Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #7 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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The 11 Most Mystifying Things the Tsarnaev Brothers Did

Not understand how ATMs work. After reaching the daily withdrawal limit at one ATM, the Tsarnaevs, apparently not realizing that the machines are part of an interconnected system, decided to try their luck at two different machines. The quest to find a working ATM was how they ended up, coincidentally, at a 7/11 in Cambridge around the same time it was the scene of an armed robbery, and were spotted on the store security camera

Keep the hostage's phone. The Tsarnaevs continued on without their hostage—but they did have his phone, which allowed police to track their location via GPS..


No, TT was alive and was being handcuffed when DT drove down the street at high speed. According to the Police Chief who was on CNN a short time ago, he stated he believed DT was intending to run over his officers who had TT on the ground. Note: TT was in cardiac arrest only when he arrived at the hospital, not when LE was apprehending him.

What I was referring to was the mainstream Medias portrayal that he had run over his brother with some intent. IMO, it was hectic , with limited ways to get out of there –I think we will find he did not intend to do so brother in road – road only way out .
He could have been trying to run over police who were standing there. They had to jump out of the way.
He was not in reverse - he floored it forward to get out of there and LE and brother were on the road ahead of him.
Exactly. We seem to infantalize young people nowdays to the point that two terrorist suspects who are adult being constantly called kids.
It's ridiculous.

The 19-year old can't legally buy booze. I consider anyone that young a "kid," especially boys as, IMO, they tend to mature more slowly than girls. IMO, that's not ridiculous, it's reality.
Andrew Kitzenberg who was on the Today show with his account was an eyewitness to the Watertown shootout. He live tweeted these pics from his apartment:


Of interest are pics of both the jacked SUV and the green Civic and a pic of DT barreling down on the police subduing his brother on his way to breaking through the police barricade.

You know what kills me the most??? Some of the comments on that site!!! I guess photos taken at night from a window just above the scene still just aren't good enough to convince the wackos that this isn't a "false flag." And they go on about how the naked man was actually TT. We all saw naked man with his clothes on just prior to being forced to shed them when he was face down on the ground. It is apparent that he is neither suspect and was simply a witness. He looked nothing like either of them. We saw the video up close (not sure where there is a link.)

The 19-year old can't legally buy booze. I consider anyone that young a "kid," especially boys as, IMO, they tend to mature more slowly than girls. IMO, that's not ridiculous, it's reality.
But they can be send to fight in an war.
Have you guys read the ABC article about TT being linked to a triple homicide? I'm on my Kindle and can't link.
So kill a person to show that killing people is wrong?
For sure, does not change history (alter anyones dealth/injuries/sufferring)-= just to the rest of the world makes us hypocrites (which IMO is why this stuff is happening IN THE FIRST PLACE.)

- our citizens: "killing is wrong" but we will kill you if you kill?

i dont know its like a parent saying eating choc chip good is bad, while munching on a Chips A Hoy!
A simple thank you was not enough. I believe you are 100% correct and I will go further and say I DO NOT believe for 1 minute that this was planned by only these two. There HAS to be more involved.

I agree. Those two might have done most of it, but I believe others were involved in some capacity.

Genck described how Tsarnaev and his brother were captured on camera walking near the finish line April 15, both carrying large knapsacks. They stood together for several minutes, appearing to watch the race.
Tamerlan broke off and walked toward where the first improvised explosive device would soon detonate, Genck said. Three minutes later, Dzhokhar walked in the same direction, then stopped and slipped his knapsack onto the ground. He then stood looking at his cellphone, and even appeared to snap a picture with it.

About 30 seconds before the first explosion, Genck’s affidavit said, Dzhokhar, standing in front of a restaurant, lifted the phone to his ear as though he were speaking and held it there. The first bomb exploded. “Virtually every head turns to the east [toward the finish line] and stares in that direction in apparent bewilderment and alarm,’’ Genck said.

Dzhokhar, referred to in the complaint as “Bomber Two,’’ stood out. “Virtually alone among the individuals in front of the restaurant,’’ the affidavit said, he “appears calm.’’

He then rapidly walked away from the direction of the first explosion, his knapsack on the ground.

About 10 seconds later, the second bomb exploded where his knapsack had been, Genck said.

Authorities are trying to trace a handgun recovered from the suspects. Law enforcement sources said the effort has been delayed because the serial number was removed.
Springfield is about 2 hrs west of Boston and about an hr north of Hartford. It's a pretty diverse city...not as wealthy overall as Boston, definetly smaller. But I would such culturally very similar. MA like you mentioned is not very big, so when it comes to something like this, regardless of the city, the Boston pride feeling is certainly state wide. My point of reference is a life long MA resident who lives pretty much directly in btw Boston and Springfield.

