Sunday 6/2/13 on True Crime Radio - Elaine Redwine

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This is a particularly interesting bit of information.

After all that, I was pretty sure Mark would never talk to me on camera, but he agreed to let me come to his house. When I arrived, it was unnerving to see the loaded shotgun on his kitchen table. Mark explained he had been receiving threatening phone calls. He also started crying right in front of the kitchen sink. The rough-around-the-edges guy talked about his bond with his lost son. I spent nearly two hours there. Mark answered every single one of my questions.

At Dylan's other home in Monument, his mom's anger was palpable. Elaine Redwine is clearly bitter toward her ex-husband, but she's also resolute that she's going to find her kid. Elaine is constantly surrounded by friends and family. Together, they raised a $50,000 reward in this case. Her answers to my questions were somewhat unexpected. She was the first to point the finger at her ex-husband. Later in our interview, she said she didn't think Mark was capable of hurting their son, and she thought Mark was a responsible dad, until now.

So who did it? It's hard to think a custodial kidnapping would not be uncovered by now. Hundreds of people scoured the country roads, waterways and woods for miles around Vallecito Lake. They found nothing.
So you have an idea how your son would pack, I know how I'd likely pack and how my husband likely would, etc. I'm guessing EH would have a pretty good idea of how her son would pack. How likely is it that you (or I, or EH) could definitely say every single item was missing along with the person, though? I know I couldn't be sure.

Actually I need to go back and look again, because I can't remember if EH said everything was gone or if it's coming only from MR. If it's only MR I guess I'm wondering does he know what's missing, or is he just assuming everything Dylan had must be missing along with Dylan because he hasn't found anything out of the ordinary at his home that would've come from the backpack? If he knows exactly what's missing I'd find that kind of strange because why would he have an "inventory" like that?

It probably doesn't matter really, but I'm just trying to rethink everything about this case and see if anything sparks new thoughts or a different perspective.
BBM: I could only tell you what is missing from when he left the house, as I check his bags to make sure nothing will set off TSA. If he purchased something when he reached his destination, I would have no knowledge of that unless he told me about it.

However, unless the person he was staying with on the other end upended his bag and went through every pocket, they would have no idea what was in his bag (DS, games, cards, ID, wallet, etc). I only mentioned clothes, but he would have other items in his bag, and I WOULD know each of those items too. But I'm strange that way.

It's why I found it so odd that a boy would manage to get EVERYTHING back into his bag. Mine is always missing a sock or a game or headphones, something, on the return trip.

And correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure Mark said EVERYTHING of Dylan's was gone.
So you have an idea how your son would pack, I know how I'd likely pack and how my husband likely would, etc. I'm guessing EH would have a pretty good idea of how her son would pack. How likely is it that you (or I, or EH) could definitely say every single item was missing along with the person, though? I know I couldn't be sure.

Actually I need to go back and look again, because I can't remember if EH said everything was gone or if it's coming only from MR. If it's only MR I guess I'm wondering does he know what's missing, or is he just assuming everything Dylan had must be missing along with Dylan because he hasn't found anything out of the ordinary at his home that would've come from the backpack? If he knows exactly what's missing I'd find that kind of strange because why would he have an "inventory" like that?

It probably doesn't matter really, but I'm just trying to rethink everything about this case and see if anything sparks new thoughts or a different perspective.

I kept going back to the infamous "sock" comment I remember and went searching does this help.

"For him to just take off walking or be abducted or whatever it's like - with a backpack?" questioned Elaine. "Then to find nothing up in that area, not a sock, not anything that belonged to Dylan? Very strange."
My apologies for being late to the discussion as I am at the mercy of wifi presently until my new tablet arrives and there for unable to listen live or even able to post with any consistency.. ugh and arrgghhh in frustration!.. anyhow in my just now being able to attempt to listen to Tricia's show with Elaine and Mark I come away further dismayed with the IMO very apparent new versions that we have from is so damn frustrating and hell! I'm merely a complete stranger with no ties to this family and my heart is breaking at the same time the continued versions of the "truth" are put forth..I honestly just do not at all get we have a version stating that its likely a day or two before Mark even realized that Dylan's backpack was missing....???

I am so overwhelmingly sad for Elaine and Cory in this continued hell that I would characterize this hellish limbo they're forced to live in.. my God how I pray that the answers somehow come soon for these anguished individuals who are so desperately searching for the answers that lead to Dylan... my heart breaks for them as my continued prayers for their strength to endure this living hell in finding their precious Dylan..
I kept going back to the infamous "sock" comment I remember and went searching does this help.

