Tempo Restaurant: What Happened There?

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Yes, you're right on that. I know that Tempo is on 5th, but I still was thinking that the would have walked on Main St. at some point or were at least likely to if they were heading that way. But others have pointed out that it isn't necessarily the case.
I had the same thought, MrPalomar. If they are heading up 5th, back to the pedestrian mall, where are they going from there? It doesn't seem to be in the direction of 4th and Water Street, that's for sure. :confused:
I wonder how many witnesses saw JM in Tempo
His appearance, 6ft 2 and 270 lb would be hard to miss especially with his aggressive behavior

If many saw him at Tempo , then they may be able to remember if Hannah was with him, inside
If there was some kind of conspiracy by Tempo to deflect responsibility, why would the doorperson & staffers describe her as highly intoxicated? Certainly they would consider the possibility she could be placed inside.

I think this is a question of degrees. They are being mostly honest IMO.Its what theyre being dishonest about that is causing their stories to not add up.

Many parents here can understand this as its like a teenager relating back a story thats mostly true while leaving their own culpability out of it.

tempo says HG was not seen in bar, not served but the doorman noticed her


:bump: Bringing forward to read again.
Up thread there was a comment from (don't beat me) someone that worked at Tempo?

He said that JM stood out, not their usual kind of clientele
Given his appearance and manner of dress, hairstyle... If he was with a very intoxicated younger lady, wouldn't he /they be noticed by more than one person?
In my posts 162 and 164 above.

It is speculation of course, but fits all the reported facts except the one in dispute (that HG was ever inside Tempo, which the owner addresses elsewhere as a witness confused by the presence of a different woman, similarly dressed at the bar, for a good part of the night.)

I don't think HG was ever in there. She just waited outside while he quickly bought a couple of beers and snuck them out the side door.

I don't know guys... it seems so unlikely to me that JM would have taken her back to Tempo's just to try to smuggle out a couple of beers to drink somewhere in secret. It seems more likely to me that JM went back to Tempo's b/c it was where he'd just left and he had "friends" there. He wanted to take her back to a place where he'd look included (and perhaps still had a tab open?).

I don't get the sense HG was looking to score some more alcohol at that point. Seems more like something someone in high school would do, kwim? But she's in college, had been drinking at parties presumably, etc. She doesn't need to have some stranger go sneaking alcohol from a bar off the Downtown Mall. I just don't see that making any sense that she'd meet a guy and immediately go wait for him to smuggle out a drink.

I think she was inside. Briefly. But inside, and drank at least some of something. Tempo's is cya. (cTa I should say). MOO
Debra Alfarone ‏@DebraAlfarone 9m
Bar owner says underage #HannahGraham could barely walk out of Tempo bar w/o help, says @USATODAY @wusa9 is in #Charlottesville


Feeling uncomfortable about this, and struggling to understand, wasn't the Tuels video after they left Tempo? I watched it again over and over this morning, HG's stride seems pretty steady to me. IMO she sure does not look like she can 'barely walk'

So Hannah WAS in Tempo bar that night? She must have been in there to walk out. Wonder why the owner has changed his tune. Last thing we heard Hannah hadn't been seen in there, now the owner remembers her enough to say she was barely able to walk! Wonder if the mention of at least one eyewitness placing Hannah there suddenly refreshed his memory!
This is my first post. I have only stumbled upon these threads since HG's sad story caught my attention a few days. Like many have already expressed, I too wish Tempo would have just kept quiet. By denying that HG was ever in their restaurant, Tempo now has opened up the opportunity for the defense to call into question anything that their employees have to say--including whether or not employees did in fact witness HG and JM walk away together. JMO.
Up thread there was a comment from (don't beat me) someone that worked at Tempo?

He said that JM stood out, not their usual kind of clientele
Given his appearance and manner of dress, hairstyle... If he was with a very intoxicated younger lady, wouldn't he /they be noticed by more than one person?

On the other hand, if he didn't fit in with the other clientele and the bouncer remembers at 12:45am: in front of Tempo
“I remember him dancing around out front,” Abby says. “He was being obnoxious, bumping into people. He seemed really out of place.

you would think when he came back the second time Abby would have kept a closer eye on the obnoxious, out of place lad, bumping in to people to make sure he didn't cause hassle to their upmarket clientele.

both drinks were $7. Would a soda/non-alcohol beverage be the same price as a beer/bourbon?
Debra Alfarone ‏@DebraAlfarone 2m
Just talked to owner of Tempo in #Charlottesville. Was #HannahGraham in there the night she disappeared? "Anything is possible." @wusa9


Backtracking? :banghead:
12:18am: Tempo Restaurant
Computer records at Tempo show that at 12:18am, LJ Matthew uses his Visa card to purchase three bourbon shots. He drank one and passed two to others at the bar, one of whom was DJ

1:10am: Back at Tempo
Abby, who had been checking IDs at the door since about 10pm, does not remember seeing LJ come back to Tempo just after 1am, which would have been only a few minutes after he’d left. Nor does she recall Hannah coming up to the door or asking to come inside. “I don’t remember her,” she says. “Not then. I saw her later.”

