Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #6 *SUSPECT APPREHENDED*

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Here are the Mass State Police pics:






Knowing what we know now though, it looks like there was no way he was going to get out of that situation even if the guy didn't find him in his boat, due to his injuries. His mobility was really limited once he crashed that car.

ETA: Those color pics confirm that the pic of him sitting on the boat was him getting out, the tarp is in the same condition.
Somewhat of an aside, I think it's fascinating that there seems to be a go-go-gadget arm coming out of the black SUV, and that is what is ripping open the shrink wrap on the boat.
Alan Dershowitz weighs in on what will probably be the terrorist's defense strategy:


"Dershowitz said there are many arguments that can be made to try the case in state court. It may be hard for a prosecutor to prove which crimes were committed by Tsarnaev or his older brother, Dershowitz said.

"If he says my intent was to please my brother, they could raise the question of federal jurisdiction," Dershowitz said."

Give me a break Dershowitz. We see photos of him carrying a backpack, then smirking, standing feet from the baby he murdered, with the backpack now on the ground.

And IMO, he had to have become extreme enough to decide to murder innocent people and that kind of extremism doesn't go away to the degree that he's going to start trying to cast blame elsewhere. I can't think of one captured terrorist, whether Timothy McVeigh or Mahmud Abouhalima or John Walker Lindh, who start to back off from the crazy, religious or political beliefs that made them feel they were justified to kill innocents, to begin with. They remain/remained as radical as ever.

Guess we need to ban pressure cookers, they are obviously the problem here. The majority of fatalities were pressure cooker related.

People don't kill people, pressure cookers do.

First of all, that is completely illogical. Your analogy is a false one. The correct one would be: "Guess we need to ban bombs, they are obviously the problem here. The majority of fatalities were bomb related.People don't kill people, bombs do."

But possession of most bombs are already 100% illegal. Okay? Including those slapped together with pressure cookers.

Second, can we keep the gun debate off this thread? Please don't derail it with political nonsense that has nothing to do with this subject. Thank you.

No police were injured when shots were fired by the boat.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/04/20/second-boston-bombing-suspect-in-custody/#ixzz2R1cOfCjI

I know there's more
I'll try to find it

I'm surprised the creep wasn't killed when the officers fired back.

jmo~ these parents are not clueless!

"During one spa session, Zubeidat revealed interesting information about her family immigrating from Russia to the U.S.
She told me that she and her husband had been lawyers and political activists in Russia. They had fled the country after 'something that her husband did"

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/bost...home-of-bombing-suspects-2013-4#ixzz2R1cxMGlS

Once I read that his father's first reaction was to call his sons "angels" and then threaten all hell breaking loose if they were killed by police, I had a problem with the family. They have heard something in that home that fostered such psycho ideology, or at least allowed for its development.

Yep. I think suicide by cop.
To be looked at as a martyr.
I don't think you get that "honor" if you just put a bullet in your head.

Right. Except when you strap bombs to your body and walk around among women and children. Then you go straight to paradise as a martyr.

Something I wanted to point out...

Many do not seem to be taking into consideration the influence of having a family from a different country with different values etc has on a person. No matter how long they have lived in the US, these are things that die hard in a more traditional type of European family. So you have to try to look at these guys through this lense rather than a American born and raised one. It makes a HUGE difference. You cannot expect them to hold the same values and function like an American would.

My family is originally Eastern European and the younger generations do tend to be very label-conscious, especially in the country my family is from. It's not necessarily such a big thing you guys are making of it, it's just that those cultures tend to just enjoy feeling like they have "luxury" items and of course some people take it further than others and some don't care but the general rule is somewhere in the middle.

My sister in law is obsessed with labels and used to constantly shop at Ross, TJ Max and Marshall's.....eventhough she was buying cheap factory seconds, they made her feel like hot stuff lol. so one does not necessarily need tons of money to wear designer labels.

I know it is not popular to say this but no matter their ages I do feel badly for the bombers. I can't help but wonder what went wrong, why their hearts were so full of hate and desire to destroy, how for various reasons they made these decisions and not only destroyed many lives of others but their own as well. I'm not of the opinion that they should be vilified, but understood. But that's the hippie in me. Lol.

I was looking though DT's twitter and I just felt sad. There are pictures of I think his pet kitten. It's hard trying to make sense of a young man who takes pictures of a kitten he seems quite proud of who goest on to bomb innocent people.

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This really offends me. Both my parents immigrated here from Europe: One from Spain and one from Holland (by way of Australia first). The influence of their homelands and our European culture has ZERO to do with hatred toward America or a desire to harm anyone.

Like I said before on the past thread, my father came here and worked like a dog. He did manual labor. He was taunted with signs calling him, "kike" (they didn't know what he was), because the people he worked with were resentful of his hard work ethic. My dad left his whole family and all his friends behind. We were so poor at first that he couldn't go home for 10 years after he left. He was 19 years old when he came to the U.S.

You know how my dad responded to that suffering? By working his tail off, providing for his family and obtaining the American dream. He had no thoughts of bombing anyone. He was the same age as these bombers. Looked similar too as far as skin and hair tone.


Those brothers had a charmed life. They went to college, had friends, were involved in sports, they had choices. Choices beyond anything they could have dreamed of in the hell hole they came from. More choices than my poor father at their age. I don't have an ounce of pity. They chose to feel entitled and enraged that they didn't have more.

You know who I feel sorry for?:


That's who deserves our empathy and compassion. A baby who that terrorist saw, and stood feet from, with a smirk on his face, before he coldly walked away to detonate the bomb that lay inches from the sweet, little boy he had just looked at.

I'm sorry, but I cannot stomach feeling pity for people who voluntarily cause so much unending horror and grief. And I don't get it.

