Stranger abduction theory

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OT but how do you know that everyone at the school thought Terri was his bio mother? He never happened to mention to anybody that he had visited his mother over the weekend? Wouldn't they have the parents' info at the school office?
On another thread, it was brought up that 'cooperating' doesn't necessarily equate to telling the truth. Which got me to thinking... what if Terri believes she IS telling the truth? Or at the very least, believes that whatever she may be holding back (intentionally or not) isn't relevant to Kyron going missing? IOW, what if she doesn't know what she knows? Which takes me back to wondering if through her actions or acquaintances, she put Kyron at risk and perhaps without realizing she was doing so.

Gotta think on this ...
On another thread, it was brought up that 'cooperating' doesn't necessarily equate to telling the truth. Which got me to thinking... what if Terri believes she IS telling the truth? Or at the very least, believes that whatever she may be holding back (intentionally or not) isn't relevant to Kyron going missing? IOW, what if she doesn't know what she knows? Which takes me back to wondering if through her actions or acquaintances, she put Kyron at risk and perhaps without realizing she was doing so.

Gotta think on this ...

:yes: :yes: :yes:

I hope they are working backwards with Terri. That may be hard for her - in the event that means owning up to some shenanigans she prefers to keep hidden from her family and friends.

Is it me? Or is it feeling misty in here?
:yes: :yes: :yes:

I hope they are working backwards with Terri. That may be hard for her - in the event that means owning up to some shenanigans she prefers to keep hidden from her family and friends.

Is it me? Or is it feeling misty in here?

My thought exactly Emma. I think sometimes you don't know who you are exposing your children too until it is too late. they need to see where she went for the last 90 days and if she took the kids with her or not. She could have taken them to the park and made a friend there, or to a friends home and they have a neighbor or a cousin in town that saw Kyron. You never know, they need to look at the circle of people surrounding her and work out... and the gym.
I wonder if there were any deliveries being made, like milk or other things. Most people don't pay too much attention to what delivery guys are doing and with a bunch of people wondering the halls someone like a delivery guy could have grabbed a child and thrown them in the back of his truck and taken off without anyone noticing. Especially if the child decided to go to the rest room or took a shortcut through an area where there weren't a lot of people at the time. I've spent some time in schools and it would be possible for an unattended child to get in all kinds of troubling situations if no-one was watching. There is a false sense of security you get about a place that is supposed to be safe, like a school, and you forget that predators are everywhere and can strike without notice if the opportunity arises.

I agree, don't get it either about TH. It seems the cops focused on her because she is the last "solid" sighting of the child. I think they are using the family to try to get her to break.

I do not trust cops and the JC Dugard case is proof of how lazy they are.
IMHO they jump the gun to often, just to cut corners and they do NOT do a thorough investigation more often then I care to mention.
I do not get YET that Teri is the culprit, I also do not get why her husband threw her under the bus with no real evidence yet. I feel sorry for TH. I pray that beautiful boy is found. It is a month now, and that is not comforting at all :(
On another thread, it was brought up that 'cooperating' doesn't necessarily equate to telling the truth. Which got me to thinking... what if Terri believes she IS telling the truth? Or at the very least, believes that whatever she may be holding back (intentionally or not) isn't relevant to Kyron going missing? IOW, what if she doesn't know what she knows? Which takes me back to wondering if through her actions or acquaintances, she put Kyron at risk and perhaps without realizing she was doing so.

Gotta think on this ...

We all take our children to the playground without knowing if a perp is lurking. We all take our kids wherever we go and we cant know if a perp is lurking. Unless a perp acts strange how could she know????

My grand kids know that they must be within eye distance of me or I freak out. lol
They know to take my hand when we cross the streets, they know not to talk to people they do not know. My grand children's parents say I am overprotective, so sometimes my babies say. "Don't worry you are overprotective" lol thier age is 7 and 4 and I say That's just because I love you, and they say, you love us too much. LOL If I dont come one week they call me - so too much love has not hurt them any :)

I think the only mistake Terry made was not walk the boy into class.
BUT BUT BUT do you know how often I see parents drop off the child in front of the school,
and the child goes into the school while parents sit in the car watching - I see it all the time.
Now that's really interesting... I do remember reading something along these lines back at the beginning. Also, wasn't there supposedly a 911 call from the school that morning ? I am linkless in Seattle,but I know I read about it way back... However, didn't LE come out and say,fairly recently, that " there was no disturbance at the school that morning " ? IMO, it's possibly significant,especially if kids from the school are still discussing it..... The only problem I can see with this information is that IMO, predator pedophiles do what they do by blending in,and looking like the person next door. IMO,almost never would they go on the hunt in a "creepy " mode....

