Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #7 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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^^^ People are fooled by his puppy dog eyes and rumpled hair ...

I admit to swimming in the shallow end sometimes. if my granddaughter brought him home I'd be all wink! wink! whoo hoo!

I've looked at many of the photos and thought this is one photogenic family, for the most part. and they had so many advantages offered to them, advantages that some can only dream about

bad things sometimes come in good packages

Yes but you wouldn't have that reaction if you Knew what he had done!

And yeah, they had a lot going for them. I agree. It boils my blood. Especially thinking about how utterly hard my immigrant father worked to get the things that were handed to these thugs. My dad was brilliant. But he didn't have the luxury of a college education. We also got no section 8, nothing. My day worked sixteen hour days, came home and vomited each night from the fumes he inhaled at the shop he worked at. My blood just boils thinking about these spoiled terrorist punks.

Eta: my dad was 19 when he came to this country. A man who supported his family. Not a punk who wanted to destroy innocents because he didn't achieve what he wanted fast enough or easy enough.

I don't see anyone minimizing DT's criminal, terrorist actions. Who are you referring to?

I believe he's a terrorist and a murderer, and needs to be duly punished to the fullest extent of the law. And from what I've been reading here, so does everyone else. One person didn't agree with the capital punishment but that was it. So where are you getting that some of us are justifying or minimizing his heinous crimes?

Jut scroll back a few pages. Tons of minimizing.
I just cannot imagine how bad the PTSD is going to be for so many people. Imagine walking through the back pack isle in the local WallWorld. Years ago all I needed to trigger a reaction was to see the color kelly green, yep, that's all it took and I was a basket case!
Yes but you wouldn't have that reaction if you Knew what he had done!

And yeah, they has a lot going for them. I agree. It boils my blood. Especially thinking about how utterly hard my immigrant father worked to get the things that were handed to these thugs. My dad was brilliant. But he didn't have the luxury of a college education. We also got no section 8, nothing. My day worked sixteen hour days, came home and vomited each night from the fumes he inhaled at the shop he worked at. My blood just boils thinking about these spoiled terrorist punks.

Jut scroll back a few pages. Tons of minimizing.

Where? You mean when posters called DT a "kid"? I know I called him that, but that's because he's only 19 (not even of legal drinking age yet) -- NOT because I don't believe he committed heinous, vile crimes and deserve to rot in prison or the DP because I do.
There were not many bullet wounds whatsoever in the photo I saw. That car tire contusion is what killed him. He was ran over in very vital areas. I'm convinced his brother killed him and if it weren't for that that he too would still be alive.

Regardless of cause of death, apparently TT was shot multiple times, not hard to imagine as over 200 rounds were "exchanged" during the gun battle. The LE reportedly "ran out" of ammunition, then charged the Mercedes with their police car. That's a lot of police bullets, and I have to believe, as trained as they are, that many made their mark. The first reports out by the hospital were that his body had so many wounds head to toe that it was not immediately discernible which wound had been the one to cause his death. His body was a mess, in other words, no matter what picture might be circulating around. In addition to gunshot wounds, he had an injured hand from the explosive device going off in it, a burned shoulder, and a large gaping wound from either explosive device from the suicide vest and/or the car driving over him.

The drama ended for the elder brother, Tamerlan, 26, when police shot him and then he apparently was run over by his brother..."

At 12:50 a.m., the SUV stopped in a residential neighborhood in Watertown. The brothers opened fire, igniting a gun battle witnessed by neighbors peering from houses. One of them, Andrew Kitzenberg, 29, said he saw two men engaged in “constant gunfire” with police. Richard J. Donohue, 33, a three-year veteran of the transit police force, was shot and seriously wounded during the confrontation.

After more than 200 rounds were traded over several minutes, some officers were out of ammunition and charged the brothers’ position with their police car. The vehicle was disabled by gunfire from the Mercedes.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev, now out of his car, attempted to lob a makeshift bomb at police, but the device exploded in his hand. While Tamerlan Tsarnaev was firing a pistol with the other hand, police tackled and tried to subdue the 200-pound amateur boxer.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, apparently intending to help his brother, tried to ram the officers with the Mercedes. Instead, the officers lunged out of the vehicle’s path and he ran over his brother and dragged him along the street before speeding off with police in pursuit.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. Hospital officials said he had been shot multiple times and suffered other wounds, apparently from an explosion.


