Steven Avery: Guilty of Teresa Halbach's Murder?

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Is Steven Avery responsible for the murder of Teresa Halbach?

  • He did it

    Votes: 253 29.7%
  • Some other guy did it

    Votes: 67 7.9%
  • Looks guilty at this point

    Votes: 74 8.7%
  • Not guilty based on evidence I've seen thus far

    Votes: 195 22.9%
  • Undecided, but believe new trial is in order

    Votes: 254 29.8%
  • Undecided all around; more information required

    Votes: 55 6.5%

  • Total voters
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If the cops are crooked enough to plant evidence how can trust anything in the whole case? What makes you think he was guilty if there is no honest evidence?
So what you are saying is you can see the coercion in the interrogation but still think BD is involved. Based on nothing.

And.. you can see how LE tried to plant evidence and frame SA, but you still think he is guilty. Based on planted evidence.

Sorry. That doesn't make one iota of sense.

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Finally-Today's the day!! Praying for him!
Posted: Oct 03, 2017 3:07 PM EDT

A circuit court judge has denied Steven Avery's request for a new trial in the murder of Teresa Halbach.

On Wednesday, Sheboygan County Judge Angela Sutkiewicz issued a decision and order saying, "the defendant has failed to establish any grounds that would trigger the right to a new trial in the interests of justice. As such, no further consideration will be given to this issue."
Posted: Oct 03, 2017 3:07 PM EDT

A circuit court judge has denied Steven Avery's request for a new trial in the murder of Teresa Halbach.

On Wednesday, Sheboygan County Judge Angela Sutkiewicz issued a decision and order saying, "the defendant has failed to establish any grounds that would trigger the right to a new trial in the interests of justice. As such, no further consideration will be given to this issue."

Great news, but not surprising.
Posted: Oct 03, 2017 3:07 PM EDT

A circuit court judge has denied Steven Avery's request for a new trial in the murder of Teresa Halbach.

On Wednesday, Sheboygan County Judge Angela Sutkiewicz issued a decision and order saying, "the defendant has failed to establish any grounds that would trigger the right to a new trial in the interests of justice. As such, no further consideration will be given to this issue."

As KZ has stated these wrongful conviction cases are never won in the lower courts and this case is far from being over.
I always got the feeling it was her brother. He went on to her voicemail after she went missing and deleted messages - as if he called her and asked her to meet him and then deleted the voicemail.
Too, people yelling guilty you are truly uneducated in forensics why are you on this website? No blood in the room where she supposedly she bled and it was carpet and don't forget the garage where she was shot there wasn't any blood not even splatter on any of that clutter in said area not to mention the only bullet casing found had cross contamination it doesn't add up any way you swing it, it is a gross miscarriage of justice and has reasonable doubt written all over it.
Hi everyone! I know I’m a tad behind on this discussion, but I noticed there was no mention of Michael Griesbach’s book ‘Indefensible.’ He is the original DA who issued the search warrant on Avery. He released it shortly after the Netflix series MAM.

In his book, he discusses a POI that wasn’t investigated. According to him, LE was supposedly handed over physical evidence by the wife of a man who confessed to murdering a woman on the same day Teresa went missing.

If this is factual, the information the women provided was quite accurate and chilling. Apparently, her husband told her about meeting a ‘stupid photographer.’ He claimed to ask her if she would take pictures of an adjacent property to the Avery Salvage yard that he had recently purchased.

He proceeded to give her the horrific details of her moments up to her death. The wife later discovered a tool box with blood on it and evidence of something being burned on the property. She made the connection to Teresa’s murder but didn’t come forward due to her fear of him, stemming from ongoing years of Domestic Violence. He later fled the country so she contacted LE and handed over what she knew, along with a pair of underwear that was believed to be the ones that Teresa was wearing on that day of his alleged murder.

Just as in the Bernstein case, it was quickly dismissed on the premise of ‘we already have the guy.’ It was also believed the woman wasn’t credible and just had an ax to grind because she later went back to her abusive husband who she claimed was capable of murder. I didn’t appreciate MG’s immediate dismissal of his guilt based on this alone, because anyone who has ever been in a DV relationship knows that victims are notorious for returning to their abuses.

