Support Thread: Jeff Ashton and Prosecution Team

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I remember the first bond hearing, when Jeff Ashton spoke so passionately, and I knew that this case was affecting him, just as it does us. I know the concern with his behavior while listening to JB during subsequent hearings, but that didn't concern me at all. From the beginning I knew that Caylee had someone to be her voice. WOW, just WOW! Jeff Ashton is an awesome and compassionate prosecutor. I love LDB too, but Jeff has more of an ability to affect a jury. Way to go JA! :woohoo:

Caylee has had no other..........

KC's grabbing of the wrist at around 30 seconds is creepy. It is right after Ashton says Caylee must have been restrained, either chemically or physically. It could be an unconscious way of KC indicating that Caylee was physically restrained. I've watched this over and over and it's hard to tell whether this was a sub-conscious or deliberate move, but it really disturbs me.

The other thing is the held back fury in her face. What is she furious about? Furious that the prosecution is implying that Caylee could have been chemically subdued?

I'll tell you one thing, though. The controlled anger and tears don't look to me like a grieving mother anguishing over the loss of her child. Again, they look like selfish tears of anger over the self-perceived unfair stress being put upon her at trial and the prosecutions misinterpretation of how KC murdured Caylee.

Hard to know if reality is finally hitting home and KC is recalling horrific images from the crime or .... if she was just told to put on the emotional portrayal of her life, for her life (or both).

Either way, this is just a small taste of what KC is going to face in trial. Time to plead out.

Its not fun and games for Casey any more!
Jeff Ashton is Caylee's voice and hero!!! He got right to the point! I love that man.

I so agree! When JA speaks everyone listens, unlike the boring droll of ALyon and the stuttering JB.
Ashton is dynamic and along with LBD they will both get through to the jury.
Wow. I keep watching the part around :30 again and again where Ashton says Caylee was restrained and KC grabs her wrist although there is nothing touching or bothering her wrist.

Also interesting is earlier than :30, the fury on her face until JB whispers to her... then the waterworks start.

This is fascinating stuff.

Now going to concentrate on exactly what Ashton is saying just before each time KC shakes her head "No".

Her reaction seems all wrong to me. I think I might collapse with my head on the table, maybe cry out "Oh my God is this what they (the kidnapper killers) did to my baby??!!??"

ETA: Okay, interesting.
- Ashton says restrained chemically or physically, and KC grabs her wrist for no apparent reason.
- Ashton is talking about chemical restraint, and KC shakes her head "No" for no apparent reason. Contrary to what I thought, this is the only time she shakes her head "No".

Betcha Caylee was physically, rather than chemically, restrained. MOO of course - I'm not an expert.

Also interesting is note that in the very beginning, Ashton say Caylee died with tape on her nose and mouth. Not tape applied after death, as some have speculated e.g. for fluid leakage.

Wow. What a day!

ETA: I apologise. I posted this in the wrong thread. Thought I was in the hearing thread. :)

I do agree with you. People make unconscious gestures all the time. His description of Caylee's torture and death was vivid and chilling. His defense for Caylee was outstandingly eloquent. AL uses a totally different tactic, trying to undermine a person's beliefs and convictions. This would make a good topic on a new thread.
KC was furious because she was caught and confronted. Her whole posture and gestures were saying, "How dare you!?"

I am still watching this on the DVR and as AL is rambling on and on, arguing the death penalty, she talks about this is a homicide, there is a conclusion but no manner of death. We do not know. The camera is on Mr. Ashton and you can clearly see him say I KNOW.
Wow! What did you think?Here is Ashton again...

LISTEN CAREFULLY, turn it up, at the beginning Casey whispers to Baez "MAKE HIM STOP" and he replies "I CAN'T"

This is the BIGGEST wake-up call Casey has had yet, IMO.

Maybe, as she sits alone in her cell tonite, she will decide that it is time to stop all of this BS she is putting everyone through.

We can only hope.
We may not have a tape of KC reacting to the discovery of Caylee a year ago today, but thanks to Ashton's graphic description, we have a perfect video today of her reaction a year later. If this is her angry and frushtrated reaction today, we can easily imagine what it would have been like last time. Way to go, JA!
JA really did do a wonderful job. He was articulate and compelling. AL was pedantic and had alot of 'umms' and mispronounciations in her lecture. The two really were night and day. Even SS had different body language - with JA he sat up straighter and nodded his head a few times - with AL he sat back or was leaning hunched over writing or had this pained look on his face.........
Sleep well tonight, KC! :)

The sad thing is, she probably will sleep well, sociopath that she is.

I, on the other hand, probably won't sleep because I won't be able to get the image JA described so eloquently out of my mind.

Bravo, JA. I'm so glad Caylee has you to speak for her.
LISTEN CAREFULLY, turn it up, at the beginning Casey whispers to Baez "MAKE HIM STOP" and he replies "I CAN'T"

This is the BIGGEST wake-up call Casey has had yet, IMO.

Maybe, as she sits alone in her cell tonite, she will decide that it is time to stop all of this BS she is putting everyone through.

We can only hope.

OMG! Great catch, MM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow. I keep watching the part around :30 again and again where Ashton says Caylee was restrained and KC grabs her wrist although there is nothing touching or bothering her wrist.

Also interesting is earlier than :30, the fury on her face until JB whispers to her... then the waterworks start.

This is fascinating stuff.

Now going to concentrate on exactly what Ashton is saying just before each time KC shakes her head "No".

Her reaction seems all wrong to me. I think I might collapse with my head on the table, maybe cry out "Oh my God is this what they (the kidnapper killers) did to my baby??!!??"

ETA: Okay, interesting.
- Ashton says restrained chemically or physically, and KC grabs her wrist for no apparent reason.
- Ashton is talking about chemical restraint, and KC shakes her head "No" for no apparent reason. Contrary to what I thought, this is the only time she shakes her head "No".

Betcha Caylee was physically, rather than chemically, restrained. MOO of course - I'm not an expert.

Also interesting is note that in the very beginning, Ashton say Caylee died with tape on her nose and mouth. Not tape applied after death, as some have speculated e.g. for fluid leakage.

Wow. What a day!

ETA: I apologise. I posted this in the wrong thread. Thought I was in the hearing thread. :)

Just letting you know, that is not Casey grabbing her wrist. It is her attorney holding her arm.

Side note- Kudos to Ashton!
Just letting you know, that is not Casey grabbing her wrist. It is her attorney holding her arm.

Side note- Kudos to Ashton!

Just letting you know, Casey DID grab her own wrist. @ :32 seconds into the video clip while Ashton was talking about Caylee being physically restrained.

I've been lurking for MONTHS!! Back to lurking I go! Have a good day all!
Just letting you know, that is not Casey grabbing her wrist. It is her attorney holding her arm.

Side note- Kudos to Ashton!

Nope it's her grabbing her own wrist...

I am still so facinated by the grabbing at her wrist. I wonder if this video could be analyzed by an expert in behavior or body language and presented to the jury as an indication that KC was possibly subconsciously replaying what happened.

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