Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #7 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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I think it's interesting that people are trying to claim TT brainwashed his brother and wife. From all accounts he does not seem to have much of a personality. Aren't brainwashing types usually very charismatic, dynamic personalities? I don't buy it.

I beg to differ, respectfully. I think he (Tamerlan) was charismatic and dynamic and I'm very sure he influenced the younger brother and persuaded him to come on board. Johal is still a teenager, his brain isn't even fully developed yet, and very easily influenced.

Having said that I by no means think the younger one is a "sweet boy" or in any way less responsible for the crime than his older brother. Both are incredibly cruel and despicable human beings.

We've seen it many many times over that "nice" people harbour this deep hate, and slowly and quietly work towards satisfying these dark urges to kill. Just to add one more to the list: the leader of the group that planted the bombs in London in 2005, Mohammad Sidique Khan, was a learning mentor at a primary school and described as quiet and gentle. (And btw, he too was interviewed by MI5 prior to the attacks but deemed not a threat. Seems authorities can be fooled by these "nice guys" just as easily as the average citizen!)

I took it to mean the stupid "adoptive country" (the US) that they despise will spend their money on them via scholarships and support only to be defeated by them.

Ah! Thanks for clearing that up, Sonya!

Tamerlan called his mother Thursday morning, just hours before his death in a shootout with police, and told her he had received a call from the FBI, she said.

“He would call me every day from America in the last days,” Zubeidat Tsarnaev said Sunday in a telephone interview with The Times from her home in the Russian republic of Dagestan. “During our last conversation on the morning [before the shootout], he was especially touching and tender and alarmed at the same time.”

Her son, she said, told her that he “got a private phone call” from the FBI. Agents told him that he was “under suspicion and should come see them.”
“ ‘If you need me, you will find me,’ he said, and hung up,” she recounted, beginning to sob. “You know the FBI followed him for several years, and when he got back from Dagestan last year, they called him and asked him what was the purpose of his visit to his homeland.”


This makes it even less likely that FBI did not know their idendity when they released the photos on Wednesday. I'm sure now it was meant to scare them into making a mistake. And it worked.
Must admit that I am struggling to accept the credibility of some of the information coming forth.

As Tsarnaev was cornered on Friday, it was reported that the boat in which he was hiding was very bloody. Speculation was that he had been injured during the previous confrontation with authorities 16 to 18 hours earlier. Once the boat was surrounded, there was a reported exchange of gunfire. At some point negotiators were involved and the initial reports indicated that Tsarnaev did not verbally respond.

There is one still image of Tsarnaev climbing out of the boat unassisted; I am unaware of any other images. As he was being transported from the scene, initial news reports indicated a neck wound.

CBS’ “60 Minutes” reported the 19-year-old suspect was shot through his mouth and throat. On ABC’s “This Week,” U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee member Dan Coats (R-Ind.) said, “The information we have is that there was a shot to the throat. And it’s questionable whether — when and whether he’ll be able to talk again.”

Without a medical background, I am having difficulty believing that a person who sustained significant blood loss from injuries incurred more than 12 hours previously could then shoot himself in the mouth and throat and be able to self ambulate out of a boat sometime during the next 95 minutes.

I do believe that this young man was involved in the bombings, but I am skeptical of some of the information now being reported.

Thank you. I feel less alone now :)
Despite interviewing him, FBI didn't make the connection. They didn't know who he was. If they knew who he was, they could have just picked him up, they didn't need them to make a mistake.
As for mother's story that FBI called her son after the bombing, FBI says that story is false.
I think it's interesting that people are trying to claim TT brainwashed his brother and wife. From all accounts he does not seem to have much of a personality. Aren't brainwashing types usually very charismatic, dynamic personalities? I don't buy it.

Well I think if you are brainwashing on a LARGE scale then being charismatic is important because you have to appeal to a broader segment of people, but TT may have just had a gift for finding and manipulating the weak willed individuals (i.e. his wife) and been lucky enough to have a very submissive brother.

Many would say the victims of domestic violence are brainwashed and manipulated but most would also say the majority of abusers are not all that charismatic to others (besides the victim).

The people responsible for assassinating an MIT police officer are the bombers. No one else. Assigning LE the responsibility is like blaming Nancy Lenza for mass murder in Newtown. jmvho.
Yeah it does seem odd. Initially the pictures they released were VERY grainy and then later much better photos came out. Did they not have those good photos to begin with?

Maybe the FBI has files on half of the US population so there were just too many potential suspects to search through?? Even thought they could narrow it down by age, gender, and ethnicity and they supposedly have facial recognition software?

