may i ask...where did you hear this? I do not recall hearing this and would be interested in reading further, if you have a link? Tia...
I believe this lead is very credible.I feel the answers will be found here.Sheriff Staton said they felt two people were involved?This lead was blown off by them why?
I just need to please know where this sighting was.
White truck transciption
Kaine Horman & Desiree Young 8/27 pt.2
Chit chat from reporter in the beginning not included. Only what's needed from her for context.
Reporter: Potentially one person in the truck... three people... the white truck, Terri's truck... can you talk...
Desiree: (interrupts) Kaine's truck (laughs)
Reporter: a little bit about that...
Reporter: Kaine's truck. I'm sorry... What are your thoughts on that new information? Do you feel as though Dede was in that truck?
Desiree: (interrupts) It just makes me feel stronger that, that there were people helping her... that Kyron saw it all and was involved and that there were other people helping her... which is what we suspected.
Reporter: So because... but do you believe that a man was spotted? I mean again, these are witness accounts, and I don't know how much information that you've been privy to about what the, what is the likeliest scenario?
Desiree: Well first of all, why would Kyron even be outside the school? Why would he even be near a truck with somebody else in it?
You know. I mean it's significant in a huge way to the case. If the timeline played out the way that it supposedly did? That contradicts that completely.
So I mean, other than that (shrugs), that's how significant it was to me.
Reporter: How authentic do you think that witness is? I mean how...
Desiree: (interrupts, shifts eyes to side) Very authentic.
Reporter: So it's a credible...
Desiree: (interrupts, shifts eyes to side and down) Yep.
Reporter: ...witness.
Reporter: And what exactly are they claiming that they saw?
Kaine: (audibly sighs/intakes breath, clears throat)
Kaine: Well I think, Sarah, I think to be more direct about it... I think that law enforcement needs to determine that still.
Desiree: Yeah, that part.
Kaine: We've been briefed on a lot of the information and the tips and the things that they're looking into, and that was part of that bucket of tips that they're...
Desiree: (interrupts) Yeah.
Kaine: ...that they're working their way through. Until they confirm and until they bring some of that information forward to the greater public, they're still looking into it, so I think us commenting on that is a little bit premature.
There's how we feel about it...
Desiree: (interrupts) Yeah.
Kaine: ...and then there are the facts. And the facts...
Reporter: (interrupts) How do you feel about it?
Kaine: How do I feel about it? I feel it's definitely significant. I don't know how credible the sources are. I'm hoping that they are because it helps us bring more of those pieces that we talked about before, the puzzle, in to paint the bigger picture, but until they're confirmed, I'm not going to maintain a sense of false hope that they're valid, until they're actually valid, until I see them and get from law enforcement that yep, this is verified, this is air tight, this is another piece that we found, and then I will believe it.
Desiree: Yeah.