Steven Powell arrested in Washington State

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The thing is that I am not sure that SP is a true pedo. A Pedo has a sexual attraction to children, usually of a certain age. And he will have no or only very limited attraction to an adult woman. It is sort of like a normal heterosexual male who is strongly attracted to redheaded women. He may date others, he may have relations with others, but he is going to chase redheaded women.

SP is more like rapist. Maybe a power rapist. The fact that he can see them, but they can't see him is what he gets off on. The fact that they don't know excites him. He can have his fantasy without interruption and he can imagine their response any way he wishes. But in his case, age doesn't matter or is only incidental. They just happen to be the ones he caught. Or maybe because they were different and new. Or maybe because he hoped they would be less observant or less likely to know what to do if they caught him. Or maybe simply because they are more open and freer with their bodies. When changing an adult woman might turn her back to a window, but a child is less likely to. But their age wasn't the attraction.

I am basing that on the fact that from the reports I get their were a lot of adult women in the photos. If his main attraction was children, he wouldn't have been interested in the women.

Now if he ever decided to bring himself to try to live out a fantasy, he might have tried with a child simply because they would be less threatening to him and less likely to be able to give out info to get him caught. At least the first time.

BBM: I think he's a true pervo:eek:ddsmiley:
I love it. This morning there is a very large picture of SP's mugshot on the front page of KSL.

Here is the link to the article. Included are video interviews with Chuck and Susan's sister Denise. Denise feels that SP is involved in some way with Susan's disappearance or knows about it..
The lyrics to those songs ...I'm speechless. What makes this all more frightening is that SP was so over-the-top psychotic/narcissistic/delusional that he actually posted this stuff online for the world to see. He actually believed it. Like it was OK to "think" this way. SP oozed sleaze and creepiness.

From the first time I ever saw and heard JP speak, I KNEW there was something wrong with him too- something was off - the way he speaks gives me the creeps. He just has a different personality (the soft spoken, passive/aggressive type). It was clear he was on psych meds or "programmed" or something - but something VERY peculiar. And not in a good way.

To my main point - someone upthread posted they thought JP might commit suicide. I agree with this theory. A psycho/paranoid who has been stripped of his kids, his job, his house, his Daddy, his money source, his freedom - he has nowhere to go - can't leave the house without being surrounding by media - the world is watching him - can't communicate on the phone, the computer - every step, movement, word -- watched. And he knows what he did. Yes, HE. I think this was premeditated and planned with SP. I think there was poison or a (date rape drug) in those pancakes.

I think he might just off himself. He's gotta be scared now and he is ALONE. Thank God the children are out of there!!!!

I think the recent developments have just scratched the surface of what will eventually unfold.

Does anyone know the ages and genders of other family members in that house?

I said alot of "I thinks" in this post - and it is just that -- OMHO.

God Bless the children, Susan, her family and SP's sister who is so bravely standing strong in the face of an abusive family.
I wonder how that woman who interviewed SP on TV (forget exactly what show) feels like now that she knows she was sitting next to a lying pervo.

Anyhow - I'm liking SP in orange! Thinking JP would look good in that color as well.
BBM: I think he's a true pervo:eek:ddsmiley:

Me too!!!

And if he is selling *advertiser censored*, he may have found a big audience to sell the young girls bathing, dressing, going potty etc. By taking the photos and film, he is in control of what gets taken and sold - control issues again. Distributing this stuff may be how the family has been able to exist without a real job. Josh seemed to have trouble with the real job thing too. He must have been aware that there is easier money to be made. SP kept his daytime job as a cover.
The thing is that I am not sure that SP is a true pedo. A Pedo has a sexual attraction to children, usually of a certain age. And he will have no or only very limited attraction to an adult woman. It is sort of like a normal heterosexual male who is strongly attracted to redheaded women. He may date others, he may have relations with others, but he is going to chase redheaded women.

