Suspect #1: Dellen Millard *Charged* 1st Deg Murder 15 May 2013 #3

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Did they make everyone sign in at the courtroom, and where can I see this list to make sure that MB was absent? It's a little early to be judging who may be judging whom at this point, in my opinion. To speculate on the feelings of a mother for her only child is unsavoury, in my opinion, and to speculate that she may have judged and rejected her child goes against what normally happens, from what I can tell, and frankly is a bit of a harsh judgement of MB, who is herself a victim in this case, in my opinion.

Personally I find it quite normal that someone who apparently shuns the media, is likely to avoid the circus-like atmosphere that accompanies even the most minor of court dates, when she can go and visit him in person. Court dates are not visits, they don't get to sit and have tea together after, they are not even allowed to speak to each other from what I know. Wouldn't it make more sense for her to save her visits to see him privately without all the media there, set to capture her emotions to feed the appetites of the media loving masses?

I really don't think that this is any way to try to determine a person's guilt or innocence; basing a supposition on what their mom might be seen doing or not doing, and using that to try to determine what she might be thinking and feeling. To me, it makes even less sense than saying 'he is in jail, therefore he must be guilty'. Of course, this is all my opinion only.


I will again explain my posts.....

There was a question or discussion or doubt raised concerning`.discussing MB's support or lack of(depending on view) I posted that an option is that she may be demonstrating her support(lack of)by her absence MAYBE!! With MAYBE beiing the KEY word.

Then I supported that possible option by referencing the neighbor's media reported view when they stated DM wasn't seen around much. Which tends to cause reasonable conclusions that they weren't close(MB and DM)

Then speaking to the other option, I stated MB was a private person before and is probably doing the same now. Then further supported that with stating it was the best position she has available.

<modsnip> Apparently you missed the point of my post.

Thank you in advance.
I'm sorry AA, I thought that when it said that 'Maybe MB has judged him as witnessed by her absence', that it meant that MB has judged her son and is using what some say is her absence (although unproven) at the court house as a way of showing how she has judged him negatively. Perhaps it was meant that she has judged him positively, which would be much more likely for a mother to do, no matter what her only child was accused of. Either way, in my opinion, which is all that I was stating, I think that it is unsavoury to be sleuthing out the emotions and thoughts and motives of the parent of the accused. She should not have to worry that everything she does or doesn't do somehow reflects on the possible guilt or innocence of her son, that would be an unfair extra burden to her, in my opinion.

From what I recall of the other recent posts on this topic, the other posters wondered if she was there at all, or if she is trying to stay out of the glare, as we all seem to agree might be likely. Anyone may add their opinion to that conversation, and everyone has a right to their opinion, just as I have a right to mine, even if it is contrary to that of others; it has nothing to do with comprehension.

And RH, I would love to oblige, but as I stated in almost every single sentence of the post being referring to, it was my opinion. <modsnip>

Hope that helps.
IMO... IF MB is in fact staying away, at this point, I don't blame her. It's all just a media circus with people trying to grab on to any shred of anything they can to get a story. Adding to the fact that the appearances at are very brief, it just makes sense to me that she stays away.

Just as it makes sense that the Bosma families show up. SB has said from day one she wants to make sure no one forgets Tim and that she will honour him. Going to the appearances is a way she can do this.

Neither is right, neither is wrong, in my opinion only of course.
IMHO I think DP should do some research as to what constitutes a serial killer/predator. Then again IIRC murder cases are not his specialty.

Toronto lawyer Tim Danson, who represented the families of two of Mr. Bernardo’s victims, said the “only reasonable inference” to draw from Sgt. MacDonald’s involvement is that police suspect a serial predator was involved. “If they’re bringing in this individual, who has this specific role, then how can it be anything else?” he said.

Mr. Millard’s lawyer, Deepak Paradkar, played down the co-ordinator’s involvement, saying the “reasonable likelihood” investigative standard is a “very, very low threshold.”

“I don’t see this implicating my client whatsoever as being a serial predator,” he said. “Serial, to me, it’s somebody who acts in a similar manner with similar crimes, similar victims. These are, to me, completely distinct cases.”

A serial killer is traditionally defined as a person who has murdered three or more people over a period of more than a month, with down time (a "cooling off period") between the murders. The motivation for killing is usually based on psychological gratification.

Paul Durousseau raped and murdered at least seven young women.
Sex is the primary motive of lust killers, whether or not the victims are dead, and fantasy plays a large role in their killings. Their sexual gratification depends on the amount of torture and mutilation they perform on their victims. The serial sexual murderer has a psychological need to have absolute control, dominance, and power over his victims, and the infliction of torture, pain, and ultimately death is used in an attempt to fulfill his need.

The primary motive of a thrill killer is to induce pain or terror in their victims, which provides stimulation and excitement for the killer. They seek the adrenaline rush provided by hunting and killing victims. Thrill killers murder only for the kill; usually the attack is not prolonged, and there is no sexual aspect. Usually the victims are strangers, although the killer may have followed them for a period of time.

