Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #10 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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TT, didn't want to be here. He was not a citizen. I'm not sure if any of the other US relatives have citizenship. Why bury him here?

I have mixed feelings about this. I feel like I should feel outraged at the thought of his burial here (not that he'll end up here, but if he did...) - however I actually just feel like things are okay, he's dead, if his remains are buried here (which he would probably have hated, since he hates it here) that's fine with me. Then again, I'm not a victim and they might feel differently.

Ongoing search at U Mass campus near DT's dormitory. ATF is the lead agency in the search. Speculation is that they could be looking for other bomb making supplies or for evidence of practice with bombs. Feds say 4 different types of bombs were built. On Fox

Huh. I just took a walk at lunch and didn't see anything happening here. The dorms aren't far (well, nothing is far here) and I didn't see any activity. We do still have news vans and cameras all over. Less than before though. I wonder where they are? The semester is essentially over, so empty-ish here.
This page at UMASS talks about academic dismissal, but I don't think its entirely clear on exactly what it means.


Academic Dismissal
Students who are readmitted after any academic suspension and fail to achieve or maintain GOOD STANDING in any subsequent semester will be placed on ACADEMIC DISMISSAL unless they meet criteria in the appeals section. ACADEMIC DISMISSAL means that a student may not enroll in any succeeding semester, unless readmitted pursuant to the appeals process. ACADEMIC DISMISSAL is a permanent separation from the University.

Hmm, not sure it is clear either but it appears a student may have had to be suspended before in order to reach this status.
Huh. I just took a walk at lunch and didn't see anything happening here. The dorms aren't far (well, nothing is far here) and I didn't see any activity. We do still have news vans and cameras all over. Less than before though. I wonder where they are? The semester is essentially over, so empty-ish here.

Now they're saying "a wooded area". Any wooded areas nearby?
So they are saying in CNN that explosive residue was found at three different locations in the apartment.
Stefan’s funeral home will have paid police details outside throughout the weekend.

He told WBZ he is prepared for protests.

“You’re always going to get a certain amount of people that are probably going to complain about what you do,” he said.

“I go back to the time when Lee Harvey Oswald died, somebody buried him. Timothy McVeigh, somebody handled that. Jeffery Dahmer, somebody handled that. Ted Bundy, somebody handled that. I mean, we bury the dead. Can I control what the circumstances are around their death? No. Can I pick and choose? No.”

“Would you criticize the medical people who saved the life of the other guy? (Tsarnaev’s brother Dzhokhar)”

State police say the FBI and state police began searching wooded areas around U-Mass Dartmouth around 7 a.m. and completed their work around noon.

from: http://www.wpri.com/dpp/news/local_...-dartmouth-woods-related-to-marathon-bombings

Another article said they couldn't say what they were searching for but there was "no threat" to the public.

Maybe practice bomb sites? I mean if any of the 3 students they have in custody are talking in hopes of getting their charges dropped, they might have talked about a place they went with DT to blow smaller things up?
To suggest that their relationships with women had no affect on their behavior is like saying that Hamlet's, MacBeth's, Othello's, and King Lear's behavior wasn't affected by their relationships with women. It displays a lack of understanding of the male psyche.


It's one thing to suggest that their relationships with women had an effect on their behavior. Quite another to claim it led to them blowing things up.
In addition, both of them were clearly popular with women.
Academic Dismissal
Students who are readmitted after any academic suspension and fail to achieve or maintain GOOD STANDING in any subsequent semester will be placed on ACADEMIC DISMISSAL unless they meet criteria in the appeals section. ACADEMIC DISMISSAL means that a student may not enroll in any succeeding semester, unless readmitted pursuant to the appeals process. ACADEMIC DISMISSAL is a permanent separation from the University.

Hmm, not sure it is clear either but it appears a student may have had to be suspended before in order to reach this status.
Right, but if one reads further, you can see that there is plenty of room to allow the student to continue on.

Probation Continued
Students subject to academic suspension or dismissal, yet whose semester's work shows substantial improvement, may be placed on PROBATION CONTINUED status at the discretion of their Undergraduate Dean.

Immediate Reinstatement
Students placed on academic suspension may be granted IMMEDIATE REINSTATEMENT at the discretion of their Undergraduate Dean, if the Dean determines extenuating circumstances exist. Students on ACADEMIC DISMISSAL may appeal this status to the Committee on Admissions and Records (CAR). The CAR may grant IMMEDIATE REINSTATEMENT if it determines extenuating circumstances exist.
I haven't really logged onto this site since the Casey Anthony trial, but this case has intrigued me and I always get more news from here than the MSM.

I was wondering if DT has said anything to LE to implicate KRT. If she helped make the bombs, or if she was around when the bombs were being made, I imagine DT would tell. I can't imagine that he would cover for her. Maybe he has implicated her, but LE can't corroborate it yet.
Right, but if one reads further, you can see that there is plenty of room to allow the student to continue on.

Probation Continued
Students subject to academic suspension or dismissal, yet whose semester's work shows substantial improvement, may be placed on PROBATION CONTINUED status at the discretion of their Undergraduate Dean.

Immediate Reinstatement
Students placed on academic suspension may be granted IMMEDIATE REINSTATEMENT at the discretion of their Undergraduate Dean, if the Dean determines extenuating circumstances exist. Students on ACADEMIC DISMISSAL may appeal this status to the Committee on Admissions and Records (CAR). The CAR may grant IMMEDIATE REINSTATEMENT if it determines extenuating circumstances exist.

Yeah, it doesn't sound exactly final. I think though any student with an Academic Dismissal must go through the appeal process before anything else. The last line is a general disclaimer should they find any of the suspension or dismissals occurred without good reason. I suppose it could happen (like it happened because of a record mixup or because one professors grading was unfair/biased and that dropped the overall GPA too low), but it is probably not too common.

This sounds like double speak to me:

"Students subject to academic suspension or dismissal, yet whose semester's work shows substantial improvement"
Since KT apparently doesn't match the DNA, did they test the three year old? Considering TT was babysitting her while apparently making the bombs.

I remember reading somewhere that they did test the girl too.
Oh, now it's getting hot!

Investigators sharpen focus on Boston bombing suspect’s widow

Federal law enforcement officials are sharpening their focus on the widow of the dead suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings after finding al-Qaeda’s Inspire magazine and other radical Islamist material on her computer, according to law enforcement officials.

The probe of the computer belonging to Katherine Russell, 24, the widow of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, is part of the effort by investigators to determine whether Russell knew anything about the April 15 bombing plot or helped the Tsarnaev brothers hide from authorities, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing investigation.

Ami you were right:

In another development, federal agents, state troopers and local law enforcement officers scoured a wooded area near Dartmouth, Mass., where Dzhokhar Tsarnaev attended college. Investigators are looking for possible evidence that might indicate the brothers tested explosives there, according to a law enforcement official. Residents in the vicinity had reported hearing loud noises coming from the woods on March 30.

FBI spokesman Jason J. Pack said that the Dartmouth search by law enforcement and explosive-sniffing dogs is part of the continuing investigation into the bombings.

Maybe a better explanation of gaining the Academic Dismissal status

Academic Dismissal

Any undergraduate student who has been on academic probation for two consecutive semesters shall be subject to dismissal by his or her college dean for unsatisfactory academic

Students who accumulate more than 24 attempted credits that resulted in assignment of a “W” (Course Withdrawal) shall be subject to dismissal by his or her college dean for unsatisfactory academic performance.


At any rate, seems the guy was not taking advantage of an educational opportunity here.
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