Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #7 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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I've got two tick-tocks drafted (pre and post Boston bombing), but am not going to post them yet due to a lot of conflicting info re dates (am trying to sort out >> pass the Excedrin please).

Some family background notes I have in relation to where the family was living. These notes are from various MSM articles, but things aren't adding up:

1990s According to aunt MT, AT and ZT fled Dagestan to Kyrgyzstan in the mid 90s

19930722 DT born in Kyrgyzstan, Chechnya

1999 - 2001 Sometime in these years the family moved to Dagestan, a Muslim republic

2002 Parents and DT moved to USA, leaving TT and sisters in Kyrgyzstan

The aunt uses the term "fled", so one would think her recollection of where they fled from/to would be accurate. All the other notations from MSM however don't seem to jive with auntie's recollection.

Anyone have any thoughts on that?
I kind of wonder how he would respond if these kids who talk about being friends with him were to show up and try to talk to him. I know that they wouldn't be allowed to, but I still wonder...
I kind of wonder how he would respond if these kids who talk about being friends with him were to show up and try to talk to him. I know that they wouldn't be allowed to, but I still wonder...

What would be the purpose of that? I am sure he is being interrogated by persons with experience. They don't need his friends (none of whom impressed me) to show up.
What would be the purpose of that? I am sure he is being interrogated by persons with experience. They don't need his friends (none of whom made a good impression on me) to show up.

No purpose, just curiosity. Not that he deserves to see a familiar face...
Okay, given our understanding of DT's current inability to vocalize, this is pretty gross thinking on my part, but couldn't help noticing his tweet of April 16, the day after the bombing:

Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got somethin to say but nothin comes out when they move their lips; just a bunch of gibberish

Sick, but hmmm
Okay, given our understanding of DT's current inability to vocalize, this is pretty gross thinking on my part, but couldn't help noticing his tweet of April 16, the day after the bombing:

Sick, but hmmm

More song lyrics... "Forgot about Dre"
I kind of wonder how he would respond if these kids who talk about being friends with him were to show up and try to talk to him. I know that they wouldn't be allowed to, but I still wonder...

I'm more interested in Jeff Bauman getting to face DT someday, if he so wishes and if it would be allowed. That could happen at a trial right? Imagine for a moment DT having to look into the eyes of his brother's fatal mistake.
I'm more interested in Jeff Bauman getting to face DT someday, if he so wishes and if it would be allowed. That could happen at a trial right? Imagine for a moment DT having to look into the eyes of his brother's fatal mistake.

He seems like an amazing guy doesn't he? I hope he gets through this okay. I can't imagine.
I've got two tick-tocks drafted (pre and post Boston bombing), but am not going to post them yet due to a lot of conflicting info re dates (am trying to sort out >> pass the Excedrin please).

Some family background notes I have in relation to where the family was living. These notes are from various MSM articles, but things aren't adding up:

1990s According to aunt MT, AT and ZT fled Dagestan to Kyrgyzstan in the mid 90s

19930722 DT born in Kyrgyzstan, Chechnya

1999 - 2001 Sometime in these years the family moved to Dagestan, a Muslim republic

2002 Parents and DT moved to USA, leaving TT and sisters in Kyrgyzstan

The aunt uses the term "fled", so one would think her recollection of where they fled from/to would be accurate. All the other notations from MSM however don't seem to jive with auntie's recollection.

Anyone have any thoughts on that?

Yeah, in 2002, TT was probably the "boss" of his sisters when DT, Mom & Dad moved to the USA & they were left in Kyrgyzstan . He's held a trusted position within the family for a long time possibly. I probably missed it, but that's very young even for TT, Who did they live with or were they on their own & left to fight a battle?

Gosh, I need to read up on the countries again (I forgot what all happened then & conflicts going on, I know OBL went to the country is all). :blushing: It's just getting older...
I've got two tick-tocks drafted (pre and post Boston bombing), but am not going to post them yet due to a lot of conflicting info re dates (am trying to sort out >> pass the Excedrin please).

