Tempo Restaurant: What Happened There?

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I agree....wondering could JM have let HG in the side door once he was in??? Then they both exit the side door.

That sounds like a very reasonable explanation, but no one in the place saw HG with JM? That part sounds unreasonable, especially given her described condition--both at the Mall by WG, and then by Abby.
Right...I understand that

What I and a lot of other posters have a problem with is her waiting outside for 35 minutes alone. If JLM was hoping to take advantage of her then it seems he wouldnt take the chance on her leaving. Not to mention thats pretty rude.

His purchase that night, 2 drinks then paying the tab immediately, suggests hes in a hurry...otherwise why not keep the tab open?

Yet according to the doorman hes inside for 35 minutes..I couldve drunk 6 beers in that time.......just doesnt make sense.

Very good point..doesn't make much sense to leave her out there that long I'm with ya
Are you referring to the fact that in pictures from earlier in the evening (which were posted on line), JLM has on a bright blue and white gingham button down shirt? But in the video of him walking down the mall I think he is in a different shirt. Or am I just really tired.

His shirt may have been described as white. But I saw it as grayish and disagreed. Since the video is black and white and blurred it wouldn't capture a blue checked shirt.
This is a comment from another site I visit. This person said they went to High School with LJ.

"Tempo is lying!!! Just found out that someone I know saw Hannah INSIDE dancing AND she said that there was no "door person" that night."

Thx. Please give us the link to the other site, very important!
I think it is interesting how most of the mall videos cut off while JM is still behind the group in front of him. This video is a little longer version and you see JM staring to speed up and pass some of the members of the group:


Does anyone feel that LE was purposely attempting to make JM feel that he was not a POI so that he, upon recognizing himself in the video, would feel comfortable coming in and talking to them. We had the Daily Mail article stating that JM was not a POI, and we had a false description attributable to WG. I don't believe the police investigators thought that HG was walking alone in the jewelry store video and they were just seeing a reflection. They are trained to look at these videos for clues. If we could make out what was going on in these videos, they surely could as well. For all we know, LE had longer, more enhanced versions of these videos. I think they definitely wanted to talk to JM and were doing everything they could to get JM in to tell his story. Why else would they cut off the Sal's video right before JM started to speed up? The above video was released later.

Gee, when there is a missing person, I just don't know if I agree with disseminating false information...
That's what I was thinking too. When WG said he thought she was "distressed" and wanted to keep an eye on her, what was he afraid would happen to her and what did he think he would do to protect her? I assume he thought some creepy guy might come by and try to take advantage of her. Well.....he did, and all WG did was walk away.

JL, after he rounds the corner on the Mall and is following behind a group of people, is walking at a relatively slow and casual pace. At some point he must have zoomed up to pass the group, pass WG, and catch up with HG. That didn't arouse any suspicion in WG? Did JL say something to HG that made it seem like he knew her and that's why WG backed off? Where did WG go?

Also, WG said he saw them stop and talk and that's when he walked away, thinking they were friends. If you believe the time stamps on the two Mall security cameras, and the time stamp on the "two house drinks" receipt at Tempo, then when was there enough time for JL and HG to stop and have a conversation?

For awhile I believed the police deliberately misled the public with the bald, black pants, etc. description as a way to buy some time and keep their real suspect (JL) from panicking. But then I thought about it, and I realized there was really no reason to do that. They didn't have to give any description of anyone. They didn't have to tell the public they spoke with WG. Instead they could've just released the footage with no commentary, and asked anyone with info to come forward.
It's all very strange.

What a thought-provoking post, MadgeMurphy. Thanks.
Is that so? Thought I read dog scent of Hannah was tracked and ended near a garage. I have no idea what the limitations and compacities of these dogs are. I wonder if they were introduced to JM's car and how they reacted.

