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Icky... I thought those songs and the man himself were creepy before but I knew nothing.... Now this is creepy. I hope he's just a hopeless old perv and hasn't physically hurt anyone but who's to know that? Hopefully everybody who has gotten any disturbing vibes from him whatsoever calls the police and tells what they know.

The songs were bad enough when I pictured him drooling over DIL's underwear while singing them but peeping at small children singing them is worse. No, Steve, none of the little girls want to play doll house with you.

I want this to be the break in Susan's case but even if it's not I'm happy he's off the streets for a while.

Even creepier is that he got some pleasure in the publicity the songs got ,knowing the meaning behind the words. This is a man who likes secrets . It gives him power in his mind. Uber creepy.I hope the boys are never exposed to that creep again.He probably used them as cover at the parks.
The events yesterday with SP locked up & exposed, his cash flow squashed, Josh loosing custody of the boys, journals to be destroyed, The Cox's filing for custody, these things keep going through my mind like "Nowhere to run to, Nowhere to hide" "Dead end", and hopefully my favorite.


I also think SP has crippled his children mentally and that explains to me why Josh is such an oddball and his siblings live at home with daddy. The biggest worry is daddy has harmed Susan's boys. Prayers for the Cox's.

I truly hope this will squeeze the truth out of them for Susan & her family. I'm impressed with the LE right now & all the counties in Utah that helped in her search. Someone has to crack!
From the first time I ever saw and heard JP speak, I KNEW there was something wrong with him too- something was off - the way he speaks gives me the creeps. He just has a different personality (the soft spoken, passive/aggressive type). It was clear he was on psych meds or "programmed" or something - but something VERY peculiar. And not in a good way.


According to Jennifer's husband Kirk, Josh was a loudmouthed know-it-all who couldn't be shut up and had to have the last "expert" word on anything. I think the Josh we see now with the phony tears, and halted, thoughtful pauses is all for show. Not the real Josh. The real Josh is more like his dad.
The lyrics to those songs ...I'm speechless. What makes this all more frightening is that SP was so over-the-top psychotic/narcissistic/delusional that he actually posted this stuff online for the world to see. He actually believed it. Like it was OK to "think" this way. SP oozed sleaze and creepiness.

From the first time I ever saw and heard JP speak, I KNEW there was something wrong with him too- something was off - the way he speaks gives me the creeps. He just has a different personality (the soft spoken, passive/aggressive type). It was clear he was on psych meds or "programmed" or something - but something VERY peculiar. And not in a good way.

To my main point - someone upthread posted they thought JP might commit suicide. I agree with this theory. A psycho/paranoid who has been stripped of his kids, his job, his house, his Daddy, his money source, his freedom - he has nowhere to go - can't leave the house without being surrounding by media - the world is watching him - can't communicate on the phone, the computer - every step, movement, word -- watched. And he knows what he did. Yes, HE. I think this was premeditated and planned with SP. I think there was poison or a (date rape drug) in those pancakes.

I think he might just off himself. He's gotta be scared now and he is ALONE. Thank God the children are out of there!!!!

I think the recent developments have just scratched the surface of what will eventually unfold.

Does anyone know the ages and genders of other family members in that house?

I said alot of "I thinks" in this post - and it is just that -- OMHO.

God Bless the children, Susan, her family and SP's sister who is so bravely standing strong in the face of an abusive family.

I completely agree that suicide is a possibility. You can never rule that out .
Me too!!!

And if he is selling *advertiser censored*, he may have found a big audience to sell the young girls bathing, dressing, going potty etc. By taking the photos and film, he is in control of what gets taken and sold - control issues again. Distributing this stuff may be how the family has been able to exist without a real job. Josh seemed to have trouble with the real job thing too. He must have been aware that there is easier money to be made. SP kept his daytime job as a cover.

Since I am not a "amateur photographer" and can barely remember to take pictures of my own family, I wonder exactly how much money can be made with this sort of venture? Anyone here have any idea what pedos pay each other for photographs? It just seems to me that the internet is chock full of *advertiser censored* of every sort, so the market would be saturated. But, naked kids just aren't my thing, so what do I know?
SP objectified woman and children. This is just a suspicion,but I bet he was really ticked off when Susan got Josh to move away from SP. He's probably been working on Josh ever since,making Susan the bad guy and getting what she deserves,in his mind.
He tried that with his public comments suggesting Susan was involved with him.Backfired,big time. Gave LE a reason to search his e-mails,etc. Last laughs on you SP. Karma
Since I am not a "amateur photographer" and can barely remember to take pictures of my own family, I wonder exactly how much money can be made with this sort of venture? Anyone here have any idea what pedos pay each other for photographs? It just seems to me that the internet is chock full of *advertiser censored* of every sort, so the market would be saturated. But, naked kids just aren't my thing, so what do I know?

I am no expert on *advertiser censored* either - but every case I have read about, most from Websleuth, these perv's have thousands of images in their stash. They collect, buy, sell, and trade. There are weirdos for every fetish there is.
Yep, JP is alone, and I do mean ALL ALONE. Although he's with other siblings in the house, he and he alone has to answer for the bigger question of what happened to Susan. Even the siblings he's living with must be looking at him differently.

