Sunday, 6/9/2013 Radio Show

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DNA Solves
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I think there are some people who are at the very BOTTOM of their suspect list. I think ER and CR are down there. Others are at the tippy top. I think Mark shares with tippy-top with unknown roving RSO's for now. JMO

shhhh don't tell him that, we might have version #5 coming soon :floorlaugh:. MOO LE is aware of the differences as well.
LE is allowed by law to lie to suspects, not sure where you would even come up with corrupt, kind of odd IMO to start the sentence with the BBM when it has nothing IMO to do with the second part of the comment. I do agree with the second part of the comment.

I posted something I came across about CPD not following the set guidelines regarding polygraphs. I also was not saying that LPCSO is corrupt, but just a general noticing of it can happen, since that is a recent article. I also noticed in my reading that the examiner is suppose to deliver the results to the examinee but in a few cases I have read about where LDT tests are given the examinees state that LE delivered the results to them. I am curious about why that is, because while some LE agencies have a Polygraph dept(like CPD) some have to bring out independent examiners to conduct polygraphs.
lol, I had about 7-8 pages to catch up on, it was easier to multi quote than to quote one at a time & try to find my place again.

I was admiring your ability to do that. I kind of wondered how I would go about doing it, after you first mentioned how, earlier, like if I would lose my spot or have to somehow go to individual posts or something.

Alright peeps, my eyes are crossing, read too much "science" for one day. Night all.

But his new combined version CONFLICTS with his original, because initially he said that he talked to T, who said he hadnt heard from D, SO THEN HE WAS ALARMED, and went to Bayfield.

So this new combined version does not work with that initial version.

Since it's been, nearly 3 months since LE last press release, I don't even know where they may be anymore. Sigh, again you have me wishing for an update.
So is it true that there would be no pings unless the phone was being used?
eta - I mean while the phone was still charged and working?
There would be pings if the phone was active, someone tried to contact it, and it was within range of a tower.

I do believe the phone owner chooses the song and they record it themselves.

In all my years with Verizon, I have never heard the lady say "please enjoy the music while your party is reached." How very odd. Do you think that is because all my friends sleep with their phone and they are never apart so they just answer right away?

Do you think that lady comes on when there is a delay in connection? Hmmm........... I wonder if that is it? Or do you guys just get it all the time?

Hmmmm................ :confused:

BBM: I didn't mention a lady. Is there a specific lady you are talking about?

The "Please enjoy the music while your party is reached." comes before the music on a ringback tone phone. At least on all the ones I know about. Maybe Verizon is different in different states or countries?
Azgrandma, If kidnappers did want to take Dylan or any child to another country, they could use many modes of transportation besides commercial flights. Maybe smuggle them on a freighter or take them to international waters via
a private boat then transfer them to a large vessel. I work quite a bit for Special Ops as well as counterterrorism task forces. There are many, many ways of smuggling kidnap victims that I am not at liberty to discuss here.
I know exactly how you feel. I tried to transcribe last weeks interview, and what a mess. he is so hard to keep up with. So many extra words, needless words, sudden switches. It took him a full paragraph to say one tiny thing. JMO

That's why Txjan deserves a big pat on the back... and why Tricia needs a week off! :hills:
I'm too lazy to go find the post from earlier, but people were talking about starting a thread that contained questions to ask MR. There was some talk about making the thread private so that MR didn't get a heads up about the questions.

Do you not realize that Tricia always gives her guests a list of the questions ahead of the show? To conduct a radio show like an interrogation is sure to turn off most any guest.
I don't know about trying to avoid giving Mark a heads up, but if I have questions I'd sure like the opportunity to fix my typos and messed up copy and pastes before Mark gets to see them. I'd like to do it before anyone sees them, but I'm usually trying to do too many things at once.
Azgrandma, If kidnappers did want to take Dylan or any child to another country, they could use many modes of transportation besides commercial flights. Maybe smuggle them on a freighter or take them to international waters via
a private boat then transfer them to a large vessel. I work quite a bit for Special Ops as well as counterterrorism task forces. There are many, many ways of smuggling kidnap victims that I am not at liberty to discuss here.

I can appreciate that, but IMO a little 14 y/o from Vallecito CO would not be one of those special ops or a victim that would be subject to those measures. Heck, if we used our imagination the possibilities are endless, but I choose to deal with reality and the chances of Dylan being secreted away to some coastal docking yard, then put on a slow boat to China in the bottom of a cargo ship, transferred to a private boat and then stored away on another vessel are pretty much less than slim to none. MOO
I can appreciate that, but IMO a little 14 y/o from Vallecito CO would not be one of those special ops or a victim that would be subject to those measures. Heck, if we used our imagination the possibilities are endless, but I choose to deal with reality and the chances of Dylan being secreted away to some coastal docking yard, then put on a slow boat to China in the bottom of a cargo ship, transferred to a private boat and then stored away on another vessel are pretty much less than slim to none. MOO

I'll differ with you on this one. In addition. he could be anywhere in the US; and, of course, he could be anywhere in CO, as you mentioned.
IMO , if you plan to pass a child on abroad then its a baby or a toddler.

