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DNA Solves
In away one part of the RN bugs me when the author writes you and your family are under constant scrutiny as well as the authorities seems sometimes someone knew how the DA wouldn't back up the LE just been curious on this any input....
Heyya Ravyn,

I did have one of my lingering qs answered by watching PMPT
Ramseys claimed the checkbook was on the counter? waiting to be written.

I know, under constant scrutiny ...
different than constant observation?
That's nice to know we know the check would had been written....Just that part really bugs me in the RN....Well alot don't makes much sense in it but certain things really don't fit in....
Hello WS: ;)

So...did, does, do the Ramsey's feel upset, responsible, curious, re: the idea that if or maybe if they would have not called LE Jonbenet might, maybe be alive? In statements made by PR and JR they say on that morning they (paraphrased)"ran around wondering what to do" Patsy was "out of her head" and didn't know what to do. Why not do what the ransom note said: for a few minutes. Take a breather, and let's think about this for a moment. But they said or IIRC PR said previous to calling LE she had only read a few lines or a small portion of the ransom note.

John said he had them out on the floor so her could read them better, quicker but as this is going on Patsy is on the phone near enough to him to(paraphrase)"see John reading the note in his underwear."

What made them not take the ransom note seriously, to heart? Would they say it was because they panicked?


Sorry to quote myself but later on in the interviews I found the answer to my own question.

PR: I was standing on the (inaudible) and pretty soon a squad car came, you know officer came up. And I remember thinking because it said somewhere in the note, if you do that, if you call somebody, that's not good blah, blah, blah. And I just remembered thinking oh, my god I hope they are not watching me. I mean, what if they are watching if the policeman comes, I mean all this was just rushing through my head.

Blah, blah, seems PR found the RN to be as long winded as others. :eek:

It also seems that she knew before she called LE that doing so would not be "good."

Also: Did anyone ever TRY climbing in or out of that window in the basement?

Sorry to quote myself but later on in the interviews I found the answer to my own question.

PR: I was standing on the (inaudible) and pretty soon a squad car came, you know officer came up. And I remember thinking because it said somewhere in the note, if you do that, if you call somebody, that's not good blah, blah, blah. And I just remembered thinking oh, my god I hope they are not watching me. I mean, what if they are watching if the policeman comes, I mean all this was just rushing through my head.

Blah, blah, seems PR found the RN to be as long winded as others. :eek:

It also seems that she knew before she called LE that doing so would not be "good."

Also: Did anyone ever TRY climbing in or out of that window in the basement?

yeah,Lou Smit did. :D
Was quite a performance.:bang:
Hello WS :)

After asking my question if anyone has ever tried to go through the window(and being told yes: thank you) I wandered off to your threads re: ptpm because I watched it on utube yesterday. In WS's "Perfect Intruder" thread SleuthingSleuth shares a link to FFJ where Tricia(our leader/owner here at WS, right)has a post re: the window sill.

[ame=""]The Truth About Judge Julie Carnes’ Decision. Window Well. - Forums For Justice[/ame]

I needed to really understand that someone could not have come through that window, ya know? Here is part of JR's statement to LE where he explains that early on he was focusing on the cleaning lady and gives many detailed reasons why he is thinking of her as a suspect. In the same paragraph JR switches to give his thoughts on "the window."

JR: (sic) And ah, that was my first suspicion and it was, I think that comment was kind of formed on just thinking that. And based on the room was just such an out of the way place that I just don't, anybody could have walked off the street and...normally its full of Christmas stuff. I mean its just packed, you couldn't get in, because we store all our Christmas stuff so, you know its ah, I mean based on what I understand, there was a practice knot and all of that. Somebody obviously spent some time there, and I guess found their way around the house the same time but my, I mean my theory is someone came in through the basement window. Because it was a new Samsonite suitcase also sitting right under the window and you would have had to, you could have gotten into the house without that, but you couldn't have gotten out that window without something to step on. And to even have known those windows were there wouldn't have been obvious to somebody who just was walking by. But...
LE: You talking about the window in the back, was not obvious?
JR: Yeah, no. I mean yeah, its not obvious but it is to me because that is the way to get into the house, and we know the grate could be pulled off and the windows were not painted shut and you know its just that's why we never gave much thought about...
LE: Okay, but on the outside you've got that kind of skinny narrow window well. Did you have difficulty sliding into that or sliding down the wall?
JR: Yeah, well, as I recall I did it at night and I had a suit on, and I took my suit off and did it in my underwear. But, its not easy I mean you can get in that way, you get dirty but...
LE: Its not a graceful way to get in.
JR: No, no
LE: Its difficult because of the angles.
JR: Right

Kinda narrows down the suspect list then huh?(height,weight and all)
I wonder how on earth they pointed fingers at Santa then. :rolleyes:
And let's not forget that the suitcase was NOT originally under the window. It was FW who placed it there, when looking at the broken window. JR knew that. FW told lots of people about it. But when LE questions JR, like they did with SO many R inconsistencies, they completely forget to mention it.
And let's not forget that the suitcase was NOT originally under the window. It was FW who placed it there, when looking at the broken window. JR knew that. FW told lots of people about it. But when LE questions JR, like they did with SO many R inconsistencies, they completely forget to mention it.

