Teresa N., Haleigh's paternal grandmother

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CS did not report the abuse to the 2 judges during the 3 different court hearings. But there still is a question as to when Crystal learned of the abuse. She has said she did not know about it until Haleigh went missing, but then has also said she took pictures that showed abuse. I am not sure who called DCF on Ron to report abuse other than the one time Marie states she did. We know that there was 3 investigations in the last 4 years, but I have not heard if they have said who reported those.

Oops - we have gotten off topic this is TN thread.

Umm actually NG didn't check all her facts as she kept asking why CS never reported abuse before, when she actually did. There is also the matter of everyone talking about a custody case that hasn't been filed yet.
If they had something to fear in the community, why all the public dinners out, the fair etc. I'm just not buying that cookie anymore! They aren't scared for themselves-- imo, they're defensive-- and they have been from the verrrry beginning. jmo

Dinner out was for TN's Birthday ... the rest as far as I know (the fair) is all RUMOR

eta: The video with Cobra was obviosly edited (to favor him) we don't and may NEVER know what REALLY happened.

It is RUMOR that TN went on the trip to NY too ...
Oh I do not feel attacked at all by your post, I enjoy reading them and they make me think of things that I may have not looked at before. I think alot of the frustation comes from so many being excited that this PI was coming in and we all had our hopes so high that he was going to find Haleigh, then things got all screwed up and he hasnt been about finding Haleigh and that just makes me want to bang my head on the wall.

You are correct in that KP and CS didn't mention find Haleigh. That bothered me too. However I do feel that the interview was about the pictures and abuse claims and that is all NG was interested in talking about. But yes if definately concerned me that there was no mention of Haleigh and/or her abductors.

I respect all of your opinions Busylady, so please don't feel like I have tried to attack you in your post. Like you I am frustrated that some here seem to be more interested in calling Cobra a snake rather then finding Haleigh. Cobra was not around when that little girl went missing. IMO he is the last person that needs to attacked. Its counterproductive. He means nothing to me in the whole scheme of things.
Ok, I am going back to lurking. Its now seems that the Cummings side of the fence are angels and everybody on the other side are devils. I honestly think that all of this is counterproductive in find Haleigh. ALL of it. There are precious little FACTS in this case. We still have the first witness who can't seem to get her story straight. Who was that person again, oh yeah now I remember Misty. Misty has had 30 hours of questioning, Misty has had 3 polygraphs. Misty is the person that LE has identified as being the key to the case. Misty walked out of an interview when the questions got a little rough and she felt like she was being attacked. Wonder where I heard that before, oh yeah GR attacked RC by asking him tough questions. And RC and TN are taking up for Misty. The one obstacle that we know of in this case.

And meanwhile Haleigh is still missing. Maybe it is high time someone takes off the kid gloves and start asking these upstanding citizens (rolls eyes) some hard questions. All of them, on both sides.

Here praying that Haleigh is safe.

Back to lurking:truce:

I feel ya, as I have pretty much stuck to lurking in this case. I'm trying to be open minded, I truly am, but how can you do that when the Cummings seem to be OFF LIMITS and Sheffields, no holds barred?

>>>creeping back to my corner<<<< :truce:
I don't trust TN any further than I could throw my house. From the very beginning shehas been hovering over RC making sure all his statements were ok...according to her. Even going as far as NYC to make sure she was in total control.

And leading Cobra out on that stupid trek in the woods was ridiculous. To me this just made it obvious that she doesn't want Cobra looking in to things, looking around. And she's willing to risk harm to him to make sure he doesn't find anything.

Not to mention condoning the teen bride marriage and commenting that the children could finally call Misty "mommy" when in fact those children have a mommy and that is a slot that Misty will never fill.

Misty is/was extremely jealous of Haileigh and her relationship with her father and try as she has to hide that, it shows. What kind of man plans on having his little baby girl in a wedding dress and putting a ring on his finger at his wedding? What on earth does this symbolize?

Scary thoughts to me.
We don't know she was out there for 4 hours, cobra said that. we don't know what went down that day because 98% of the video is missing.

That's true. But wouldn't you either protest the impression that Cobra left people, or have a lawyer do it?

I also do not get someone who sings the praises of Misty, (who she has known for how long?), while attempting to cut the natural mom out of the picture. I know CS isn't the idea mother, to say the least, but does she honestly believe Misty is?
That's true. But wouldn't you either protest the impression that Cobra left people, or have a lawyer do it?

I also do not get someone who sings the praises of Misty, (who she has known for how long?), while attempting to cut the natural mom out of the picture. I know CS isn't the idea mother, to say the least, but does she honestly believe Misty is?
She knows the real Crystal. We do not. She has dealt with her since Haleigh was born and before so we cannot judge why she would feel Misty is the preferred parental choice there. Maybe it is because the kids love her and Teresa saw how kind she treated them in return. We simply don't know her reasons, but rest assured...I would take her word over anyone else's in this case!

Teresa isn't into face camera time nor does she have a desire to butt heads. If it came down to it helping Haleigh, she would give us her version tho.
She knows the real Crystal. We do not. She has dealt with her since Haleigh was born and before so we cannot judge why she would feel Misty is the preferred parental choice there. Maybe it is because the kids love her and Teresa saw how kind she treated them in return. We simply don't know her reasons, but rest assured...I would take her word over anyone else's in this case!

Teresa isn't into face camera time nor does she have a desire to butt heads. If it came down to it helping Haleigh, she would give us her version tho.