Comfort (profit)
Material gain and a comfortable lifestyle are the primary motives of comfort killers. Usually, the victims are family members and close acquaintances. After a murder, a comfort killer will usually wait for a period of time before killing again to allow any suspicions by family or authorities to subside.

The main objective for this type of serial killer is to gain and exert power over their victim. Such killers are sometimes abused as children, leaving them with feelings of powerlessness and inadequacy as adults.

[ame=""]Serial killer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
Long but interesting read IMO.

Psychopathy and Serial Murder
Attendees at the Serial Murder Symposium agreed that there is no generic profile of a serial murderer. Serial killers differ in many ways, including their motivations for killing and their behavior at the crime scene. However, attendees did identify certain traits common to some serial murderers, including sensation seeking, a lack of remorse or guilt, impulsivity, the need for control, and predatory behavior. These traits and behaviors are consistent with the psychopathic personality disorder. Attendees felt it was very important for law enforcement and other professionals in the criminal justice system to understand psychopathy and its relationship to serial murder.

Psychopathy is a personality disorder manifested in people who use a mixture of charm, manipulation, intimidation, and occasionally violence to control others, in order to satisfy their own selfish needs. Although the concept of psychopathy has been known for centuries, Dr. Robert Hare led the modern research effort to develop a series of assessment tools, to evaluate the personality traits and behaviors attributable to psychopaths.

Dr. Hare and his associates developed the Psychopathy Check List Revised (PCL-R) and its derivatives, which provide a clinical assessment of the degree of psychopathy an individual possesses. These instruments measure the distinct cluster of personality traits and socially-deviant behaviors of an individual, which fall into four factors: interpersonal, affective, lifestyle, and anti-social.

The interpersonal traits include glibness, superficial charm, a grandiose sense of self-worth, pathological lying, and the manipulation of others. The affective traits include a lack of remorse and/or guilt, shallow affect, a lack of empathy, and failure to accept responsibility. The lifestyle behaviors include stimulation-seeking behavior, impulsivity, irresponsibility, parasitic orientation, and a lack of realistic life goals. The anti-social behaviors include poor behavioral controls, early childhood behavior problems, juvenile delinquency, revocation of conditional release, and criminal versatility. The combination of these individual personality traits, interpersonal styles, and socially deviant lifestyles are the framework of psychopathy and can manifest themselves differently in individual psychopaths.
DM does have a box around his tattoo as described by BO. I was able to get a screenshot of it from the video of him, on a sailboat in Croatia. It's on his right wrist which can just barely be seen at the bottom left corner of the image. :thumb::woohoo:

The sailing video can be found at the end of the tweets.

The business owner described the two men as suspicious and added to the description already provided by police.

The first suspect has the word &#8220;Ambition&#8221; tattooed on his wrist with a box around it, police said, adding that it&#8217;s a rather uncommon tattoo.


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It does not state in the article what physical feature was recorded on DM's 208 contact card but I will guess as others have, it was most likely his "ambition" tattoo as I would not say there were any other "permanent and/or different" features which would make him more identifiable. Of course maybe the red Mohawk. :scared: Which could have been cut off to disguise himself. Maybe it was also listed on the card. MOO.

More recently, a physical feature recorded on a “208” contact card during a traffic stop led police to accused murderer Dellen Millard.

This is the link with video where Kav. gives descriptions of perps and tattoo.


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DM does have a box around his tattoo as described by BO. I was able to get a screenshot of it from the video of him, on a sailboat in Croatia. It's on his right wrist which can just barely be seen at the bottom left corner of the image.

It certainly does not look like there is a box or frame of any kind around the lettering here:

Cansleuth .... I believe someone mentioned "ambition" came first , then later the box was added around it ... making it "unique" from other "ambition" tattoos

By the way , when I expand swedies screen shot I can see a faint outline of a box .... in your picture I cannot for some reason.

I have a picture of the tattoo while DM is in his helicopter but cannot tell if there is a box around it. Focus is poor.
Cansleuth .... I believe someone mentioned "ambition" came first , then later the box was added around it ... making it "unique" from other "ambition" tattoos

By the way , when I expand swedies screen shot I can see a faint outline of a box .... in your picture I cannot for some reason.

I have a picture of the tattoo while DM is in his helicopter but cannot tell if there is a box around it. Focus is poor.

Just a thought ... DM was known to be a doodler. Some teens with tatts, for some reason unknown to me and most of mankind ;), will use markers to doodle other things on themselves.

In the Baja café pic, his right wrist seems to have some faint lines, but could just be skin folds? You really have to zoom in ...
Tattoo can be seen here but hard to tell if there is a box around it or not


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Was DM wearing a watch at the time (on the arm with the tattoo) whoever it was reported about the tattoo?
Tattoo can be seen here but hard to tell if there is a box around it or not

This is a good picture, Arnie, thanks. In my opinion, the edge around this tattoo is definitely uneven, not straight like the lines of a box. When was this footage taken, do you recall? I have seen pictures of the tattoo without a box a few times, but have yet to see a picture with a box around it.

