Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #7 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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This picture here, taken from dailyentertainment.com

shows back of neck area very red which to me would indicate injuries to the back of head. Also it looks like maybe he has been stiched up alone the side of neck. But I am no Dr. just what I would think.

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So kill a person to show that killing people is wrong?

This brings to mind another case here on WS we followed where the killer identified pretty much those exact sentiments, but with the teddy bear hanging from a noose....

Moo...after she killed... MOO
just heard Alan Dershowitz on CNN saying in all probability a trial would not be held in Boston, more likely Springfield. duh, I hadn't thought about the venue. I know very little about that part of the country. can any of our MA posters give their opinions? how different/similar are the two cities? I realize that the state is small in comparison to many others. TIA to any who are willing to educate me
One does not always have tire marks when they are run over. Could've been hit with the front if the car and went under the car.
Wasn't it reported he was drug down the street a bit?

And it was an SUV, a bit higher than a normal car, high enough to go over somebody then have the body get stuck on the undercarriage.

My biggest peeve with following this case is the vast number of excuses (not just here, EVERYWHERE) that people are making for this terrorist.

"poor kid didn't mean to run over his brother (and almost plow down several LE officers), he was just a bad driver"

"He couldn't see or hear during the shoot out with cops cause all those bombs were just making too much noise "

"He was just trying to get away, he was scared"

"Poor 19 year old was brainwashed or led by this big brother"

"He was such a nice guy, an angel even"

"Typical college student"

This ADULT placed a bomb filled backpack feet from children and turned and walked away with a smirk.

This ADULT went to a party, worked out, acted normal knowing the devastation his actions caused.

This terrorist was involved in the murder of a cop, the attempted murder of several cops, car jacking, ... The list goes on and on!

I'm sorry. Lets call it what it is.
Evil. Horrid. Psychopath. Murderer. Terrorist!

Thank you! That creep walked calmly to the scene of his mass murder and smirked as he walked there. He stood feet from a little boy, looked at him and still put the bomb at the baby's feet.
He then detonated the bomb and walked calmly away.
Later, this vicious psychopath PARTIED in his dorm and displayed not one indication that anything was wrong!

His social media posts both before and after his act of terrorism showed a young man who hated this country and didn't give a damn that he killed three people, one who was a baby, and catastrophically injured over 170.

No one can tell me he was brainwashed or he didn't know what he was doing. Oh, and I think he knew darn well that he was running over his brother but he didn't care. He just wanted to get away.

People are fooled by his puppy dog eyes and rumpled hair and his age. I'm just looking at his actions. Those tell me all I need to know. He and his brother were entitled monsters who deeply resented the country that gave them so much more than the carp hole they came from ever could. But they were little princes and felt entitled to more. And they found radicalism to be a means to foster their sick hatred and pretend it had some point.

I mean, why didn't they go home and fight Russia, for Chchnyan independence? What do we have to do with that? Nothing.

They did what they did because they are evil. Plain and simple. They had no principle they were fighting for. Just evil.

And if anyone persists in feeling sorry for either one of these cowards, go back and look at the still shots of them calmly and smugly walking to the scene of the murders they committed. Looking at those photos makes me burn with hate myself. All those happy, excited, innocent people and two thugs who feel they know better, are better and need to teach us some kind of lesson.

They make me sick. I have zero pity. None. I will not wring my hands wondering how and why. It will do no good.
Thank you, gitana1!!!!

Great post and I totally agree!

Look at the act/crime commited and not how the person commiting the crime looks.
Exactly. We seem to infantalize young people nowdays to the point that two terrorist suspects who are adult being constantly called kids.
It's ridiculous.

Well lets cut the kid some slack, He had lots friends. was a good student, captain of the wrestling team and according to his mother a wonderful child. I don't know about you but with all the above going on the fact he found time to wage a moderately successful Jihad against the infidels is really commendable in my book.

That was sarcasm btw, I agree with you 100%, it's insane that people are trying to even remotely justify his actions or even lessen them because he was 19 or his brother was the ring leader.
Originally Posted by Isabelle [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9290952#post9290952"]
And I will add there is the aunt who swears that the naked man is Tamberlan that the FEDS are hiding and she fears for his life. (article linked earlier in the thread).

I missed that.

I'm speechless.

Me too, well maybe. Its funny. Anyone who watched TV (CNN) from USA
to China knows that isn't true - the whole world saw it live. Now. If you
were in a cave you wouldn't see it and might not know or believe it. And
maybe that (being in a cave detached) is how this all began ?
^^^ People are fooled by his puppy dog eyes and rumpled hair ...

I admit to swimming in the shallow end sometimes. if my granddaughter brought him home I'd be all wink! wink! whoo hoo!

I've looked at many of the photos and thought this is one photogenic family, for the most part. and they had so many advantages offered to them, advantages that some can only dream about

bad things sometimes come in good packages
Well lets cut the kid some slack, He had lots friends. was a good student, captain of the wrestling team and according to his mother a wonderful child. I don't know about you but with all the above going on the fact he found time to wage a moderately successful Jihad against the infidels is really commendable in my book.