But SS, we don't really 'know' Teresa either, for that matter. Not to mention how well can TN really know Misty in a matter of a few months?
She knows the real Crystal. We do not. She has dealt with her since Haleigh was born and before so we cannot judge why she would feel Misty is the preferred parental choice there. Maybe it is because the kids love her and Teresa saw how kind she treated them in return. We simply don't know her reasons, but rest assured...I would take her word over anyone else's in this case!

Teresa isn't into face camera time nor does she have a desire to butt heads. If it came down to it helping Haleigh, she would give us her version tho.

Until we see the children with her, how can we know how they felt about her? Kids will say anything to adults if they think it's what they want to hear. Or if they think it is what they are supposed to say.
See thats the entire problem IMO. KP is not here to find Haleigh. There was nothing mentioned from Crystal or KP about little Haleigh. It was all about trying to obtain custody and what a monster RC is. Therefore, NG asking those questions were in line with what the interview was about. I wish the custody stuff would of been kept private, and the media time would be spent on talking about Haleigh!!!!
EXACTLY!!!! It was not looking for Haleigh or begging for her return home like Teresa and Ronald were doing every single chance they got on tv!!

And we all know who started slinging that BS! Sour grapes and revenge are all those people know!! To them...none of this has been about Haleigh from the very beginning!!
It's only my opinion, but I think TN would say anyone was better than CS, simply because she poses a threat to Ron as far as custody goes. No other girl would, as they are not the natural mother.
She knows the real Crystal. We do not. She has dealt with her since Haleigh was born and before so we cannot judge why she would feel Misty is the preferred parental choice there. Maybe it is because the kids love her and Teresa saw how kind she treated them in return. We simply don't know her reasons, but rest assured...I would take her word over anyone else's in this case!

Teresa isn't into face camera time nor does she have a desire to butt heads. If it came down to it helping Haleigh, she would give us her version tho.

Yes, she does know the real Crystal. And she knows Crystal
left her son. That would not win any points with TN for sure.

These families argue and worse. This is who they are.
TN loves Haleigh, and Jr, and imo everything she says and does is because she wants Jr to not move 100 miles away so she only gets to see him every other weekend.
I think she has every reason to believe that they weren't safe with Crystal, and she also has every reason to believe they aren't safe with Ron either.

I'd like to know who filed the protective order against ggm for interfering in a custody order last April, and the rental and work history of RC.

I think both ggm and TN have raised those kids from birth, and are devoted to them. I further think that is why she got upset with GR, because he asking about child abuse, and RC didn't answer that question well. Devotion toward Misty is to keep the kids with RC, which to her means with her and ggm. moo

However, on the interview with Artharris with Misty, TN refers to Haleigh in the past tense, and I for one find that very troubling, which may cause my thinking about her to change. Setting up Cobra is another problem that is worth considering. If she did set him up to scare him or worse, and the things she has said about Crystal, verses Misty as mothers, makes her very much like CA
remembering CA's comments about JG. imo.

IIRC RC's father has/had issues with alcoholism and physical abuse, and her current spouse appears to have a drinking problem as well, so her ability to discern may be lacking.
I could be mixing him up with other family members as I spent a good deal of time in the criminal dockets of Putnam County. my disclaimer here and jmoooc.

I would like to know if TN really did send ggm out there to check on Haleigh, and Jr. or if she went out there, as she said originally, and what she expected to accomplish with making that statement.
I think what is similiar with both CA and TN is their devotion to their grandchildren, based on a lack of good parenting from their own children. Both CA and TN refer to their grandchildren as their own, and with reason as they were both the primary care givers.
RC, KC, and MC are similiar in that they all think it's just fine to deceive, and avoid responsibility, and take advantage of others, especially their parents, and grandparents. Neglecting children, and quite possibly abuse to the point of homocide. jmooc
If she thought it would bring Haleigh home...she would.

It could help bring Haleigh home, imo!

If there is the slightest chance that Haleigh is alive and being kept somewhere, Teresa was/is the most sympathetic character in this crazy mess--( as evidenced here on this forum by the very fact there's been no open discussion about her)-- dang right she could help by talking to the media!

She should have her crying mug in the news everyday!

She's let a golden opportunity sour, imo, because I don't know if she can salvage that image anymore. Tragic.
EXACTLY!!!! It was not looking for Haleigh or begging for her return home like Teresa and Ronald were doing every single chance they got on tv!!

And we all know who started slinging that BS! Sour grapes and revenge are all those people know!! To them...none of this has been about Haleigh from the very beginning!!

I guess we just all see things differently SS. I have great respect for your opinions and I'm usually of a similar mindset, but I'm just not seeing how Teresa and family are so much more the victims, than the Sheffields from what we know at this point. (NOT saying that you or anyone else said that of course, it just seems that's the way it is imo)

Sadly, Haleigh seems to be getting lost in the shuffle..here and in Satsuma
She knows the real Crystal. We do not. She has dealt with her since Haleigh was born and before so we cannot judge why she would feel Misty is the preferred parental choice there. Maybe it is because the kids love her and Teresa saw how kind she treated them in return. We simply don't know her reasons, but rest assured...I would take her word over anyone else's in this case!

Teresa isn't into face camera time nor does she have a desire to butt heads. If it came down to it helping Haleigh, she would give us her version tho.

She couldn't care less about Misty imo, or CS either.
She only cares about keeping her grandkids, and whatever needs to be said to that end, she will say. jmoooc.
Just a couple questions:
1. Why is Teresa's last name different from Ronald's?
2. Is Ronald her only child? I didn't quite understand the answer to that question above, but its been a loooooooong day for me.
3. If not, is Haleigh her only Grand-daughter?
4. Was she a single mom?
5. Is she married/have a significant other right now... someone to be there for her?
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