Steven Powell arrested in Washington State

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I have to say, as the son of a former cop and a lawyer myself, I am very impressed with the way Utah LE have been handling this case. Slow, methodical, careful. By the book, but so much more. In my mind, I picture a bunch of truly dedicated men and women, determined to bring Susan home and to secure justice for her killers. The methodologies, the careful day to day work, are no doubt informed by education, ethics and professionalism. But the real source underlying it all is love and compassion. Really.

I'm not the praying type, but I think what I do is really the same thing. The men and women of the Utah law enforcement agencies who are working to solve this case are in my thoughts. God bless them.

Maybe, I really don't know. I still can't help but wonder about some of their actions early on (the rental car and seemly unwillingness to work with volunteers, for example) and why it's taken almost 2 years for them to appear active.

It may be that they just didn't have information to work with. But, geez, they should have loads of information pointing to a murder. Nailing the perp apparently is a different story.

Can't wait to see what josh was photographing while on the park forays with daddy.
Doesn't this just make you crazy???
To watch kids playing and see it as something perverted just makes me so mad !
Yeah that is the scary part that SP might make reasonable doubt for JP.

For instance I have always thought that JP did it. He might have had discussions with his dad about the best way to do it or the two of them might have planned it. But with the latest on SP I am putting more weight on his involvement.

I am also. And with this arrest, my mind is going toward perhaps Susan finding out something about his activities and him having her silenced? Or is there anything on the dates of these violations, such as after her disappearance and not before? I haven't seen all the charging documents yet if this information has already been posted.


BBM Can't wait to see what josh was photographing while on the park forays with daddy.

With steve, if they seize his car because he was taking pictures from that OR they find out he was selling pics on line and seize all assets, he can get a cardboard box. [I'm now wishing that there was a 'Muttley laughing' smilie.]

Just for you!

The mindset that would allow SP to keep all of this photo evidence in the home in spite of the scrutiny of LE for almost two years almost defies belief...
I don't know but I wonder if perhaps SP didn't raise his kids not to trust others, but to rely and strongly support family members. No matter what. The one sister got out of that, but the others seem to have clustered together. I believe only the one sister in the home has spoken in public, but she strongly supported her brother. I would guess that the one brother hasn't spoken for "political" reasons. And the other brother is said to be disabled.

It wouldn't surprise me to hear that all the family members knew or suspected what had happened. And they will stick together and support each other and maybe even help each other.

BBM and just bouncing off your post, mysteriew

I think they all know of SP’s various “idiosyncrasies”. I’ll speculate that it was a strong undercurrent leading to his divorce from JP’s mother, although I’m sure that won’t be found in any document. At least one sister, Jennifer, was aware of it.

We all can agree that children are much more perceptive than we sometimes give them credit for. The problem comes when children, who are so totally dependent on their parents, are subjected to a certain culture within the household and have no way of knowing whether it is good or bad. Plus, all children love their parents and will forgive/overlook a lot of bad parental behavior.

Now, if I were an adult child living with SP you can believe I would support him. They probably knew that if the truth came out they would lose their whole way of life. Geez, he provided them room and board, etc. (of course, I don’t know of any family agreements, such as they need to pay some rent).

Now consider that your brother, with his 2 sometimes whinny kids, suddenly moved into the house under a major cloud of suspicion for MURDER. BTW, how many bedrooms could be in a house that size? Now the news outlets are at your house, telephone calls, helicopters, search warrants, ticked-off neighbors, and finally, as someone pointed out earlier, the “head” is taken out. Now no income and the debts are rising.

Just sayin’, but if I were the siblings I would be very resentful of Josh and looking to him to DO SOMETHING to end the misery. I can’t even imagine the conversations going on in that house. Anyone want to give a try at it?


IMO, always
The mindset that would allow SP to keep all of this photo evidence in the home in spite of the scrutiny of LE for almost two years almost defies belief...

As if he believes he is beyond reproach and LE would never investigate him or find it............

As if he believes he is beyond reproach and LE would never investigate him or find it............


Really, how stupid can you be? I would have gotten rid of that stuff a long time ago. It was inevitable that the police would search his home, especially once he became so vocal. Even I could see that clear over here in NC. What arrogance and denial!
Really, how stupid can you be? I would have gotten rid of that stuff a long time ago. It was inevitable that the police would search his home, especially once he became so vocal. Even I could see that clear over here in NC. What arrogance and denial!