The R said that they kept the suitcase somewhere else.Did they ever say where?Can't believe that the intruder was that find in that basement exactly what he needed.
Hello WS :)

I need to understand if it is true that there was sexual trauma due to the "event." I'm not asking if it was done as staging or for an intruder. I am confused about what I always had in my mind about some things and what I think now. Confused.

I'm also not asking if there is evidence she had been being sexually abused. Although, if you guys want to add that in...

Thank you in advance

Hello WS :)

I need to understand if it is true that there was sexual trauma due to the "event." I'm not asking if it was done as staging or for an intruder. I am confused about what I always had in my mind about some things and what I think now. Confused.

Purely in the physical sense (which is what you're asking), yes.

I'm also not asking if there is evidence she had been being sexually abused. Although, if you guys want to add that in...

Thank you in advance


I'll get around to that.
Hello WS :)

Thank you SuperDave!

I have been to FFJ and have registered to be a member. I don't know if sok to be a member of both? I used the same name I have here: Chiquita71. I just noticed how much info is over there: it is connected, owned(?)by the same lady.

I got to read Fleet White's letter. Wow. Okay. :eek:

FW said that powerful, rich, threatening people do not want to be connected to such a crime. He is an oil man, yes? A rich man. I bet he would know. I'm am not the judge on good and evil but I am sure glad my soul is on a different path.

Wow. So people basically ignored this open letter? So now that I understand the political history of this case I would like to hear if what is going on now(with the investigation) is for real or more of the same. Anyone's opinion: IDI or RDI. Inquiring minds want to know. :blowkiss:

Hello WS :)

I need to understand if it is true that there was sexual trauma due to the "event." I'm not asking if it was done as staging or for an intruder. I am confused about what I always had in my mind about some things and what I think now. Confused.

I'm also not asking if there is evidence she had been being sexually abused. Although, if you guys want to add that in...

Thank you in advance


Read the autopsy report. You'll find it here:

Scroll down and you'll see the section.
Jr made a goof on the times he went to bed on Christmas night in his 1997 interview,I'm wondering if this could had been done on purpose for putting doubt in the LE minds like he was covering for PR...
Was PR's touch dna found on the longjohns?It would have been normal to be,she said she put them on her that night.I never heard Lacy say they found PR's or JB's touch dna on it.Didn't she think it was something worth mentioning or didn't she find anything at all.Cause if PR's touch DNA isn't on the lj then we have a problem.
Reminds me of the "no fingerprints on the note" issue.
Jr made a goof on the times he went to bed on Christmas night in his 1997 interview,I'm wondering if this could had been done on purpose for putting doubt in the LE minds like he was covering for PR...

Separate lawyering....he was prepared to throw her to the wolves(IMO and like SD said).....the thing is he knew exactly it would have been difficult,who do you charge and with what if one wrote the note,the other was abusing the child.You don't even know the exact COD.Was it the same person who bashed her head AND strangled her.And so many other things.
Doing everything together was SMART and I bet it was his idea.
Was PR's touch dna found on the longjohns?It would have been normal to be,she said she put them on her that night.I never heard Lacy say they found PR's or JB's touch dna on it.Didn't she think it was something worth mentioning or didn't she find anything at all.Cause if PR's touch DNA isn't on the lj then we have a problem.
Reminds me of the "no fingerprints on the note" issue.

The only lead I have on that is when the lab tech said that the analyzer filters out any DNA that isn't being matched. That stuck with me. That suggests to me that PR's COULD have been on there, but since the DA already had her mind made up about innocence (and let's not kid ourselves), it wasn't considered worth thinking about.
I believe when questioned, Lacy danced around this point, but intimated that there WERE other DNA donors found but they were known. (i.e. parent(s) of JB). Lacy ruled out the parents' DNA because they had admitted dressing her in the longjohns. Honesly, even if the presence of the parents' DNA on the longjohns was made public, it could never be used as evidence because they have already said they dressed her in them. BUT...JR had said he took off her coat and shoes and left the rest to Patsy. That should mean that Patsy's DNA should be there. But JR carried her up from the basement holding her around the waist, so his should be there, too.
I am kind of new on WS and have been a lurker on the JB thread, and just wanted to state my opinion, and I dont know where else to put it. When this case was new, I was so sure that IDI, because who ever could do that to thier own child, and WTH is a "garrote"? But I am of the opinion now, after reading up, that the circumstances would have to be so astronomical to point to an intruder that it is virtually impossible to comprehend. I think that the RN was all about both parents doing wrong, and both covering for each other. IMO PR was made to write the RN, because she possibly did the ultimate deed, but she did it with the knowledge that JR was not the so perfect parent. I am trying to be nice and polite about this

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