Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #7 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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Where did the story originate that Katherine's parents put their house up for sale on Friday? I don't have to know but just curious. Thanks
Saw this getting passed around on FB:

Where did the story originate that Katherine's parents put their house up for sale on Friday? I don't have to know but just curious. Thanks

It's currently listed on several real estate sites, with the listing date. The same home shown in the pictures with her in the driveway, referring to it as her parents' home.
It appears that the brothers had secret lives that no one was aware of! Katherine working the type job she did, even all those hours, did not make enough money to support a family of 3 in that area. It would take a lot of money to buy all the parts to make the bombs and practice bombs, buy the guns and ammo, so where did that money come from? Where did they build the bombs?

Everyday it seems there are more unanswered questions that come up. There seems to be a major piece of the puzzle missing! The day the authorities picked Katherine up, nothing was said about a house check being done. In most cases, would a spouse of a suspect not be questioned immediately and the house checked immediately?? This does not seem to have happened if the feds have "requested" to speak with her. What is going on?

Nothing is going on. Feds can not make anyone talk unless that person agrees to an interview.
Since she has a lawyer, feds have to request to talk to her through her lawyer.
can anyone do the math from this tweet:
"Jahar ‏@J_tsar 27 Mar

Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred miiinutes"

8760 hours?? or 365 days?? What does it mean?
I see that, but do Muslims wear a wedding band on right or left hand, or at all?

I have known a few and yes on the left... :dunno:
<self delete>

Did TT wear one?
Saw this getting passed around on FB:


OMG hilarious. made me laugh out loud. just cuz I know DT was darting out the back door of houses the cops were entering, just being stealth and going back to houses that were previously cleared, hiding in bushes, sheds, etc.
Hide & seek, exactly.

Well they were motivated enough to allegedly place bombs at the Boston Marathon.....whether for jihad, forturn or fame

SOMETHING MOVITATED these young men to allegedly perform TERRORISTs acts on US soil.

I sense that because these were relatively handsome young men, who were primarily raised here, that some may have a hard time imagining them able to concoct such a plan on their own and to harbor such hatred.

But evil comes in all shapes and sizes, in all kinds of packages. Men like these do not need to have been motivated by any one person or any one ideology to do such a thing. Sometimes they are simply motivated by their own black and ugly hearts. Sometimes evil is the motivator and sometimes it comes from within.

I know this has been posted before but in light of the current conversation, and some might have missed it, this is an amazing video. Watch it full screen if you can. This is the boat video!

VIDEO: Final Moments Of Boston Bombing Suspect&#8217;s Capture

Massachusetts State Police released a video showing some of the final moments of the capture of Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on Friday, using thermal imaging cameras, robotics and flash bang grenades.


I had not seen that. Pretty incredible.

This CNN video shows a group of EMTs who refused to leave an injured girl behind when LE told them there was a suspicious package behind them. They said they would not leave her behind.

And this video talks also about acts of heroism - and mentions how the group of runners who had been held back and stopped before reaching the finished line turned and ran to the hospitals to give blood once learning of what happened:

Wow. I'm so glad I could see that.
I see that, but do Muslims wear a wedding band on right or left hand, or at all?

I think on the left. We lived in Egypt for awhile and I think that's what I recall.
I have known a few and yes on the left... :dunno:
Obama does.

Did TT wear one?

Let's not even go there. Obama is not a Muslim, so it's not relevant on which hand he wears his wedding ring.
the thread was moving fast...

Can someone tell me if the suspects had an apartment in Watertown?

Let's not even go there. Obama is not a Muslim, so it's not relevant on which hand he wears his wedding ring.

thank you. I didn't want to get into it but seriously. totally irrelevant and inaccurate.
the thread was moving fast...

Can someone tell me if the suspects had an apartment in Watertown?


well it appears they did. I can't say for sure, but I was under that impression. that there at least was a location they could get into and access for their use. I'm sure someone else knows for sure.
Let's not even go there. Obama is not a Muslim, so it's not relevant on which hand he wears his wedding ring.

OK well my friends are all girls and they wear them.
Not sure about the men.
well it appears they did. I can't say for sure, but I was under that impression. that there at least was a location they could get into and access for their use. I'm sure someone else knows for sure.

Someone had to be giving these guys $$, cause rent isn't cheap in that area and that would be 2 apartments plus D's room and board at the university. T's wife didn't make enough $ for 1 apt. Just so crazy!
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