Summary of Damien's Mental Health History

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The suggestion that Damien ever planned to do that came from Jerry Driver, not Damien himself. There's no evidence that Driver was telling the truth, he made that suggestion to Deanna Holcombe, who initially didn't believe him and then, after her and Damien split up, started to believe it and repeat the allegation. I reckon you should stop taking Exhibit 500 as gospel, because its not all the product of qualified psychiatrists/psychologists. Isolate the parts which have convicted fraudster Jerry Driver as the source, and discount them, IMO that will leave you with a more accurate picture.

The notion of women being used to breed children for sacrifice is a common myth in the Satanic Ritual Abuse literature that Driver and Steve Jones were stuffing their empty little heads up with at the time. So is the notion of Satanists urinating in victims mouths. In Driver and Jones you had two individuals who fell hook, line and sinker for that particular hoax.

IIRC, don't Satanists prefer virgins as their sacrifices? I'm certainly not well-versed on Satanism, but it seems that I recall reading that somewhere. I wouldn't see babies as acceptable sacrifices because of their weakness. It seems that I recall reading that strong males and female virgins were the sacrifices of choice.

Driver and Jones were certainly fixated on the whole Satanism thing, and it seems that they (or at least Driver) had singled Damien out as a ring leader. My guess is that he smarted off to one (or both) of them about Satanism, maybe repeating something he'd read. They just made the assumption that, if he knew that much about it, then he must be a Satanist! I know that in Almost Home, Damien discusses how Driver would blackmail his juveniles into giving him sexual favors, telling them that if they didn't pleasure him, he'd see to it that they were arrested or something like that.
IIRC, don't Satanists prefer virgins as their sacrifices? I'm certainly not well-versed on Satanism, but it seems that I recall reading that somewhere. I wouldn't see babies as acceptable sacrifices because of their weakness. It seems that I recall reading that strong males and female virgins were the sacrifices of choice.

Driver and Jones were certainly fixated on the whole Satanism thing, and it seems that they (or at least Driver) had singled Damien out as a ring leader. My guess is that he smarted off to one (or both) of them about Satanism, maybe repeating something he'd read. They just made the assumption that, if he knew that much about it, then he must be a Satanist! I know that in Almost Home, Damien discusses how Driver would blackmail his juveniles into giving him sexual favors, telling them that if they didn't pleasure him, he'd see to it that they were arrested or something like that.
Do you also believe that Damien Echols’ son stole his soul? Damien discussed that too.

"I found out my son was born. The Spirits wont leave me alone. They surround me constantly. I think the baby stole my soul."

Do you believe that you are going to be able to recognize Damien as Jesus Christ soon? Did you believe that he outgrew his skin? Well, Damien discussed these things too.

"My body is changing but that medicine is making it happen a lot more slowly than normal I am outgrowing my skin. I am eating packs of sugar and Kool-Aid to give my body the extra energy it needs to make its change. Soon People will be able to Know I am the Christ Just by looking at me."

Do you believe Damien is the god of the New Eon (whatever the heck that is) and he will rise again in three days? Did you believe in the apocalypse of 94? Yes, Damien also discussed these.

“I was the God of the New Eon and that no one could never touch me. ..[I believed I had to] slay myself. But I will be back, I will rise again in three Days. Just like the first God. [The trial against me] is the beginning of an apocalypse and The war will start in 94 - the world ends in 96. [I am] the new Messiaha. [sic]”

It is odd that you believe what Damien wrote in his book is true, but you will not believe Damien was truthful when he wrote twice on a government document that he was homicidal.
Do you also believe that Damien Echols’ son stole his soul? Damien discussed that too.

"I found out my son was born. The Spirits wont leave me alone. They surround me constantly. I think the baby stole my soul."

Do you believe that you are going to be able to recognize Damien as Jesus Christ soon? Did you believe that he outgrew his skin? Well, Damien discussed these things too.

"My body is changing but that medicine is making it happen a lot more slowly than normal I am outgrowing my skin. I am eating packs of sugar and Kool-Aid to give my body the extra energy it needs to make its change. Soon People will be able to Know I am the Christ Just by looking at me."

Do you believe Damien is the god of the New Eon (whatever the heck that is) and he will rise again in three days? Did you believe in the apocalypse of 94? Yes, Damien also discussed these.

“I was the God of the New Eon and that no one could never touch me. ..[I believed I had to] slay myself. But I will be back, I will rise again in three Days. Just like the first God. [The trial against me] is the beginning of an apocalypse and The war will start in 94 - the world ends in 96. [I am] the new Messiaha. [sic]”

It is odd that you believe what Damien wrote in his book is true, but you will not believe Damien was truthful when he wrote twice on a government document that he was homicidal.

