Sunday 6/2/13 on True Crime Radio - Elaine Redwine

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Yes, I give you that. But you aren't at mediation are you?

I think it only fair to allow Elaine the opportunity to change her mind, her course of action. Nothing takes away the fact that her son is missing. Nothing changes that Dylan was with his father. But thoughts about who is responsible for Dylan vanishing is up in the air. No arrest, no POI, no real evidence of what happened. A person should be able to adjust opinions based on new information.

I was not aware i had to be there to have a opinion on the fact that on paper this wont work :cow:
IMO a week long trist does not a relationship make. EH has moved on. IMO when a person refers to their ex as their spouse, years after a divorce, they haven't moved on.

According to MR, EH is only searching when she will get media attention, if that were true, then he would have information from msm on where she has searched. Why would anyone need to reaffirm it for him? MOO

MR did not say that. He said that he doesn't seek media attention. I don't know why every word that he says is seen as a direct attack on someone else. It seems a bit "over-sensitive" and too much concern is focused on how anyone looks at EH.
How can any good come from it when Elaine suspects her ex husband has harmed her son ?

Maybe Elaine can find a different way of dealing with MR that's helpful to her by watching the mediator's techniques. Whether 'helpful' is a way of communicating with him to get more of her questions answered, or simply a way not to react as strongly to him that brings her more peace, and less internal conflict.

If MR disappeared Dylan, then the idea is to find a way to get him to talk more. The way she's been using isn't working.

All just my :cow:
MR did not say that. He said that he doesn't seek media attention. I don't know why every word that he says is seen as a direct attack on someone else. It seems a bit "over-sensitive" and too much concern is focused on how anyone looks at EH.

But it appears, from the transcript, that Tricia (who was there) took issue with what he said, and the way he said it, right? In other words, it's not just people on the board, who weren't present, who interpreted it as a "hard jab."
Yes, I give you that. But you aren't at mediation are you?

I think it only fair to allow Elaine the opportunity to change her mind, her course of action. Nothing takes away the fact that her son is missing. Nothing changes that Dylan was with his father. But thoughts about who is responsible for Dylan vanishing is up in the air. No arrest, no POI, no real evidence of what happened. A person should be able to adjust opinions based on new information.

BBM - IMO there is no new information, any information shared is information EH has been attempting to ask MR for since day one. Information he has kept until he was willing to give it to her under his conditions.

IMO, it's simply a matter of MR blowing smoke. If he had information, he should have willingly shared it from the beginning. It's been stated many times that MR didn't / wouldn't / couldn't / shouldn't be expected to accept EH's calls because she would yell and scream at him. Nobody knows if that is the case, because she was never given the opportunity to talk to him or scream at him, it's an unfair assumption that was made. MOO
You based your opinion on what Elaine thinks. The woman could change her mind.

And what has changed to make her change her mind?

Has somebody seen Dylan since Sunday evening?
Has Dylan reappeared?

For somebody to change there mind ( IMO) something has to alter and this case has not changed from day one from what i can gather.

If there is nothing to be gained by Elaine in meeting with Mark and a mediator, then why is she doing it?
BBM - IMO there is no new information, any information shared is information EH has been attempting to ask MR for since day one. Information he has kept until he was willing to give it to her under his conditions.

IMO, it's simply a matter of MR blowing smoke. If he had information, he should have willingly shared it from the beginning. It's been stated many times that MR didn't / wouldn't / couldn't / shouldn't be expected to accept EH's calls because she would yell and scream at him. Nobody knows if that is the case, because she was never given the opportunity to talk to him or scream at him, it's an unfair assumption that was made. MOO

You're absolutely right, I never thought about that.
The way I see it, either mediation will help them talk to each other or ten kinds of bad things are going to start flying. I'm going to hope that it helps.
MR did not say that. He said that he doesn't seek media attention. I don't know why every word that he says is seen as a direct attack on someone else. It seems a bit "over-sensitive" and too much concern is focused on how anyone looks at EH.

Then I would have to ask why MR doesn't seek media attention. My interpretation on that would be the same reason he has refused to take a poly.
If there is nothing to be gained by Elaine in meeting with Mark and a mediator, then why is she doing it?

IMO - Simply because she has ran out of ideas and she is at her wits-end and maybe MR will finally answer some of her questions :cow:
IMO - Simply because she has ran out of ideas and she is at her wits-end and maybe MR will finally answer some of her questions :cow:

So there is something to be gained. Mark may answer some of her questions. And with these answers maybe Elaine will see things from a different perspective.
So there is something to be gained. Mark may answer some of her questions. And with these answers maybe Elaine will see things from a different perspective.

I am sure that is her hope as she has said all along she wanted to talk to Mark and ask him questions. He's the one that IIRC who has always insisted seeing her to talk from the beginning. I am hoping for the best.
I haven't heard MR ask for this information from EH. Maybe her groups do not provide information to LE for the master map???

In other words, I can't answer that, but I have not seen any indication of MR wanting to control her. I mean, they have been divorced for years, and both have moved on to other relationships.

BBM: We know EH has b/c her fiancee has been visible in the searches. Do you have confirmation of someone in MR's life? The gal quoted in one of the Durango Herald articles in January is described as a long time family friend. Without violating TOS, can you point me to somewhere MR is described as having had a relationship with someone besides EH?
If there is nothing to be gained by Elaine in meeting with Mark and a mediator, then why is she doing it?

Perhaps because it will be a chance for her to ask some questions.
I wonder if this could be another Shawn Hornbeck case? After Amanda Berry and Gina and Michelle were found after being missing for 10 years it gives more hope that some of these missing people may still be alive.
I am sure that is her hope as she has said all along she wanted to talk to Mark and ask him questions. He's the one that IIRC who has always insisted seeing her to talk from the beginning. I am hoping for the best.

I think that a face to face talk with a mediator is best for the two of them. They will have a much better chance of having a productive conversation this way. MOO.
Maybe it would be okay for Elaine to consider another possibility. No one is locked into an opinion forever. I would hate to think that being supported while being in error meant that someone couldn't change their mind if doing so was appropriate.

Seriously?? You think Elaine gives a rip about popular opinion or how many supporters she has? I have never seen any indication of this, have you? I think she cares about finding her son, period.
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