For some reason, I imagine that if someone was going to doodle on their tattoo before setting out to commit a serious crime, I would think that they would doodle something that obscures the real tattoo with something, like a typical skull tattoo doodled over a memorable word tattoo.
Cansleuth .... I believe someone mentioned "ambition" came first , then later the box was added around it ... making it "unique" from other "ambition" tattoos

By the way , when I expand swedies screen shot I can see a faint outline of a box .... in your picture I cannot for some reason.

I have a picture of the tattoo while DM is in his helicopter but cannot tell if there is a box around it. Focus is poor.

The images are both from the same video captured within a fraction of a second from each other. The time is at 40 seconds into the video and I tried quite a few times to capture the image of the tattoo. This is what I got twice with screen shot and blurry images with the other screenshots. It is difficult to capture a clear, close up because his hands are moving and so is the camera, along with the camera trying to focus. It's apparent cansleuther that image was taken during more movement which made it blurry. I highly doubt DM's wrist tattoo was blurry otherwise how would the BO be able to read the word "ambition". Just like in the image you posted; it's impossible to read. I also took screen shots of his tattoo on his rib cage, right side and in some of the screen shots I cannot make out any of the words because they are blurry; while is some screenshots I can actually make out the words. HTH and :moo:
Was DM wearing a watch at the time (on the arm with the tattoo) whoever it was reported about the tattoo?

The business owner who also had a Dodge Ram truck for sale in which the accused were suggested to have test drove the day before TB disappeared didn't say whether the suspect (DM) was wearing a watch, but the tattoo was on the wrist where someone may wear a watch, maybe a little higher up the arm. That is how the detective described it in the press release. And the business owner wasn't sure if it was his left or right wrist with the "ambition" tattoo. That alone tells me the business owner didn't have to pay too much attention to it to be able to read it. It must have been pretty obvious and clear. JMO.
Tattoo can be seen here but hard to tell if there is a box around it or not

And again in this image, it's very blurry, especially, for example his arm because there is more movement there. Look at how blurry his fingers are. Because his fingers are moving more than anything else in the image. HTH.
It's apparent cansleuther that image was taken during more movement which made it blurry. I highly doubt DM's wrist tattoo was blurry otherwise how would the BO be able to read the word "ambition". Just like in the image you posted; it's impossible to read.

It certainly is difficult (maybe impossible) to capture a screenshot from that video that isn't blurry! However if the video is watched with "HD" turned on it is quite apparent that the tattoo does not have a box around it, even if the actual word cannot be read clearly. There are also a few photos of DM on FB that show neither wrist tattoo is framed in a box. Whether a box was added to one or both wrists after is anyone's guess at this point.

It's unfortunate that Molly Hayes did not mention seeing DM's tattoo when she visited him - especially since she pointedly mentioned his sleeves were rolled up to expose his forearms. If she was only a couple of feet away from him, she may have been able to get a good look.

Millard stood tall behind the glass during the brief visit; his orange coveralls zipped up all the way, with the sleeves rolled halfway up his arms.
The pictures (to me) do not clearly show a box around "ambition" at the time they were taken so thus my assumption it was added later ... I dont feel like looking up all the photos right now ... but I am sure he had many more tattoos added since then.

I think LE said "ambition" is a common tattoo , but the location of the one on the suspect plus the box around it made it unique.
The pictures (to me) do not clearly show a box around "ambition" at the time they were taken so thus my assumption it was added later ... I dont feel like looking up all the photos right now ... but I am sure he had many more tattoos added since then.

I think LE said "ambition" is a common tattoo , but the location of the one on the suspect plus the box around it made it unique.

May I ask, how are you so sure that he has had many more tattoos added, and can we get links to that information, please? And since when, exactly?
DM does have a box around his tattoo as described by BO. I was able to get a screenshot of it from the video of him, on a sailboat in Croatia. It's on his right wrist which can just barely be seen at the bottom left corner of the image. :thumb::woohoo:

The sailing video can be found at the end of the tweets.

The business owner described the two men as suspicious and added to the description already provided by police.

The first suspect has the word &#8220;Ambition&#8221; tattooed on his wrist with a box around it, police said, adding that it&#8217;s a rather uncommon tattoo.

Well IMO pictures don't lie and from this image I captured it's pretty obvious there appears to be what looks like a couple of line which very well could be "the box" around DM's "ambition" tattoo. Maybe the BO was mistaken when he included the box around the ambition tattoo but I am doubting that because he obviously got a good enough look at it to decipher the word "ambition". It would be interesting to know if the 208 card had the box description. Maybe DM had the box tattooed on after that random stop by LE. That may have been DM's way of somewhat changing the appearance/description of the tattoo should his name come up with LE again. MOO.

I have enlarged it to 300. HTH.


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