Steven Powell arrested in Washington State

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Just for you!

THANK YOU! I love Muttley; we have a neighbor whose dog is named Muttley and he is adorabe. He has learned that if he sees me come out of the side door and he trots over he will get a dog biscuit. He has me trained really well. lol

According to Jennifer's husband Kirk, Josh was a loudmouthed know-it-all who couldn't be shut up and had to have the last "expert" word on anything. I think the Josh we see now with the phony tears, and halted, thoughtful pauses is all for show. Not the real Josh. The real Josh is more like his dad.

i've heard this before, too. Apparently, he was very vocal with his opinions. That persona is the exact opposite of what we have seen in MSM since Susan's disappearance. Clearly, something has majorly changed.

IMO, he's lost and has been for some time.

I'll add this site to the mix. I researched WA records endlessly in the Lindsey Baum case ...

This is kind of far-fetched, but could SP have convinced JP to put a recording device in their home in Utah? The lyrics to those creepy songs made me think of the possibility. Also, Susan was not allowed to use the computer in their home, hmmnn?

I do think there is a possibility of file-sharing. I have also, from the beginning of this case, believed that josh had *advertiser censored* of some kind on the computers that he didn't want Susan to see. I thought either gay *advertiser censored*, because of josh's effeminate manner and Susan talking to her friends about josh not wanting to be sexual with her. Truthfully, IMHO, I thought he was a closet gay who married because it gave him a front. I've also, IMHO wondered if he had a male lover that would factor into this whole story. My other thought was kiddie *advertiser censored*; that would have definitely caused an argument.
THANK YOU! I love Muttley; we have a neighbor whose dog is named Muttey and he is adorabe. He has learned that if he sees me come out of the side door and he trots over he will get a dog biscuit. He has me trained really well. lol

O/T That's exactly why our dog is overweight - our neighbors feed her! They are trained too. Well, ok, I can't blame it all on the neighbors (wish I could); maybe we have a bit do do with it!

:innocent: :waitasec:

The more that comes to light, it is going to difficult to see past SP if this case goes to trial, with regards to Susan...he is just too much of a freak not to be an alternate suspect at the very least.
The more that comes to light, it is going to difficult to see past SP if this case goes to trial, with regards to Susan...he is just too much of a freak not to be an alternate suspect at the very least.

Agreed. He is the other POI.

THANK YOU! I love Muttley; we have a neighbor whose dog is named Muttley and he is adorabe. He has learned that if he sees me come out of the side door and he trots over he will get a dog biscuit. He has me trained really well. lol

stop that pidgeon!

"Eyes popping out of their sockets"
"like a chicken heading to the block" in another song...


Very strange visuals this man has.
Almost like he is reliving and memorializing something.
Dropping clues?

Too smart to be caught, I bet he thinks he is/was.

Sick, IMO. Very, very sick.

Has anybody tried to decipher any of these in relation to when they were written and what was going on around him at that time in regards to Susan?

More EEeewww....yuck.

My 4YO garndson just came in. He loves all music.
His exact words "Nana, why are you listening to that yucky music?"
Out of the mouths of babes...
Really, how stupid can you be? I would have gotten rid of that stuff a long time ago. It was inevitable that the police would search his home, especially once he became so vocal. Even I could see that clear over here in NC. What arrogance and denial!

He did say in an interview shortly after the raid on his home he should have gotten rid of 'some' things but what great luck it is he was too STOOPID to do it! :great:
Agreed. He is the other POI.


I agree, but if he is not charged as such, the defense would have their perfect candidate for the real murdered in SP..., so I hope LE can make a case against both father and son.
I am so thankful the boys have been removed from the home. The pressure is showing on JP's face, his demeaner, his speech. I believe the boys would be in danger at this point. JP is close to a break-down. imo

He could be and possibly is suicidal. I believe he is the perp and he might confess just to end all of this now that his father is in jail but I think he is more prone to suicide than a confession. He might resent his father more than we realize. He might be realizing that his father manipulated him into killing his wife. He might even be angry with his father but have no way out and resent that JP has the ultimate control of his life! This just might be his way of putting it back on his Dad. Leave a suicide note, a tell all!

I have no doubt SP played a roll in it. SP probably gave his advice and helped in the planning but he's too smart to actually be directly involved. He came in after the deed was done.

I can see him taking her body somewhere and assaulting her dead body. I'm sorry if that sounds cruel but he is. He is a real sick and delusional human being. He would enjoy that. He got what he wanted, Susan. He had demeaned her, showed her what rejecting him had cost her and he had "shared" her with his son (in his mind) therefore he had put his son in his place. (What's your's is mine!).