Now, I don’t know how much of what he wrote in the book is true and all of what I am stating is absolute hearsay. Please don’t quote me as providing facts. After reading the book, it certainly created serious doubt on Steven Avery’s guilt.

Theory suggests that lightning doesn’t strike twice in the same place, so Steve Avery is one unlucky guy. If the POI did as he claimed, he most likely had noticed there was a bonfire that night at the Avery’s. (Remember, supposedly he was raping and murdering a ‘stupid photographer’ at his adjacent property that same day / evening.) He could’ve decided to burn her body and then place the remains (which coincidentally were found in 3 different locations) on the Avery property (vs his) which would deflect suspicion onto him. Then placed the RAV4 in the yard and go about his evening.

If you observe the brother and ex boyfriend of Teresa in the documentary, they seem to get defensive when asked about timeframes of searching the Avery property. I wouldn’t be too surprised if they went on the property beforehand without permission after finding out her last known whereabouts. They found Teresa’s RAV4 and called Colburne to advocate for them. That’s when he called into verify the plate # and was recorded. After he realized he may have compromised a potential investigation, the boys were told to keep hush about it. Knowing their cousin was a busy-body they enlisted her in blindly discovering the car by basically drawing her a road map right to it.

Colbourne may have gone to Lenk with the info and Lenk panicked because they were being currently deposed on their part in the botched Bernstein case. (Re...filing the report years after taking the phone call about Allen confessing to raping a women in Manitowoc County.)

Knowing the scrutiny they were currently under, they had to act quickly to cover their tracks ‘just in case.’ I don’t believe their intent was to frame him, but more to cast suspicion by pointing the evidence towards the Avery’s. They figured they had something to do with her disappearance given the fact her car was on their property.

It would have been easy to plant the unexplained streak of bloods and DNA because Lenk knew of its existence in the evidence room from the Bernstein case, which BTW would absolutely guarantee a search warrant to search the property (despite their previous illegal search.)

They took it one step forward by planting the key. It was obviously the spare key, probably collected from her apt during the initial search for her. Her actual key, which was on the lanyard around her neck in the infamous picture of her taken just prior to her death, couldn’t be located.

If collected as evidence they wiped it completely clean of DNA (including Teresa’s when she supposedly used it everyday, which is ludicrous.)

Colburne and Lenk (again) conveniently found it when searching the bedroom (even after being searched umpteen times and documented with pics) They were not even to be searching the property in the first place.

Everything else just seems like a serious of unfortunate coincidences that sealed the case against him. I just can fathom how a woman could be beaten, raped and tortured in a bedroom which showed no DNA evidence of Teresa’s (or Brenden’s) blood or bodily fluids.

Then being shot multiple times in the garage with no blood spatter on or around the junk that was scattered throughout and one solitary bullet which was suggested to be cross contaminated.

I haven’t worked out an explanation of the bleach except the family could have easily gotten the day wrong during all the chaos of Teresa’s disappearance.

Putting all of these possibilities, I have more reason to believe Steve Avery is the exception to the lightning theory and not a murderer.

Again, don’t quote me. These are my own interpretations of what I believe really happened to Teresa, based on hearsay from Greisbach’s book and MAM.

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After watching The Killing Season and other real life crime shows it just confirms that at the end of the day all police want is a closed file. They planted the evidence even if he did do it. I do not believe there was enough solid evidence to convict him guilty for life. The biggest red flag is that they found no DNA in the bedroom versus you can literally contaminate evidence by having multiple items unprofessionally processed. EX the Amanda Knox case.
Absolutely. I 100 percent believe he did. His unfortunate case of being incorrectly identified and wrongly sent to jail for a long time over it would **** anyone in the head. Plus he did some things as a kid that many budding psychopaths do. The cat thing. Sexually inappropriate behavior.