YES there was a science fair and people were coming and going. I wonder why the school would not have a camera????
JM (latest) O... since hearing Kyron's mom's (DY) televised plea aimed directly at Terri, I'm definately now leaning even further away from my stranger-abduction/pedophile theory. I don't see this mom directly addressing Terri without very good cause... I pray that Kyron is found alive and, god forbid if not, I hope that this latest search effort will recover his precious little body while there is still enough (sorry) to tell LE/ME what caused his death.

Mom is overwhelmed, and Terri saw the boy last.
I do not agree that she must have very good cause. I think she needs to blame somebody because she has no idea what else she can do.
Honestly, I think that LE probably talked to everyone in and around the school that day. I don't live in Oregon, but I'm trusting that they know what they are doing and have a good idea what happened to Kyron. I'm totally baffled by all of this and am beginning to not have a theory at all LOL.
Trusting LE is a huge mistake. If you read enough of the cases here on WS you would not be trusting LE. while I am grateful they exist, we can not give them credit for much, and yes on occasion they do come through.
They haven't interviewed the local RSO's?

It seems to me that LE have believed that the kidnapper is Terry right from the beginning. I think they have had tunnel vision. She could still be a person of interest but they should be looking in other places too. What if it isn't Terry. I know there was something about her cell phone pings and she denied being where the pings came from. But it just doesn't seem that they have very much to prove it was her.

Everything that I have read says she was a great mom to Kyron. She gave up her job to stay home and raise him even before her little girl was born. People say she treated him like her own and was involved in his classrooms and school functions. I just don't know. I have to see a lot more evidence before I even begin to think she is guilty. I can't find a motive either. This is rare for me. I usually make up my mind pretty quick. This one puzzles me. I wish they would find the little guy....alive.
If it is true that she tried to pay someone to kill her husband I think she would have to be the victim of some terrible bad luck or amazing coincidence that her step son turns up missing, too.
It really is so hard to discern what LE really means when they say "isolated incident" as they have done in other cases before and this one. Some of those cases were done by someone known to the victim however in other cases where the same wordage was used it was a total stranger that harmed the victim.

Since I think LE really has no clue what happened to Kyron they have to look at all possibilities. 1. Someone known to him. 2. He was specifically targeted for whatever reason. 3. Or they believe that whomever took Kyron even if it was a stranger is no longer in the area but has moved on and has taken Kyron out of the area.

I remember in the Greone, Sara Walker and Husted cases they also used the same terminology and all three of those cases were done by a complete stranger.


I think it means "we don't want to panic the public."
I remember the school called, but I also remember that NO 9-1-1 calls were placed until the Hormans or the bus driver called the school to find out where Kyron was, and they were told he'd been out all day?

In other words the school doesn't really know when Kyron went missing. They told the parents he had been gone all day. No one know what time he went missing because no one saw him leave or knew where he was. A lot of crimes have taken place during the day or late afternoon...when it is light out. Some people aren't afraid to rob a house or steal a kid during brood daylight.
In other words the school doesn't really know when Kyron went missing. They told the parents he had been gone all day. No one know what time he went missing because no one saw him leave or knew where he was. A lot of crimes have taken place during the day or late afternoon...when it is light out. Some people aren't afraid to rob a house or steal a kid during brood daylight.

Your are correct they don't know however we have witnesses (parents & students) stating Kyron was seen at school before class starts with TH. Plus the photograph taken with his project. We have TH confirming she left him at school and we know he wasn't marked present during morning attendance. I have not seen anywhere at what time attendance was actually taken but i believe the science fair ran until 10:00 a.m therefore I'm assuming that would be the latest time for attendance to have been taken in the class room.

So the timeline I'm working with is 8:45 - 10:00, we have one student who claims to have seen Kyron after TH left the building but so far no other witnesses that we have heard from.