Hello neighbor :wave: I'm originally from SE Mass but now live in central/Near Worcester. Very much agree with your assessment. Springfield and immediate surrounding cities (Holyoke, Chicoppee, etc) are like Boston, but without the ritzier areas, I'd say. Very blue collar, very diverse. North and NE of Springfield are wealthier, famously progressive college enclaves of Amherst, Northampton, etc. there are also some more rural towns here and there that are perhaps a bit more conservative (though, being Mass, conservative is relative; more libertarian than traditional conservative).

Not so different than the Boston area, really. Just a few more trees lol.
Well lets cut the kid some slack, He had lots friends. was a good student, captain of the wrestling team and according to his mother a wonderful child. I don't know about you but with all the above going on the fact he found time to wage a moderately successful Jihad against the infidels is really commendable in my book.

That was sarcasm btw, I agree with you 100%, it's insane that people are trying to even remotely justify his actions or even lessen them because he was 19 or his brother was the ring leader.

He wasn't even a good student. He had bad grades in college. And his friends allege pot use (which probably explains the bad grades).
I don't know what folks expect friends of JT to say? If a reporter came up to me and asked me "what was your friend like?", and I knew the friend as someone who was kind, good at sports, friendly, seemed normal, but was a terrible driver...that's what id say! Do you want the friends to lie, and say "I always knew he was plotting something terrible!" If it wasn't true?

Hindsight is 20/20 and all. I think people say these things, when asked, because they are true, because that's what they presented to their friends, and that is how the friends saw them. We can say now, sure, that something was obviously terribly wrong - but at the time, apparently their friends didn't see anything to indicate it.

Why should they be criticized for responding honestly to reporters' questions?? :confused:
He wasn't even a good student. He had bad grades in college. And his friends allege pot use (which probably explains the bad grades).

When he hit college is probably when the downward spiral happened.

OT: Pot doesn't cause bad grades.
I don't know what folks expect friends of JT to say? If a reporter came up to me and asked me "what was your friend like?", and I knew the friend as someone who was kind, good at sports, friendly, seemed normal, but was a terrible driver...that's what id say! Do you want the friends to lie, and say "I always knew he was plotting something terrible!" If it wasn't true?

Hindsight is 20/20 and all. I think people say these things, when asked, because they are true, because that's what they presented to their friends, and that is how the friends saw them. We can say now, sure, that something was obviously terribly wrong - but at the time, apparently their friends didn't see anything to indicate it.

Why should they be criticized for responding honestly to reporters' questions?? :confused:

The whole point of plots like this is to act perfectly normal, to now draw attention onto oneself. That's why after the bombing he went back to school, hung out in the dorm/parties.

The ones who are the most dangerous are not your enemies. They are your friends, the ones pretending to pat you on the back while holding the knife behind theirs. It's no different here, they wanted to look innocent.

I agree he was in fight or flight.
His brother had a bomb vest on. Hospital was on code black when he arrived.*bomb threat

I don't think anyone would drive over a man wearing a bomb
UNLESS that was the point???? Was he trying to go out in a blaze o glory>

I just changed my mind he did it thinking suicide bombers!

Alrighty then. We all know from Dr Samuels what happened to his hippocampus in flight, and if he had survived, he wouldn't remember anything!

perhaps Dr Samuels will be testifying for the brother who did survive. Because he was in flight there for he doesn't remember anything either.

I do hear that Dr Samuel schedule is very very free and open. ;)

Pffft and note to the thread this is humor that comes from Jodi arias trial.

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For sure, does not change history (alter anyones dealth/injuries/sufferring)-= just to the rest of the world makes us hypocrites (which IMO is why this stuff is happening IN THE FIRST PLACE.)

- our citizens: "killing is wrong" but we will kill you if you kill?

i dont know its like a parent saying eating choc chip good is bad, while munching on a Chips A Hoy!

The point of the death penalty is not to demonstrate that killing is okay, but to remove a threat from society and to make the punishment proportional to the most heinous of crimes. I expect however that DT will get LWOP in a supermax. I only hope that if he does, lawyers don't work to give him full access to the library, permission to publish writings from behind bars, yada, yada so that he becomes a rallying point for his "cause" and the subject of a "mercy" campaign on his behalf -- all good reasons he should be removed from society permanently, but that's JMO.
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