Now he controls JP just as he controls his other children. SP began talking because he thinks he smarter than the law, he has real visions of grandeur!

Josh is in a desperate situation now.


"Eyes popping out of their sockets"
"like a chicken heading to the block" in another song...


Very strange visuals this man has.
Almost like he is reliving and memorializing something.
Dropping clues?

Too smart to be caught, I bet he thinks he is/was.

Sick, IMO. Very, very sick.

Has anybody tried to decipher any of these in relation to when they were written and what was going on around him at that time in regards to Susan?

More EEeewww....yuck.

My 4YO garndson just came in. He loves all music.
His exact words "Nana, why are you listening to that yucky music?"
Out of the mouths of babes...

Ooooohh, your poor grandson! Quick, get him ice cream or something; make the bad thing go away. :)

Can you imagine though if Susan's sons were subjected to that.I've often thought that josh has been so possessive of the boys not because of love but because he was afraid they would talk.
For instance I have always thought that JP did it. He might have had discussions with his dad about the best way to do it or the two of them might have planned it. But with the latest on SP I am putting more weight on his involvement.


How many miles did JP put on his rental car the day after Susan was found to be missing & how many miles from their home in Utah to SP's home in WA?

IOW! Is is possible that JP took Susan's body & met up with SP to help get rid of her there vs where LE has been looking in Utah?

eta..Where exactly was SP during those 2 very critical days? That, imho, holds the key in helping to determine whether he was involved in any way..I hope to G that LE already has the answer to this very imp part of the picture..If not now, then at some point very soon.
Does anyone know if steve, while he is in jail, will be given psych evals to determine if he is nuts or just creepy.
Agreed. He is the other POI.


I've had a bad feeling about him ever since he made those highly inappropriate comments to the national news media about Susan. Now that he's been arrested for voyeurism and having child *advertiser censored*, his comments seem even more sinister. If he wasn't somehow involved in her disappearance, he certainly knows something. Let's hope his being in jail puts the pressure on someone in that family to come forward.

Thank goodness Susan's children are out of that environment, and hopefully soon they'll be with their maternal grandparents!
Does anyone know if steve, while he is in jail, will be given psych evals to determine if he is nuts or just creepy.

Only if his defense is going to be insanity, or if he wants a delay of some kind...I don't think psych tests are automatic...JMO
I do think there is a possibility of file-sharing. I have also, from the beginning of this case, believed that josh had *advertiser censored* of some kind on the computers that he didn't want Susan to see. I thought either gay *advertiser censored*, because of josh's effeminate manner and Susan talking to her friends about josh not wanting to be sexual with her. Truthfully, IMHO, I thought he was a closet gay who married because it gave him a front. I've also, IMHO wondered if he had a male lover that would factor into this whole story. My other thought was kiddie *advertiser censored*; that would have definitely caused an argument.

Jacie Estes, I agree with one of your points made above. Have from the beginning.
Ooooohh, your poor grandson! Quick, get him ice cream or something; make the bad thing go away. :)

Can you imagine though if Susan's sons were subjected to that.I've often thought that josh has been so possessive of the boys not because of love but because he was afraid they would talk.
"Eyes popping out of their sockets" (strangulation?)
"like a chicken heading to the block" (dismemberment?)

Apologies for the graphic post but it was the first thing I thought of when I heard these two lines even though they are in separate songs.

Then a song about trees and wood... (hmmm)

Is there a way to figure out when each of these was written?

I think his music needs to be thoroughly dissected.
Even skipping words and looking for patterns in every other, every third word jail code maybe?

ETA: The FBI or LE has probably already done just that, right?
Which is one of the reasons WHY I DO NOT think these series of events were
"triggered" by Susan finding out about what SP and/or JP were all about. SP clearly thought he was above the law (part of his psychosis) IMO - he didn't remove the films, pictures, *advertiser censored*, etc - he didn't remove the hard disks or computer docs - he even went on national TV to BRAG about his lust for Susan -- SO - IMO - I don't think he would care that Susan discovered his "doings" if you will - in fact, given all that I've read about this psychopath - that would probably have given him a thrill. I THINK Susan was just in the way of the life that SP wanted for JP and JP wanted for JP. AND - if she was planning on leaving, THEY wanted those kids. IMO.

I agree with you. In his own twisted mind, he wasn't doing anything wrong filming those videos or taking those pics. He seemed to be proud of the fact that he was lusting after his DIL, and tried to claim that she was after him. The whole idea was to make her out to be unfit so he could get control of their kids. God help them, I hope the Coxes get custody of them so they won't be raised by that creepy family. And I hope he stays in jail for a long, long time.
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