Sunday, 6/9/2013 Radio Show

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Pressure on Mark? I don't understand. Isn't this a sleuthing community?

All of the sudden I saw the Borg--resistance is futile.

Of course it is . But the few facts we do have do not support a random perp IMO

Dylan had plans with friends on Monday morning and never arrived
Dylan stopped all communication Sunday Evening
Dylan was last seen in the company of his father on Sunday evening
Dylan was distant on Sunday evening when he saw his father for the first time in months
And instead of MR embracing being on LE's list of suspects , maybe ( this is just a idea ) he actually works to eliminate himself from there enquires and help Dylan in the process!


Because by using the word "embracing" he makes it sound like he is enjoying it and this all just one big game :cow:
Wasn't the need for searching in other countries, like Australia, discounted here not too long ago? I can't remember exactly but I thought it was great that our ws friends in Australia mentioned that they had developed the habit of looking for Dylan, but it was discounted by many rather quickly. Wonder why the change of thinking?
Dylan could very well be in a foreign country. Or anywherre in the U.S.

Please don't suggest that others should not look for Dylan across the U.S. and the world.

I totally agree! He could be in a foreign country. If it were me, I think I'd start looking for Dylan in Algeria. :moo:
That may be a good idea but I'm taking a permanent vacation if he does because transcribing him is like sticking needles in my eyes! LOL

On a scale of 1 to 10 for ease of transcribing him (10 being the worst possible score) - he's definitely ranked at 7,459,389,430,890,877!!!!!!!!

:banghead: :floorlaugh:


We can never thank you enough for your sacrifice!

:blowkiss: :tyou: :Banane59:
Shawn said she would be found in Scurry county during his Poly interview, and she was.

Regarding that...wasn't it said that SA indicated that she would be found in Scurry County during the poly. Which made me wonder if they asked something like "Do you think Hailey is in Scurry County?" and he said "No" but his answer triggered a big flashing red light on the deception meter, iykwim. Is something like that a possibility?


One of these days I'm going to have to try multi-quote answers when catching up. :moo:
Sounds like a man willing to do what it takes to keep the focus on Dylan. Difficult to believe a guilty man would be doing a two hour Dr. Phil show, Tricia twice, and virtually every other full length, no holds barred interview requested of him. I admire him for doing the show despite knowing that the vitriol and character assassination will continue from folks a bit too singular focused and obsessed with parsing his every word. If I was him, I would probably never leave the house or contact anyone, considering all of the not so subtle threats towards him on a rather caustic and juvenile social networking page.

Yes, this kind of pressure is what I meant by "Borg" like, where resistance is believed futile.
So then the people that put pressure on Mark are like a fictional alien race?

I'm sure that's not the case. I use that term as a word picture all the time. I am also somewhat of a Trekkie, which shouldn't come as any surprise. :kimsterwink:
Is this the hoodie described in the search warrant?


link for picture
Is this the hoodie described in the search warrant?

This is why i am so confused as to me that looks nothing like Dylan but did he not have longer hair when he went missing ?

I dont get why they did not use a up to date photo on the missing persons poster as Dylan did not resemble the short haired boy on the poster from what i can gather :cow:
It could be going straight to voicemail and the beginning of the message is music. I have friends who do this.


This usually happens when the person chooses to ignore the call. The music will play until "ignore call" is selected. Basically the music stops and goes to VM as soon as the call is ignored.
This is why i am so confused as to me that looks nothing like Dylan but did he not have longer hair when he went missing ?

I dont get why they did not use a up to date photo on the missing persons poster as Dylan did not resemble the short haired boy on the poster from what i can gather :cow:

I agree clearer, confirmed as recent pictures of Dylan would be very helpful. The most recent pictures of Dylan are those from the airport and Walmart from the police from November 18th. They're very grainy, and whereas you can kind of judge the length and style of his hair, I'd like to see the style and length clearly, without a hat. You can barely make out his facial features.


picture link
Probably the same reason the FMDR page has posted older pictures. To tug at our heartstrings and remind us there's a precious boy out there somewhere, missing.

Edited to add: It's very difficult for me - I think the picture where he is playing baseball, in red and white, looks NOTHING like the other pictures. And a lot of the posed pictures have short hair, but then the candids have longer hair.

This one seems very recent (on FMDR page):
The picture says "Dylan in 2009". I can't imagine he'd be wearing a sweatshirt from 3 years before he went missing. But stranger things are possible, I guess. Dylan is not a big kid but surely he outgrew clothing from 3 years prior.

You're probably right, Bayou. The sweatshirt looks like it might be big on him, so I thought maybe if he hadn't worn it often, it might have lasted for him to wear through last November.
Wasn't the need for searching in other countries, like Australia, discounted here not too long ago? I can't remember exactly but I thought it was great that our ws friends in Australia mentioned that they had developed the habit of looking for Dylan, but it was discounted by many rather quickly. Wonder why the change of thinking?

I remember the comment you are talking about. I believe it was in reference to people thinking Dylan is deceased. I do think that having people looking for Dylan's body in Australia or Algeria is pretty stupid. Looking for an alive Dylan across the globe, in contrast, seems like a worthy endeavor.
I agree clearer, confirmed as recent pictures of Dylan would be very helpful. The most recent pictures of Dylan are those from the airport and Walmart from the police from November 18th. They're very grainy, and whereas you can kind of judge the length and style of his hair, I'd like to see the style and length clearly, without a hat. You can barely make out his facial features.


picture link

See in that photo I would not guess he had longer hair as you can not see the sides or the back . Just his fringe and in the second photo he could be Brooklyn Beckham from afar . I just think if the public are looking for Dylan having a photo that is up to date is a must . As the public won't know he had longer hair and looked older as they will just look at the poster .

It is misleading for me :cow:
I remember the comment you are talking about. I believe it was in reference to people thinking Dylan is deceased. I do think that having people looking for Dylan's body in Australia or Algeria is pretty stupid. Looking for an alive Dylan across the globe, in contrast, seems like a worthy endeavor.

Who on earth would ship Dylan abroad and for what purpose ?
Personally I think there is a huge difference between Inconclusive and Failed Miserably!

I totally agree with you. Failing a poly would show deception for answers given but inconclusive could mean that he was under the influence of drugs or alcohol and the effects could throw off the results, thereby inconclusive.
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