Writings of a disillusioned teenager . . . dates when these excerpts were written would be great, but I'm going to the links & checking it out myself. I watched the 48 Hours special this morning, and it was very telling to me. This man deserves to be free, along with his friend Jason, and poor Jessie. Praying for justice & for the murderer to be identified.

Come on mama go home to your cop
You made us all feel weird, you should just stop
As soon as he takes off you appear
With your one year old and a half can of flat beer

You brought into the fact that believing in something is a lot of s***
Well that's unfortunate - I guess you're getting jipped
You brought into the light that the truth don't apply to you and never did
Well that's unfortunate - I guess you're getting jipped

Well I got skipoles and a mama horse
And you're all pills all weird wearing gym shorts
And my horse and I are gonna find your man
And let him know he's got a *advertiser censored**ing freak on his hands
--Jerry Garcia
Do you also believe that Damien Echols’ son stole his soul? Damien discussed that too.
"I found out my son was born. The Spirits wont leave me alone. They surround me constantly. I think the baby stole my soul."
Do you believe that you are going to be able to recognize Damien as Jesus Christ soon? Did you believe that he outgrew his skin? Well, Damien discussed these things too.
"My body is changing but that medicine is making it happen a lot more slowly than normal I am outgrowing my skin. I am eating packs of sugar and Kool-Aid to give my body the extra energy it needs to make its change. Soon People will be able to Know I am the Christ Just by looking at me."
Do you believe Damien is the god of the New Eon (whatever the heck that is) and he will rise again in three days? Did you believe in the apocalypse of 94? Yes, Damien also discussed these.
“I was the God of the New Eon and that no one could never touch me. ..[I believed I had to] slay myself. But I will be back, I will rise again in three Days. Just like the first God. [The trial against me] is the beginning of an apocalypse and The war will start in 94 - the world ends in 96. [I am] the new Messiaha. [sic]”
It is odd that you believe what Damien wrote in his book is true, but you will not believe Damien was truthful when he wrote twice on a government document that he was homicidal.


Let's cut to the chase. Most of the statements Damien made to Dr. Woods and most of the statements in the Non Bible (Exhibit 500), both those made by Damien and those made by mental health professionals, were made for one of two reasons. Either Damien was being his arrogant self and trying to shock or frighten the person to whom he was speaking (which is my first choice for Damien's statements) or the person making the statement was trying to exaggerate Damien's perfectly normal teen angst into a condition that would provide a mitigating circumstance that might be helpful in getting him a new trial or getting his sentence reduced from death to life in prison (which is my first choice for the statements from mental health professionals).

If the latter is the case for any of Damien's statements, IMO, this shows intelligence, not mental illness. I believe that the mental health professionals were possibly exaggerating his condition in an attempt at providing mitigating circumstances during the appeals process. The statements made before the appeals process began by the mental health professionals I believe were an attempt at helping him to receive his SSI money.

I know that you don't believe that any mental health professional would be so unethical. I believe, however, that there are mental health professionals with a heart, and that some of them just might have tried to help Damien in this way. The help could even have extended to getting him admitted into a hospital when he really didn't need to be there if for no other reason than to get him away from a home life that was becoming more and more unbearable.

In short, I don't think Exhibit 500 proves Damien was or is bipolar, schizophrenic or anything similar thereto; I believe Damien was an arrogant teen with some depression issues (as many teens have) and that some mental health professionals, either as a part of the appeals process or as a part of the work up required by the Social Security Administration, exaggerated his condition in a well-meaning effort to help him. <modsnip>. The truth of the matter is that nothing Damien or any mental health professional said makes him a murderer.
Damiens mental health history . It matters to me.

The point is that it doesn't prove anything. As has been said before, Damien could be crazy as a bed bug, but that doesn't make him a murderer. It would certainly make him a person of interest, but an ethical and competent police force and justice system should have gathered some sort of evidence to prove that Damien was a murderer. They didn't because he isn't.
@ Silkprint - Oh, okay. Lol, it just seemed like a very random comment.

Damien's mental health history matters neither more nor less than anybody else's in the vicinity at the time, IMO. You can't start a murder inquiry with the attitude of looking for the nearest person with a mental health history, and then developing a case around him. They should have followed the evidence, and built a proper profile of what type of mental health history, if any, they were looking for. The police got this case back to front from the start.

Also, as Damien's mental health - even by the most hostile reading - is schizophrenic and/or bipolar, I would strongly question its relevance to this crime. This is not a disorganised, schizophrenic type of crime. Firstly, most schizophrenics, and bipolar sufferers, are more of a danger to themselves than to anyone else. Secondly, when they do commit a murder it tends to be something like stabbing somebody on a train in full view of a carriage full of passengers. This isn't that type of crime, its a very organised, clean crime scene, bodies hidden under water and no witnesses.

