Suspect Drew Peterson #4

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I can't believe this guy is still walking the streets much less griping about getting his "stuff" back.

Websleuthers lets never let up on getting justice for Kathy and Stacy!

I am so afraid this is just another "fade into the woodwork" case! The thought of it that happening just breaks my heart!:angel:
I can't believe this guy is still walking the streets much less griping about getting his "stuff" back.

Websleuthers lets never let up on getting justice for Kathy and Stacy!

I am so afraid this is just another "fade into the woodwork" case! The thought of it that happening just breaks my heart!:angel:

ditto what you said.:clap::clap:
Has anyone seen this "brilliant" Brodsky quote?

"and Peterson started pushing each to see which opened his own garage.

"When Drew pushed one of the garage door openers, it must have inadvertently opened Sharon's garage," Brodsky said. "Drew didn't even know he did it."

Now, I don't know about you all, but if there are garage door openers in MY car I'm going to ASSUME they are all for MY OWN garage. Obviously he knew one opened the neighbor's garage; the behavior of someone who doesn't know such a thing is to drive up to their garage hit the remote and be surprised that it does NOT open your door....not sit there and say hey, I wonder if this remote in MY car opens MY door?

Where did Brodsky buy his degree?
I can't figure why Brodsky even goes on Nancy Grace, she turns him into mince meat.
Poor Sharon, imagine DP having access to her home, she must be freaking, especially if she has knowledge of Kathleen's story.
How much longer can this guy walk the streets?
"To irritate her" that is BS. That was a move to intimidate her. To say, "see I can get into your home anytime I want." JAB didn't say, but I wonder if Sharon called police? And I wonder if that couldn't be called an illegal entry? He didn't enter... but he did break into her home.

The article indicates that Sharon did reprogram her garage door opener. Now I don't have a garage door opener. But doesn't that work something like a univeral remote and you can use the remote to "search" for the correct frequency? I know I have heard of kids who used a garage door opener to open several garages in a neighborhood by using one remote. She needs to make sure there is a strong lock on her interior door and probably to put a lock on the inside of her garage door. And they need to be kept locked whether she is at home or not.
Interesting video that Tom's Girl posted in the media thread. I hope that Sharon will start emphasizing how much she misses Stacy, how much she thinks about her every day, and how much it comforts her to be posting the flyers in that she is trying to do anything she can to help find Stacy.

Then she could respond to DrewP by saying she is not sure why DrewP is so concerned with the signs, why he seems to feel that having pictures of their mother around should frighten or harass them (after all, Stacy's kids can't read.) In other words be "perplexed" not "confrontive." That will make it more personal to her, and less "confrontive" to DrewP.

One danger in this type of situation though is that DrewP will use this type of situation to show the older kids that he is being "persecuted" and they might become more defensive of him. Which means they are more likely to try to cover for him.
His next-door neighbor, Sharon Bychowski, said her garage door opener was in Stacy Peterson's car and that, as Drew Peterson was checking different openers on Tuesday, he opened her garage.

She said when she demanded the opener back, he refused.

The neighbor now says she wants a judge to decide.

She took out a restraining order...sorry if this is old news, I saw a new link in Media thread by chico and didn't konw if you all were discussing.
From what I can gather from JAB on NG, Drew on the news, and Sharon in the news article..Drew has been stupid enough to keep this garage door opener rather then just give it back. Even when the police responded to Sharon's call he refused to turn it over. He refused to do as the cops requested. Also interesting is that Sharon had requested the LE take it earlier during their searches of the house and car way back when. Le said they didn't find it in the house or in the cars. To me this says Drew has had Sharon's garage door opener all along and was just waiting for the cars to come back so he could show it off to intimidate Sharon.

Also if there are restraining orders against Drew, Drew will not be allowed to have his gun ownership card back or the guns..nor will they go to Steve. No judge is stupid enough to believe Drew wouldn't go over to Steve's and take the guns himself. So I hope Sharon does file that restraining order against Drew.

Drew needs to start thinking with his head and not other body parts..and JAB just needs to start thinking and keep his mouth shut.

The article that Chico posted has changed. Sharon's restraining order was denied. Sharon says she is going to get a security camera. I wonder if there is any chance that we could get her aim that just slightly toward DrewP's door, and put it up with web access?

And JAB says that DrewP didn't mean to scare Sharon! Wonder if that is why he didn't give the remote back to her, because he didn't mean to scare her?

Edited to add: Stacy owns the house??? According to what DrewP told Suburban Chicago, Stacy's name is on the title. I wonder if it is joint with DrewP or in her name alone?
IBNora, thanks for the new article. So Ric Mimms finally told LE a "few weeks ago" that DrewP still has a gun. According to Mimms, the gun is now in LE possession. There hasn't been any word of a new search warrant, so I wonder how they came to get it?

So with the new gun, plus another that LE asked Mimms if he recognized, that makes 12-13 guns they got from DrewP (what army was he expecting to face? is he a militia member?.) Now what rationalization does DrewP offer as to why he (such an "honorable man" and dedicated police officer) did not turn the other guns over to LE when they requested them??? Wouldn't you expect an honorable police officer who was trying to cooperate in the search for his missing wife, to give up all his guns???

The fact that he was hiding a gun or guns is not going to look good at his hearing trying to get his guns back or given to his son!
Drew Peterson's mother is reportedly testifying before the grand jury today.

