Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #7 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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Because human beings do not have the right to choose if any other human being has the right to live or die. Period.
these two already made that decision for four other humans. if not for the fearless and heroic actions of bystanders there would have been many more deaths

IMO those two tore up their own right-to-life cards. they forfeited their rights to mercy. forgiveness: maybe (not from me, I'm not that noble). mercy: no

but, you are definitely entitled to your opinion. I just don't agree with it. I scare myself because I know what I'm capable of, given the right circumstances. I could blow a baby or child raper away without a second thought, and these two are in that same category IMO

sometimes the wages of sin ARE death (and I'm agnostic so that's not a religious reference)
When a terrorist murders,
the court system will hopefully find the little guilty. Then he cn die via the DP, AND THAT IS A JUDICIAL RIGHT.

What's legal and what is right are sometimes two different things. Humans do not have the right to choose life and death of other humans, its my beliefs that choice should be in the hands of god. Retribution solves nothing...holding people accountable is different.

I say this as a lifelong mass resident, and someone who had personal connections to two of the deceased victims.
Agree, and I would assume this will be an ongoing investigation for some time.

"Although our investigation is ongoing, today's charges bring a successful end to a tragic week for the city of Boston, and for our country," Attorney General Eric Holder said in the statement.
"We will hold those who are responsible for these heinous acts accountable to the fullest extent of the law."


I'm all for moving forward, but this statement is a bit premature, IMO.

Let those who are the victims, families of the victims and the American public move forward at their own speed. It's been a week...wow! Time to move forward.
these two already made that decision for four other humans. if not for the fearless and heroic actions of bystanders there would have been many more deaths

IMO those two tore up their own right-to-life cards. they forfeited their rights to mercy. forgiveness: maybe (not from me, I'm not that noble). mercy: no

but, you are definitely entitled to your opinion. I just don't agree with it. I scare myself because I know what I'm capable of, given the right circumstances. I could blow a baby or child raper away without a second thought, and these two are in that same category IMO

sometimes the wages of sin ARE death (and I'm agnostic so that's not a religious reference)

Please let's not fight over the death penalty here. Can you take it to the political pavilion? Some of us deliberately don't go there because we like our heads in one piece (not smashed to bits after ramming it against a brick wall repeatedly).
What's legal and what is right are sometimes two different things. Humans do not have the right to choose life and death of other humans, its my beliefs that choice should be in the hands of god. Retribution solves nothing...holding people accountable is different.

I say this as a lifelong mass resident, and someone who had personal connections to two of the deceased victims.

Everybody has their right to opinions on the matter of the DP.

I certainly respect yours.

Mine just differs.
Because human beings do not have the right to choose if any other human being has the right to live or die. Period.

As a Catholic, I do not believe in the death penalty. That said, I won't lose any sleep at all if others decide that is what he deserves.
Hear you, Kat. I am against death penalty. Period. However, I hope we don't have to lessen his culpability in order to get a guilty verdict, but spare his life. I don't like Either-Or. He can be responsible and not have to die for it. MOO

You know, I wouldn't mind it so much if he got life, but the thing that makes my blood boil over is that he will get any and all medical care he needs with no problem. He will not be financially responsible for any care he might need. On the other hand, those he and his brother maimed will not be so fortunate. I understand just about all of the victims that lost a limb/limbs will be transitioned to rehab this week and my guess is they will be inpatient rehab maybe 2 weeks, 4 max then send home. At that point, any further care that might be needed will have to be paid for and at least 2 people (brothers who each lost a limb) may not be able to afford the care they need, since they were recently laid off from construction jobs. Any one of the individuals needing rehab, whether it be out patient or in home, that does not have insurance will be required to pay per therapy visit (I'm an RN and DH is an attorney. If we didn't have coverage we couldn't afford this, and as it is, our coverage may not cover acts of terrorism. Something I want to seriously check into.) Be damned I will lose everything I have worked for because of some terrorist activity!

Do we have any Massachusetts members here (I know we do). How is the state set up medical insurance worded as concerns acts of war or terrorism? Thanks
Because human beings do not have the right to choose if any other human being has the right to live or die. Period.[/QUO

I'm sorry....am I misunderstanding what you are saying. Do you not agree with the death penalty in this case? Your statement and I quote " human beings do not have the right to choose if any other human being has the right to live or die" What about the three who were killed in this bombing.....not to mention the MIT officer being AMBUSHED for no reason!

Look I'm not saying emotionally that I don't feel like he deserves death...but emotions aren't always linked with right and wrong.

DT and TT did not have the right to choose life or death for others....but I don't believe we have the right to choose life or death for him. It's hypocritical. They thought they had the right to choose too....they didn't, but that's how the felt, and in their twisted brains they felt they were justified.

I don't want to put my heart or my head in the same twisted place as any murderer, I don't want to try to convince myself that I am justified in choosing life or death for someone, I don't have that right, just like they didn't have that right. If you do something wrong in this life I firmly believe you should be accountable for your actions. But putting the choice of life or death in the hands of humans is wrong.
Please let's not fight over the death penalty here. Can you take it to the political pavilion? Some of us deliberately don't go there because we like our heads in one piece (not smashed to bits after ramming it against a brick wall repeatedly).
I don't see it as fighting if someone makes one statement and moves on. returning to it and not letting it go is fighting. making one statement is, simply, making one statement. and that's what I have done, and I have no intention of going further. I took only one bite of the apple
You know, I wouldn't mind it so much if he got life, but the thing that makes my blood boil over is that he will get any and all medical care he needs with no problem. He will not be financially responsible for any care he might need. On the other hand, those he and his brother maimed will not be so fortunate. I understand just about all of the victims that lost a limb/limbs will be transitioned to rehab this week and my guess is they will be inpatient rehab maybe 2 weeks, 4 max then send home. At that point, any further care that might be needed will have to be paid for and at least 2 people (brothers who each lost a limb) may not be able to afford the care they need, since they were recently laid off from construction jobs. Any one of the individuals needing rehab, whether it be out patient or in home, that does not have insurance will be required to pay per therapy visit (I'm an RN and DH is an attorney. If we didn't have coverage we couldn't afford this, and as it is, our coverage may not cover acts of terrorism. Something I want to seriously check into.) Be damned I will lose everything I have worked for because of some terrorist activity!

