Teresa N., Haleigh's paternal grandmother #2

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IMO, I would forgo both irresponsible and dysfunctional with regard to engaging in a relationship with a 16 year old girl who is then given the "24/7" care of two wee ones, and call it criminal. But then, I see things very differently than a lot of folks.

Hmmmm, debs, criminal huh? I bow to your choice of words. Especially in the light of his daughter missing for nearly 8 months.
That is true of the parents of Elizabeth Smart and Polly Klaas. Etan Patz's parents let him walk alone to the school bus. Jaycee Dugard was kidnapped right in front of her stepfather--and he was blamed for it. Children have been kidnapped from front yards, back yards and getting off the school bus. It doesn't make their parents "responsible" because the child is abducted from what is reasonably expected to be a safe place. It certainly doesn't make sense to hold Ron "responsible" if someone kidnapped or killed his daughter while he was at work. If Haleigh was murdered, it is the cruel and heartless person who killed her and anyone who helped that is responsible. If Haleigh died by an accident that was covered up, then we are looking at the people who did the covering up. If Haleigh was abducted and is still alive, unless Ronald has her, he's not "responsible" for that. Ron can't be "responsible" for Haleigh's disappearance since he was where he was supposed to be and attempting to check up on things while he was at work--anymore than Reve Walsh is responsible for the death of her son because a security guard shooed him out of a store where a predator snatched him.

Clearly, Ron made a terrible mistake in trusting Misty to put the kids to bed at night and secure the house while he was at work; that, however, does not reflect on his mother, who is the subject of this thread.

Again I fail to see the comparison to the other abducted childrens' families, as not even LE has been characterizing this as a stranger abduction for quite some time. And yes TN is supposed to be the subject of this thread ;) She evidently is provoking some by blindly defending her son's poor judgment and decisions. (I chalk it off to philosophical differences between those who think a parent's job is to hold a child accountable vs those who feel they must be their child's best friend.) We shall see how TN's feelings about MC evolve, should her son break rank w Misty, I'm certain her tune will quickly change.

I find TN interesting or relevant only insofar as she could conceivably be protecting her son or have info useful to the investigation. JMO

Thank you for the great posts, Kiki, Granny, AZ, and others. I feel for TN, as I would any grandmother who lost a beloved child. OTOH, I think most of us here consider ourselves to be advocates for innocent children, who can't bear responsibility for keeping themselves safe, but depend on the adults around them. Because of that, it always concerns me that we avoid minimizing or making excuses for adult behaviors and attitudes that cause so many problems for those children. Some of the behaviors perpetuate a sad cycle, and we see that some are potentially fatal.

Messages like y'all's are important for people to see unambiguously supported, imo. Through that, hopefully, motivation will be found for all parents and grandparents to use good judgment, protect their children, and lead them and their children's children out of such destructive ruts. It saves and improves the lives of kiddoes, and that's a primary goal, I think.
IMO, TN has held up the investigation.

TN has an agenda and it is to promote her son as a loving father and a great provider.....she has not succeeded with that mantra according to my reasoning. She must have some friends though who are posting on the web. She is a spokesperson, allright, for her son, that's about it.

She has provided the public with their reasoning and their passions. I have my doubts about her and have always had my doubts about her truthfullness. Since she has had the phone records the entire time, one would think she knew very well her son was calling around looking for Misty. She has maintained her support of Misty and Misty being home and Misty being a wonderful mother figure despite the facts that she has. TN pays those for their cell phones. I wonder how long it took LE to get the records from TN. LE, Mark NeJame, Cobra, and Tim Miller have dropped out of her pocket for any help....that alone should tell some that something is wrong again in River City. Her actions are odd and disjointed, IMO.

I also wonder why the two of them didn't give both phone numbers to the responding officers.

TN has had much knowledge about the case from the very minute it occurred, yet she and RC both told they knew Misty was home. RC kept yelling his child was "STOLE" from his bed. TN and her son both knew there was a good chance M was not even there. TN is in coverup mode....IMO.
She speaks for her son because he chooses not to. Why does her son need a defense attorney? How many innocent parents of missing children hired defense attorneys?
Thought this was interesting:


Ronald Cummings- A Closer Look

Lets take another look at Ronald Cummings. I know the Police Department has cleared him, its been reported continuously since about a week after Haleigh’s disappearance.

Teresa Neves is Ronald Cummings Mom.
Ronald Cummings Mom works as a dispatcher for the Sheriff’s Office.

Some interesting items from Ronald Cummings police record show us that he is a criminal. An un-prosecuted criminal. An un-prosecuted criminal over and over again.

