Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #6 *SUSPECT APPREHENDED*

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I made the same point. With all the videos and photos, it is not going to be hard at all to figure out who did what.

For sure. AD has no more info than we do and yet he throws this typical Defense out there without all the facts. Perhaps he is planning to offer to defend him lol
For sure. AD has no more info than we do and yet he throws this typical Defense out there without all the facts. Perhaps he is planning to offer to defend him lol

I'd be surprised if he is allowed back in the states!
Originally Posted by ami View Post
Thanks all. To me this changes things in my mind... to be half dead, no way to run, but he doesn't kill himself -he points the gun at police? So he was either still filled with anger/hatred/religious conviction or whatever... or he was trying for suicide by cop, maybe.

Posted by Kimberlyd125
Yep. I think suicide by cop.
To be looked at as a martyr.
I don't think you get that "honor" if you just put a bullet in your head.

I've been busy with my Grandaughter and way behind. My double quote feature doesn't work.

So what "honor" does he have now? Certainly NO HONOR as an American citizen (7 months). I see him as too scared to die by suicide at his own hand, to scared to die by suicide by police. Too scared to die to save his brother, instead ran over him to flee. He wanted to kill and maim, he doesn't want to die or he'd be DEAD. Unfortunatly this (IMO) is going to go the way of the FT. Hood killer, yrs. and yrs. of court battles and the victims get forgotten.
Thought it had been reported that he had a bomb strapped to his waist? LE didn't shoot him? He wasn't injured until his brother ran over him with the car?



I don't know if LE shot him or not, but he might have still been alive before run over by a car.
One can be shot and still be alive.
Wow! Interesting new information from a link someone posted a few minutes ago. (http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2013/04/20/boston-manhunt-the-day-after/)

During a shootout with police on Thursday night, the older brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, exited the vehicle he was in and started walking down the street, shooting at officers. He ran out of ammunition when he was only five or ten feet away from police. One officer then tackles him, and he and two or three others try to handcuff him.

–As they try to handcuff the older brother, the younger brother comes barreling at them in the vehicle. The officers dive out of the way, and Dzhokar runs over his brother, dragging him for a short distance. Police think this is what killed him.
Oops indeed!

I also didn't know the cops actually had TT subdued (or close to it), so he didn't need to die, perhaps, if his brother hadn't run him over and dragged him under the car!
I downloaded and tried to enhance the 'shadow' in the picture we've been discussing about the suspect on the side of the boat. I do think that is an officer.

My enhancement:





I am just amazed at the abilities of my fellow folks here on this thread! thank you

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I know it's not a state-issued plate. I live here. I mean I don't think school would sell it in their souvenir shop alongside the sweatshirts, etc.

Maybe it's not photoshopped, but it's a very good replication of the logo and whatnot, so that leads me away from thinking it's a special-order etsy purchase or whatever.

Does MA require front and back license plates?

Georgia doesn't. Back license plate is state issued, if one wants another in the front they can put whatever they like in that space.
I don't know if LE shot him or not, but he might have still been alive before run over by a car.
One can be shot and still be alive.
yes indeed, we don't have to go any further than suspect #2, he's living proof of this

And I imagine they did hit him, sounds like it was fairly up close and personal and we know he hit a couple of officers and it's said police fired 200 rounds or more.

Hate to think they were close enough to tackle him when he ran out of ammo but not hit him with gunfire...
Gosh I didn't know he even left. Where did he go?

He has been in and out of the US for years.

When I read online that she had left for Russia a few months ago, my first reaction was to think that she might have known about the attacks her sons were planning. Articles online suggest that she is in Russia because of her husband’s poor health. I know that her husband often went to Russia without her, and for extended periods of time.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/04/20/know-boston-bombers/#ixzz2R2JuMZWD
Give me a break Dershowitz. We see photos of him carrying a backpack, then smirking, standing feet from the baby he murdered, with the backpack now on the ground.

And IMO, he had to have become extreme enough to decide to murder innocent people and that kind of extremism doesn't go away to the degree that he's going to start trying to cast blame elsewhere. I can't think of one captured terrorist, whether Timothy McVeigh or Mahmud Abouhalima or John Walker Lindh, who start to back off from the crazy, religious or political beliefs that made them feel they were justified to kill innocents, to begin with. They remain/remained as radical as ever.