All the markings of a true sociopathic personality. Most of the times, their crimes aren't covered up well, if at all. They just don't believe they will be caught.

You can also look up civil, family court, and tax cases as well as criminal cases and the Pierce County jail roster on the Pierce County LINX website.

The main Pierce County website

links to the LINX site as well as other useful information such as property tax and assessor information.

I'll add this site to the mix. I researched WA records endlessly in the Lindsey Baum case ...

This is kind of far-fetched, but could SP have convinced JP to put a recording device in their home in Utah? The lyrics to those creepy songs made me think of the possibility. Also, Susan was not allowed to use the computer in their home, hmmnn?
I'll add this site to the mix. I researched WA records endlessly in the Lindsey Baum case ...

This is kind of far-fetched, but could SP have convinced JP to put a recording device in their home in Utah? The lyrics to those creepy songs made me think of the possibility. Also, Susan was not allowed to use the computer in their home, hmmnn?

IDK, but I'm betting SP was the major influencer in whatever JP did. Who knows what that entailed besides JP and SP?

Which is one of the reasons WHY I DO NOT think these series of events were
"triggered" by Susan finding out about what SP and/or JP were all about. SP clearly thought he was above the law (part of his psychosis) IMO - he didn't remove the films, pictures, *advertiser censored*, etc - he didn't remove the hard disks or computer docs - he even went on national TV to BRAG about his lust for Susan -- SO - IMO - I don't think he would care that Susan discovered his "doings" if you will - in fact, given all that I've read about this psychopath - that would probably have given him a thrill. I THINK Susan was just in the way of the life that SP wanted for JP and JP wanted for JP. AND - if she was planning on leaving, THEY wanted those kids. IMO.

According to Jennifer's husband Kirk, Josh was a loudmouthed know-it-all who couldn't be shut up and had to have the last "expert" word on anything. I think the Josh we see now with the phony tears, and halted, thoughtful pauses is all for show. Not the real Josh. The real Josh is more like his dad.

Thanks for adding this. I noticed early on, days after Susan was reported missing, Josh, seemed to have problems with a camera being focused in his direction. He was carrying one of his sons and you could see that Josh would peek around the child to see if the camera was still on him. He looked suspicious even then, and he even smelled suspicious. Right now he is a guy on the edge. With his father in the hands of the LE, Josh has got to be wondering what's next. I hope he is shaking in his shoes. Because I for one believe he has plenty to worry about.
Do you think JP could pull the Casey trick? (I.e. if you find my dad untrustworthy you must let me go)

This has worried me for awhile, ever since SP started in on his "sexual relationship" lies about Susan. His creep factor got so high then, that I began to worry people may see him as the culprit. Low and behold, that's what's happening.

But I believe wholeheartedly that JP is the murderer here. He seems inept and fragile because that's how he wants to appear: "I'm just the lost father of two boys, whose wife ran away." Yeah right.

I do believe, however, that he could have told his daddy what happened and asked for help in the cover up. Making SP an accessory after the fact. But SP's creep factor definitely could become a problem when it comes to convicting JP.

And he does have an incredible creep factor, IMO. And such a dysfunctional background. Is this generational dysfunction how murderers are made?:

In only a matter of months my dad made a unilateral and secretive decision to separate from my mom. So on a given weekend he took us to visit his parents while my mom went to spend the weekend with her aunt in Burbank. Unbeknownst to her, my grandparents had, prior to that weekend visit, transported their trailer house to Northern California, and parked it in Weed.
When we headed over to see my grandparents, and kept going north on Highway 1, something seemed amiss to me, even at seven years old. "Where is momma?" I asked. Grandma curtly replied, "You're never going to see your mother again."...My older brother, my sister and I were inconsolable. My baby brother probably just wondered what the commotion was about.
We kept driving until we reached Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Grandma and Grandpa parked their trailer house at a trailer camp along the highway, where I-90 now runs. My dad moved to Yakima, Washington where he had found work as a district supervisor for a regional newspaper. The good news for me was that I did not have to finish the last few weeks of second grade, and the next year I started into third grade without missing a beat... On one occasion I informed one of my buddies that my grandparents had kidnapped us. My brother, who overheard, reported the conversation back to my grandmother, who encouraged me to keep my mouth shut (I was lying, in her estimation) by pouring a liberal dose of cayenne pepper on my tongue and making me stand in the corner.
Which is one of the reasons WHY I DO NOT think these series of events were
"triggered" by Susan finding out about what SP and/or JP were all about. SP clearly thought he was above the law (part of his psychosis) IMO - he didn't remove the films, pictures, *advertiser censored*, etc - he didn't remove the hard disks or computer docs - he even went on national TV to BRAG about his lust for Susan -- SO - IMO - I don't think he would care that Susan discovered his "doings" if you will - in fact, given all that I've read about this psychopath - that would probably have given him a thrill. I THINK Susan was just in the way of the life that SP wanted for JP and JP wanted for JP. AND - if she was planning on leaving, THEY wanted those kids. IMO.