How many times has Ronald Cummings been “cleared” by the Police Department?

OCTOBER 23, 2001 Ronald Cummings was charged with….
Teresa Neves is Ronald Cummings Mom.
Ronald Cummings Mom works as a dispatcher for the Sheriff’s Office.

On DECEMBER 12, 2002 Ronald Cummings was charged with….
Teresa Neves is Ronald Cummings Mom.
Ronald Cummings Mom works as a dispatcher for the Sheriff’s Office.

On MARCH 21, 2004 Ronald Cummings was charged with….
Teresa Neves is Ronald Cummings Mom.
Ronald Cummings Mom works as a dispatcher for the Sheriff’s Office.

On NOVEMBER 12, 2004 Ronald Cummings was charged with….
Teresa Neves is Ronald Cummings Mom.
Ronald Cummings Mom works as a dispatcher for the Sheriff’s Office.

On SEPTEMBER 26, 2005 Ronald Cummings was charged with….
Teresa Neves is Ronald Cummings Mom.
Ronald Cummings Mom works as a dispatcher for the Sheriff’s Office.

On JULY 29, 2006 Ronald Cummings was charged with….
Teresa Neves is Ronald Cummings Mom.
Ronald Cummings Mom works as a dispatcher for the Sheriff’s Office.

I think you get my point. The police have caught Ronald over and over again with drugs, drug paraphernalia, un-authorized prescription pills and drug equipment. They have caught him trespassing and violating a domestic violence injunction but every time, over and over again, he is released without prosecution.

Would ANYONE else receive this treatment that’s mom didn’t work at the Police Department? Would you be “cleared” of all this?

While the world focuses on Misty Croslin for her inconsistent statements to police and the press, could it be that her inconsistencies stem from her protection of known criminal Ronald Cummings?

Misty Croslin has never been charged with any crime. Its unlikely for an individual to go from no criminal record to murder without a few escalating crimes in between.
IMO, TN has held up the investigation.

TN has an agenda and it is to promote her son as a loving father and a great provider.....she has not succeeded with that mantra according to my reasoning. She must have some friends though who are posting on the web. She is a spokesperson, allright, for her son, that's about it.

She has provided the public with their reasoning and their passions. I have my doubts about her and have always had my doubts about her truthfullness. Since she has had the phone records the entire time, one would think she knew very well her son was calling around looking for Misty. She has maintained her support of Misty and Misty being home and Misty being a wonderful mother figure despite the facts that she has. TN pays those for their cell phones. I wonder how long it took LE to get the records from TN. LE, Mark NeJame, Cobra, and Tim Miller have dropped out of her pocket for any help....that alone should tell some that something is wrong again in River City. Her actions are odd and disjointed, IMO.

I also wonder why the two of them didn't give both phone numbers to the responding officers.

TN has had much knowledge about the case from the very minute it occurred, yet she and RC both told they knew Misty was home. RC kept yelling his child was "STOLE" from his bed. TN and her son both knew there was a good chance M was not even there. TN is in coverup mode....IMO.
She speaks for her son because he chooses not to. Why does her son need a defense attorney? How many innocent parents of missing children hired defense attorneys?

MY BOLD...Did I miss this information somewhere? What phone records are you referring to and are you suggesting that LE has implied that Teresa N withheld information from them in regards to her phone? Link to that info please and TIA.

MY 2ND BOLD..How do know what facts she has? I am certain that LE and herself are the only ones that truly know what facts she has.

MY 3RD...Who's phone's are you referring to here? Link to substantiate that claim please. TIA

4TH...Teresa has had much knowledge about this case from the minute that it occurred? Is this a fact or your opinion? I agree with your statement in part because I find TN to be very knowledgeable where her grandchildren are concerned, as she should be, but I find it completely false that she has had knowledge about any aspect of this case, especially from the minute that it occurred. Your post states that TN and RC pretty much knew that MC was not in the home. I wonder why LE came out so many times and asked for someone who knew Misty was not in the home to come forward if TN and RC have possessed this knowledge the entire time.:waitasec:
Stand by my statement. It was stated recently on a tv show (and I suspected) that the cell phones were in TN's name. She paid for the them through a family account with the company, meaning she had access to the records of the calls from the first day.

I base my suspicious on TN in part to the address she gave also when she arrived at 202 that night. I stand by my information that she lives/resided 84 miles away from Satsuma. This info is based on research that is availble to all who care to check out her records through various search engines. I will say there is a possiblilty that she maintained two homes but I find it slim unless she or her family owned the one in PP.

