Suspect Drew Peterson #5

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Seriously, He really isn't free as a bird. How would you like to be Drew Peterson? He's not free like the rest of us. Can you imagine how paranoid he must be? Who can he trust....a stranger online.......dear friends????

Those of us who want justice desperately want this guy behind bars. But, we have to give LE the benefit of any doubts we have. They just can't make an arrest until they believe they can get a conviction. We can't forget OJ. He was arrested too quickly and the trial started BEFORE all the evidence had been analyzed. Let the OJ debacle be the standard. This guy needs to be behind bars for life. We can pray, be hopeful, and be patient; and that's the best we can do.
As much as I know you are right, I just keep thinking that if the waiting seems so unbearable to us, can you imagine what it's like for her loved ones? The same for Lisa Stebic. I know this whole saga just makes me incredibly sad to think that such a young life has most certainly be snuffed out.

Whenever I see a picture of drEW (emphasis on Ewwwwwwww) with his sexy under eye baggage and jowls that would make an ole brood sow jealous, it makes me vomit just a little in my mouth. It's just very unfortunate that even when (yes, I said WHEN, I refuse to think of any other outcome, sorry) he is finally sent to prison, he won't enjoy the company of the other inmates. Because of him being an ex-police officer it will still allow him different treatment then most. That, my friends, is a d@mn shame if you ask me. I betcha there are some inmates that would love nothing more than to reacquaint themselves with him. Pity that will never take root.
Seriously, He really isn't free as a bird. How would you like to be Drew Peterson? He's not free like the rest of us. Can you imagine how paranoid he must be? Who can he trust....a stranger online.......dear friends????

He's not paranoid....And who can he trust, the ones that own him BIG favors.. He's not the only nutjob in that county.:eek:
As much as I know you are right, I just keep thinking that if the waiting seems so unbearable to us, can you imagine what it's like for her loved ones? The same for Lisa Stebic. I know this whole saga just makes me incredibly sad to think that such a young life has most certainly be snuffed out.

Whenever I see a picture of drEW (emphasis on Ewwwwwwww) with his sexy under eye baggage and jowls that would make an ole brood sow jealous, it makes me vomit just a little in my mouth. It's just very unfortunate that even when (yes, I said WHEN, I refuse to think of any other outcome, sorry) he is finally sent to prison, he won't enjoy the company of the other inmates. Because of him being an ex-police officer it will still allow him different treatment then most. That, my friends, is a d@mn shame if you ask me. I betcha there are some inmates that would love nothing more than to reacquaint themselves with him. Pity that will never take root.

Quite true, must be simply unbearable for the family members. There are so many emotions that must be coursing through them at most any time. It's probably the first thing they think of when they wake up, and the last thing they think of before going to sleep. And then, they must awaken several times through the night. Then, there are the children. There's just so much and I can't even begin to imagine going through it.

I pray for justice for Stacy. I can't help but think that by waiting a full year, without a body, they will stand a better chance with a jury. Most normal people can't imagine a Mom missing all birthdays, Christmas, Easter, Halloween, summer vacation, etc. etc. etc. I think it will be a persuasive argument that a Mom simply wouldn't miss every special day of the year with her children. At least by waiting for a full year, it won't appear to a jury that they rushed to judgment. JMO
A poker run benefit for Find Stacy. Right up DrewP's alley. Wonder if he will attend? :razz:

Of course not, what was I thinking? They might actually do some good. And if Stacy should ever be found, that would be bad for DrewP wouldn't it?
Per the article that WhiteAngora posted in media, the judge for the gun charge case today did confirm there was wire tap tapes.

Also I can't get into the book thread, but it looks like the book that DrewP gave his approval to is called "Drew Peterson Exposed"

Drew Peterson Exposed (Kunati Books, Oct 1, 2008) is a breaking-news book length investigation that presents compelling new evidence — and a stinging indictment — for one of the most provocative and high profile criminal investigations in the country. The new evidence and contents of the book remain under strict embargo until October 1, 2008, when the key points will be revealed on national television in an exclusive breaking interview.

“For months we’ve guarded the contents of Drew Peterson Exposed, working under strict non-disclosure agreements,” said author Derek Armstrong. Armstrong hopes the embargo will remain intact until the national broadcast and the broad release of the book on October 1, 2008.
I had so hoped that she would be found when the winter thawed, I think he knew what he was doing when he hid her body and it may never be found. This case has fallen out of the news. I wish it would be followed up on at least monthly. She deserves justice. I was so hopeful when the bones were found last weekend, but it was another Stacy....
So old Drew and JB were in court yesterday about the gun charges..that is going to be an interesting trial to watch.

