Ted Bundy - Serial Killer - 1974-1978

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Bundy was born Theodore Robert Cowell at the Elizabeth Lund Home For Unwed Mothers (now the Lund Family Center[6]) in Burlington, Vermont on November 24, 1946 to Eleanor Louise Cowell (known for most of her life as Louise). The identity of his father has never been determined with certainty. His birth certificate assigns paternity to a salesman and Air Force veteran named Lloyd Marshall,[7] but Louise later claimed that she was seduced by "a sailor" whose name may have been Jack Worthington.[8] Years later, investigators would find no record of anyone by that name in Navy or Merchant Marine archives.[9] Some family members expressed suspicions that the father may actually have been Louise's own violent, abusive father, Samuel Cowell, though there was no direct evidence to support such speculation.[10]

For the first three years of his life Bundy lived in the Philadelphia home of his maternal grandparents, Samuel and Eleanor Cowell, who raised him as their son to avoid the social stigma that accompanied illegitimate birth at the time. Family, friends, and even young Ted were told that his grandparents were his parents and that his mother was his older sister. Eventually he discovered the truth, but how and when is not clear. He told his girlfriend that a cousin showed him a copy of his birth certificate after calling him a "*advertiser censored*",[11] but he told biographers Stephen Michaud and Hugh Aynesworth that he found the certificate himself.[12] Biographer and true crime writer Ann Rule, who knew Bundy personally, believes that he tracked down his original birth record in Vermont in 1969.[13] Bundy expressed a lifelong resentment toward his mother for lying about his true parentage and leaving him to discover it for himself.[14]

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Forgive me for being obtuse, but I've never really understood how Ted Bundy could believe, until 1969, that his mother was his sister. They'd left his grandparents when he was three years old, and Ted was then adopted by Louise's husband when Ted was five (1951). He took what would be (according the the story that his mother was his sister) his brother-in-law's last name. For him not to realize that his supposed sister was his mother until he was 23 years old seems far-fetched.

I'm guessing that Ted told his biographers that he'd discovered the birth certificate himself as some form of ego preservation. He must have known much earlier than 1969, and experienced some bullying because of the status.
I can't remember which Ted Bundy biography it's in (either Confessions of a Killer or Only Living Witness), but he did say he was bullied and told by cousins (I think?) that his "mother" was actually his grandmother.

I can't Ted-fend here, but if you grow up with emotionally closed people (which I feel was the case), it may not have been something he felt he could broach with his "sister." It's all odd for sure, but so was Ted.

RIP Louise.
I think in some ways it must be so much harder to be the mother of a murderer than the murder victim.
The murder victims mother will always have sympathy and support. The murderers mother will always have blame and accusations and they have to live with what their child did. The child they raised.

What an awful place to be.
Forgive me for being obtuse, but I've never really understood how Ted Bundy could believe, until 1969, that his mother was his sister. They'd left his grandparents when he was three years old, and Ted was then adopted by Louise's husband when Ted was five (1951). He took what would be (according the the story that his mother was his sister) his brother-in-law's last name. For him not to realize that his supposed sister was his mother until he was 23 years old seems far-fetched.

I'm guessing that Ted told his biographers that he'd discovered the birth certificate himself as some form of ego preservation. He must have known much earlier than 1969, and experienced some bullying because of the status.

I think he figured that she was his sister, but did not know it for a fact until he pulled his original birth certificate in 1969.
I only found out in my 50's that the woman I thought was my 1/2 sister was actually my birth mother and the woman who I believed was my mother was actually my biological grandmother. I was told my BC was "lost" and I accepted that for most of my life. The woman who raised me was 40 when I was born, so it was not biologically impossible. She had given birth to her first daughter (who turned out was my mother) when she was 18 and her second when she was 19.

My birth mother had moved out of state right after I was born. She was married 7 months after my birth to a man that was not my biological father and then gave birth to her "first" child 6 months later. The first child she claimed. They went on to have a total of 7 kids, so she actually gave birth 8 times counting me.

Anyway, all that is to say that yes, it is startling to discover such a thing. Yes it disrupts your world somewhat. But a serial killer it does not make.

However, I will say that, after finding out that I was adopted I did a lot of reading about it, and particularly with the stigma involved with out of wedlock births prior to the 80's when it started to become quite common. Back in the 30's through the 60's especially, it was quite shameful. There are also fairly credible theories about the abandonment children feel and how it affects them. There is even a fairly credible school of thought that even children that aren't told they are adopted, still feel that abandonment after bonding with their biological mothers in the womb.

At any rate, an unusually high number of killers are adopted with Ted and David Berkowitz (Son of Sam) being probably the most famous. There are also an unusually high number with various mental issues particularly depression and anxiety disorders.

I have to say, the abandonment was surprising, but even as a pretty well adjusted adult I felt it. She didn't want me, but she kept all her other kids? They all think she was a perfect mother, yet she turned her back completely on her first born? Yeah, it's a real feeling.

I was lucky. The man I thought was my biological father, the man who raised me, gave me so much confidence and taught me so much. He was not my biological father, but he will always be my dad. I have managed to give him a pass, assuming he didn't want to take on the wrath of his wife, my mother, who was really my grandmother, geeze it's confusing.

