Suspect #1: Dellen Millard *Charged* 1st Deg Murder 15 May 2013 #2

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As with most of the info on this case it's a matter of assumption/presumption imo. I am trying to figure out why it is relevant to know where DM was living, I think he would have been able/welcome to stay at any of the locations associated with him, his father or grandfather...jmo

I think it is safe to say that based on the media 'quotes' from SG, AS and MB that there is sufficient reason to assume that WM was a drinker. JMO so I agree with you.... your observation is based on the information we have and not some wild, out there, conjured up nonsense so I think there is likely truth to it. MOO
Hi Blomquist-the conversation stemmed from post 824, where there was an assertion that DM had to care for an alcoholic parent. IMHO, the only thing we know is that at the time of DM's arrest, it was stated that he was living at Maple Gate with WM when WM died, but due to the fact that the Old Derry Road property had recently sold, IMHO, we can't neglect the possibility that DM may have only recently moved back home and perhaps this was a stress factor for both DM and WM. MOO
Hi Blomquist-the conversation stemmed from post 824, where there was an assertion that DM had to care for an alcoholic parent. IMHO, the only thing we know is that at the time of DM's arrest, it was stated that he was living at Maple Gate with WM when WM died, but due to the fact that the Old Derry Road property had recently sold, IMHO, we can't neglect the possibility that DM may have only recently moved back home and perhaps this was a stress factor for both DM and WM. MOO

Are you assuming that this 'stress factor' led to WM killing himself?.... just trying to clue myself into the suggestions here.... Thank you
True on both counts, MsSherlock. My assumptions probably arose from the comments by Elizabeth Glass' brother at
"according to Steve Glass, the brother of Wayne’s girlfriend at the time, Elizabeth Glass, Wayne didn’t use computers or email. Mr. Glass, 65, who lived in Maine and occasionally visited his sister in Toronto, said the couple liked to spend afternoons sitting around Wayne’s house drinking. “Every time I met him, they were well into the booze,” he said, adding that he believed Wayne genuinely cared for his sister, who died in 2009."

and the reference by the sales guru AS later in the same article...

"While Mr. Sharif said he knew nothing about his client’s romantic life, he acknowledged he was feeling business pressures and “had heard rumblings that … Wayne was drinking again.”

There are other references around and about the web, but not MSM items.

With respect to how long DM may have been living with his father, I probably created that notion out of whole cloth, presuming he may have moved back to the family home upon EG's death in 2009, if in fact, he'd ever resided anywhere else, keeping in mind that when his Mom sold it, the place was referred to as DM's childhood home. However I don't think I know of anyplace where his residence information since childhood is specifically cited. Derry Rd was his grandfather's address, wasn't it, so I'm not sure why that would affect living arrangements - or am I mistaken? It appears that WM and DM may have inherited it, perhaps, since they were both on title?
Carli, IMO there is a possibility that DM did live at the Old Derry Road address as an independent mature adult. DM was on title to the property and if he used it as his personal residence it would not be subject to capital gains when it sold. IMO it is a beautiful property and definitely maintained and greatly improved. Currently back on the market but the screen shot from the virtual tour in 2011 indicates the property was nicely renovated when it sold back then. The point is that IMO DM was an adult and IMHO it's presumptuous to assume that DM and WM had continuously shared the same living space and DM acted as main care giver for an alcoholic parent. MOO



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Are you assuming that this 'stress factor' led to WM killing himself?.... just trying to clue myself into the suggestions here.... Thank you
Blomquist, IMO, I personally can't rule out stress as a factor for many things. WM's possible drinking or perhaps even something snapped with DM? There's a lot of articles about adult children moving back in under their parents roof but IMO they all follow the same idea-it can cause problems.

As far as WM killing himself, IIRC, TPS has reopened the case to determine if in fact it was a suicide. MOO
Blomquist, IMO, I personally can't rule out stress as a factor for many things. WM's possible drinking or perhaps even something snapped with DM? There's a lot of articles about adult children moving back in under their parents roof but IMO they all follow the same idea-it can cause problems.

