Sting Operation?!

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Also watch his GMA interview in today's updates thread. Straight from the horse's mouth.

The article states RK was hired by the utility co in May 2008. Before that it says he was a bounty hunter & bail bondsman.............too freaking weird in my world.
Kathi Belich stated on Issues last night(1/12)
the reason JVM was having trouble with matching the
Source's LE leak to reality
was the info in the
Source's LE leak is not accurate.
Imagine that!!!!

The key word here is "sources". Not all "LE leaks" from sources are official LE leaks. Lots of civilian clerks in LE departments hear and see things they should not repeat, but do, and they are usually not accurate.
SS don't kick me in the patootie, but I don't know where else to put this.

This is the transcript between Velez-Mitchell and Kathi Belich. If someone doesn't have time to watch the show... I had mentioned this before concerning the 'Source" & Reporter that broke it..... Could be a goof on the Reporter...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. I mean, that`s -- Kathi Belich, I want to go to you on this. How are people talking about all of these detailed forensics when we`ve been hearing, from Tim Miller from Equi Search, hey, we couldn`t even get in there to search because it was all covered in water. That`s why we didn`t find the body because the body was underwater.

I mean, now we`re hearing oh, well, all of these insects were able to grow and this grass was able to grow and that`s how they`re determining cause of death.

BELICH: The best that I could tell you about that is I`m not sure that that information that has gotten out is entirely accurate. And that might be why you`re having a hard time trying to reconcile it with reality.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ok. In other words, you`re saying that the reports that they have, the authorities have narrowed the time of death and that the botanists and the etymologists have analyzed the terrain and come up with these determinations. That there is controversy about whether or not the police source has actually said that?

BELICH: Correct.

I think it is because there were and are so many divisions. People took sides early on with Alive Caylee and well...the rest of us. People who have sided with the A fam...and the rest of us. People who say Casey is innocent...and the rest of us. People who are on the defense's side and people who are on the side of Caylee, LE, and the SA's Office. People who want justice for Caylee and...well...hopefully that is everyone and we are not divided there.

and people who are/were just plain clueless until the facts are/can be verified but, in the meantime, oscillate between all of the above stances.Think tanks ward off group-think which is a good thing. I love that about this place.

It may appear to you that certain people oscillate between all of the above. Speaking for myself, my opinion on KC’s guilt remains unchanged. My support of LE and the SA’s office continues. My opinion of the A’s remains the same as well.

It may be difficult for you to understand that some people can share the opinion that KC is guilty, have the utmost respect for LE and the SA,but, still question whether the evidence is sufficient to support premeditation. It may also be difficult for you to understand, these same people can refrain from criticism of and defend the Judge who has the difficult task of making impartial decisions on this case. Some of us may refrain from criticism or even defend people involved even though their actions may conflict with our guilty stance.

I also think refusal to accept and believe everything tossed out by the media a good thing.:)

Sorry, but,I don't agree it is a good thing to divide people with a common interest into groups with the notion that one group wards off the other group.:)

The key word here is "sources". Not all "LE leaks" from sources are official LE leaks. Lots of civilian clerks in LE departments hear and see things they should not repeat, but do, and they are usually not accurate.

Yes. I indicated several times it was a "Source problem". Also may be a "Reporter problem".

It may appear to you that certain people oscillate between all of the above. Speaking for myself, my opinion on KC’s guilt remains unchanged. My support of LE and the SA’s office continues. My opinion of the A’s remains the same as well.

It may be difficult for you to understand that some people can share the opinion that KC is guilty, have the utmost respect for LE and the SA,but, still question whether the evidence is sufficient to support premeditation. It may also be difficult for you to understand, these same people can refrain from criticism of and defend the Judge who has the difficult task of making impartial decisions on this case. Some of us may refrain from criticism or even defend people involved even though their actions may conflict with our guilty stance.