Do we have any Massachusetts members here (I know we do). How is the state set up medical insurance worded as concerns acts of war or terrorism? Thanks

I'm not sure how it is set up in terms of acts of terrorism. But I will tell you that health insurance is required in Massachusetts and if you do not have it you can face a large surcharge when you file taxes, so most people at least have it. Any company over 5 people is required to offer health insurance to full time employees as well. And state health insurance is awarded for people with low or no income, upon which disability clauses can be added on.

My guess is many of these people will actually be very well covered, asking as they are MA residents.
Two eyewitnesses...

There was an ambulance at the scene.. Had they not shot that officer in the femoral artery... TT might have even lived!
Too bad. I am so praying for that cop. I can't remember his name, but he is the only victim that is still not doing well unless there has been a change I don't know about.

Sounds like that is the exact point when he started letting his grade slip.

The cop is MBTA Transit Police Officer Richard H. Donahue Jr. :)
Jeff Bauman -- Boston Strong, True Patriot and Hero

"Jeff Bauman wheeling himself around in a wheelchair tonight was an amazing thing to see, kid is by far the strongest kid I know" -- Jeff's best friend, John

11pm EST

I HEART BOSTON & all the heroes in the marathon bombing, and CAMBRIDGE and WATERTOWN shootings. I pray all the victims survive and succeed in their recoveries and their lives. Yes, BOSTON STRONG! I even have the shirt! :)
I don't see it as fighting if someone makes one statement and moves on. returning to it and not letting it go is fighting. making one statement is, simply, making one statement. and that's what I have done, and I have no intention of going further. I took only one bite of the apple

Thank you...you said it so TOS.
He was sitting on the side of the boat.
LE says they got him out of it/down from it.
The info is in the link I quoted in the post you are responding to.

ETA: I went back to find the link


From the link:

"We pulled him down and put the cuffs on him," said Thompson, the arresting officer of record in an operation that involved hundreds of cops over the course of the day.

He climbed out of the boat with help. There's a picture showing him doing it. It's clearly after the bot ripped the tarp off the boat. He may have been wobbly when he climbed out but he was able to get himself onto the ladder thingy where they grabbed him and cuffed him.

His wounds are bad but not so serious he was incapacitated. He was probably weak from blood loss more than anything. If his wounds were so serious that he couldn't get out of the boat, he probably wouldn't have made it to the boat in the first place and don't forget adrenaline is a great motivator. A brief gun battle, a few flash bangs and your life circling the drain is enough to get the old blood pressure up for one last hurrah

My biggest peeve with following this case is the vast number of excuses (not just here, EVERYWHERE) that people are making for this terrorist.

"poor kid didn't mean to run over his brother (and almost plow down several LE officers), he was just a bad driver"

"He couldn't see or hear during the shoot out with cops cause all those bombs were just making too much noise "

"He was just trying to get away, he was scared"

"Poor 19 year old was brainwashed or led by this big brother"

"He was such a nice guy, an angel even"

"Typical college student"

This ADULT placed a bomb filled backpack feet from children and turned and walked away with a smirk.

This ADULT went to a party, worked out, acted normal knowing the devastation his actions caused.

This terrorist was involved in the murder of a cop, the attempted murder of several cops, car jacking, ... The list goes on and on!

I'm sorry. Lets call it what it is.
Evil. Horrid. Psychopath. Murderer. Terrorist!

I agree with everything you've said here except I don't think he meant to run over his own brother. Likely in the confusion and smoke from gunfire, IEDs, etc., he meant to ram his vehicle into the cops, but instead, he might (or might not) have run over his brother.
Canada thwarts 'major terrorist attack' with arrests: CBC


I would like to say Thank you to the RCMP, CSIS(Canadian Security Intelligence Service) Provincial and Regional Police Services and cross-border co-operation with the FBI and US Homeland Security that uncovered and thwarted a major terrorist attack in Canada.

And thank you for acknowledging that our own FBI played a major part in thwarting that terrorist plot. For an organization that many appear to think is made up of agents too stupid to even tie their own shoes, that's pretty good.
He climbed out of the boat with help. There's a picture showing him doing it. It's clearly after the bot ripped the tarp off the boat. He may have been wobbly when he climbed out but he was able to get himself onto the ladder thingy where they grabbed him and cuffed him.

His wounds are bad but not so serious he was incapacitated. He was probably weak from blood loss more than anything. If his wounds were so serious that he couldn't get out of the boat, he probably wouldn't have made it to the boat in the first place and don't forget adrenaline is a great motivator. A brief gun battle, a few flash bangs and your life circling the drain is enough to get the old blood pressure up for one last hurrah

Agree, he was likely hemorrhaging badly from his wounds and exhausted from all the tragic drama and fleeing from LE from the night before. I think he was hiding in the boat and likely trying hard to rest to regain some strength.

I'm wondering if they found any of DT's weapons inside the boat.
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