Talk on the Net/Blogs/Round town about this case - NOT FACTS/RUMORS *merged*

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I did see the second comment and went to the web site - There is a little girl of theirs named Cheyenne who does look a lot like Caylee, but it is not her.

That is most likely who the video is of in Murfesboro. I took the pictures and enlarged them, then straightened them and neither of those are Caylee in my opinion. The shaped of the face is not right, nor are the eyes that I can see.

But do you think the "sighting" was concocted and setup over myspace. This is all about reasonable doubt. We will see those MCD pictures again. IMO
I don't know...

This is such a huge mess..

I am careful of what I post cause I know Casey's camp is all over the internet planting 'reasonable doubt, and I don't wanna help them'...KWIM'

I just know that baby in TN is not Caylee....
I'm sure the myspace posting and mcdonald's sighting is just a coincidence. But why hasn't there been a posting to Casey's myspace in over a month, I wonder.
Casey being pregnant would explain the GP's behavior and why they would want to protect her. I don't do Monday mornings well so I can't say why I think it explains her silence.

If she is pregnant, they can ALL kiss that baby goodbye, because there is NO WAY children's services would ever let any of them have it.
I'm sure the myspace posting and mcdonald's sighting is just a coincidence. But why hasn't there been a posting to Casey's myspace in over a month, I wonder.

If I didn't think the commentor and her daughter were in the pictures from mcd's, I would agree about a coincidence.
If she is pregnant, they can ALL kiss that baby goodbye, because there is NO WAY children's services would ever let any of them have it.

I am almost 100% certain that CA is not pregnant. Where did this rumor come up anyways??? I mean, she would have to be like at least maybe 14-16 weeks along.....Being her 2nd child, she would have to be showing by now...At least a tiny bit.....As we all know by her famous tying of the tee, she is obviously not trying to hide anything!
I am almost 100% certain that CA is not pregnant. Where did this rumor come up anyways??? I mean, she would have to be like at least maybe 14-16 weeks along.....Being her 2nd child, she would have to be showing by now...At least a tiny bit.....As we all know by her famous tying of the tee, she is obviously not trying to hide anything!

I agree with u. The rumors about Casey perhaps being pregnant, hopefully will stop.:eek: This is getting ridiculous :bang:IMO.
I can ABSOLUTELY understand why JG is giving interviews. The Anthony clan has messed with him enough. Convincing him that Caylee was his daughter, insinuating that he had something to do with Caylee being's about time he stood up to them and their lies. Good for him.

You mean instead of running...

K - now it's time for me to weigh in on this: running from what, exactly, Renea? He took a lie detector test and passed it, so there's nothing for Jesse to run from. How you could still possibly think he has anything to do with this at this point is incredible. :waitasec:
Couldn't find another place to post this so...
I have sent emails and a complaint to the Florida Bar Association
regarding the information on the Baez web site
he clearly states in his profile that he worked for Miami/Dade Public Defenders Office from 1995 and won 32 of 34 cases he tried in the first year. The problem is Mr. Baez did not pass the Bar until 2005. Not having passed the Bar Mr. Baez would not have been permitted to try any case before the bench. Clearly this information on Mr. Baez's web page is misleading at the very least and fraud at the worst.
Anyway, I personally think Baez is a fake and have from day one, so I searched around to find anything I could about him. When I found this information I filed the complaint.
Anyone please feel free to follow suit... just so Mr. Baez doesn't think he can just do anything he wants and his client can too.
Couldn't find another place to post this so...
I have sent emails and a complaint to the Florida Bar Association
regarding the information on the Baez web site
he clearly states in his profile that he worked for Miami/Dade Public Defenders Office from 1995 and won 32 of 34 cases he tried in the first year. The problem is Mr. Baez did not pass the Bar until 2005. Not having passed the Bar Mr. Baez would not have been permitted to try any case before the bench. Clearly this information on Mr. Baez's web page is misleading at the very least and fraud at the worst.
Anyway, I personally think Baez is a fake and have from day one, so I searched around to find anything I could about him. When I found this information I filed the complaint.
Anyone please feel free to follow suit... just so Mr. Baez doesn't think he can just do anything he wants and his client can too.

In the State of Florida, a person can try a case as a Certified Legal Intern before passing the Bar. They would of course have a lawyer that has passed the bar with them as supervision. The Client only has to sign off on a form that he is allowing a certified legal intern to represent him.
anyone have any theories or know anything about the missing persons searches that were conducted on the Anthony's computer? I am extremely interested in those being that they were done 3 months before Caylee went missing.
Just an FYI everytime I click on the Myspace account my computer goes haywire ( the TN newlywed myspace)
K - now it's time for me to weigh in on this: running from what, exactly, Renea? He took a lie detector test and passed it, so there's nothing for Jesse to run from. How you could still possibly think he has anything to do with this at this point is incredible. :waitasec:

This is sickening. I watched the interview of CA last night on NG and all she did was talk about JG like he was some sort of svengali or something.

She was actually trying to pin Caylee's disappearance on him. She knows KC is responsible but is willing to see an innocent person go down for it instead of seeing her daughter FINALLY face the music.
Ok has anyone read the Police interview with Anthony Rusciano (the cop who got fired for lying about his relationship with KC) ? I beleve he is hiding something. As a former police officer he should know how to carry himself in a police interview but yet he is constantly stuttering and saying he doesn't remember saying this or that when LE has the IM transcripts right in front of his face!! Maybe AR was the guy KC's neighbor said he saw in the car with her one of the times she returned to the house backing in..?? Does everyone interviewed in this case have to lie!!!?? Is it contagious or something now!!!:furious:
This is sickening. I watched the interview of CA last night on NG and all she did was talk about JG like he was some sort of svengali or something.

She was actually trying to pin Caylee's disappearance on him. She knows KC is responsible but is willing to see an innocent person go down for it instead of seeing her daughter FINALLY face the music.

I think Cindy would prefer that she thought Jesse, whom she knew loved the child, had her instead of the alternative that she may not walk this earth. That came shattering down around her ears at the end of that interview -- it's all about denying the potential nefariousness your own flesh and blood can do.
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