During the Laci Peterson search & subsequent investigation, it was said more than once that these dogs can even follow a scent over highways, which I still think that sounds completely crazy, but some crime reporters did say it. It's definitely possible for those dogs to follow a scent over concrete, though, from what I've read in many missing person cases.
During the Laci Peterson search & subsequent investigation, it was said more than once that these dogs can even follow a scent over highways, which I still think that sounds completely crazy, but some crime reporters did say it. It's definitely possible for those dogs to follow a scent over concrete, though, from what I've read in many missing person cases.
From what I read about the dogs is that they smell scent molecules which can last awhile but also can move due to climate conditions .
Bloodhounds have folds around their mouths that hold the scent which is why they can track for a long time.
I still want to know what's up with WG and the "black guy with short hair, black pants and beer belly." And WHY did no one try to stop JM from leaving with HG? They all knew a) she was intoxicated and b) he is a predator...
I still want to know what's up with WG and the "black guy with short hair, black pants and beer belly." And WHY did no one try to stop JM from leaving with HG? They all knew a) she was intoxicated and b) he is a predator...
My guess is they didn't get the memo on (b)
I still want to know what's up with WG and the "black guy with short hair, black pants and beer belly." And WHY did no one try to stop JM from leaving with HG? They all knew a) she was intoxicated and b) he is a predator...
My guess is they didn't get the memo on (b)
I still want to know what's up with WG and the "black guy with short hair, black pants and beer belly." And WHY did no one try to stop JM from leaving with HG? They all knew a) she was intoxicated and b) he is a predator...
Exactly! I'm confused as to why they would have been headed back towards Main St., as well. And if they were, wouldn't they have been caught on surveillance video if they re-entered the pedestrian mall?

I have not found a source anywhere that states where JLM's car was parked, but in the PC, Longo implied that JLM was parked on 4th St. when he was appealing to the public to please come forward, since he believed somebody would have seen him get out of the car and get back in the car.

And as for xenon's comment above about the bloodhounds: Yes, they brought in bloodhounds to search. Her scent was picked up outside of McGrady's pub, and later a news agency reported that bloodhounds had tracked her scent on the Downtown Mall on Tuesday, Sept.16th.

He might have walked the wrong way deliberately to avoid surveillance video. And then he may have circled back to head to the car. And because she covered a lot of ground that evening, her scent may have overlapped which would be confusing. Just thinking out loud here.
Clipped from the article:
City police Chief Timothy J. Longo has asked the council for more than $725,000 to fund additional officers to work the mall, but to no avail. He offered a scaled-back version of the plan costing less than $500,000, but still did not get the money. Instead, the City Council in 2012 approved the Downtown Mall ambassadors program, made up of part-time liaisons who help visitors navigate the mall and act as “eyes and ears” for police.

I wonder if the WG was one of the ambassadors hired to help the police. It would explain a lot.
Right...I understand that

What I and a lot of other posters have a problem with is her waiting outside for 35 minutes alone. If JLM was hoping to take advantage of her then it seems he wouldnt take the chance on her leaving. Not to mention thats pretty rude.

His purchase that night, 2 drinks then paying the tab immediately, suggests hes in a hurry...otherwise why not keep the tab open?

Yet according to the doorman hes inside for 35 minutes..I couldve drunk 6 beers in that time.......just doesnt make sense.

The argument is basically predicated on believing what the doorperson claims she saw.

If she was manning the door she would see who was going in. She claimed that JM was behaving in such a way outside that she took notice of him, so much so that she claimed to remember him when she saw him walk by with HG. And she said she saw him leave earlier, but no mention of him returning. So, if she remembered him from his behavior outside earlier, why would she not have remembered him coming back in if she still remembered him when he left? That does not make sense and suggests that parts of the story are not credible. The question is which parts?

We know that drinks were bought with JM's credit card at around 1:10, but it is also possible that he gave the card to a friend and never actually returned to the restaurant at all.

Alternatively, his car was parked nearby, and he went there to retrieve something before returning to the bar. That would be a reasonable explanation for leaving and then returning shortly afterwards. If that happened then we would have to discount the story told by the doorperson, since he apparently come back past her to get in.

What bothers me is that the time between encountering HG and him returning to the bar is relatively short. It does not leave a whole lot of time for conversation with a stranger, which you would expect to take a decent chunk of time if he somehow befriended her. But there is literally a couple of minutes at most for them to become best buds after being complete strangers. This does not seem very realistic to me unless he already knew her.

Taken all together I am inclined to discount the eye witness accounts. Which would imply that other than passing in the street, the two of them never met or communicated, and that HG never went into or around the restaurant. In that scenario she would have just continued on her way.
^ add to that the confusing fact that folks would have been going in and out to smoke on the footpath.

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