But I am still angry at both my biological mother and grandmother, both of whom died before I discovered the truth. Not for the decision they made about custody, but for not telling me.
It's hard to imagine how shocking that would be chlban. Apparently, that sort of thing was a fairly common practice back before the 1970s. A former girlfriend of mine was once married to a man who was brought up being told that his grandmother and grandfather were his parents and his mother was his older sister. When he was 16, his aunt told him the truth otherwise he might never have known. His biological father was actually a racing driver who was later killed in the Indianapolis 500.
A Ted Bundy survivor is on Dr phil today. Very frightening, sick story about what he did to her before she escaped. She never came forward before for some reason. I believe her though. They probably polygraphed her already too.

If her story is true it is a nightmare. He was literally torturing his victims, bringing them to the brink of death, over and over for his own enjoyment.
Although an extreme long shot, I wouldn't even rule out the three young woman who disappeared from the Indiana Dunes State Park in 1966. The description of the guy seen talking to the women was a close match to Bundy.
100 victims is such a high number, if he was active between 1974 and 1978 he would have had to have killed at least 25 people per year -- which I have no trouble believing he was capable of doing. Bob Keppel believes it's 100 or more and I think his word is gold.

As for his first victim being a man, I really doubt it. There is a high probability that he killed Ann-Marie Burr, when he was 14. I wouldn't say he never killed men, but I just don't think it would be frequent thing, men were not his sexual preference, if anything he'd kill men who got in the way.
Dang. My mom is a quiet person but told me a hitchhiking story once. She and a high school friend were smoking pot walking down a Washington state highway and caught a ride with a guy who ended up looking exactly like Bundy when the girls saw his photo.

The car was same and i think she said something about a guitar but i don't recall.

So glad this guy got caught. If it was him, she now has 4 kids who wouldn't exist today, if she'd been alone etc.

That lawyer, damn i feel sorry for him.


Ann Marie Burr (8)-August 31-Suspected


Survived-Lisa E. Wick (20) June 23-Suspected
Lonnie Trumbull (20) June 23-Suspected


Susan Davis (19) May 30-Suspected
Elizabeth Perry (19) May 30-Suspected


Rita Curran-(24) July 19 Suspected
Joyce LePage-(21) July 22 Suspected


Rita Lorraine Jolly (17) June 29-Suspected
Vicki Lynn Hollar (24) August 20-Suspected
Unknown hitchhiker-May-Confessed to bob keppel


Survived-Karen Sparks (18)-January 4
Lynda Ann Healy (21)-February 1
Donna Gail Manson (19)-March 12
Susan Elaine Rancourt (18)-April 17
Roberta Kathleen Parks (22)-May 6
Brenda Joy Baker (14)-May 27-Suspected
Brenda Carol Ball (22)-June 1
Georgann Hawkins (18)-June 11
Sandra Jean Weaver (19)-July 1-Suspected
Janice Ann Ott (23)-July 14
Denise Marie Naslund (19)-July 14
Carol L. Valenzuela (20)-August 2-Suspected
Martha Morrison (17)-September 1-Suspected
Nancy Wilcox (16)-October 2
Melissa Anne Smith (17)-October 18
Laura Ann Aime (17)-October 31
Survived-Carol DaRonch (18)-November 8
Debra Jean Kent (17)-November 8


Caryn Eileen Campbell (23)-January 12
Julie Cunningham (26)-March 15
Denise Lynn Oliverson (25)-April 6
Melanie Suzanne "Suzy" Cooley (18)-April 15-Suspected
Lynette Dawn Culver (12)-May 6
Susan Curtis (15)-June 28
Shelly Kay Robertson (24)-July 1-Suspected
Nancy Perry Baird (23)-July 4-Suspected


Debbie Smith (17)-February-Suspected


Margaret Elizabeth Bowman (21)-January 15
Lisa Levy (20)-January 15
Survived-Karen Chandler (21)-January 15
Survived-Kathy Kleiner (21)-January 15
Survived-Cheryl Thomas (21)-January 15
Survived-Kimberly Diane Leach (12)
Kimberly Diane Leach (12) was killed not Survived
Was researching "Ted Bundy" appearances in newspaper archives and found this a little funny. Has to be considered self-defense against a future attack for the woman. From August 7th, 1965's East Liverpool Review.

Gil Thorp comic strip Aug 7 1965 East Liverpool Review.JPG
The evil smile of Ted Bundy: Unseen photos that were locked in a safe for decades show serial killer who murdered at least 30 women grinning after his capture

A Colorado newspaper has discovered 40-year-old, unseen photos of serial killer Ted Bundy smiling for the cameras as he is led down the steps of a courthouse.

The images of the man who admitted murdering 30 women were locked in an antique safe in the newsroom of the Glenwood Springs Post Independent.

They portray the anxious times in 1977 when Bundy escaped from local law enforcement agencies twice in six months.

Didn't he get married in prison and has a child?
I have a coworker whose maiden name was Bundy. Apparently when she was little, there was a clerk at a video store who would always comment, "are you related to Ted Bundy?" so one day her dad told her how to answer. She said, "Uncle Ted is my favorite uncle!" He's not... they aren't even related, but the clerk stopped asking. Lol

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