I always thought that sock comment was very revealing. When my son was 13, he had no problem wearing the same clothes two days in a row. But he always took off his dirty socks. No way he would put them on again the next day. And I don't see any reason for him to put his dirty sox in his backpack w/his CLEAN clothes.

So where did his dirty socks go?
My apologies for being late to the discussion as I am at the mercy of wifi presently until my new tablet arrives and there for unable to listen live or even able to post with any consistency.. ugh and arrgghhh in frustration!.. anyhow in my just now being able to attempt to listen to Tricia's show with Elaine and Mark I come away further dismayed with the IMO very apparent new versions that we have from is so damn frustrating and hell! I'm merely a complete stranger with no ties to this family and my heart is breaking at the same time the continued versions of the "truth" are put forth..I honestly just do not at all get we have a version stating that its likely a day or two before Mark even realized that Dylan's backpack was missing....???

I am so overwhelmingly sad for Elaine and Cory in this continued hell that I would characterize this hellish limbo they're forced to live in.. my God how I pray that the answers somehow come soon for these anguished individuals who are so desperately searching for the answers that lead to Dylan... my heart breaks for them as my continued prayers for their strength to endure this living hell in finding their precious Dylan..

YUP. He didn't know his backpack was missing for two days, but he knew the fishing pole was missing within an hour or so...and he is blaming LE for not putting out an Amber Alert, yet he originally said his son was probably out at the lake fishing...
I always thought that sock comment was very revealing. When my son was 13, he had no problem wearing the same clothes two days in a row. But he always took off his dirty socks. No way he would put them on again the next day. And I don't see any reason for him to put his dirty sox in his backpack w/his CLEAN clothes.

So where did his dirty socks go?

Dylan may have different habits than your son.

The quote is interesting as it is EH saying that all of Dylan's belongings were gone. Did she get that information from MR or from LE?
Dylan may have different habits than your son.

The quote is interesting as it is EH saying that all of Dylan's belongings were gone. Did she get that information from MR or from LE?

He may. But do you know many cute 13 yr old's that are interested in girls, that would put on dirty socks when they have a backpack full of clean ones?

Cory went to the house. I bet he could tell if anything was left there. And didn't Bender confirm that nothing was left there?
Dylan may have different habits than your son.

The quote is interesting as it is EH saying that all of Dylan's belongings were gone. Did she get that information from MR or from LE?

Isn't that the one thing both parents are agreeing on (there was nothing left behind)???
I haven't been able to listen to the show yet, but I can tell you that just because MR doesn't see Elaine searching does not mean she isnt. Just because LE hasn't come out and said MR isn't a POI doesn't mean he's not. LE is not sharing what evidence they have so they can have a great case when the time comes. It is easy for MR to sound like he has it together and coherent when his ex girlfriend is there coaching him on what to say. And he won't search because he is more afraid of his life then Dylan's is sick. MOO

How do you know his ex-girlfriend was there? What did I miss?


Isn't that the one thing both parents are agreeing on (there was nothing left behind)???

I think they are, in agreement that is. I felt like I had heard ER say something like that early on, but MR was not the only one saying it. LE also stated it. Problem was I had the darn sock comment in mind and I skimmed to where I saw that one. This seems to a collection of quotes from different interviews. I believe the quotes came from the individual interviews MB did with each of them. LE also said all his belongings were gone too.
Isn't that the one thing both parents are agreeing on (there was nothing left behind)???

Yes, no one disagreed about this. Not even LE. I think what someone found troubling is that Mark didn't immediately realize this. Although, IMO, after he got up and started looking for Dylan, his day went quickly downhill. Just like I bet EH's did after she got the question from MR about Dylan. Distraught parents do not think clearly. I'm fairly sure that Dylan's belongings would have been of pretty immediate interest to LE too. One thing I keep wondering about is the sweatpants taken in the search of MR's house. The size seems right to be Dylan's.
Dylan may have different habits than your son.

The quote is interesting as it is EH saying that all of Dylan's belongings were gone. Did she get that information from MR or from LE?

Exactly my question. The other thing I don't understand is how either of them (MR or LE) could possibly know ALL of the belongings were gone unless they had an inventory of all of the backpack's contents to confirm nothing from the backpack was left behind.

I finally had the chance to listen to the radio show and replayed the part where they talk about what's missing. In Tricia's questions and EH's responses, it's very clear that it was Mark telling EH that NOTHING from Dylan's backpack was at the house. I'm paraphrasing, not exact quotes. EH hesitates some in her response and is careful to say it's MR telling her that nothing was there. She doesn't say it directly but her tone and hesitation made me think that she's not really sure if it's true, but all she has to go on is MR's word.