SP is more like rapist. Maybe a power rapist. The fact that he can see them, but they can't see him is what he gets off on. The fact that they don't know excites him. He can have his fantasy without interruption and he can imagine their response any way he wishes. But in his case, age doesn't matter or is only incidental. They just happen to be the ones he caught. Or maybe because they were different and new. Or maybe because he hoped they would be less observant or less likely to know what to do if they caught him. Or maybe simply because they are more open and freer with their bodies. When changing an adult woman might turn her back to a window, but a child is less likely to. But their age wasn't the attraction.

I am basing that on the fact that from the reports I get their were a lot of adult women in the photos. If his main attraction was children, he wouldn't have been interested in the women.

Now if he ever decided to bring himself to try to live out a fantasy, he might have tried with a child simply because they would be less threatening to him and less likely to be able to give out info to get him caught. At least the first time.

Several types of individuals are interested in meeting their sexual desires with adults and children. The subtypes regressed pedophile and immature pedophile are more frequently interested in adults, but in stressful situations or during drug/alcohol use, they can become more interested in children. Some individuals who seek children for sexual gratification are psychopaths. They demonstrate a consistent violation against social norms and can be predatory towards children as well as other living creatures.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse
Several types of individuals are interested in meeting their sexual desires with adults and children. The subtypes regressed pedophile and immature pedophile are more frequently interested in adults, but in stressful situations or during drug/alcohol use, they can become more interested in children. Some individuals who seek children for sexual gratification are psychopaths. They demonstrate a consistent violation against social norms and can be predatory towards children as well as other living creatures.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse

Thank you for this information. The last line is very descriptive of SP, IMO. When comparing it to what we know, I see a common denominator between his obsession with Susan and the child *advertiser censored*: they are both severe violations against social norms. On one hand, the child *advertiser censored* is clearly illegal. On the other, having an obsession with your son's wife is also a huge violation of social mores. When combined with his known position of being anti-government, I see an individual who has excused himself from being a normal member of society and who has pitted against it, feeling free of the usual moral restraints we all innately feel. Further, he would gain a "thrill" from transgressing against those social customs, particularly regarding sex, amplifying his feeling of entitlement, independence and power above law-abiding citizens. This would snowball to the level of murder if allowed to go unchecked, IMO.

Oh about a hundred years ago or so (lol) I knew someone who had the propensity for small girls as well as women. I don't have a clue what makes someone like this but I do know it exists. Sickening as it is it does exist. It seems they will take what they can get. Maybe it is easier to get to small girls rather than adults as the adult will or might repel their advances.IMO. Does not stop them though from trying whatever they can to satisfy their sick obsession!!!!!! IMO
God help these little children. No child deserves this crapola.
JP could file for divorce in Court or Civil Court. Susan would be listed as a defendant in the case and, because she is missing, a legal notice would have to run in the newspaper for 30 days in an effort to notify her, if she doesn't answer that notice then JP would win by default and he could sell it.

He also can sell it but if the there was a buyer and Susan happened to show up, that buyer would not own the house and lose any money he put into it.

That is all true, but I would think that if there is suspicion of homocide, a court could issue an estoppel from any sale of the property. It would be unfair to Susan't heirs for Josh to profit from her death, i.e. spend any of her rightful portion to the equity in the house (yeah, right, like there is any!).
Do you think JP could pull the Casey trick? (I.e. if you find my dad untrustworthy you must let me go)

On the surface, charges of voyeurism and possession of child *advertiser censored* against her father-in-law may not be related to her disappearance at all. But Tangaro says the latest allegations open another door.

"I mean, it could provide some reasonable doubt for Josh Powell. If there's any connection between Susan and the father-in-law and these pictures, then maybe the father-in-law becomes a person of interest and takes the heat off Josh," Tangaro said.
Icky... I thought those songs and the man himself were creepy before but I knew nothing.... Now this is creepy. I hope he's just a hopeless old perv and hasn't physically hurt anyone but who's to know that? Hopefully everybody who has gotten any disturbing vibes from him whatsoever calls the police and tells what they know.

