Suspect Drew Peterson #4

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ITA DD, control is a huge issue hence the (wink) Alzhemiers, Drew's mother must be so proud! I really can't understand why this guy is still walking around, the wheels of justice sure are turning slow regarding this case.
I think Betty Morphey may suffer from slight, to moderate Dementia which is common with someone that age.

I think the reference to Alzheimer's was used instead of using the proper term, I've seen/heard others use the same term all too frequently.
It would be difficult for DrewP's mom I agree. But also think about the stepfather. His son has said he thought he helped to dispose of his wife's daughter-in-law. And his son's statement helped to make his wife's son a suspect! I wouldn't want to be in his shoes right now. I wonder if he has seen his son lately?
It would be difficult for DrewP's mom I agree. But also think about the stepfather. His son has said he thought he helped to dispose of his wife's daughter-in-law. And his son's statement helped to make his wife's son a suspect! I wouldn't want to be in his shoes right now. I wonder if he has seen his son lately?
We sure haven't seen any recent photos or heard anything from Paul Peterson have we???
Actually I think that Drew's mom and stepfather would know very little of what went on between Drew and Stacy and Drew and Kathleen. I feel pretty certain that neither Kathleen nor Stacy would have confided in them or ask them for help. We know Drew would have put on the perfect son show for them when they were together. I doubt that Paul or Tom has said much about this situation to them either.

But I do wonder if they have tried to see Tom and what they have been told about him. I think he is in the WPP, rather then a hospital, but what do they tell family members in that case?

I still think that if Paul came forward that he could give some very pertinent info..I wonder if he will crack under the pressure of the whole family having been called, his parents, his nephews, himself..I certain they will want to interview him again...Hope he does the right thing and doesn't help Drew keep this little charade going of the honorable man, policeman and husband. Honorable husbands don't cheat on their wives and stalk and keep tabs on them 24/7.
It would be difficult for DrewP's mom I agree. But also think about the stepfather. His son has said he thought he helped to dispose of his wife's daughter-in-law. And his son's statement helped to make his wife's son a suspect! I wouldn't want to be in his shoes right now. I wonder if he has seen his son lately?

There's a lot of indications that Tom Morphey is in some sort of police protection. Under those circumstances, I would think phone calls would be allowed to family, but the calls are probably monitored.
Actually I think that Drew's mom and stepfather would know very little of what went on between Drew and Stacy and Drew and Kathleen. I feel pretty certain that neither Kathleen nor Stacy would have confided in them or ask them for help. We know Drew would have put on the perfect son show for them when they were together. I doubt that Paul or Tom has said much about this situation to them either.

But I do wonder if they have tried to see Tom and what they have been told about him. I think he is in the WPP, rather then a hospital, but what do they tell family members in that case?

I still think that if Paul came forward that he could give some very pertinent info..I wonder if he will crack under the pressure of the whole family having been called, his parents, his nephews, himself..I certain they will want to interview him again...Hope he does the right thing and doesn't help Drew keep this little charade going of the honorable man, policeman and husband. Honorable husbands don't sheat on their wives and stalk and keep tabs on them 24/7.

I would think that Paul Peterson would know that at some point, there will be charges made against his brother. If he had any part in helping DP - lying about what he knew - Paul would be better off telling the truth and letting the chips fall where they may.
I wonder who will be called to the GJ this week? They seem to be calling everyone that ever had any contact with Drew, Stacy or Kathleen.
Could there be a week that goes by that Drew doesn't do a publicity story about himself? He is really ramping up for something big..he just has not let up for the past month. Tainted jury pool? yes Drew tainted by your own self interest and actions.
Could there be a week that goes by that Drew doesn't do a publicity story about himself? He is really ramping up for something big..he just has not let up for the past month. Tainted jury pool? yes Drew tainted by your own self interest and actions.

If DP were innocent, and there was no evidence to link him to the death of Kathleen Savio or to the disappearance of Stacy, there would be no need for any publicity. In that case the grand jury wouldn't have any reason to indict him, and eventually the story would fade away.

I agree - DP tainted the jury pool by his own actions and inactions, and now he;s trying to clean up his image before he's arrested.
Yeah, I can't wait until his trial. You know one of the first motions the defense will file will be a motion for change of venue. I just hope the judge takes into account how many of the "exclusives" were "press releases and interviews" given by DrewP's legal representative, and interviews that DrewP voluntarily gave out himself.
Wonder if the pros is getting too close for comfort. DP sure is hitting the airwaves recently. Heck, he's even had his attorney out on the media trail too.:bang: Something's up, IMHO.

If DP were innocent, and there was no evidence to link him to the death of Kathleen Savio or to the disappearance of Stacy, there would be no need for any publicity. In that case the grand jury wouldn't have any reason to indict him, and eventually the story would fade away.

I agree - DP tainted the jury pool by his own actions and inactions, and now he;s trying to clean up his image before he's arrested.

I so have to agree with you Leila....Let's hope he is arrested soon!!!
He tries too hard to come across as the poor grieving husband. A man that really thought the woman he loved left him for another man would still be searching for her.

The story says that he can't get a job. Does he really need one? I think we discussed how much he was getting from retirement early on in the case. If memory serves correctly it was well over 60,000.00.

I pray each and every day that he is arrested and arrested soon. A man who is suspected of killing his last two wives is surprised when he walks into somewhere and people are whispering??:mad: This guy is so far out of touch with reality!
The thing is that DP is a lousy actor. Even Scott Peterson tried to play the role of the frantic and grieving husband, going out on search parties for Laci, printing and posting flyers, going before the cameras and acting like he was grief-stricken.

DP never did any of those things. He never joined in the search parties for Stacy or posted a flyer, because he knew that spending a day searching the woods would be a futile effort because he knew what happened and where she was.

DP said that Stacy "ran off with another man", yet.......he just let it go, never once making an effort to find her, never going before the cameras and making a plea to her....."Stacy please come home.....the children and I miss you." He didn't file a missing persons report or go to court and get sole custody of the children........something one would expect if he thought she might come back and take the children from him. But, he knows Stacy is never coming back, so he didn't bother to do anything.

He knows exactly what happened to Stacy and where she is right now.
He knows exactly what happened to Stacy and where she is right now.
I also think that he feels comfortable that she will never be found. I just hope that he was rushed due to Cassandra and others calling him, causing him to make some mistakes.

I keep wondering WHEN this guy will be arrested? IMO, he has murdered at least his last two wives.
If Drew had help and he told that individual to do something with Stacy's body so it is never found...then he may not know where it is. He may have paid them and said I don't want to know any details..I just want her body to disappear. He may not know the exact location because he told the person don't tell me I don't want to know. It seems like the type of thing he would do. Just throwing it out there incase there is another
twist to this story.

He is such a bad actor which is what made me think that since he couldn't squelch the investigation with Stacy the way he did Kathleen's maybe he paid someone to move the body. Maybe he was meeting with that person on the 3 day get away in late Oct early Nov. That way he has no idea where the body is. Which would explain watching the searches of the canal with his attorney.

Also he keeps saying he wants to move, but he can't sell the house because the deed is in Stacy's name. Well, if the house was paid off, as we heard previously, then how was he able to take out a home equity loan for $250 grand to give to his son Steve? He did this after Stacy went missing. That just doesn't make any sense either does it? WHO WOULD LOAN YOU MONEY ON THE EQUITY OF A HOUSE WITHOUT THE PERSON'S NAME WHO IS ON THE DEED BEING THERE TO SIGN?
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