Tricia asked how MR told EH this, EH said that MR told her this in a text. EH asked why he'd take the iPod, charger, and all his clothes fishing and MR replied that he didn't know.
Exactly my question. The other thing I don't understand is how either of them (MR or LE) could possibly know ALL of the belongings were gone unless they had an inventory of all of the backpack's contents to confirm nothing from the backpack was left behind.

I finally had the chance to listen to the radio show and replayed the part where they talk about what's missing. In Tricia's questions and EH's responses, it's very clear that it was Mark telling EH that NOTHING from Dylan's backpack was at the house. I'm paraphrasing, not exact quotes. EH hesitates some in her response and is careful to say it's MR telling her that nothing was there. She doesn't say it directly but her tone and hesitation made me think that she's not really sure if it's true, but all she has to go on is MR's word.

Tricia asked how MR told EH this, EH said that MR told her this in a text. EH asked why he'd take the iPod, charger, and all his clothes fishing and MR replied that he didn't know.

Would he take his backpack(and let's consider he didn't unpack when he got in) with him to his friend's house if he decided to try to walk, or hitch there? In my quest to find that one statement I came across some other stuff, this being one of them.

Lt. Ray Shupe, a spokesman for the task force, said the group has broken into teams this weekend. One is looking into all information that has come into a tip line; another is investigating the registered sex offenders who live in the Vallecito area. There are nine of them in Vallecito and Bayfield. Another team is combing through videos and photographs taken along the road from Vallecito to Durango on the day Dylan went missing.

One of the possibilities they are pursuing is the possibility that Dylan might have been picked up while hitchhiking, Shupe said.

BBM. It does seem LE wasn't quick to rule that out, maybe they still haven't.
I think they are, in agreement that is. I felt like I had heard ER say something like that early on, but MR was not the only one saying it. LE also stated it. Problem was I had the darn sock comment in mind and I skimmed to where I saw that one. This seems to a collection of quotes from different interviews. I believe the quotes came from the individual interviews MB did with each of them. LE also said all his belongings were gone too.

You're bringing back memories, yes ER was in the press in the beginning & Mark wasn't (but came on board), not making any judgements; just stating the order IIRC. The news media will go with whoever is talking to them at that time. Hint to Mark (if you want your side out-there) if that is important to you that is. Emma I thought LE stated it too, but I wasn't sure, so I didn't state it lol. I hate to see distension when there isn't one; this is a horrific nightmare for both parents & Dylan...we need to find him.
Exactly my question. The other thing I don't understand is how either of them (MR or LE) could possibly know ALL of the belongings were gone unless they had an inventory of all of the backpack's contents to confirm nothing from the backpack was left behind.

I finally had the chance to listen to the radio show and replayed the part where they talk about what's missing. In Tricia's questions and EH's responses, it's very clear that it was Mark telling EH that NOTHING from Dylan's backpack was at the house. I'm paraphrasing, not exact quotes. EH hesitates some in her response and is careful to say it's MR telling her that nothing was there. She doesn't say it directly but her tone and hesitation made me think that she's not really sure if it's true, but all she has to go on is MR's word.

Tricia asked how MR told EH this, EH said that MR told her this in a text. EH asked why he'd take the iPod, charger, and all his clothes fishing and MR replied that he didn't know.
BBM: The only thing Mark might be able to confirm is if there is nothing at his house that belongs to Dylan from this trip (the iPods were there from previous trips?) I always know when one of my kids friends have left something behind. (Sorry to keep going on about it, but it is usually a sock or two, or a game or headphones or even hair ties that I see in the bathroom that I know my daughter does not wear-am I the only person that knows what brand of socks my son has?)
BBM: The only thing Mark might be able to confirm is if there is nothing at his house that belongs to Dylan from this trip (the iPods were there from previous trips?) I always know when one of my kids friends have left something behind. (Sorry to keep going on about it, but it is usually a sock or two, or a game or headphones or even hair ties that I see in the bathroom that I know my daughter does not wear-am I the only person that knows what brand of socks my son has?)

My kids always leave some small something behind. And often, it's been phone chargers forgotten to leave my house with them. And also those have failed to come back home. What I think comes into play with Dylan is that he wasn't at his Dad's house very long. 12-14 hours. Seems he may not have unpacked a thing. Eight, nine of those hours were sleeping.
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