As far as WM killing himself, IIRC, TPS has reopened the case to determine if in fact it was a suicide. MOO
Time to finish off the summer! Happy sleuthing all, see you in a couple of weeks :ufo:
Have a GREAT rest of the MsSherlock...Bye for now robynhood.
Blomquist, IMO, I personally can't rule out stress as a factor for many things. WM's possible drinking or perhaps even something snapped with DM? There's a lot of articles about adult children moving back in under their parents roof but IMO they all follow the same idea-it can cause problems.

As far as WM killing himself, IIRC, TPS has reopened the case to determine if in fact it was a suicide. MOO

Well it has already been ruled out by LE hasn't it? The file at coroners office stays open for some time after a suicide apparently. I think its rather like throwing mud at a situation and hoping some sticks IMO.... To date I don't believe LE or family or friends have suggested the death of WM to be DM's doing. IMO trying to fit the crime to to the man/man to the crime is rather witch hunt like....but thats just my own opinion. I guess others like that type of approach...and maybe it works for them.... we have no idea whether DM was even there at the time..... he may have had water tight alibi which was checked out at the time... thats the way it looks to me...JMO
Carli, IMO there is a possibility that DM did live at the Old Derry Road address as an independent mature adult. DM was on title to the property and if he used it as his personal residence it would not be subject to capital gains when it sold. IMO it is a beautiful property and definitely maintained and greatly improved. Currently back on the market but the screen shot from the virtual tour in 2011 indicates the property was nicely renovated when it sold back then. The point is that IMO DM was an adult and IMHO it's presumptuous to assume that DM and WM had continuously shared the same living space and DM acted as main care giver for an alcoholic parent. MOO


Is that the correct property?? Derry Road West and Old Derry Road are two separate addresses, I believe. The house that you've linked here says that it was only built in 2011 and is almost double the assessed value from 2012.
Well it has already been ruled out by LE hasn't it? The file at coroners office stays open for some time after a suicide apparently. I think its rather like throwing mud at a situation and hoping some sticks IMO.... To date I don't believe LE or family or friends have suggested the death of WM to be DM's doing. IMO trying to fit the crime to to the man/man to the crime is rather witch hunt like....but thats just my own opinion. I guess others like that type of approach...and maybe it works for them.... we have no idea whether DM was even there at the time..... he may have had water tight alibi which was checked out at the time... thats the way it looks to me...JMO

The untimely and tragic death of DM's father has renewed interest with LE and for good reason. The investigation is ongoing and time and evidence may tell. DM may have an alibi for where he was, but doesn't mean he couldn't have hired someone to do the dirty work. I could see that being the case. He would want to secure a great alibi to take the suspicion off of himself. After all, it's been claimed by DP, DM is intelligent. Intelligent enough for a premeditated murder, but not so intelligent of looking past and premeditating the 'what ifs' in a vehicle theft gone wrong. :moo: I didn't know DM was a witch :scared: Guess we learn something new everyday. When did this come to light? Is there a link you can provide to show your information? This could open up a whole new theory IMHO. And TIA.
The untimely and tragic death of DM's father has renewed interest with LE and for good reason. The investigation is ongoing and time and evidence may tell. DM may have an alibi for where he was, but doesn't mean he couldn't have hired someone to do the dirty work. I could see that being the case. He would want to secure a great alibi to take the suspicion off of himself. After all, it's been claimed by DP, DM is intelligent. Intelligent enough for a premeditated murder, but not so intelligent of looking past and premeditating the 'what ifs' in a vehicle theft gone wrong. :moo: I didn't know DM was a witch :scared: Guess we learn something new everyday. When did this come to light? Is there a link you can provide to show your information? This could open up a whole new theory IMHO. And TIA.

Will have to respectfully disagree with your 'good reason'.... I do think DM is intelligent but intelligence does not a murderer maketh necessarily IMO.

Someone once posted that he was mentally deranged/psychotic, I can't remember who at this point but either way.... neither would indicate that someone would be a murderer just by their state of mind/intelligence. IMO

I am not even so sure that this is a vehicle theft gone wrong.... JMO

I said it's like a witch hunt..... it's a term that is used.... as you may know already.... IMO
The file at coroners office stays open for some time after a suicide apparently.