Why on earth would Dylan be stolen and taken abroad? - he was nearly 14 and can speak,talk and family's in desperate need of a child is not going to take on a teenager as that is not the criteria :cow:
Those countries Mark mentioned, as well as every country in the world, all have plenty on young teens to "choose" from, they (these international rings) probably do not have an HQ in Vallecito.
LE do not need to lie to MR about a failed poly as he seems pretty capable of building his own hole :cow:
I'll differ with you on this one. In addition. he could be anywhere in the US; and, of course, he could be anywhere in CO, as you mentioned.

my 2 cents in these situations is to always assume the least amount you need to assume to make a theory make sense. only add complications when you've eliminated simpler options.

he was in the custody of a father with whom he and his mother had issues and who hasn't been eliminated by LE. to me that's the simplest option and unless something makes that unlikely it's probably close to the answer. :twocents:
I want to get back to the movie, texting, nerf, time frame (8:30-9:37).

Mark told Tricia that by the time Dylan got the DVD player set up, the movie probably started about 8:30. While Mark says he couldn't remember the name of the movie, he described the plot line with some detail. He said Dylan was texting during the movie, and they tossed around the nerf football.

I seem to recall an earlier interview (maybe the Blasius interview) where Mark talked about Dylan texting on the couch when Mark went to bed. Dylan's last text, according to LE, was at 9:37. I don't remember any interviews where Mark has said he only watched part of the movie. (this is my own recollection of what I recall him saying)

I understand that Adventureland runs 107 minutes and Role Model runs 102 minutes.

Now Mark did mention Dylan being on the computer. I hope LE checked to see if there was some other sort of phone/ipod/computer activity that would look like texting to Mark as he was going upstairs. I don't think I'd confuse texting with facebooking or playing an online game, but since Mark didn't have facebook, I guess it's possible.

IMO MOO and all that fun stuff.
Just for instance - in response to Tricia's first question about what questions Elaine asked that she didn't feel he answered:
perhaps the answer can be narrowed down to the portion BBM

Well…I don’t know specifically what she is referring to. I can tell you that part of …um…and it’s not really mediation. It’s more of a conflict resolution and people are taking more of a facilitator role in that but one of the things that was brought up and I think was valuable and it’s not something that I don’t know… it’s not… it’s just something I don’t know how to do very well probably is to ask better questions and…and…get more understanding. If…if I’m not getting an answer that I understand, it’s import to clarify that, and, you know, I would think that the same thing would be true for my former wife,

Mmm hmm.

…that if she got an answer from me that was unclear that we would want to make that more specific or…or…you know, ask it in a way where, you know, we’re getting the answer that we’re looking for from her. So, to get… with you…I don’t know what she’s referring to necessarily, but you know there was a lot of things (unintelligible few words)

It's doubtful that anyone would agree with a summary. I would boil the above statement down to:

I don't know what she's referring to but one thing I learned in this mediation was I need to ask better questions and if I'm not getting answers I understand, I need to ask for clarification.
I want to get back to the movie, texting, nerf, time frame (8:30-9:37).

Mark told Tricia that by the time Dylan got the DVD player set up, the movie probably started about 8:30. While Mark supposedly couldn't remember the name of the movie, he described the plot line with some detail. He said Dylan was texting during the movie, and they tossed around the nerf football.

I seem to recall an earlier interview (maybe the Blasius interview) where Mark talked about Dylan texting on the couch when Mark went to bed. Dylan's last text, according to LE, was at 9:37. I don't know a movie that would only last an hour, but I don't remember any interviews where Mark has said he only watched part of the movie. (this is my own recollection of what I recall him saying)

I understand that Adventureland runs 107 minutes and Role Model runs 102 minutes.

Now Mark did mention Dylan being on the computer. I hope LE checked to see if there was some other sort of phone/ipod/computer activity that would look like texting to Mark as he was going upstairs. I don't think I'd confuse texting with facebooking or playing an online game, but since Mark didn't have facebook, I guess it's possible.

IMO MOO and all that fun stuff.

Good post. Thanks for pointing out the length of the movie and I'd forgotten that MR had said Dylan was still texting when MR went to bed. You're right, that doesn't seem likely if MR did stay downstairs for the entire movie.
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