This may be a disturbing thought to many reading - I can understand how you would sleep better by believing Damien the mad weirdo is guilty - but this crime was committed by someone who looks and acts perfectly sane.
I am not starting a murder inquiry . I like my eggs all in a basket and have all the info ..My opinion and a dime will leave me with a dime .
I am trying to form an opinion ...
I agree that this was a very organized crime.
The criticism of the murder inquiry was a comment on the police and their willingness to follow Jerry Driver, instead of following the evidence. It wasn't a comment on you, obviously you will want as much info as possible before you form an opinion. That's exactly the attitude I started out with too.
I mean seriously,I hate to stereo type but I will do it in this case.How many "Damiens" does each of us know?Each High school movie has one,we all either were like Damien or had someone in class that was like him...even though he is unique as we all are,there is something very common about his "mental disorder",someone said "drama queen" and I think that was very much true.How many children with inadequate parenting living in poverty seek negative attention instead of none?What do you think the thugs that wear their pants down low with a mouthful of gold are really doing? They want to scare you to be noticed because ultimately we all want the same thing and that's love.
I may not have a college education or a psych degree but I can relate to Damien,it's so obvious to me.A very small percentage of "Damiens" become school shooters,even less kill their parents or their girlfriends....but how many Damiens target random little boys,strip them naked,torture and punish them?
How many here have read "The Satanic bible"? This is modern day Satanism ,its essentially about loving yourself and being your own god,no virgins and definitely no little children were ever sacrificed in the name of Laveyan Satanism.
...which Damien never claimed to be in the first place,Wiccans on the other hand are like Hippies,they love nature and woman,they respect life in general.
As for Damiens writings I can relate to all of it.
D, J & J are not going anywhere (except Damien going towards the execution table). <respectfully snipped>

The right three are in prison, they are not going anywhere.....

All three are out of prison & with those who love them & support them!

Why are we getting so snippy & mean about our fellow posters' posts, dang!
I believe that is an old post you are quoting Krime .

Maybe so, but the point is an important one. I support the Death Penalty but think it should be used only in very limited cases. However, I would never rejoice when an execution occurred (and there were plenty of them in the 32 years I lived in Texas). The people that were gloating about Damien's possible execution (some even planning a bar-b-que) just made me question their sanity. I'm glad that their bar-b-que never happened and that Damien (and Jason and Jessie) are now safe in the arms of family and friends. What's important now is to exonerate them and to try and convict the real killer of those little boys.
I do not support the death penalty in any case because I believe NO ONE has the right to take someones life.I don't believe in war.I don't believe in corporal punishment.I do believe in karma however.I' m not a christian but I do believe a higher power takes care of justice.
I do not support the death penalty in any case because I believe NO ONE has the right to take someones life.I don't believe in war.I don't believe in corporal punishment.I do believe in karma however.I' m not a christian but I do believe a higher power takes care of justice.

Let me clarify my position. I believe that the DP should only be used for a murderer who is likely to kill again. This would include the likes of Ted Bundy, Richard Speck, Gary Ridgeway, the BTK killer (sorry, I don't remember his name) and so on. Under no circumstances should the death penalty be imposed based solely on circumstantial evidence as it was in this case.
The BTK killer was called Dennis Rader.

I don't believe the death penalty should be allowed at all, because of the potential for human error in any case. Unlike Claudici. I do believe in war, execution, and corporal punishment - in theory.

I just don't trust the system to be capable of exonerating the innocent and convicting the guilty every time.
I mean seriously,I hate to stereo type but I will do it in this case.How many "Damiens" does each of us know?Each High school movie has one,we all either were like Damien or had someone in class that was like him...even though he is unique as we all are,there is something very common about his "mental disorder",someone said "drama queen" and I think that was very much true.How many children with inadequate parenting living in poverty seek negative attention instead of none?What do you think the thugs that wear their pants down low with a mouthful of gold are really doing? They want to scare you to be noticed because ultimately we all want the same thing and that's love.
I may not have a college education or a psych degree but I can relate to Damien,it's so obvious to me.A very small percentage of "Damiens" become school shooters,even less kill their parents or their girlfriends....but how many Damiens target random little boys,strip them naked,torture and punish them?

As for Damiens writings I can relate to all of it.
Shortened for brevity-
Damien can be "spun" in multiple ways, but few of us, blessedly, will ever have to know a Jeffrey Dahmer or Ed Geins. These psychopaths have similar traits to what the case documents show Damien Echols was really like at the time he was arrested.
This is what happens when you put any random individual under the laser beam of scrutiny, and simultaneously view them through the skewed lens of hatred.

With absolutely no evidence, Damien Echols morphs into Jeffrey Dahmer and Ed Gein all in one go.

Its one of those arguments that you cannot reason with. It is simply impossible to reason a person out of a position which they didn't reason themselves into in the first place.

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