Wounds "head to toe" -
Tamerlan Tsarnaev Injuries: Doctor Says Dead Bombing Suspect Had Wounds 'Head To Toe'


BOSTON — A doctor involved in treating the Boston Marathon bombing suspect who died in a gunbattle with police says he had injuries head to toe and all limbs intact when he arrived at the hospital.

Dr. David Schoenfeld said 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev was unconscious and had so many penetrating wounds when he arrived at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center early Friday that it isn't clear which ones killed him, and a medical examiner will have to determine the cause of death.

The second bombing suspect, 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was in serious condition at the same hospital after his capture Friday night. The FBI has not allowed hospital officials to say any more about his wounds or condition.


The older Tsarnaev's clothes had been cut off by emergency responders at the scene, so if he had been wearing a vest with explosives, he wasn't by the time he arrived at the hospital, the doctor said.

"From head to toe, every region of his body had injuries," he said. "His legs and arms were intact – he wasn't blown into a million pieces" – but he lost a pulse and was in cardiac arrest, meaning his heart and circulation had stopped, so CPR, or cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, was started.

Schoenfeld did not address police's assertion that Tsarnaev was run over by a car driven by his brother as he fled the gunfire.




In just a little while, when DT recovers a little more, I think he is going to be full of regret at how he wasted his life. He will understand that what he had before was soooo much better than what's ahead in the future.

Thanks so much itsreenw for the transcript!

I just read it. It's very short, only 3 pages or so.

I can't believe they mirandized DT and also appointed him a lawyer.

I take it DT understands all the legal jargon, as they have him "nodding affirmatively". Also, I assume his being raised in the US would mean he understands English perfectly and doesn't need a foreign translator as I don't see one listed on the transcript.

Gitana, you're a lawyer. Isn't there a law whereby in the interest of public safety, a defendant has no right to a lawyer or be mirandized? Or does no such law apply because DT is an American citizen?
Has there been any word on how Martin Richard's mother and sister are doing?
Anyone who can rationalize killing another person, I take great pause. Understanding it is a long process I don't mind trying to understand as it just baffles me how or the why? To a point.

That how and why usually speaks for itself. I don't think this was just the two of them. Who does mom know? Who does dad know? etc...at the moment, nothing real clear yet. I'll wait. eta, frumph...
Regardless of cause of death, apparently TT was shot multiple times, not hard to imagine as over 200 rounds were "exchanged" during the gun battle. The LE reportedly "ran out" of ammunition, then charged the Mercedes with their police car. That's a lot of police bullets, and I have to believe, as trained as they are, that many made their mark. The first reports out by the ME were that his body had so many wounds head to toe that it was not immediately discernible which wound had been the one to cause his death. His body was a mess, in other words, no matter what picture might be circulating around. In addition to gunshot wounds, he had an injured hand from the explosive device going off in it, a burned shoulder, and a large gaping wound from either explosive device from the suicide vest and/or the car driving over him.

Wounds "head to toe" -




Yes, I'm not understanding the big deal legally about whether TT was run over by his brother or not. How does that affect DT's defense to the capital crimes?

I can see if the ME has to rule COD and manner of death that that would come into play. But how does that relate to DT's legal defense?
Regarding the photo of the corpse: One police officer stated that viewing it was "cathartic". Actually, I kind of felt the same way.

The redness all over the neck and face is dried blood, by the way.
The mom is a real piece of work. She and the Aunt should get a TV show...lol

9mm probably, a .45 shooting a hollow pt. would probably take the arm off

No it can just leave a little hole. My husband shot himself in the forearm with one.
Shattered the femur and ulna. Bullet ended up in his elbow. He dang near lost his arms a few days later. Since the bullet tossles around after entry there was no exit wound. If there had been yes he'd have blown his arm off.