And once again JB showed his ignorance by doubting the tapes that Len and Paula made existed. The judge set him straight on that issue..........they exist, the judge has them and their are many, many tapes!,4_1_JO19_PETERSON_S1.article

link came from a posting Chico made in the media thread..ty Chico
What caught my attention is the attorneys fight to keep Stephen off the stand. First they spoke for him by saying that he would take the 5 th. I don't think they can represent him as that would be a conflict of interest. Second, why would they object to his being called to the witness stand? Obviously they don't want him questioned, and something tells me that it isn't because of the gun charges. So what does he know that they don't want him talking about?
What caught my attention is the attorneys fight to keep Stephen off the stand. First they spoke for him by saying that he would take the 5 th. I don't think they can represent him as that would be a conflict of interest. Second, why would they object to his being called to the witness stand? Obviously they don't want him questioned, and something tells me that it isn't because of the gun charges. So what does he know that they don't want him talking about?

Well, what do you want to bet that good old Stephen is on those tapes and makes some pretty incriminating speeches himself? Remember the judge is going to listen to all the tapes. And really they do have evidence on Stephen and the gun charges because at some point he had the they want to make sure he doesn't talk and that he isn't charged..but I think even if the prosecutor offered him immunity to talk he wouldn't..he and Drew are from the same mold..two peas in a pod.
LOL, little Joey doesn't seem to have much imagination. He used the same line of reasoning to try to keep DrewP's kids out of the GJ. And that time as well as this time, the prosecution did offer immunity. So it didn't work that time, and didn't work this time.

However, it does seem to lead to a conclusion that Stephen does know something otherwise they wouldn't have any interest in trying to keep Stephen off the stand. And this is only regarding him testifying on the gun charges, unless the gun is related to something more.

Stephen's testimony about knowing that DrewP had the gun wouldn't be important. They have other witnesses to that. Stephen having the gun in his possession wouldn't affect DrewP's case, so shouldn't concern little Joey and Abdood. After all if that was the concern he could get his own attorney. But yet it does concern them, and leaves me asking why?

What was said when DrewP gave Stephen the gun? When did DrewP give Stephen the gun? The gun wasn't caught in the search warrant so when did DrewP give it to Stephen? If he gave Stephen the gun say on the Sun. that it first became known that Stacey was missing, then that could be very significant.
According to Ash/Len's website DrewP is on a dating streak and is dating several including two more from the internet. I don't agree with the way they posted contact info for the girls, but I guess they should have known they would be under some heat if they dated him.
My first old are they..many girls in his range of dating, 19 to 22 years old, may not really be watching the news and reading the newspaper.
Does anyone remember when he goes back to court for the estate issues?
My first old are they..many girls in his range of dating, 19 to 22 years old, may not really be watching the news and reading the newspaper.
Any girl spending time with Drew knows exactly who he is. I'm certain he meets them in bars, and everyone talks about him when he is in a bar.
It's now October 2nd. In just 26 days we'll be seeing the first anniversary of Stacy's disappearance. I'm hoping that this anniversary doesn't come and go without DP being charged!
It's now October 2nd. In just 26 days we'll be seeing the first anniversary of Stacy's disappearance. I'm hoping that this anniversary doesn't come and go without DP being charged!
*sigh* I know, it just makes me so freaking sad. So much time has passed and we've had to endure the DrEwwwww and Joey freak show for way too long. I just want that smirk wiped off his face, actually, I'd love to be the one to wipe it off his face, actually I'd love to ....... oh, never mind, I best be good. I can't really tell you what I'd love to do. It isn't pretty.

He has IMO killed two beautiful women and is still free to roam. I just want to see him pay for his deeds. And pay dearly.

~TCO~ sitting on her hands to try to be good now.....
IMO, please keep this in the news! Since summer SP/KS case has been
put by the side........
Drew Peterson's son gets new suspension
[SIZE=-1]Chicago Breaking News - Tribune - Chicago,IL,USA[/SIZE]
The panel was investigating the role of his father, former Bolingbrook Police Sgt. Drew Peterson in the disappearance of Drew Peterson's fourth wife[/SIZE]
Drew Peterson's son gets new suspension
[SIZE=-1]Chicago Breaking News - Tribune - Chicago,IL,USA[/SIZE]
The panel was investigating the role of his father, former Bolingbrook Police Sgt. Drew Peterson in the disappearance of Drew Peterson's fourth wife[/SIZE]

You know when the author was talking about what a good :)sick:) father DrewP was I forgot about Stephen and the questions we have on his role in this. Does a good parent set the example of killing the spouse/other parent when there are problems? Does a good parent ask his children to help coverup any wrongdoing or help to hide assets? I have heard rumors about a possible role for Stephen after the fact, don't know that for a fact. But even if he wasn't involved, the actions taken by DrewP is causing more suspicion to fall on his son and is interfering with his job. Good parenting! :sick:

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