TH isn't looking very good at the moment but I really don't think anyone who last seen Kyron that day would (we all have skeletons in our closet that could be twisted in the wrong light) For now I'm hoping for some actual evidence to come forward and it seems to be in very short demand. I do feel LE and the family have TH in their sights and I'm hoping it is for very good reason. One point that really made me think this was before all of the dramatic events that have appeared this week was that as a Parent i would be looking at the school and their safe school practises and being extremely vocal about it.

I myself work in my child's school 2 to 3 mornings per week and I'm frequently in and out during the days i'm not working. I do not walk my children to their classrooms I have often said goodbye in the hall as we go up different corridors and/or they go out to the playground to meet up with their peers and i carry on to the staffroom to start prep. I fully assume that they are in a safe controlled environment with proper safety measures. However we also do have video surveillance camera's in and around the school perimeter (although in reality they are only useful after the fact and of that i'm fully aware.)

I'm concerned that phone call was never placed, the one to say Kyron was not in class. Although staff see me in the school and sometimes with my children they would always call If i did not sign my child out. This has happened where there was no one in the office and I took my youngest to a dental appt during the lunch break they called my cell phone when he missed afternoon attendance as i did not personally sign him out and staff had seen me in the school with my child just before lunch.

Last year in southern Ontario a child (victoria Stafford) was taken by a stranger after school, It was captured on surveillance not from the school but from the highschool across the way. Even with the fact that a stranger had the child LE still claimed it was a missing persons case/ isolated incident not a stranger abduction case and the parents were under intense scrutiny for months and believe me the mom & step father looked incredibly guilty.. We now await the trial of the two accused (not the parents) in the disappearance and murder of VS :( there was a lot of public outcry on the school's dismissal routines etc

Guess what i'm trying to say is there is just not enough hard facts released to really pin this on TH IMO.. Stranger abduction is still a real possibility in my mind. I think it should be mandatory that all schools have some sort of security camera's in place.

It seems to me that LE have believed that the kidnapper is Terry right from the beginning. I think they have had tunnel vision. She could still be a person of interest but they should be looking in other places too. What if it isn't Terry. I know there was something about her cell phone pings and she denied being where the pings came from. But it just doesn't seem that they have very much to prove it was her.

Everything that I have read says she was a great mom to Kyron. She gave up her job to stay home and raise him even before her little girl was born. People say she treated him like her own and was involved in his classrooms and school functions. I just don't know. I have to see a lot more evidence before I even begin to think she is guilty. I can't find a motive either. This is rare for me. I usually make up my mind pretty quick. This one puzzles me. I wish they would find the little guy....alive.

You might be right, it is easy to get tunnel vision if you've got a family member who apparently has contemplated murder of a family member before. I presume that parents having homicidal thoughts doesn't protect their children of stranger abduction so the recent information does not make stranger abduction any less likely than it used to be. Still, it's an amazing coincidence if they manage to uncover a completely unrelated murder for hire plan investigating a child abduction committed by someone else altogether.

I just feel that if she was some kind of supermom to Kyron she wouldn't have attempted to hire a hitman to kill his father.
So the timeline I'm working with is 8:45 - 10:00, we have one student who claims to have seen Kyron after TH left the building but so far no other witnesses that we have heard from.

TH isn't looking very good at the moment but I really don't think anyone who last seen Kyron that day would (we all have skeletons in our closet that could be twisted in the wrong light)

Snipped the school safety measures discussion but I agree completely.

I'm not so sure about the timeline being up to 10, I think it's much less than that because Kyron seems to have been a pretty good little schoolboy and wasn't prone to skipping class and I believe that he'd have been there at 8:45 or shortly thereafter unless he got accosted before he could go to his class. The perp could have waited to remove him from the school.
(If he was there touring the science fair with his chaperone this does not apply, but LE said that TH was the last to see him.)
I do hope none of the other parents at the science fair have murderous skeletons in their closets like Terri Horman is alleged to have. It's hard to see a murder for hire plan in a good light.
Snipped the school safety measures discussion but I agree completely.

I'm not so sure about the timeline being up to 10, I think it's much less than that because Kyron seems to have been a pretty good little schoolboy and wasn't prone to skipping class and I believe that he'd have been there at 8:45 or shortly thereafter unless he got accosted before he could go to his class. The perp could have waited to remove him from the school.
(If he was there touring the science fair with his chaperone this does not apply, but LE said that TH was the last to see him.)
I do hope none of the other parents at the science fair have murderous skeletons in their closets like Terri Horman is alleged to have. It's hard to see a murder for hire plan in a good light.


