Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #6 *SUSPECT APPREHENDED*

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NY Daily news has pictures of inside TT apartment. Is this the same place DT lived?


And again how is this not considered a crime scene? Didn't they find more pressure cooker bombs in one of the houses?


Yes they did.

(Man, they were slobs. Lol. Can't stand all that crap piled up and laying around.)

There actually looks to be a pressure cooker in a chair in the first link above...
Sorry quote isn't working.

And I dunno...little brother was probably half baked the whole time, if they didn't finish their dinner because they had to go on the lamb I can see him insisting on some chips for the drive.

Lol, true.
There actually looks to be a pressure cooker in a chair in the first link above...

Indeed it does! A nice clean unused one.

(I can't look at the mess anymore, makes me nervous, stuff laying around in junky piles, aaaarrrrrggghhhhh.)
I would love to know where they were from 5:00,when their photos were released,to 11:00 when they shot the officer at MIT. That's a long time to hide when your face is a plastered all over the world,literally. I'm thinking somebody gave them shelter. Where was #1 living? Seems as though #2 spent time between his dorm and his house. I can't imagine he was at either of those places after the photos were released.


I think maybe with these people who were questioned, some arrested:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=206442"]Ice arrests 2 in mass. Town tied to bombing case - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
From Norwegian newspaper, Dagbladet:

"Washington Post writes that the images of the reaction to 19-year-old when the first bomb explodes will be a "very incriminating evidence", much more than the public knows, the newspaper said, quoting Gov. Deval L. Patrick in the State of Massachusets"

Interesting. Have any of you seen those pictures and could you provide with link? Pictures might have been published in the "crowd sleuthing" process...

Was he happy/smiling/cheering?

Interesting. Part of me wants to see those pictures, but the other part knows they will probably make me very angry. Based on these comments, he must've been quite pleased with himself.

Really? I'd have put them below the Daily Mail. Or equal at most.
I think they're all so awful that I'm completely unable to offer an unbiased opinion!

I'm not sure why I loathe DM more than the others. If I had my way none of them would be classified as MSM because of how terrible they are. I know that's unfair of me because they do report on current events.

Just MOO and an admittedly biased one at that.
Many have questioned how suspect #2 who appeared to have assimilated well was radicalized. Their mom is a 9/11 truther. If she believes the US government purposely killed their own citizens to discredit Islam, I don't think the older brother was the only influence on his brother. There is an impression that this family wasn't able "to achieve the American dream" and were thus disaffected by their lack of financial success. For a family with money troubles, they sure did a lot of traveling. The parents were in and out of the country several times, but didn't leave the younger brother to be "raised" by TT. All MOO.
I think its a crockpot. I have the same one.

I wondered about that, but I haven't seen a crockpot with a handle like that.

ETA - not this exact model but something like this is what I'm seeing:


Many have questioned how suspect #2 who appeared to have assimilated well was radicalized. Their mom is a 9/11 truther. If she believes the US government purposely killed their own citizens to discredit Islam, I don't think the older brother was the only influence on his brother. There is an impression that this family wasn't able "to achieve the American dream" and were thus disaffected by their lack of financial success. For a family with money troubles, they sure did a lot of traveling. The parents were in and out of the country several times, but didn't leave the younger brother to be "raised" by TT. All MOO.

Don't know if it is true or not, but someone posted an article yesterday that dad and mom were lawyers in their home country and mom said they came to the U.S. for "something dad did." Also rumored that the outspoken aunt that said she "brought them here" is a surgeon somewhere. Here or there I have no idea.
Also rumored that the outspoken aunt that said she "brought them here" is a surgeon somewhere. Here or there I have no idea.

The outspoken Aunt said she is an attorney "back home"

"I’m a lawyer back home. Give me evidence. I participated in court sessions, where I had to prove the guilt of others,” she explained. "Do the same here, show me evidence, give me more than a photo. But to be convinced that my nephews committed to these atrocities, convince me. Then come back and get my reaction and ask me how I feel," the woman continued.

I wondered about that, but I haven't seen a crockpot with a handle like that.

ETA - not this exact model but something like this is what I'm seeing:



If that's a pressure cooker and people are walking in and out of the apartment ,then I'm scared for our national security. That would clearly be evidence and why isn't in the hands of LE? If they aren't securing what is very obvious,what else aren't they securing?
The Mirror and Sun are slightly above the Daily Mail in terms of credibility. To compare them to the Enquirer is actually quite flattering ;) .

But every now and then,these papers do print stories..like the John Edwards Baby scandal that oth,er newspapers, for whatever reasons, suppress. It is hard these days to know what media to disparage or to trust.
If that's a pressure cooker and people are walking in and out of the apartment ,then I'm scared for our national security. That would clearly be evidence and why isn't in the hands of LE? If they aren't securing what is very obvious,what else aren't they securing?

It could be a crockpot or pressure cooker - we only see a little piece. I really think it's an electric pressure cooker. I don't believe the bombs used those, since they would be larger, heavier, and more expensive than the non-electric ones which are much cheaper.

IDK. But I do think LE should've taken it, unless it had peas/rice in it...
Whoo Hoo,last night I made my 1st attempt at "tweeting". I sent the guy from the Daily Mail the info about the consulate van being seen at the New Bedford apartment compex. I just got a thank you Tweet back. Lets see if anything comes of it.
So this was not where the wife and 3 year old lived, this was just the brothers "man space"?

Which again makes one suspicious that they had some funding from somewhere,somebody. A student and someone witha wife and family who has no steady means of support...yet we see international travel, cars, "manspace" etc. That is living pretty well in an expensive city with little known income.

Did Terrorist 2 even have a part time job in addition to going to school?

Hopefully, the FBI is following the money.
Daily Mail is good for a laugh and the pics, not much more.

I'd also put the Mirror below DM in terms of reliability.

If we want to look across the pond for reliable reporting, investigstive journalism, etc, I'd go with the Guardian. If you think they're too "biased" (i dont, but its inevitable that someone will say it) then try the BBC. :twocents:
In regards to the consulate vehicle, if indeed there was one, and people were taken in by ICE, then it sounds to me like someone had immigration issues (overstayed visa, perhaps?).

Have they released the names of who was taken in?
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