There's also the fact her car was found there. Look, the police ****ed up and they acknowledge that, but that doesn't mean they have for suddenly like Avery or look the other way if he committed a crime. Also, yes, again, he was wrongly convicted. Theres a big difference between police officers nabbing the wrong guy (whom she incorrectly ided as Avery) and actively going out of their way to frame someone. I think it's a little childish when people say that sort of stuff. Real life is boring. There's rarely a major conspiracy going on, let alone in Bumble**** nowhere.

Also Teresa was allegedly reported as saying she was uncomfortable around Avery, who happened to be the last one to see her alive.

I believe this is what happened. Teresa cane for the car to take pictures of and Avery asked her to do another one. One deeper into the property that's more secluded. I think he either went right to assault and physical harm and rape or he tried to make her "consent". I think she refused and Avery being the self entitled piece of **** he is took it as an attack on his ego. Probably smacked or punched her, but immediately realized as soon as she told someone he would be going right back to jail so he killed her.

I believe Avery thought that because of the injustice he was subject to that the police wouldn't dare come to him after what happened, but quickly realized he was wrong.

I never thought Massey was involved and it is my belief the rape and murder took place either outside in the car yard or inside one of the cars.

I hope I didn't break any rules with this post, this is my first time. If I am can whoever removes it please say why so I can avoid doing it next time.

Thanks for reading.

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My vote was, "He did it." The smoke and mirrors from the producers of the TV show don't sway me one bit.
Absolutely. I 100 percent believe he did. His unfortunate case of being incorrectly identified and wrongly sent to jail for a long time over it would **** anyone in the head. Plus he did some things as a kid that many budding psychopaths do. The cat thing. Sexually inappropriate behavior.

There's also the fact her car was found there. Look, the police ****ed up and they acknowledge that, but that doesn't mean they have for suddenly like Avery or look the other way if he committed a crime. Also, yes, again, he was wrongly convicted. Theres a big difference between police officers nabbing the wrong guy (whom she incorrectly ided as Avery) and actively going out of their way to frame someone. I think it's a little childish when people say that sort of stuff. Real life is boring. There's rarely a major conspiracy going on, let alone in Bumble**** nowhere.

Also Teresa was allegedly reported as saying she was uncomfortable around Avery, who happened to be the last one to see her alive.

I believe this is what happened. Teresa cane for the car to take pictures of and Avery asked her to do another one. One deeper into the property that's more secluded. I think he either went right to assault and physical harm and rape or he tried to make her "consent". I think she refused and Avery being the self entitled piece of **** he is took it as an attack on his ego. Probably smacked or punched her, but immediately realized as soon as she told someone he would be going right back to jail so he killed her.

I believe Avery thought that because of the injustice he was subject to that the police wouldn't dare come to him after what happened, but quickly realized he was wrong.

I never thought Massey was involved and it is my belief the rape and murder took place either outside in the car yard or inside one of the cars.

I hope I didn't break any rules with this post, this is my first time. If I am can whoever removes it please say why so I can avoid doing it next time.

Thanks for reading.
I agree with just about everything you said.
I don't think he was a kid when he cooked a kitten to death on a grill--for fun--was he? I think he was already an adult. Regardless of his age, the proof that he's a psychopath is clear and unambiguous.
I believe he is not guilty. There was no blood, no DNA at his house or garage, why was the car tags called in 2 days prior to her car being found? Why were the keys not found during first of many searches of house. Why would he burn a body in the back yard and invite people to come to the fire? Why was the car not found by police and found so quickly by family members ? Brendan was obviously fed that confession by LE until he said what they needed him to say. Why was no one close to Teresa looked at as a suspect? Such as her ex boyfriend? DNA on the one bullet that was found under suspicious circumstances was contaminated. The vial of Stevens blood in police storage was tampered with. None of this makes any sense to me at all and it is so scary to think that our justice system ,especially the same people , could incarcerate an innocent person for life not once but twice.
I believe he is innocent and both Steven and Brendan at the very least deserve new trials.
Voted guilty. Been watching some videos about this case other than MaM and he just looks pretty guilty to me. He said "she hadn't shown up" and he initially said he didn't have a bonfire on Halloween as well.
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