As I posted the other day, you have seen my list of what she has told and you can see that much of the info for that night comes to us through TN. In fact AH may be getting the info from her also.

If you recall, TN was concerned about the children the night of the 9th and asked "A family member to go over and check on them"....that is my speculation that she rec'd a call from her son and that is why she had to send someone over there. It is MO that she was not close by due to where she resides and had to send someone over who lived closer ASAP.

Many calls were made that night, it appears. From whose phones and where they are could be a good find. There may be more phones than we know...my speculation.

For various reasons, TN was pretty frustrated not getting info from LE and hired MN who quickly dropped her like a hot potato...MO. I don't see any love lost between LE and TN, but that is my opinion....but she did say she was getting nowhere with LE.
Stand by my statement. It was stated recently on a tv show (and I suspected) that the cell phones were in TN's name. She paid for the them through a family account with the company, meaning she had access to the records of the calls from the first day.

I base my suspicious on TN in part to the address she gave also when she arrived at 202 that night. I stand by my information that she lives/resided 84 miles away from Satsuma. This info is based on research that is availble to all who care to check out her records through various search engines. I will say there is a possiblilty that she maintained two homes but I find it slim unless she or her family owned the one in PP.

As I posted the other day, you have seen my list of what she has told and you can see that much of the info for that night comes to us through TN. In fact AH may be getting the info from her also.

If you recall, TN was concerned about the children the night of the 9th and asked "A family member to go over and check on them"....that is my speculation that she rec'd a call from her son and that is why she had to send someone over there. It is MO that she was not close by due to where she resides and had to send someone over who lived closer ASAP.

Many calls were made that night, it appears. From whose phones and where they are could be a good find. There may be more phones than we know...my speculation.

For various reasons, TN was pretty frustrated not getting info from LE and hired MN who quickly dropped her like a hot potato...MO. I don't see any love lost between LE and TN, but that is my opinion....but she did say she was getting nowhere with LE.

I think that it is very important to stick with the facts in this case. Posting information that Teresa Neves has the phone records for Ronald and Misty Cummings since February and that she withheld them from Law Enforcement in an effort to succeed in covering up a kidnapping, murder or abduction is exactly the type of rumor that leads to unsubstantiated claims about this family.

Since you offer no proof of fact I think your suspicions belong in the RT.

I offer that Teresa Neves has every reason in the world to be frustrated with Law Enforcement because her grandchild has been missing for almost 8 months and the police department that is in control of the investigation cannot narrow down the suspect list to include anything but" all the world". Misty Croslin Cummings has submitted to 3 LD tests, and according to them, been consistently inconsistent. Couple that with the fact that they claim to have physical evidence that contradicts her claims about what happened that evening and we have what would seem to be enough evidence to facilitate an arrest in this case. Yet there has been none. Why do you think that is perhaps?

In my opinion it is because Law Enforcement does not believe that Misty Croslin Cummings is responsible for Haleigh's disappearance. Which means the person responsible is somewhere in all the world, and quite frankly very well could be anywhere in the world because they have had 8 months to disappear.

I would be frustrated beyond measure!
If one gets their facts from reporters who do not quote the name of the person who gave them the facts, they are not real facts.

With that in minds, what facts are you sticking with?
I agree Teresa Neves has a lot to be suspicious about.....starting with her son and daughter-in-law....but she's not, she's suspicious of LE instead...IMO
If one gets their facts from reporters who do not quote the name of the person who gave them the facts, they are not real facts. Says who...lol? Facts, as I see them are statements that Law Enforcement has confirmed as true and accurate. While I can agree with you that there are statements that the media has made that I question, I personally do not question statements from LE that the media report on.

With that in minds, what facts are you sticking with?
I don't understand your question, what facts am I sticking with? Whisperer we have very few facts in this case but among them no part of your above post is on the list of facts. I refuse to consider statements such as the ones that you supplied about the phone records while developing a theory in this case because then my theory has a million holes in it because it is based on my suspicions rather than the facts. I suppose that Law Enforcement has some suspicions about who the perpetrator in crimes are too, but you can't get a conviction in a court of law based on suspicions......I think it is wrong to make statements about the family in this case. Either side. I also think that when you allow yourself to develop feelings for players in any particular case.....other than feelings for the victim....you become at risk for developing tunnel vision and refuse to consider any other theory but your own which as I stated earlier is filled with holes because it is a theory based on suspicion.