First of all, that is completely illogical. Your analogy is a false one. The correct one would be: "Guess we need to ban bombs, they are obviously the problem here. The majority of fatalities were bomb related.People don't kill people, bombs do."

But possession of most bombs are already 100% illegal. Okay? Including those slapped together with pressure cookers.

Second, can we keep the gun debate off this thread? Please don't derail it with political nonsense that has nothing to do with this subject. Thank you.

I'm surprised the creep wasn't killed when the officers fired back.

Once I read that his father's first reaction was to call his sons "angels" and then threaten all hell breaking loose if they were killed by police, I had a problem with the family. They have heard something in that home that fostered such psycho ideology, or at least allowed for its development.

Right. Except when you strap bombs to your body and walk around among women and children. Then you go straight to paradise as a martyr.

This really offends me. Both my parents immigrated here from Europe: One from Spain and one from Holland (by way of Australia first). The influence of their homelands and our European culture has ZERO to do with hatred toward America or a desire to harm anyone.

Like I said before on the past thread, my father came here and worked like a dog. He did manual labor. He was taunted with signs calling him, "kike" (they didn't know what he was), because the people he worked with were resentful of his hard work ethic. My dad left his whole family and all his friends behind. We were so poor at first that he couldn't go home for 10 years after he left. He was 19 years old when he came to the U.S.

You know how my dad responded to that suffering? By working his tail off, providing for his family and obtaining the American dream. He had no thoughts of bombing anyone. He was the same age as these bombers. Looked similar too as far as skin and hair tone.


Those brothers had a charmed life. They went to college, had friends, were involved in sports, they had choices. Choices beyond anything they could have dreamed of in the hell hole they came from. More choices than my poor father at their age. I don't have an ounce of pity. They chose to feel entitled and enraged that they didn't have more.

You know who I feel sorry for?:


That's who deserves our empathy and compassion. A baby who that terrorist saw, and stood feet from, with a smirk on his face, before he coldly walked away to detonate the bomb that lay inches from the sweet, little boy he had just looked at.

I'm sorry, but I cannot stomach feeling pity for people who voluntarily cause so much unending horror and grief. And I don't get it.

I agree with you 100%!
I think there's some discrepancy about milk crate vs ladder. I'm leaning towards ladder b/c if the suspect had used a ladder then why would the owner need to go get the milk crate, kwim?


"He looked and noticed something was off about his boat, so he got his ladder, and he put his ladder up on the side of the boat and climbed up, and then he saw blood on it, and he thought he saw what was a body laying in the boat," Pizzuto said. "So he got out of the boat fast and called police."

Does MA require front and back license plates?

Georgia doesn't. Back license plate is state issued, if one wants another in the front they can put whatever they like in that space.

The simple answer: Yes.

The not-so-simple answer: It's complicated. (and not only complicated but interesting given the ages of these kids taken for questioning...)

The law for front and back plates went into effect quite a long time ago. I am guesstimating it was the early 90s, give or take, because I know someone stole my front plate in 96, and I had to drive around with a special order form showing I ordered a replacement in case I got pulled over before it arrived.

HOWEVER, if you already had a car registered before the law took effect and you still have the back-only plate white and green as opposed to the red, white and blue front and back ones), you can keep them and move them from car to car as long as they remain in legible condition. (Although there are plenty driving around that aren't legible. :banghead: )

The reason I say it's interesting is because that pretyt much means the BMW with the terrorista plate has to be registered to the person's parents or someone older because the college kids weren't old enough to drive when the law took effect, and you can't keep the single green-and-white plate when transferring ownership or registration of a car. So even if the college kid's parents gave them the car, if changed the registered owner to the kid (as opposed to leaving it in the parents' name), they'd have to have two plates.

This is assuming it was a mass-registered car. Maybe they are from out of state, in which case all bets are off regarding what the plate laws are.
I think there's some discrepancy about milk crate vs ladder. I'm leaning towards ladder b/c if the suspect had used a ladder then why would the owner need to go get the milk crate, kwim?


I agree.. not to mention the boat looks kinda tall to be using a milk crate (like what cbs has in direct quotes hahaha)
I started a thread in the Political Pavillion for some of the more touchy subjects. Maybe we can keep this to more factual information up here?

I'm :chicken: of political threads it's all :slapfight: but::gthanks:

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