Support Thread: Tony & Leonard Padilla

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Dear Tony and Leonard:

Thank you for all you have done with this case so far. None of us really know yet what the outcome will be, but the two of you tried harder than almost anyone else in this country to bring the focus back to Caylee and get her found.

There is a reason for what happened, as there is a reason that brought the two of you to Florida, and your perseverance and dedication to poor little Caylee is so admirable.

I hope you are with your families again soon. Thank you for putting your necks out there, when no one else really did.
Tony, Leonard and Rob, thank you for having hope that you could find little Caylee. I was so wanting this to come to a happy ending with the baby back home safely. My heart goes out to you three and also to Cindy and George who have been put through "hell".

Unfortunately, things can only get worse for them I'm afraid.
Dear Tony, Leonard, and Crew,
Just wanted to salute you and all of your efforts to find this precious child. You had the opportunity to help facilitate a recovery, took it, but without cooperation from Casey and her lawyer, it has made that task impossible.

Watching Leonard tonight on Nancy Grace's show I just got the impression that he is really tore up and I know he and Tony will have alot to talk about and a big decision to make regarding her bail. My thoughts will be with you tonight, as well as my heartfelt prayers for Caylee and everyone who loves that beautiful little girl.
I had written up my theory of what happened to Caylee, but never posted it. At this time, I would like to post what I had written at the end of my unposted theory:

- - - - -

This is my theory. I hope it proves to be untrue, and instead the bounty hunter rides in on a big white horse with Caylee tucked safely under his arm, tips his 10-gallon hat, takes another chew on the toothpick in the side of his mouth, and shouts out a big "I told you so".

- - - - -

Thanks for trying, LP! Your heart is in the right place.
Thank you, Tony and Leonard.
I want to write so much, but there really isn't much left to say.
I admire you both because you tried so hard and had so much faith.
You embody what a hero is.
To The Padillas
Thank you so much -- you have proven that you were not just in this for the publicity but truely have a heart for this case. I sincerely apologize for having thought that about you. I admire you both for taking the "high road" and publicly acknowledging your disappointment with this situation. My opinion of you has done a 180.
THANK YOU for taking a stand---your the man
I admit I was suspicious of your motives.

I was wrong. I am sorry.

You tried to help for all the right reasons. I wish thing had gone down the way you'd hoped.

I do appreciate Tony's websleuth posts. Hopefully Tony, Leonard and all of your staff will continue to share your insight and thoughts here often.

Seriously, when I saw Leaonard on NG tonite, he looked so sad, I just wanted to reach out and give him a hug.

Don't regret what you all have done. You stepped up to the plate and tried. That's all anyone could have asked.

It isn't working out as you'd hoped, but at least you did everything you could humanly do. You are now all heros.

Bless you all for your efforts.


If you hadn't bonded Casey out, nobody would know how uncommitted she really is to finding Cayley. You called her bluff and she's shown her cards. Now, will you put her back?:)
Thanks for giving it a shot.
I have to say at first I thought you all were absolutly crazy. I have changed my mind. I think you guys have done a great job. Good luck in all that you do.
Leonard and Tony,
Thank you for all you tried to do in returning this little girl to us. It was nice to have someone on Caylee's side. And the heck with the 'nay sayers' there's always a few in every bunch.
Leonard, I have to admit I didn't agree with your decision, not at all. You had faith that alot of us that have been following this case closely didn't have. But after watching you on Nancy Grace tonite, I can see you (and Tony) are stand up guys and you gave it your best shot.
To the Padilla Posse:
No matter what I thought about your intentions, I can now see the heartbreak on Leonard's face. He looks as upset as the rest of us are and I so wish y'all had a different outcome to all this for us. Know that my thoughts and prayers go out to you all and I thank you all for trying to help.
Leonard and Tony,

Thank you both for your efforts in trying to bringing this precious angel home. I know she is now surrounded by His loving arms.

