immediate announcement that he has no plans to revisit the case. That makes Absolutely no sense to me. Why would he make such an assertion so quickly?

Possibly because the person who killed JB can not be prosecuted. JMO
I watch a lot of the cold case shows and I'm always wondering why they don't touch cases like JBs.
I mean, I know why (Boulder won't cooperate I imagine and, honestly, it's still a bit of a hot potato) but I can't help but wonder if it would be a good thing just to air all of this stuff out and let the evidence go where it goes. New, completely unbiased, eyes certainly can't hurt the case.
In ST book she called 911 at 5:52. Ok we all know that. French gets there minutes after and john says he checked the house. How could he have checked that big house in just minutes and be there to greet french at the door. And why didnt they search the house for her... I know it was a "kidnapping" but still wouldnt you look around. so many things make no sense in this case. Why lay RN on the floor wouldnt a counter be easier to read it. I cant imagine laying pages on a floor then bending down to see what it said. The more I think about it I am beginning to believe john was involved. Maybe not the murder but the cover up? I mean patsy handed the note to john right. Well there should have been fingerprints. Then john moved the note to the floor... and still no fingerprints.
I watch a lot of the cold case shows and I'm always wondering why they don't touch cases like JBs.
I mean, I know why (Boulder won't cooperate I imagine and, honestly, it's still a bit of a hot potato) but I can't help but wonder if it would be a good thing just to air all of this stuff out and let the evidence go where it goes. New, completely unbiased, eyes certainly can't hurt the case.
Maybe it was covered up by people in high places and thats why hunter couldnt (didnt) prosecute and why its never been solved.
I watch a lot of the cold case shows and I'm always wondering why they don't touch cases like JBs.
I mean, I know why (Boulder won't cooperate I imagine and, honestly, it's still a bit of a hot potato) but I can't help but wonder if it would be a good thing just to air all of this stuff out and let the evidence go where it goes. New, completely unbiased, eyes certainly can't hurt the case.
The only people who are capable of solving it don't want it "solved". The only people who have information that could help, won't. If secrets are told, they're no longer secrets. SoL on the only charges possible expired only a few months after Hunter announced there wasn't enough evidence to file charges. There is no reason to explain what happened to the public. The DA's responsibility is to pursue charges -- not "justice". Garnett has already verified everything I've stated here as MOO.
The only people who are capable of solving it don't want it "solved". The only people who have information that could help, won't. If secrets are told, they're no longer secrets. SoL on the only charges possible expired only a few months after Hunter announced there wasn't enough evidence to file charges. There is no reason to explain what happened to the public. The DA's responsibility is to pursue charges -- not "justice". Garnett has already verified everything I've stated here as MOO.

Well, I still have hope for the future. Other than Burke, many of these people are going to pass on and their reputations won't be as valuable as they are now.
I remember a cold case that took years to solve when the solution was right in front of everyone. A woman argues with her boyfriend and is shot with a rifle. The case was deemed a suicide and closed. The girls parents tried for years to open the case because there was absolute evidence she couldn't have shot herself the way the boyfriend said...her arms weren't long enough to reach in any scenario. It wasn't until the political/legal community in their small town passed away that they were able to get the case reopened. Of course no charges were filed but the family was content with it not being called a suicide anymore.

I'm not sure I'm requiring a solution. But clarity on some things would be nice.
Maybe it was covered up by people in high places and thats why hunter couldnt (didnt) prosecute and why its never been solved.

I have never believed this. Hunter was a wimp that was known to avoid trials, plea bargains were his thing. Add to that the problem of prosecuting when you may know it's a Ramsey, but not which Ramsey and I think that explains the initial reluctance.

As for follow up, at best I would assume the fact that the Ramsey's are known to have sued just about everyone connected to the case who ever hinted at their guilt may play a large part in why TV shows aren't picking up on it. That, and the fact that Lacey's "Exoneration" seems to have convinced most of the pea brrained TV "journalists" (using the term very, very loosely).

These "Journalists" are the some idiots that trot out Jeffrey MacDonald,the baby killer's, latest flight of fantasy and try to sell it like there is actually some basis in fact to believe he has been wrongly imprisoned all these years, instead of actually studying the case.

I believe the TV idiots have mostly decided that the Ramsey's being unfairly persecuted to be a more interesting story.
In ST book she called 911 at 5:52. Ok we all know that. French gets there minutes after and john says he checked the house. How could he have checked that big house in just minutes and be there to greet french at the door. And why didnt they search the house for her... I know it was a "kidnapping" but still wouldnt you look around. so many things make no sense in this case. Why lay RN on the floor wouldnt a counter be easier to read it. I cant imagine laying pages on a floor then bending down to see what it said. The more I think about it I am beginning to believe john was involved. Maybe not the murder but the cover up? I mean patsy handed the note to john right. Well there should have been fingerprints. Then john moved the note to the floor... and still no fingerprints.

Don't forget John also checked in on sleeping Burke (later learned not really asleep all that time) and was still in his underwear reading the note on the kitchen floor when the call was placed at 5:52. Ran around checking things and met French only a few minutes later nicely clothed and collected.

Googled and found that chemo treatment can sometimes cause a temporary loss of fingerprints due to a severe dkin reaction of the hands and feet. And that prolonged contact with the chemical bromelian (found in pineapple) can also, but it takes a very long time. How about a combo affecting PR?
Don't forget John also checked in on sleeping Burke (later learned not really asleep all that time) and was still in his underwear reading the note on the kitchen floor when the call was placed at 5:52. Ran around checking things and met French only a few minutes later nicely clothed and collected.

Googled and found that chemo treatment can sometimes cause a temporary loss of fingerprints due to a severe dkin reaction of the hands and feet. And that prolonged contact with the chemical bromelian (found in pineapple) can also, but it takes a very long time. How about a combo affecting PR?

midwest mama,
No prints on the Ransom Note, no prints on the flashlight, coincidence, you decide? BBM and the ridiculous Flash (Marvel Comics Character) speed at which the R's timeframe ensue, tells you that the R's version of events is totally fake, Patsy even had time to do her makeup. Looks to me as if someone staged a crime-scene in the basement complete with broken window, which was later changed, possibly including JonBenet being relocated to the wine-cellar, all suggesting that the primary crime-scene was located upstairs, but not the Breakfast Bar since it was not cleaned up! That is, the R's realized their initial staging would likely fail, or at least determine their arrest. So another staging was planned so to hide JonBenet away, in the hope of buying time?

In ST book she called 911 at 5:52. Ok we all know that. French gets there minutes after and john says he checked the house. How could he have checked that big house in just minutes and be there to greet french at the door. And why didnt they search the house for her... I know it was a "kidnapping" but still wouldnt you look around. so many things make no sense in this case. Why lay RN on the floor wouldnt a counter be easier to read it. I cant imagine laying pages on a floor then bending down to see what it said. The more I think about it I am beginning to believe john was involved. Maybe not the murder but the cover up? I mean patsy handed the note to john right. Well there should have been fingerprints. Then john moved the note to the floor... and still no fingerprints.

I once read a book about the Charles Lindbergh Jr. kidnapping, and read the testimony of Nurse Gow. She stated that the whole household, after realizing that the baby was gone, and reading the ransom note, scoured the house looking in every closet and out of the way place, thinking that the situation could possibly be a joke.

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