Well, welcome to WS, GutInstinct! Seems like I have seen your posts before but didn't realize you were new.


I bet he wrote this about Susan. Ick! So delusional!:
Waiting for You

Words and Music by Steve Chantrey
You did your own thing,
You did it your way,
While I awaited your
Appearance in my doorway.
I spent the whole day through
Waiting for you.
It didn't happen
If you had shown up,
I would have thought that our
Relationship was sewn up.
I spent the whole day through
Waiting for you.
I could be getting a mistaken impression,
Each time you seem to gaze at me.
You let me touch you softly. Why? is the question.
And the effect amazes me.
Had trouble sleeping.
Wasn't beside you.
I felt so lonely,
For a little bit I cried too.
I spent the whole night through
Waiting for you.
Repeat bridge
Now I am smitten
Doubt I'll recover
Only one cure and that's to
Have you as my lover.
I'll spend my whole life through
Waiting for you.
Thanks Diphi. Love Websleuths! You can find out and LEARN more here than ANYWHERE else. The docs that fellow Sleuthers find and post just blow me away! I don't know how you all find or get access to the stuff that you do - but KUDOS to you all! I continue to be amazed. I've been also following the Celina Cass story - how I wish her family had the strength to keep her story/spirit/discovery alive as the Cox's have for beautiful Susan. Also following the Rebecca Z and Max story. Don't believe it was a suicide. Anyway - this is for you, my fellow Sleuthers! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP!
I don't know but I wonder if perhaps SP didn't raise his kids not to trust others, but to rely and strongly support family members. No matter what. The one sister got out of that, but the others seem to have clustered together. I believe only the one sister in the home has spoken in public, but she strongly supported her brother. I would guess that the one brother hasn't spoken for "political" reasons. And the other brother is said to be disabled.

It wouldn't surprise me to hear that all the family members knew or suspected what had happened. And they will stick together and support each other and maybe even help each other.

I think you're right and this could work with either scenario - if Susan was so flirtatious with her own f-i-l she would have most likely been open to the advances of any man or if JP had enough of Susan's behavior she only got what she deserved. What a deranged bunch of characters.
gitana1 - I just can't bring myself to repost those lyrics. Ugggh! Steve Chantrey's website and it's lyrics just make me sick now that we've found more details about his, ummmmm, hobbies. Many of them could be applied to Susan or the children he photographed.

IIRC, someone posted earlier about having a conversation with someone who attended a Zumba class with SP and how weird they thought that was (I must say, on the surface, I'm not sure what's weird about that). Anyway, one of the songs, I Love it When You Dance for Me, is about Zumba. Geez, imagine being the one in the Zumba class that the song was written about.

I bet he wrote this about Susan. Ick! So delusional!:
Waiting for You

Words and Music by Steve Chantrey
You did your own thing,
You did it your way,
While I awaited your
Appearance in my doorway.
I spent the whole day through
Waiting for you.
It didn't happen
If you had shown up,
I would have thought that our
Relationship was sewn up.
I spent the whole day through
Waiting for you.
I could be getting a mistaken impression,
Each time you seem to gaze at me.
You let me touch you softly. Why? is the question.
And the effect amazes me.
Had trouble sleeping.
Wasn't beside you.
I felt so lonely,
For a little bit I cried too.
I spent the whole night through
Waiting for you.
Repeat bridge
Now I am smitten
Doubt I'll recover
Only one cure and that's to
Have you as my lover.
I'll spend my whole life through
Waiting for you.

That is one of the most disturbing websites I've ever seen, knowing what we know. The man is absolutely out of his mind.
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