Knowing what we know now though, it looks like there was no way he was going to get out of that situation even if the guy didn't find him in his boat, due to his injuries. His mobility was really limited once he crashed that car.

I wonder if he left the ladder there or the owner did when he looked in.
If the suspect left it there he was in bad shape!!!
Give me a break Dershowitz. We see photos of him carrying a backpack, then smirking, standing feet from the baby he murdered, with the backpack now on the ground.

And IMO, he had to have become extreme enough to decide to murder innocent people and that kind of extremism doesn't go away to the degree that he's going to start trying to cast blame elsewhere. I can't think of one captured terrorist, whether Timothy McVeigh or Mahmud Abouhalima or John Walker Lindh, who start to back off from the crazy, religious or political beliefs that made them feel they were justified to kill innocents, to begin with. They remain/remained as radical as ever.

First of all, that is completely illogical and nonsensical. Your analogy is a false one. The correct one would be: "Guess we need to ban bombs, they are obviously the problem here. The majority of fatalities were bomb related.People don't kill people, bombs."

But possession of most Bombs are already 100% illegal. Okay? Including those slapped together with pressure cookers.

Second, can we keep the gun debate off this thread? Please don't derail it with political nonsense that has nothing to do with this subject. Thank you.

I'm surprised the creep wasn't killed when the officers fired back.

Once I read that his father's first reaction was to call his sons "angels" and then threaten all hell breaking loose if they were killed by police, I had a problem with the family. They have heard something in that home that fostered such psycho ideology, or at least allowed for its development.

Right. Except when you strap bombs to your body and walk around among women and children. Then you go straight to paradise as a martyr.

This really offends me. Both my parents immigrated here from Europe: One from Spain and one from Holland (by way of Australia first). The influence of their homelands and our European culture has ZERO to do with hatred toward America or a desire to harm anyone.

Like I said before on the past thread, my father came here and worked like a dog. He did manual labor. He was taunted with signs calling him, "kike" (they didn't know what he was), because the people he worked with were resentful of his hard work ethic. My dad left his whole family and all his friends behind. We were so poor at first that he couldn't go home for 10 years after he left. He was 19 years old when he came to the U.S.

You know how my dad responded to that suffering? By working his tail off, providing for his family and obtaining the American dream. He had no thoughts of bombing anyone. He was the same age as these bombers. Looked similar too as far as skin and hair tone.


Those brothers had a charmed life. They went to college, had friends, were involved in sports, they had choices. Choices beyond anything they could have dreamed of in the hell hole they came from. More choices than my poor father at their age. I don't have an ounce of pity. They chose to feel entitled and enraged that they didn't have more.

You know who I feel sorry for?:


That's who deserves our empathy and compassion. A baby who that terrorist saw, and stood feet from, with a smirk on his face, before he coldly walked away to detonate the bomb that lay inches from the sweet, little boy he had just looked at.

I'm sorry, but I cannot stomach feeling pity for people who voluntarily cause so much unending horror and grief. And I don't get it.


The guy was a terrorist, I don't care how old he was. Gullible only goes so far.
Thanks gitana1. Everything I was thinking when Dershowitz opened his mouth on the airwaves :banghead:
Ginger, iirc the guy used a milk crate to stand on to look in the boat (I posted the article but I have to go back and find it)
Ginger, iirc the guy used a milk crate to stand on to look in the boat (I posted the article but I have to go back and find it)
hmm wonder where the ladder came from!
I wonder if he left the ladder there or the owner did when he looked in.
If the suspect left it there he was in bad shape!!!

My thought is it was there the whole time. He had to get under the tarp (those things are wrapped tight for obvious reasons) and once he did that he was pretty much toast if the owner was paying attention (which he was).

I'll be honest, when they gave the presser at 7PM, I didn't think the guy was anywhere near Watertown. I think he was hurt much more than anybody knew.
I wonder if he left the ladder there or the owner did when he looked in.
If the suspect left it there he was in bad shape!!!

The owner took a ladder to see what was in his boat.
Once he climbed on the ladder and saw blood inside the boat, he called the cops.
Technically, they said more than "nothing". They did release a statement, which didn't reveal very much.


I saw a photo of their home in the Daily Mail. It was a nice, upper-middle class house. Their last name is an old New England name. So I'm not surprised they are keeping silent.


They live fairly close to us in a very very quiet neighborhood. Its a neighborhood you wouldn't even go into unless you lived there. I believe it is a cul-de-sac. The media has hounded on them. I think its disgusting. I'm sure that this girl and her family are in extreme shock over the happenings with her husband and father of her child... She is 24 years old, how do you even begin to try to process all of that?
I wish they would just give her her privacy and let her come out on her own and make a statement and not hound and expect one from her.
Thanks gitana1. Everything I was thinking when Dershowitz opened his mouth on the airwaves :banghead:

I made the same point. With all the videos and photos, it is not going to be hard at all to figure out who did what.
During a shootout with police on Thursday night, the older brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, exited the vehicle he was in and started walking down the street, shooting at officers. He ran out of ammunition when he was only five or ten feet away from police. One officer then tackles him, and he and two or three others try to handcuff him.

–As they try to handcuff the older brother, the younger brother comes barreling at them in the vehicle. The officers dive out of the way, and Dzhokar runs over his brother, dragging him for a short distance. Police think this is what killed him.

His step-son mentioned a ladder.

“He realized one of the straps had been cut. At that point he noticed there was a small amount of blood, I guess, on the outside of the strap,” the boat owner’s stepson, Robert Duffy, told CBS News.

“He just grabbed his milk crate, he jumped up inside, underneath the cover that he has over the boat, the winter cover. And immediately there was blood.
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