That was sarcasm btw, I agree with you 100%, it's insane that people are trying to even remotely justify his actions or even lessen them because he was 19 or his brother was the ring leader.

I don't see anyone minimizing DT's criminal, terrorist actions. Who are you referring to?

I believe he's a terrorist and a murderer, and needs to be duly punished to the fullest extent of the law. And from what I've been reading here, so does everyone else. One person didn't agree with the capital punishment but that was it. So where are you getting that some of us are justifying or minimizing his heinous crimes?
News notes scrolling on CNN reports a team is removing a tree on Boylston St. that DT was seen to touch while waiting for one of the bombs to explode! Not sure who the "team" are.
DT didn't look like he was under duress when we saw him on the videotape strolling along in the crowd with a weapon of mass destruction on his back.

In a few of the shots it looked like he was smirking.


Me too, had the exact same impression including the smirking.

My feeling is these two were fully committed (as their actions show!)
and were taking real personal satisfaction from it.

It's hard for someone outside them to understand it! It would be easier
walking up on a live King Cobra on the street!
He could have been trying to run over police who were standing there. They had to jump out of the way.

I think that exactly it and I also think he may have felt his brother was better off dead than in custody. I can't believe anyone is minimizing this monster's actions.

I missed that.

I'm speechless.

What's worse is that tons of people are buying it. There was debate on here about it earlier today.


The mother of the two men suspected of carrying out the Boston Marathon bombing says her younger son would have faithfully obeyed his older brother, a devout Muslim who investigators now fear may have become radicalized.

The older brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, had become an increasingly pius Muslim in recent years, partly at the urging of his mother, she said.

The younger son, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, was a sophomore at UMass-Dartmouth where he had a reputation for partying and drugs.

The mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, described Tamerlan as "a person of strong will," a "leader" who could influence people.

Tamerlan's influence was perhaps felt most by his younger brother Dzhokhar.

"They loved each other. What Tamerlan was said was law for Dzhokhar. That's how I raised them. What the elder brother says, the younger brother has to do. That is according to Islam," the mother told ABC News in a phone call today.

"We were all very connected. My boys were very close to me, and especially Tamerlan," she said.

This really displays the utter dishonesty and sneakiness of this woman. Oh, her babies didn't do this. They were framed. Except if they did, let me have the live one back becausE the older one compelled him to do what he did.

Yeah right, lady. And what Ive heard about her crazy beliefs (apparently she s a 9/11 truther), she had quite a bit to do with her sons' radicalization.

My biggest peeve with following this case is the vast number of excuses (not just here, EVERYWHERE) that people are making for this terrorist.

"poor kid didn't mean to run over his brother (and almost plow down several LE officers), he was just a bad driver"

"He couldn't see or hear during the shoot out with cops cause all those bombs were just making too much noise "

"He was just trying to get away, he was scared"

"Poor 19 year old was brainwashed or led by this big brother"

"He was such a nice guy, an angel even"

"Typical college student"

I agree with you. But I am not hearing any of those excuses from anyone
in Boston. Not one person. (Maybe I'm out of the loop?).
Nightline on ABC just showed video clips of DT I've never seen.

They have video of him at the ATM calmly withdrawing cash. They had carjacked a male victim whom they held hostage for 30 mins. One brother (didn't say who) removed magazine from his gun and showed it to the victim while asking him if he knew about the Boston marathon bombings. The victim said yes and the brother then said "I did that." (apparently bragging).

They then forced victim to give them his ATM card. They also asked the victim whether he was American, but when victim said he was "Chinese", they said they wouldn't kill him. The victim assumed that that meant they would kill him later.

So when they arrived at a gas station and DT went to use the ATM with the victim's bank card. The victim made a run for it. Victim said the other brother reached out with his arm to try to grab him back, but victim managed to escape into the store.

Now they're showing the victims at hospitals from the marathon bombings.

Earlier they said DT told authorities today that it only took him and his brother (the sole masterminds of the terrorism) "a week" to mastermind the scheme, gather the materials, and his older brother put together the bombs, to blow up Boston marathon. He claims the two acted alone, no help from outsiders or foreign countries. And that they learned everything on the internet. They watched an "Al Queda" video on how to build the bombs.

Dan Abrams, a lawyer, said the crimes of DT are "DEATH-ELIGIBLE CRIME" OR "DT could receive LIFE IMPRISONMENT WITH NO PAROLE."
I just think it's amazing how their actions were SO telling that the FBI was able to pick them out of a crowd. Kudos!
This is just mind boggling. She is changing her tune to save DT.

I saw 2 in one arm. Looked like .45 hollowpoint.

The mom is a real piece of work. She and the Aunt should get a TV show...lol

9mm probably, a .45 shooting a hollow pt. would probably take the arm off
And thank you for acknowledging that our own FBI played a major part in thwarting that terrorist plot. For an organization that many appear to think is made up of agents too stupid to even tie their own shoes, that's pretty good.

I know it was said that the Boston incident and the Canadian incident attempt were not related, but for some reason I am thinking decoy or diversion. U.S. Feds all tied up with Boston, while Canada gets hit. Probably not, but so close in timing.
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