According to the records that were shared with me by Cunningham, LJ ordered two drinks at 1:09am and paid for them exactly one minute later. The bartender rang them up at $7 a piece. Witnesses with whom I spoke do not recall whether they were beers or mixed drinks or one of each. And no one I spoke with recalls watching LJ drink one or both of those drinks. Nor does anyone recall him taking them outside to share with someone

1:45am: Last Call - Abby
He came out the side door,” she says of LJ Matthew. “I saw him come walking by and I thought, there’s that obnoxious guy from before. I noticed he had his arm around a girl. She was wearing a crop top...........

When I saw her that night,” Abby says, “I remember thinking, she’s really drunk. She couldn’t walk well. She was slouched into him, leaning against him, like she was having difficulty standing up. He was talking to her, and his right arm was around her, not over her shoulder, not at the waist, but around her back and holding her right arm. He was holding her close, like he was almost holding her up. They walked away together up the street towards the Mall.”


I really think she had been drugged earlier in the night. only having one drink in an hour (1-2AM) she would have sobered up a bit. She would not have been able to be waiting around outside on her own if she had been drugged and he was holding her up at 1:45. Maybe she OD'd and he had taken advantage of her, and then didn't know what to do.
but he does sound like an aggressor/abuser. but too gregarious to be a serial rapist/killer. too obvious.
Up thread there was a comment from (don't beat me) someone that worked at Tempo?

He said that JM stood out, not their usual kind of clientele
Given his appearance and manner of dress, hairstyle... If he was with a very intoxicated younger lady, wouldn't he /they be noticed by more than one person?

That's what I think. If they were in there together, they would have stood out and I think more than one person would have noticed. Also, I'm not sure employees would lie about something of this importance.
I feel like Tempo staff are just trying to cover their butts in the press because HG shouldn't have been able to get in - if it's a card-you-at-the-door kind of establishment. Therefore their go-to unbudging answer will be that she wasn't in there, no way. If no staff pointedly remember her, I am sure they would assume the rules were followed and she wasn't inside, not in an effort to appear squeaky clean but in the sense that you base your conclusions on the information and rules that generally apply. I suppose they could be worried about appearing contributory, as well. All that to say that I am more likely to believe a patron witness than staff.

The account that is in Coy Barefoot's story by the young woman who was carding at the door doesn't ring true for me. She says she sees Matthew coming out of Tempo near last call but she doesn't say anything about Hannah yet then says she sees them together. From the article:

1:45am: Last Call
Abby does remember quite well seeing LJ Matthew and Hannah Graham walking away outside about a half hour later. “A lot of people were outside then,” she says. “It was a typical, crowded Friday night. I guess it was about 1:40 or closer to 1:45. I remember because it was definitely after last call.”
“He came out the side door,” she says of LJ Matthew. “I saw him come walking by and I thought, there’s that obnoxious guy from before. I noticed he had his arm around a girl. She was wearing a crop top.” Abby says it was days later, after she’d seen some video images on the news, that she recognized the girl. She learned that that same girl she’d seen on the Mall was a second-year University of Virginia student named Hannah Graham.


Notice she says she saw him coming out the door and she sees he has an arm around a girl (Hannah). That would make me think she knows whether Hannah came out the door with him ... yet she doesn't tell the interviewer anything about that ....
The account that is in Coy Barefoot's story by the young woman who was carding at the door doesn't ring true for me. She says she sees Matthew coming out of Tempo near last call but she doesn't say anything about Hannah yet then says she sees them together. From the article:

1:45am: Last Call
Abby does remember quite well seeing LJ Matthew and Hannah Graham walking away outside about a half hour later. “A lot of people were outside then,” she says. “It was a typical, crowded Friday night. I guess it was about 1:40 or closer to 1:45. I remember because it was definitely after last call.”
“He came out the side door,” she says of LJ Matthew. “I saw him come walking by and I thought, there’s that obnoxious guy from before. I noticed he had his arm around a girl. She was wearing a crop top.” Abby says it was days later, after she’d seen some video images on the news, that she recognized the girl. She learned that that same girl she’d seen on the Mall was a second-year University of Virginia student named Hannah Graham.


Notice she says she saw him coming out the door and she sees he has an arm around a girl (Hannah). That would make me think she knows whether Hannah came out the door with him ... yet she doesn't tell the interviewer anything about that ....

it infers that they came out together. bc she didn't say he met up with a girl and put his arm around her. and coming out the side door. were they unnoticed in back?
So Hannah WAS in Tempo bar that night? She must have been in there to walk out. Wonder why the owner has changed his tune. Last thing we heard Hannah hadn't been seen in there, now the owner remembers her enough to say she was barely able to walk! Wonder if the mention of at least one eyewitness placing Hannah there suddenly refreshed his memory!

she did not become unable to walk in one hour having one drink. either JM drugged her or she was drugged earlier and it was kicking in at that time.

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