Police Interested in New Gun

Thursday, 20 Mar 2008, 12:46 PM CDT
The Will County grand jury today expects to hear from Drew Peterson's mother. They want to know what she knows regarding Drew's relationship with his last two wives. More from Kelly Kraft. VIDEO


Family members are fighting Peterson's mother's subpoena. They said she suffers from Alzheimer's disease.

Hopefully we will hear more about this affliction.
Hasn't she been "helping" DrewP with the kids? Would DrewP really leave his children with someone who wasn't with it? (I know, stupid question, of course he would.) Didn't his mommy speak to the media in his defense at one point? She sounded really lucid then!
What the mom, Betty Morphey previously said:

Drew Peterson's Mother Speaks Out

"His mother spoke to the Chicago Sun-Times Monday and the newspaper's headline on Tuesday read: "Drew's Mom's Message To Stacy: 'I'm ashamed of her for putting her family through this.'"

Drew Peterson's mother, Betty Morphey, also said, "I could swear on a bible that he would never hurt anyone at any time.""


""Betty Morphey, Drew Peterson's mother, told FOX News that she just saw Stacy last weekend, talking about plans for Thanksgiving.

Morphey said she doesn't know anything about her disappearance, adding that Drew and Stacy were happy.

"As far as we know, everything is fine with them. They get along," Morphey said."
And, from the interview with the Chicago Sun Times:
(The article is no longer online)

'He would never hurt anyone'
Mom of husband believes his missing wife just ran off and is still alive

Tuesday November 20, 2007

"Drew Peterson's mom, Betty Morphey, had strong words Monday for Stacy Peterson, who she believes left Peterson and their two children and ran off with another man, as her son contends.

"I would tell her I'm ashamed of her for putting the family through this," Morphey said. "She knows where she is.""

"In a lengthy interview, Morphey, 79, spoke about how heartbreaking she finds the insinuation that her son would harm anyone. Stacy's family believes the young mother would never have left her two children and fear she is dead.

"I could swear on a Bible that he would never hurt anyone at any time," Morphey said. "I'm proud he's my son and I feel so bad he's got to go through all this because of her. She was just too young." There is a 30-year age difference between Drew and Stacy Peterson.

On Monday morning, Morphey watched her son's ex-wife Carol Brown on ''Good Morning America'' instead of Peterson and his attorney on the "Today" show.

Both interviews took place the same day the body of Peterson's third wife, Kathleen Savio, was re-buried. Savio's body was exhumed Nov. 13 after Will County State's Attorney James Glasgow said there were "strong indications" her death was staged to look like an accident.

Had Morphey watched "Today," she would have seen her son say he was "worried" about his missing wife, Stacy, but again maintain she ran away with another man."


"Morphey said Monday that Brown was a "lovely girl" who spoke the truth about her husband on morning television.

"They got married so young," Morphey said. Drew Peterson and Carol Brown married when she was still in high school and he was a recent graduate. "That's why that didn't last. I wish he would have stayed married to her forever."

Morphey said she didn't know anything about allegations of adultery that Peterson's former wives have leveled against him.

"I can't picture him doing anything to hurt anyone," she said.

Morphey said she has lost weight over the last three weeks and is sick to her stomach over the idea that her son, a former police officer and military veteran, had anything to do with his third wife's death and fourth wife's disappearance.

"All of this is not necessary," she said. "She didn't have to walk out and leave everybody stranded and not knowing what to do. All she has to do is call and say she's fine.""
His mother has not been helping him...She is over 80 years old..where did you get that idea from anyway. if she suffers from whatever we have only heard of it now..I think that she knows and can say something against he son Drew...There has had to be so much termoil with the news between both SONS.
I think we have the idea Drew's mom has been helping with the kids and holidays etc. Maybe she hasn't helped out with the smaller children.

But she certainly is between a rock and a hard space since her son says he didn't do anything with Stacy and her stepson seems to think he helped move a container with Stacy's body in it.

Is Tom Drew's mom's stepson or her bio son. I know Tom is Drew's stepbrother, but I wasn't sure rather he is a bio son of his mom's or a stepson from her second marriage?

I'd still like to know how LE got their hands on the other gun. There has been no mention of another search warrant, you know DrewP didn't turn it in. So who had access and gave it to LE or how did they get their hands on it?

And how many other guns does he have that hasn't been found?
I think we have the idea Drew's mom has been helping with the kids and holidays etc. Maybe she hasn't helped out with the smaller children.

But she certainly is between a rock and a hard space since her son says he didn't do anything with Stacy and her stepson seems to think he helped move a container with Stacy's body in it.

Is Tom Drew's mom's stepson or her bio son. I know Tom is Drew's stepbrother, but I wasn't sure rather he is a bio son of his mom's or a stepson from her second marriage?


Tom Morphey is her stepson, her current husband's son from his former marriage.

If Tom was her biological son by her second husband, Tom would be Drew Peterson's half-brother - same mother, different father.

I agree that DP's mother is between a rock and a hard place. Her own son is a suspect in his fourth wife's disappearance and may eventually be charged in the murder of his third wife.

Her husband's son states he helped DP carry a container from the Peterson bedroom to the Denali the day Stacy disappeared and her stepson, Tom Morphey, says that container was warm to the touch.

I have my doubts that DP's mother has Alzheimers. I think it would have been noticeable in that interview she gave in November. If she had Alzheimers, would she have remembered DP's first wife, Carol Brown, and details about when they got married?
The problem Drew has with his family be interviewed by the GJ is two fold..he can't be there to hear what they say..and he wants to know what they say..and this is another control issue..he can't control his family members when he isn't standing there with them.. the loss of control over people is huge to him right now. Esspecially with the boys, if they have to appear again.
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