I also think refusal to accept and believe everything tossed out by the media a good thing.:)

Sorry, but,I don't agree it is a good thing to divide people with a common interest into groups with the notion that one group wards off the other group.:)

Excellent post. Excellent post.
:bowdown: :bowdown:

Its so simple to declare people have taken sides. There are no "sides". This is not a college football game with cheerleaders, penants, hotdogs and beer. This is the Law being practiced. Something that we all take dear!! imho

No one should be afraid of differing ideas or different standards.
sorry for all the repeated posts yesterday said wait and then didn't load sheesh wait again...had no idea they were being posted:
That PI search video looked to me like he was looking for the remains and evidence and deliberately trying to destroy it before knowing if it were there. I believe the reason he wanted it recorded was if anything was found, he could say that wasn't what he was looking for, thereby exonerating himself of purposely destroying evidence. There was definitely a method to his madness.

:eek: That's probably why he didn't wear gloves either. What PI wouldn't wear gloves for that?
:rolleyes:one fall day, a lonely pi decided to take a walk thru the anthony neighborhood. He had been having vivid dreams for the past several nights. He kept seeing yellow flowers & out of the blue, saw a german shepard pee.
He pondered as we walked & walked. He knew this dream had a ring of familarity to it. He just couldn't put his finger on it..........yellow flowers, a german shepard peeing. Not being able to take it any longer, he whipped out his trusty black jack. Actually it was more a lucky black jack as his lucked had turned around after finding this black jack. All of the sudden, with this find, he was thrust into the middle of a high profile case. He could see it now, good morning america, dateline, flown here & there, treated like a star. Oh, wait, back to the phone. He finally decides to call his good buddy hoov, run all this past him. It had to mean something, didnt it. I mean who dreams of german shepard s peeing.............pooping maybe if you have ever had one poop in your slipper, but peeing? In distress, he tell s
hoov about these strange dreams, these odd feelings. All of the sudden, a german shepard runs up, pees right on his shoe! That's it he shouts, that's it. He has his bud hoov run right down with the camera & the rest is history. Nothing more than yellow flowers where the german shepard pees.
proud to be a member of tes

love this!
We can go back and grab all those pieces of articles and video to see if this could pan out.

We need to find out when TES first searched this particular area forward which would lead us to other articles and comments along the way. Comments by OCSO, T. Miller, LP, and others to possibly tie it together.

That brings to mind a remark one of the "talking heads" made on TV. He said he believed that LE had wiretaps on everyone's phones, and tracking devices on all the vehicles. He said he felt LE knew where Caylee might be but was waiting for someone they wanted to charge to make a move.

It may appear to you that certain people oscillate between all of the above. Speaking for myself, my opinion on KC’s guilt remains unchanged. My support of LE and the SA’s office continues. My opinion of the A’s remains the same as well.

It may be difficult for you to understand that some people can share the opinion that KC is guilty, have the utmost respect for LE and the SA,but, still question whether the evidence is sufficient to support premeditation. It may also be difficult for you to understand, these same people can refrain from criticism of and defend the Judge who has the difficult task of making impartial decisions on this case. Some of us may refrain from criticism or even defend people involved even though their actions may conflict with our guilty stance.

I also think refusal to accept and believe everything tossed out by the media a good thing.:)

Sorry, but,I don't agree it is a good thing to divide people with a common interest into groups with the notion that one group wards off the other group.:)

My written words do not convey what I mean obviously. What I'm trying to say is that, along with every twist and turn to this case, my ability to stand firm in a single prior belief weakens. My opinions are like the wind, they change as new situations and evidence unfolds. I like that this forum provides a place for all of us to disect, discuss, add, subtract, argue (kindly I hope), all the ins and outs of the case. Two heads are better than one they say. IMO, until we hear all the facts at the trial, the jury is still out. It doesn't look good for KC though. Group-think is a condition where people automatically agree with the boss, or someone who appears to have all the answers, without the freedom of debate. I think that's a bad thing. People should have a voice and feel the freedom to express their views. We can do that here. Just because I can't make up my mind though doesn't mean you can't. I'll have to work on expressing myself more clearly.:)

It may appear to you that certain people oscillate between all of the above. Speaking for myself, my opinion on KC’s guilt remains unchanged. My support of LE and the SA’s office continues. My opinion of the A’s remains the same as well.

It may be difficult for you to understand that some people can share the opinion that KC is guilty, have the utmost respect for LE and the SA,but, still question whether the evidence is sufficient to support premeditation. It may also be difficult for you to understand, these same people can refrain from criticism of and defend the Judge who has the difficult task of making impartial decisions on this case. Some of us may refrain from criticism or even defend people involved even though their actions may conflict with our guilty stance.