I'm in total agreement on that, hence why I should have perhaps emphasized more that my line of thinking was put in place before this weeks dramatic events. It is so out there i keep waiting for the headline that this was all a hoax. With LE telling KH about it i wonder though... unless they are obligated to disclose that info without solid evidence on it being true just incase something did happen to Kh or their daughter.

I was really thinking on how many parents allow their child to walk to school, say goodbye in the parking lot etc that not walking him directly to his classroom IMO is not a suspicious thing or a neglectful parenting practise well until your child goes missing :(
Agreed. People let their children ride the school bus every day and usually it is safe. Nobody expects their children to just vanish in thin air in the corridor going to his classroom (and who knows, we might find out it didn't happen to Kyron exactly like that either).

It is easy to blame TH for many things but I wouldn't blame her for letting Kyron walk 150 feet down the corridor to his classroom in the familiar school building where he's used to walking the corridors every day lots of times.

Nobody expects the unexpected and it's very unlikely that children come to any harm in a school hallway.
Your are correct they don't know however we have witnesses (parents & students) stating Kyron was seen at school before class starts with TH. Plus the photograph taken with his project. We have TH confirming she left him at school and we know he wasn't marked present during morning attendance. I have not seen anywhere at what time attendance was actually taken but i believe the science fair ran until 10:00 a.m therefore I'm assuming that would be the latest time for attendance to have been taken in the class room.

So the timeline I'm working with is 8:45 - 10:00, we have one student who claims to have seen Kyron after TH left the building but so far no other witnesses that we have heard from.

TH isn't looking very good at the moment but I really don't think anyone who last seen Kyron that day would (we all have skeletons in our closet that could be twisted in the wrong light) For now I'm hoping for some actual evidence to come forward and it seems to be in very short demand. I do feel LE and the family have TH in their sights and I'm hoping it is for very good reason. One point that really made me think this was before all of the dramatic events that have appeared this week was that as a Parent i would be looking at the school and their safe school practises and being extremely vocal about it.

I myself work in my child's school 2 to 3 mornings per week and I'm frequently in and out during the days i'm not working. I do not walk my children to their classrooms I have often said goodbye in the hall as we go up different corridors and/or they go out to the playground to meet up with their peers and i carry on to the staffroom to start prep. I fully assume that they are in a safe controlled environment with proper safety measures. However we also do have video surveillance camera's in and around the school perimeter (although in reality they are only useful after the fact and of that i'm fully aware.)

I'm concerned that phone call was never placed, the one to say Kyron was not in class. Although staff see me in the school and sometimes with my children they would always call If i did not sign my child out. This has happened where there was no one in the office and I took my youngest to a dental appt during the lunch break they called my cell phone when he missed afternoon attendance as i did not personally sign him out and staff had seen me in the school with my child just before lunch.

Last year in southern Ontario a child (victoria Stafford) was taken by a stranger after school, It was captured on surveillance not from the school but from the highschool across the way. Even with the fact that a stranger had the child LE still claimed it was a missing persons case/ isolated incident not a stranger abduction case and the parents were under intense scrutiny for months and believe me the mom & step father looked incredibly guilty.. We now await the trial of the two accused (not the parents) in the disappearance and murder of VS :( there was a lot of public outcry on the school's dismissal routines etc

Guess what i'm trying to say is there is just not enough hard facts released to really pin this on TH IMO.. Stranger abduction is still a real possibility in my mind. I think it should be mandatory that all schools have some sort of security camera's in place.

BBM. exactly - THERE IN LIES A HUGE PROBLEM. - The school should have called home immediately after the attendance was taken.

A problem that makes me question LE and its alliances to whomever is running that school.

AND ALSO IN MHO WHEN THERE IS A SCIENCE FAIR that has people roaming in and out of the school, there should be guards with a sign in so that the children are protected; people roaming can be held accountable.
I am not the fastest sleuth in the forum, so it dawns on me today; If Terri hired this guy to kill KH, that means she doesn't have the smarts or the stomach to take care of business herself. So if that is the case, what are the chances she didn't have the smarts or the stomach to take out a little boy? So I am still leaning to someone else took Kyron, either she arranged it or she tricked by someone who wanted him.
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