6 surgeries in 10 days... lesson learned.
Yes, I'm not understanding the big deal legally about whether TT was run over by his brother or not. How does that affect DT's defense to the capital crimes?

I can see if the ME has to rule COD and manner of death that that would come into play. But how does that relate to DT's legal defense?

I'm with you, bourne; don't understand how it would make a difference, either. Maybe legal types here could explain...

The thing that's been interesting to me, though, is that the LE (police chief statement) and hospital statements about TT's injuries seemingly vary--at least in emphasis. And there was that 'no comment' by the attending doctor about TT being run over or not.

By the way, I missed the last 18 pages of the last thread, but seems from the postings that cause of death has been determined to be TT's being run over by the car. Does anyone have a link to the official ME report as to cause of TT's death? (Or was it undetermined, still, which of the injuries caused it?)
Regarding the photo of the corpse: One police officer stated that viewing it was "cathartic". Actually, I kind of felt the same way.

The redness all over the neck and face is dried blood, by the way.

To me any pic of death is gruesome, but I'd call it feeling a sense of relief and closure when I saw TT's corpse.
Baited? I'm just asking for an example of what you mean by "minimizing" DT's crimes because I do not see it here. At all.

If you don't want to answer, fine. I'll just take it to mean there's no evidence of it.

I'm going to admit that I didn't post about how I felt about this 19 yo. I saw all the pictures of him and the dropping of the backpack sort of. I believe they have evidence of the drop or I missed it here, surprise. Even without that, it's clear it's TT & DT. Blood samples, residue on their hands, additional bombs in an apartment, vehicles with residue, ballistics/blood/dna in it. Just too many things not to connect them. I want to know who else is involved and wth why this time. It was an attack on the US. How did they slip through the system? I have to say the capture was faster than I thought it would be. tg
Regarding the photo of the corpse: One police officer stated that viewing it was "cathartic". Actually, I kind of felt the same way.

The redness all over the neck and face is dried blood, by the way.

I am not a blood thirsty person and I shy from corpses and gore. But I felt compelled to look at the photo and I didn't feel horror. Which I take to mean I felt a sense of satisfaction that the monster is dead.
I just think it's amazing how their actions were SO telling that the FBI was able to pick them out of a crowd. Kudos!

Actually Jeff Bauman is probably more responsible for that than anyone.
He was the one who let them know the guy came right up to him... and described him.

Then he was the one who identified him in the pictures.
I'm not sure which came first, his ID or the FBI's picking them out... anyone know?

Yes, I'm not understanding the big deal legally about whether TT was run over by his brother or not. How does that affect DT's defense to the capital crimes?

I can see if the ME has to rule COD and manner of death that that would come into play. But how does that relate to DT's legal defense?

Actually, if they wanted to... they could charge DT with ANOTHER crime for killing his brother.
How ironic that'd be. :seeya:
I'm with you, bourne; don't understand how it would make a difference, either. Maybe legal types here could explain...

The thing that's been interesting to me, though, is that the LE (police chief statement) and hospital statements about TT's injuries seemingly vary--at least in emphasis. And there was that 'no comment' about the treating doctor about TT being run over or not.

By the way, I missed the last 18 pages of the last thread, but seems from the postings that cause of death has been determined to be TT's being run over by the car. Does anyone have a link to the official ME report as to cause of TT's death? (Or was it undetermined, still, which of the injuries caused it?)

:) Great minds... lol

I get the sense that a few of the LE might have exaggerated about DT running TT over. I saw an interview with the Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis earlier and when asked about this very question, he said, "That's undetermined at this time." Then he added that what people at the scene had told him is that DT did back up the vehicle, but the ME hasn't ruled the COD or MOD and hasn't made a statement on whether DT ran over TT or not.

But you're saying that COD HAS been determined? What? Where's the post and the source? :scared:
And thank you for acknowledging that our own FBI played a major part in thwarting that terrorist plot. For an organization that many appear to think is made up of agents too stupid to even tie their own shoes, that's pretty good.

I'm proudly related to some of those involved in today's bust ... up here our dummies wear loafers :D
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