Some family background notes I have in relation to where the family was living. These notes are from various MSM articles, but things aren't adding up:

1990s According to aunt MT, AT and ZT fled Dagestan to Kyrgyzstan in the mid 90s

19930722 DT born in Kyrgyzstan, Chechnya

1999 - 2001 Sometime in these years the family moved to Dagestan, a Muslim republic

2002 Parents and DT moved to USA, leaving TT and sisters in Kyrgyzstan

The aunt uses the term "fled", so one would think her recollection of where they fled from/to would be accurate. All the other notations from MSM however don't seem to jive with auntie's recollection.

Anyone have any thoughts on that?

I don't know too much about this family's history. I do know that Chechnya, Dagestan and Kyrgyzstan are 3 different countries.

Chechnya & Dagestan are right next to each other (in former part of Russia) and Kyrgyzstan is about 2,500 miles away.
I don't know too much about this family's history. I do know that Chechnya, Dagestan and Kyrgyzstan are 3 different countries.

Chechnya & Dagestan are right next to each other (in former part of Russia) and Kyrgyzstan is about 2,500 miles away.

TY verbonica. That's partly what has me puzzled .. the flip-flopping back and forth between Dagestan and Kyrgyzstan in the 1990s (fleeing Dagestan at one point, but returning there ... dunno, maybe due to the political climate at any particular time). Then to be shown leaving Dagestan for the US with siblings left 2500 miles away in Kyrgyzstan.

Just trying to nail down an accurate picture of where they were when.

My fingers get so confused when I have to type the word Kyrgyzstan ... why can't they have cities named Smithtown or Brownsville ;)
He seems like an amazing guy doesn't he? I hope he gets through this okay. I can't imagine.

Yes he does seem like an amazing guy. I've been following his story on the facebook page. A friend of my family is a double amputee, as a result of an IED. I have watched him heal physically and mentally. The most important things have been determination, positivity and family-friend support. I can already see these things in Jeff. I think he's going to be just fine.
This has probably already been posted (so much media and great posts to keep up with!), but just in case, here is a link to 48 HOURS "Caught
April 20, 2013 | A special report on the manhunt and capture of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects" :

Also, on the same page there is a video about our canine helpers: "Sniffing Out Bombs: Meet America's most elite dogs - 60 Minutes - CBS News"
April 21, 2013 4:00 PM (Lara Logan gets a rare look into the secretive world of working dogs -- some of whose capabilities are military secrets -- and their handlers).
Many years ago I worked as a med/surg nurse on a forensic unit within a city hospital. Our prisoners each had a private room with a guard who sat at a "school desk" outside of the room door in the hallway.

Any time I had to enter the room to give care, meds, change out an IV bag, etc., the guard was right beside me as I did whatever I was doing. The prisoner had one leg shackled to the bed. This is a cuff on the lower leg with a chain that is attached to the bedframe. Only the guard could remove that.

I never had any problem with anybody. They were usually pretty sick or post-op. They were tranferred back to the jail's in=house medical facility as soon as possible. I only worked there for about 2 months and then got transferred to a "regular" unit.

Re: the bomber
If he's still intubated he is not talking to anyone. because you cannot talk when intubated. So nodding of the head to answer yes or no questions and writing would be all he can be doing.
Thank you.

It will be very interesting to hear her side of the story.

This speaks volumes, imo.

DeLuca also offered new details on Tamerlan Tsarnaev's movements in the days after the bombings, saying that, on the last day he was alive, "he was home" when his wife left for work. When asked whether anything seemed amiss to his wife following the bombings, DeLuca responded, "Not as far as I know." He said she learned her husband was a suspect in the bombings by seeing it on TV. He would not elaborate.

DeLuca said his client did not suspect her husband of anything, and that there was no reason for her to have suspected him. He said she had been working 70 to 80 hours, seven days a week as a home health care aide. While she was at work, her husband cared for their toddler daughter, DeLuca said.

"When this allegedly was going on, she was working, and had been working all week to support her family," he told the AP.

He said Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was off at college and she saw him "not at all" at the apartment they shared with her mother-in-law.
I don't know too much about this family's history. I do know that Chechnya, Dagestan and Kyrgyzstan are 3 different countries.

Chechnya & Dagestan are right next to each other (in former part of Russia) and Kyrgyzstan is about 2,500 miles away.

Not that it matters much but the distance between Chechnya/Dagestan and Kyrgyzstan is roughly 1400 miles. Sorry to be fussy :blushing:
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