Do you happen to have any links to support that?

Given the coroner's job is to identify the deceased, determine manner and cause of death, there would be no reason for a file to remain open after identity, MOD and COD are established.

Do you happen to have any links to support that?

Given the coroner's job is to identify the deceased, determine manner and cause of death, there would be no reason for a file to remain open after identity, MOD and COD are established.

Links have already been posted...I will dig them out if I can... The file is not necessarily left open, nothing has to be just takes time for coroners office to stamp and put away. . LE had determined nothing sinister and the case was closed and ruled as there obviously was no reason for coroners office to think otherwise.....but as with all red tape it takes a while to get sealed and put away.... not because case is open....because obviously the case was not open....JMO
The Office of the Chief Coroner also has an ongoing investigation into the father's death.

It is not unusual however, for a coroner's investigation to take months to complete, even when no foul play is suspected, says Cheryl Mahyr, issues manager in the coroner's office.

"There's no prescribed time limit on how long it takes," she says. The length of the investigation can depend on "the number and types of tests that are ordered."
Is that the correct property?? Derry Road West and Old Derry Road are two separate addresses, I believe. The house that you've linked here says that it was only built in 2011 and is almost double the assessed value from 2012.
Yes, AD, CM owned 930 Old Derry Road, Mississauga. There's 2 Derry Road W. The one in the heritage district is known as "Old Derry Road W". The information on the link is provided by an upload and the date of construction is obviously wrong. I've attached 3 pics to support that it's the same house. The 6th pic in the new listing information is the same house in the 2011 Google shot.

I can understand the confusion with the assessment. Municipalities in Ontario use "Market Value Assessment" in determining the tax base. Since the property was transferred in 2008 for $0.00 (posted in property forum) the assessment would just be based on sales in the area and it's not unusual for property assessments to be much less than the true value. Once an actual sale happens, the assessment value is better reflected. The point I was making is that it was a very nicely done house and DM may have lived there on his own and perhaps had only recently moved in under the same roof as WM. Just thought I'd clarify it before I get out of range! MOO


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Maybe with so many 'homes' available, Dellen stayed wherever he wanted, depending what was convenient at the time. Possible also is the scenario that Dellen started to stay at Maple Court to feel closer to his dad after his dad passed. His dads belongings would have been there....and after someone dies all you have left is their belongings.....seems like a good reason to be there to me...
Maybe with so many 'homes' available, Dellen stayed wherever he wanted, depending what was convenient at the time. Possible also is the scenario that Dellen started to stay at Maple Court to feel closer to his dad after his dad passed. His dads belongings would have been there....and after someone dies all you have left is their belongings.....seems like a good reason to be there to me...

"His Maple Gate home, which police searched after his arrest, was completely customized as a party pad where he and his friends could relax and have fun, featuring a large aquarium stocked with fish and turtles, said Mr. Ménardo."

I hope he asked his party friends not to touch his dad's stuff.
I hope he asked his party friends not to touch his dad's stuff.

WM could have asked them himself. The friend quoted in that particular interview visited DM's home in the summer of 2011 (according to the photos on FB), so WM would have still been alive.
I see nothing wrong with reporters going into someone's home when they are invited to do so. Obviously someone outside of LE allowed/invited them in, after the investigation was complete. Once again, LE have strict protocols to follow and this would be one rule; NO ONE be allowed onto premises while an investigation is under way. This is one way of risking tainting of evidence. Obviously someone known to DM had access to his home, allowing the media in. Someone had to have, otherwise it could lead to a lawsuit against the reporting company, as it is considered break and enter. MB, DP, friend, tenant? HTH and MOO.


And who and where is the owner who could launch such a suit? Who is the sole living individual familiar with the contents of the home? Oh, riiight......
MOO Even in the unlikely event that there was someone else with access to DM's home, under the circumstances I doubt that such an individual would also be empowered to throw open the doors to let the press wander about. JMO. MOO. :moo:
No need to miss his party pad and fish if uninvolved in the TB murder.

If he's uninvolved and still incarcerated he should seek better counsel.
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