The songs were bad enough when I pictured him drooling over DIL's underwear while singing them but peeping at small children singing them is worse. No, Steve, none of the little girls want to play doll house with you.

I want this to be the break in Susan's case but even if it's not I'm happy he's off the streets for a while.

Even if he bails out, he won't be able to live in his own house. Too close to kids. No more photographing at the park! He is probably the best known face in the Seattle/Tacoma area right now. Guess he'll have to go live in his car under a Seattle bridge somewhere.
gwenabob, was there a bankruptcy in the mix? IIRC

Remember the refrigerator magnets episode? The realtor license fiasco? He rented an office suite for his real estate venture; I don't think it was just a mail drop but an actual office. We drove to that address that he had listed and it was an office building. All of the money that josh spent on nonsense. I thought that they were living on her salary in WVC. Also, I don't think he was working long enough to get unemployment. IIRC he just didn't show up at work that Monday, that should preclude him getting benefits.

Yes, Josh alone filed for bankruptcy a few years back due to his refrigerator magnet fiasco and the heavy credit card debt due to his big boy toy purchases. He did have a job, but you are right, he was fired for not showing up, so it is quite possible he had no unemployment benefits. Plus, he left the state right away, and I don't think states are excited to give benefits to people who were not employed in their state.

According to Jennifer Graves' husband, Kirk, Josh loved to spend big money on his interests and hobbies, but balked when Susan wanted to spend money on essentials like healthy food for the boys and Christmas presents.

When it became obviously ridiculous for Susan to ride the bike to work, and Josh was pressured into letting her take the car and have him ride the bike to work, suddenly the bike commuting wasn't so "easy" anymore. He went and had a moped motor retrofitted to his bike to make it easier for him at a cost of what? I think it was about $1,000! When they had no money for Christmas presents or grocery store veggies! In his eyes it was ok for Susan to ride a bike 5 miles to work, but when he had to do it, suddenly he needed a motor!

And why in the world would a man who was sooooo broke they couldn't afford Christmas presents for two little boys take a trip hundreds of miles in the dessert just to make s'mores? In the freezing winter? With snow coming? To try out a generator he didn't need and couldn't afford. Josh's toys always came first.
I think it's a bit early to be speculating about SP's involvement in other missing persons or homicide cases. Someone who takes *advertiser censored* pictures and videos for their own enjoyment (ugh) does not always advance to murder or kidnapping. JMO, though.
A poster mentioned a couple pages back about their inability to understand what makes a pedophile tick, how they could get enjoyment out of taking or even looking at children undressed in the tub, etc. My belief is that while most of us wouldn't find it even remotely entertaining, there are sickos out there who do, sadly. For some weird reason, they are turned on by the sight of a nude child and many find sexual gratification from these films and pictures. That's how their brains work. It's just as incomprehensible to us as the thought of serial killers who find some type of gratification in torturing and killing people. It is about power, yes... but it is also about feeding their sick and twisted minds. They NEED to do it, just as we need water or fuel for our bodies. Hard to rationalize, but maybe we are not meant to understand them. There are some things in this world that are beyond our understanding.

It is possible that SP may have been involved in Susan's disappearance but I really doubt that he was the one who murdered Susan. It's quite possible that he knows Josh did, and has concealed that knowledge and helped him cover up the crime, or at the least, advised Josh on how to cover it up.

I don't think SP killed Susan either. But I do believe he was the planner and puppeteer. He and Josh planned it well in advance. SP told Josh exactly what to do and how to do it. I think they kept in close contact the whole time. I would be interested to know exactly how much cell phone contact they had that weekend.
Even if he bails out, he won't be able to live in his own house. Too close to kids. No more photographing at the park! He is probably the best known face in the Seattle/Tacoma area right now. Guess he'll have to go live in his car under a Seattle bridge somewhere.

BBM Can't wait to see what josh was photographing while on the park forays with daddy.

With steve, if they seize his car because he was taking pictures from that OR they find out he was selling pics on line and seize all assets, he can get a cardboard box. [I'm now wishing that there was a 'Muttley laughing' smilie.]
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