He has been isolated and shunned. There was only one real supporter, and now that supporter is no longer there. Yep, he's ALL ALONE. What will he do next?

Do you think JP could pull the Casey trick? (I.e. if you find my dad untrustworthy you must let me go)

Yeah that is the scary part that SP might make reasonable doubt for JP.

For instance I have always thought that JP did it. He might have had discussions with his dad about the best way to do it or the two of them might have planned it. But with the latest on SP I am putting more weight on his involvement.
Yep, JP is alone, and I do mean ALL ALONE. Although he's with other siblings in the house, he and he alone has to answer for the bigger question of what happened to Susan. Even the siblings he's living with must be looking at him differently.

He has been isolated and shunned. There was only one real supporter, and now that supporter is no longer there. Yep, he's ALL ALONE. What will he do next?


I don't know but I wonder if perhaps SP didn't raise his kids not to trust others, but to rely and strongly support family members. No matter what. The one sister got out of that, but the others seem to have clustered together. I believe only the one sister in the home has spoken in public, but she strongly supported her brother. I would guess that the one brother hasn't spoken for "political" reasons. And the other brother is said to be disabled.

It wouldn't surprise me to hear that all the family members knew or suspected what had happened. And they will stick together and support each other and maybe even help each other.
Been working a ton of overtime the past week - and just saw this story on

Finally - some REAL progress in this case.
Hey, I just found a place for SP to live and work when he finally gets bailed out of the pokey (If it ever happens, that is.) Cedar Grove Composting apparently needs some help making something rotten smell sweet. Since SP is the king of purtied up BS, this might be just the job for him. And I bet there aren't any kids around to violate his terms of release.
I have to say, as the son of a former cop and a lawyer myself, I am very impressed with the way Utah LE have been handling this case. Slow, methodical, careful. By the book, but so much more. In my mind, I picture a bunch of truly dedicated men and women, determined to bring Susan home and to secure justice for her killers. The methodologies, the careful day to day work, are no doubt informed by education, ethics and professionalism. But the real source underlying it all is love and compassion. Really.

I'm not the praying type, but I think what I do is really the same thing. The men and women of the Utah law enforcement agencies who are working to solve this case are in my thoughts. God bless them.
You know for a fact both their names are on the deed to the house, I assume, then?

Yes. See post #918 of this thread. According to the county records, they are both owners.
Yeah that is the scary part that SP might make reasonable doubt for JP.

For instance I have always thought that JP did it. He might have had discussions with his dad about the best way to do it or the two of them might have planned it. But with the latest on SP I am putting more weight on his involvement.

Shades of jurors getting confused about what, if anything, George Anthony had to do with Caylee's death or placement of her body...(NOT to compare GA with SP.) If JP were to be charged alone, though, there might be some question in the jurors' minds as to how the crime really happened and who else was involved. Especially since JP comes off (to me) as seeming rather helpless and inept.
What is REALLY scary is most pedos aren't caught the first time and practice and perfect what they do for years and years before they are bagged .
Why the interest in little kids? So upsetting
I am thinking a dam will break now like it did with Tiger Woods girlfriends and victims will come forward . We can only hope anyone that has victimized by him feels safe now and tells LE their story.
I think the Josh we see now with the phony tears, and halted, thoughtful pauses is all for show. Not the real Josh. The real Josh is more like his dad

I agree Gwen ..he isn't even a good actor.
Hey, I just found a place for SP to live and work when he finally gets bailed out of the pokey (If it ever happens, that is.) Cedar Grove Composting apparently needs some help making something rotten smell sweet. Since SP is the king of purtied up BS, this might be just the job for him. And I bet there aren't any kids around to violate his terms of release.


Why does "slingblade' come to mind?

Terence: We wrote one last night outside the mini mart. Morris called it "Stuart Drives A Comfortable Car" and then like in country songs, you know, in parentheses it says "There's Usually Someone in the Trunk." And, and um, I came up with a tune just a hummin'.
Doyle: See, you don't want to question the genius, Vaughan. Morris here is a modern-day poet, kinda like in olden times.
Morris: Yeah, I got a new tune in composition entitled "The Thrill." And it goes somethin' like this: "I stand on the hill, not for a thrill, but for the breath of a fresh kill. Never mind the man who contemplates doin' away with license plates. He stands alone, anyhow, bakin' the cookies of discontent by the heat of the laundromat vent. Leavin' his soul!" Then like in poetry I go dot-dot-dot, you know, kinda off center, then I drop down and then I go: "Leavin' his soul! And partin' the waters of the medulla oblongata of - -brrrrrr! - -mankind!" That was a d*mn good song, wasn't it Doyle?
Shades of jurors getting confused about what, if anything, George Anthony had to do with Caylee's death or placement of her body...(NOT to compare GA with SP.) If JP were to be charged alone, though, there might be some question in the jurors' minds as to how the crime really happened and who else was involved. Especially since JP comes off (to me) as seeming rather helpless and inept.

I can hardly bare to think of this... you could be right!
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