As I type through my tears, I would give anything for BettyBop's ending to be true.

My sympathy and love to you both and all in your crew who tried to save this precious angel.


R.I.P Precious Caylee
Tony and Leonard,

Just wanted to thank yall for trying to help little Caylee. Leonard, my first reaction to this case was that Caylee was dead. But after watching all of your interviews, you actually convinced me she was alive. I feel as if the two of you were a misled and I am sorry that Jose changed the rules on you. Tony, although I never posted to you, I lurked every time you came to visit! And I appreciated your knowledge and sense of humor. Both of you are straight shooters and I appreciate that.

God Bless, Catherine
This is a thread for those who support the Padillas. No negative comments will be allowed. You can voice your opposite opinion on several other threads.

I wanted to start this thread for Tony and Leonard Padilla because I can imagine they are feeling down tonight.

Tony and Leonard were mislead by Casey IMO. I believe she told her lawyer that if she was out she would help the Padillas find Caylee.

Casey got out, and shut her mouth.

Leonard and Tony are victims of Casey's vicious lies. They join a long list of people in this world.

Tony and Leonard were mislead by Jose Baez IMO. Did he tell them not to believe any of the reports in the media about Casey's behavior? That would make sense. "Believe me, I am her lawyer, the reports are exaggerated. She is being crucified. She needs help to find her child." Can't you just hear Casey's lawyer convincing the Padillas that all the reports in the media were total exaggerations? Don't you think it is possible that Baez appealed to their heart by convincing them that all Casey needed was good people to step up to the plate and help her?

All of this is speculation of course.

No matter what, the Padilla's hearts were in the right place.

Like many of you I believed (at first) that Leonard Padilla was only looking for publicity for his new show. This is not the case.

If Leonard and Tony Padilla were shallow people they would have pulled up stakes and left as soon as those reports were released. Instead, the first thing Leonard did was go on Nancy Grace and take the heat.

Tony Padilla came to Websleuths on his own to answer the tough questions.

I know they are not perfect and I do not agree with everything they do, but I can tell they are sincere and truthful in their dealings concerning this case.

I want to thank Tony and Leonard for what they have done, for trying their best and believing what we all wanted to believe, that Caylee was alive.

It is rare in this day and age to see people admit they made a mistake. It is very refreshing to say the least.

This thread is to let the Padilla's know that not everyone wants to get in their face about the Anthony case. Many people believe in them, understand what they are trying to do, and thank them for it.

I thought about doing this, but I'm so glad it was you that took the initiative, Tricia.

To the Padillas: Be proud of yourselves for being optimists, for acting when others would only complain, and for being as sad as the rest of us at the release of this latest information. I hope you will continue to help the families who truly do need and can appreciate your assistance.
LP/TP: I enjoyed your charismatic input, thanks for being apart of this. I hope that you will continue to support missing children in the USA!!
This is a paraphrase of a post I placed on the Nancy Grace thread earlier, before this thread was started.

Leonard Padilla and Tony Padilla came into this investigation with their hearts in the right place. They made significant emotional, physical and financial sacrifices for Caylee Anthony and God will bless them for that. I think Leonard,especially, was emotionally invested in this because from what I understand, his own 3 y/o was taken from a soccer game many years ago.

When all is said and done, I'll be interested in hearing what Tony has to share that he wasn't able to share during his current Q & A sessions here.

I've come to really like both Leonard and Tony - and I especially like Tony's commitment to his family and family time. I like the fact that each time Tony posted here, at some point in the "conversation," he requested prayers.

I think Leonard and Tony are "good people," even if Leonard marches to his own drummer. There's a reason we sometimes call people like Leonard "characters" - because they have character!

Thank you both for doing everything you could to find Caylee and for sharing with the public through your media appearances and forum posts!:clap::blowkiss:

God bless you both!

P.S. God willing, I nor my loved ones will never need the services you offer, but if we did, I'd want you two!

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