I also think refusal to accept and believe everything tossed out by the media a good thing.:)

Sorry, but,I don't agree it is a good thing to divide people with a common interest into groups with the notion that one group wards off the other group.:)

One more comment please. The divisions aren't being done by anyone, they just form on their own. Everyone has an opinion and, it's natural for like minded people to hang together. It's more interesting to examine the case from all angles. "Down girl!":sheesh:
I think they would have it under surveillance 24/7 via camera if this were the case. It could be done.

We don't know that DC or someone else did not go back out on Dec. 10th or 11th before Kronk's "find". JH did say that DC went back twice without him that he knew how many other times or other people went there?

This is the question that needs to be answered.
I stand firm in my thoughts of Tim and TES. I have never met the man, never searched for him, however, I feel if he would have found even one 1 inch bone that belonged to Caylee, he would not have stopped until all that could be found was found. To Tim, this isn't about prosecution, this is about closure.
Not for one second will I believe that he was involved in any kind of sting. And to be honest with you, if he were, I don't know if I could hold him to the same regard..and that is a hard thing for me to say.
I believe that if anything was found, he would have parked that motor home there and waited for the waters to recede or found another method of finding the rest of her. He would not have allowed that area to be open to the general public just to wait to see if LE could implicate anyone else.

Very well said, and I agree! That said, there were strange things happening while TES was searching, and even when they were not doing an organized search, that Tim was probably not involved in at all. I respect the man and believe him to be honest, but there could be volunteers who were NOT so honest, too.
Tim would have no say in it if the OCSO and the FBI were to tell him what to do. Would he? I don't see him going against them no matter what.

Tim said himself he called off the search because of the fear that she were in the water and could be pushed further down into the muck and mud. They lost a 4 wheeler that completely submerged in the exact area where she was found.

I find it odd that not only would Tim make such a declaration of her not being found, but that he didn't go back full force to search that particular area once the water did recede.

SS, are you saying that OCSO or FBI might have told Tim to keep it quiet that any part of the remains were found at the time? And then to allow Kronk to stumble on them in Dec.? For what purpose? That doesn't sound reasonable to me, but maybe I'm missing something. Not much has been reasonable in this case so far.
How do you know that to be a fact tho, Swag? LOL Link please. if we just go on the theory that they may have theorized where her remains may doesn't mean they couldn't have set up the A fam or others to lead them to the body...does it?!

OCSO would not have "set up" someone to lead them to the body, nor would they send someone to discover the remains, if they had a good indication that they were there. They would have sent teams in there to find them. If they have a tip that there is a dead body, they go themselves and secure the area immediately. The PI's were on their own, LE didn't send them to do their investigating, doesn't work that way.
Sting operations are typically to oust drug dealers or prostitutes, or some other criminal organization, they don't do stings to locate a body.
Oh, I can't see that they would intentionally leave that child's body out there if they knew it was there! Not at all! I don't think that is what SS meant in any way, shape, form, or fashion. A little out there, perhaps, but not entirely without teeth. Let's just say that LE was sick and tired of the games that everyone was playing. They are trying to investigate a possible kidnapping/murder of a 2 1/2 year old child, the mother is lying to them with every breath she takes, the GP's are giving them "mistruths", conflicting statements, washing pants and knives, and refusing to help in search efforts, wanting things done their way only. The brother is doing his own investigation, and they bring in PI's instead of giving every bit of information to LE or FBI to help. This doesn't exactly make them the cooperative group of people that they want everyone to believe they are. So, LE says enough. No more playing their game. We will play our own game and smoke out the truth, because there is no way they are ever going to get the truth from this group of people. They start to watch, surveille, record, anything they can to wait and see if they can be led to where the child's body is. Maybe?

Possible.. but not likely. They didn't need the body to present their case to the GJ and get an indictment. Casey was already charged with Murder 1, so why would they go to this extreme to get Caylee's remains? I'm sure they had hundreds of other cases they were working on, so I doubt that they had the manpower to keep a constant surveillance on the A family or the PI's. It's possible they had bugs planted in the house.. but more than that, I just don't buy it. They already knew the truth.. that Casey did it, so this finding the child's remains was just a lucky break for them.

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