Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #6 *SUSPECT APPREHENDED*

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Reward was 50,000 as I recall. Enough to buy a brand new boat (unless somebody else decides to buy it for him).

I think someone should give the double ambutee victim a reward too,as he ID the terrorist when he first came out of surgery!
I thought Jeff Bauman was injured at the first blast and he described the older brother, the one who was wearing sunglasses. If the news reports are/were accurate LE then ID'd the younger brother via video footage of them walking together.

"Just before 3 p.m. on April 15, Bauman was waiting among the crowd for his girlfriend to cross the finish line at the Boston Marathon. A man wearing a cap, sunglasses and a black jacket over a hooded sweatshirt looked at Jeff, 27, and dropped a bag at his feet, his brother, Chris Bauman, said in an interview."

just jumping off your post as a reminder: we are not posting or discussing this alleged death photo. If it is released in the main stream media (not blogs) we can revisit this. Thanks everyone :seeya:

Sorry :blushing:

Dr. David Schoenfeld, who was catching up on paperwork at his home in Watertown after midnight on Friday, had heard the sirens, and then the gunfire, and the explosions. So he called Beth Israel Deaconess, where he works in the emergency room, and told them to prepare for trauma patients for the second time this week.

He said that he arrived about 1:10 a.m. Fifteen minutes later, an ambulance carrying Tamerlan Tsarnaev pulled up. He was handcuffed, unconscious, and in cardiac arrest, Dr. Schoenfeld said.

As a throng of police officers looked on, Dr. Schoenfeld and a team of other trauma doctors and nurses began to perform CPR.

“There was talk before the patient arrived about whether or not it was a suspect,” Dr. Schoenfeld said. “But ultimately it doesn’t matter who it is, because we’re going to work as hard as we can for any patient who comes through our door and then sort it out after. Because you’re never going to know until the dust settles who it is.”

The trauma team put a breathing tube in the patient’s throat, Dr. Schoenfeld said, then cut open his chest to see if blood or other fluid was collecting around his heart. His handcuffs were removed at some point during the resuscitation attempt, he said, because “when the patient is in cardiac arrest and we’re doing all these procedures, we need to be able to move their arms around.”
Gunshot wounds in addition with being run over by a vehicle?


Thank you.
See why can't I come up with clever words in situations like this??

I am a nurse and not being able to knock medical stuff around
drives me bonkers...

*I don't have a problem with the rules... I am the problem...

(yes. I am the woman that pushes the elevator up button 20 times when I know that it won't come any faster. :D )
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I think someone should give the double ambutee victim a reward too,as he ID the terrorist when he first came out of surgery!

IMO, if Jeff Bauman had not ID'd the older brother, LE would not have found them as quickly, their photos would not have been distributed as quickly, and more people would have been hurt and/or killed. He absolutely deserves some of the reward money.
He wants people to snail mail him! I am going to send him some cards. I have the address if anyone wants it.

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He deserves a HUGE reward.

I think the whole reward is only $50,000 and there could be more than one deserving person.
And in this case, unlike Dorner's, authorites can't argue that since the suspect is dead so nobody gets the reward.
But it's much too small to share between multiple persons.
I think the whole reward is only $50,000 and there could be more than one deserving person.
And in this case, unlike Dorner's, authorites can't argue that since the suspect is dead so nobody gets the reward.
But it's much too small to share between multiple persons.

Wouldn't it be wonderful is someone donated prosthetic limbs for the rest of his life....

Just a quick question I am not sure of the answer to. Did the suspect fire rounds from the boat? Where did all the gun fire that was heard come from?

I know i posted it pages and pages ago. From what i read and heard the suspect did fire. I am not clear if LE fired bullets then or not. There were multiple shots fired at the boat with those-lord i forgot what they are called???? LOL Anyhoo they are very loud and flash.
governor says bomber in serious but stable condition and not able to talk yet
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick told reporters the suspected Boston Marathon bomber captured Friday night was in “serious but stable” condition in an impromptu interview outside Fenway Park on Saturday.

“I think not ... able to communicate yet,” Patrick said of 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, found hiding inside a covered boat in a Watertown backyard Friday night after a house-to-house manhunt across 20 nearby blocks of the Boston suburb.
Give me a break Dershowitz. We see photos of him carrying a backpack, then smirking, standing feet from the baby he murdered, with the backpack now on the ground.

And IMO, he had to have become extreme enough to decide to murder innocent people and that kind of extremism doesn't go away to the degree that he's going to start trying to cast blame elsewhere. I can't think of one captured terrorist, whether Timothy McVeigh or Mahmud Abouhalima or John Walker Lindh, who start to back off from the crazy, religious or political beliefs that made them feel they were justified to kill innocents, to begin with. They remain/remained as radical as ever.

First of all, that is completely illogical. Your analogy is a false one. The correct one would be: "Guess we need to ban bombs, they are obviously the problem here. The majority of fatalities were bomb related.People don't kill people, bombs do."

But possession of most bombs are already 100% illegal. Okay? Including those slapped together with pressure cookers.

Second, can we keep the gun debate off this thread? Please don't derail it with political nonsense that has nothing to do with this subject. Thank you.

I'm surprised the creep wasn't killed when the officers fired back.

Once I read that his father's first reaction was to call his sons "angels" and then threaten all hell breaking loose if they were killed by police, I had a problem with the family. They have heard something in that home that fostered such psycho ideology, or at least allowed for its development.

Right. Except when you strap bombs to your body and walk around among women and children. Then you go straight to paradise as a martyr.

This really offends me. Both my parents immigrated here from Europe: One from Spain and one from Holland (by way of Australia first). The influence of their homelands and our European culture has ZERO to do with hatred toward America or a desire to harm anyone.

Like I said before on the past thread, my father came here and worked like a dog. He did manual labor. He was taunted with signs calling him, "kike" (they didn't know what he was), because the people he worked with were resentful of his hard work ethic. My dad left his whole family and all his friends behind. We were so poor at first that he couldn't go home for 10 years after he left. He was 19 years old when he came to the U.S.

You know how my dad responded to that suffering? By working his tail off, providing for his family and obtaining the American dream. He had no thoughts of bombing anyone. He was the same age as these bombers. Looked similar too as far as skin and hair tone.


Those brothers had a charmed life. They went to college, had friends, were involved in sports, they had choices. Choices beyond anything they could have dreamed of in the hell hole they came from. More choices than my poor father at their age. I don't have an ounce of pity. They chose to feel entitled and enraged that they didn't have more.

You know who I feel sorry for?:


That's who deserves our empathy and compassion. A baby who that terrorist saw, and stood feet from, with a smirk on his face, before he coldly walked away to detonate the bomb that lay inches from the sweet, little boy he had just looked at.

I'm sorry, but I cannot stomach feeling pity for people who voluntarily cause so much unending horror and grief. And I don't get it.

I wish a company would take the image from Martin's poster and put it on a t shirt, with Martin's name as the author! I would buy and wear it!
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