The FBI did not have the clear photo when they released the grainy footage. Queen D has been posting that someone in Florida (iirc) had snapped that photo while there and submitted it afterward.

ETA: Have to admit that once received, they got it out the public rapidly.
It's very clear from what lawyer says the wife was living with her husband and their child. She was working long hours and he was a stay at home father.

"DeLuca said his client did not suspect her husband of anything, and that there was no reason for her to have suspected him. He said she had been working 70 to 80 hours, seven days a week as a home health care aide. While she was at work, her husband cared for their toddler daughter, DeLuca said."
Her son, she said, told her that he “got a private phone call” from the FBI. Agents told him that he was “under suspicion and should come see them.”

Uhhhhh....what??? They told him he was under suspicion and should come see them? Really?

Did it cross their mind that if he IS THE BOMBER he is probably not going to come see them and tell them all about it? With all of the money that was being spent hunting these guys they couldn't have sent a CAR OVER to his place? It was local!
Is the thread beginning to veer off into conspiracy theory territory, or is it just me?

Making a plea for people to stay rational, deal with facts we have (admittedly not everything yet), and keep separate issues for separate threads, and politics for the PP (reminding myself also).
Uhhhhh....what??? They told him he was under suspicion and should come see them? Really?

Did it cross their mind that if he IS THE BOMBER he is probably not going to come see them and tell them all about it? With all of the money that was being spent hunting these guys they couldn't have sent a CAR OVER to his place? It was local!

No, they didn't. That story is false according to FBI.
Uhhhhh....what??? They told him he was under suspicion and should come see them? Really?

Did it cross their mind that if he IS THE BOMBER he is probably not going to come see them and tell them all about it? With all of the money that was being spent hunting these guys they couldn't have sent a CAR OVER to his place? It was local!

I am HIGHLY doubtful that the FBI called this dude up to let him know he was under suspicion. Honestly, it makes me laugh, despite the serious nature of the crimes.

IMO, this guy was wanting to confess or boast about what he did - not being able to do that publicly without revealing himself, he starts calling family, and hinting about it. Saying sorry to uncle, telling Mom the FBI are calling him, etc.
(Wondering why so many conflicting reports still being published.....:banghead:)
IMO, this guy was wanting to confess or boast about what he did - not being able to do that publicly without revealing himself, he starts calling family, and hinting about it. Saying sorry to uncle, telling Mom the FBI are calling him, etc.

Yeah that does make more sense. Sorry but after it turned out they couldn't find him in their own files...and then the rumored phone call...it was just too much!
I am HIGHLY doubtful that the FBI called this dude up to let him know he was under suspicion. Honestly, it makes me laugh, despite the serious nature of the crimes.

IMO, this guy was wanting to confess or boast about what he did - not being able to do that publicly without revealing himself, he starts calling family, and hinting about it. Saying sorry to uncle, telling Mom the FBI are calling him, etc.

Thanks wasn't enough. BBM - Just the thought is amusing in a sick sort of way.
From Boston.com live blog, about victims:

Boston Medical Center: 11 of 19 patients that were admitted are still in the hospital; only 1 is considered in critical condition; the rest are in stable condition.
by Boston.com 9:45 AM

Boston Medical Center: patients starting the process of physical and mental rehabillitation
by Boston.com 9:33 AM
Her own laywer says she was working 70-80 hours while TT stayed home with the child. Doesn't fit at all with the idea that she lived with parents.

Maybe, but there is conflicting information out there. Now, if this is all from one neighbor who could be wrong, then it may be misinformation. Hard to tell if it's the same person or not...

Paula Gillette [neighbor], 59, said that one of the people on the scene appeared to be an FBI agent wearing a bulletproof vest.

Gillette said Katherine Russell lived with her parents. She said they seemed like a close-knit family. She described them as "waspy types."


.....Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s wife, Katherine Russell, 24, had been living at her parents’ North Kingstown, R.I., home. Whether she and Tsarnaev were living together full-time wasn’t immediately clear.....

Tsarnaev, 26, was seen regularly at the home in the past and taking walks with his wife and their child on weekends, neighbors said.....

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/cri...s-shock-death-article-1.1322882#ixzz2RCRq3ync

However, the neighbor said the last time she saw her husband was a year ago, adding: ‘She moved back home and was living at home with the baby.
‘I never saw him again, I thought maybe he’s gone away or he’s busy with school.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...hroat-slit-unsolved-murder.html#ixzz2RCTLXty8
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