My answers in red. Also, I know you have been following the case for as long as the rest of us here and I don't need to tell you what the facts are and even if I did I have a feeling you would disagree
AC, that is only one blogger's opinion. I didn't think we were allowed to post anonymous blogs here without any credibility.

Teresa Neves has done nothing suspicious, imo. She has been thrust into this nightmare and is only trying to find her missing granddaughter. She doesn't know what happened to Haleigh, imo. She doesn't want to believe that Misty did anything to Haleigh. She only knows Ronald did not harm his daughter, imo. Her heart is broken and she wants Haleigh home.

The things being said about her are pure speculation or simply made up as there is no basis to support them as fact, imo. No one knows except LE and Teresa about what she has said to them or how she has been treated by them. I tend to believe Teresa over LE given their record for out and out lies in this case. IMO, this woman has not done anything wrong and is being chastised for no reason.
AC, that is only one blogger's opinion. I didn't think we were allowed to post anonymous blogs here without any credibility.

Teresa Neves has done nothing suspicious, imo. ......

<snipped by LF>

I tend to believe Teresa over LE given their record for out and out lies in this case. IMO, this woman has not done anything wrong and is being chastised for no reason.

Serious, I haven't read your posts on earlier cases, but I'm surprised to read the statements above. I have no doubt that you are sincere and have a basis for your opinions, which begs the questions:

Is it just false [A.K.A. lies] that the FBI and FDLE are leading this investigation?

Why would they be lying?

AC, that is only one blogger's opinion. I didn't think we were allowed to post anonymous blogs here without any credibility.

Teresa Neves has done nothing suspicious, imo. She has been thrust into this nightmare and is only trying to find her missing granddaughter. She doesn't know what happened to Haleigh, imo. She doesn't want to believe that Misty did anything to Haleigh. She only knows Ronald did not harm his daughter, imo. Her heart is broken and she wants Haleigh home.

The things being said about her are pure speculation or simply made up as there is no basis to support them as fact, imo. No one knows except LE and Teresa about what she has said to them or how she has been treated by them. I tend to believe Teresa over LE given their record for out and out lies in this case. IMO, this woman has not done anything wrong and is being chastised for no reason.

SS, I do respect your right to your opinion. Having said that, I do not like to see LE called liars in this case. With all due respect, I do not think any of us are in a position to KNOW what LE knows. We do not know what they know and it is as simple as that. AND, LE is allowed a certain leeway in their questioning and so forth.

I thought we were not to bash LE. Calling LE liars is definately bashing LE.

I can support the statement with what they did concerning the search of the pond in this case. There is documented proof they openly lied and I can gladly pull every link to back this up. It is not bashing if it is a fact.
I can support the statement with what they did concerning the search in this case. There is documented proof they openly lied and I can gladly pull every link to back this up.

Since this was an allegation that LE has lied and we are on the main forum here, I would appreciate links to what you percieve to be lies by LE.

However, we were told not to bash LE and calling LE liars is bashing them, IMO. And it is wrong, IMO.

SS, I do respect your right to your opinion. Having said that, I do not like to see LE called liars in this case. With all due respect, I do not think any of us are in a position to KNOW what LE knows. We do not know what they know and it is as simple as that. AND, LE is allowed a certain leeway in their questioning and so forth.

I thought we were not to bash LE. Calling LE liars is definately bashing LE.


With all due respect we, as members of this forum are not to bash LE or the family members in any case but I read countless posts were that is indeed done. Stating that Law Enforcement lied about the pond search can be confirmed by their own statements.

MY BOLD..the bolded statement proves the exact point that I was trying to make in post #906 of this thread. Certain inferences were being made about phone records and facts when in reality there are no such phone records or facts to substantiate the claim that Teresa Neves has had in her possession the phone records of Ronald and Misty Cummings since the start of this case.
In re: Pond search lying............LE should have stuck to "we're not going to discuss an ongoing investigation" instead of battling the rumors generated elsewhere.
I stand by what I say in that calling LE liars IS bashing LE.

I stand by what I say in that calling LE liars IS bashing LE.


But they actually did lie in this case. I don't believe it was with the attempt to create a guilty party where none was. I believe it was in an attempt to get people outta their bidniz while they work. Just a bad call, it's over and done with, no harm, no foul.

My guess is that the strong objection to not getting told what was going on at the pond was more a need for control on some people's parts than a deliberate attempt to screw up the case by LE. I think they're doing the job they have before them, and it isn't a pretty one by any stretch of the imagination.

I'm still waiting for someone to tell LE the truth. That's what it appears they're waiting for, as well. TN, how about you?
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