Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #8 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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Now...if the parents are coming to US, will the mom start ranting about how the US is trying to kill her family again?

Well, I don't know if it is ever enforced but aren't there laws about inciting riots, public hysteria and terrorism. She may want to choose her words wisely.

I'm also wondering how voluntary there return might be...
I don't think both of the daughters marriages were arranged...as I recall when they went to one of the houses, the husband said he never met the family because he wasnt Muslim and they didn't accept him....or was that one of the aunts?....

That was the bombers' sister, and you're right her husbnd never met the brothers.....however I believe it to be her 2nd marriage, after a divorce from the man her mother arranged the marriage with- reason, domestic abuse
My opinion is not based on homeless students or the economic recession.
The two suspects were not homeless and they appeared to have enough money to buy pot and spend $400 in one day on fireworks.

The reason I said I wasn't surprised is because it appears that the suspects and their circles do not appear to be the most law abiding persons.
Oh, Sorry I misunderstood!
interesting. the timing was very coincidental. I wonder what will come out. Do you think they didn't call it terrorism b/c people would have freaked out? 2 events in succession?
Gosh yes, I thought that instantly cause I followed the Okla bombing intensly.
THEN later, when I heard it was 20 miles from Waco, then (!) when I heard it was started by slow burning fire (as opposed to instant explosion) boy!
No. They jumped ahead of other immigrants because they claimed "refugee" status. That means they had legitimate reasons for fearing to return to their country. THAT is how they got to stay here and collect welfare, housing assistance, food stamps. THEY CLAIMED that they had good reasons to fear going home.

Once settled in...they start going there on vacations!!!!

What does that have to do with what I posted? I wasn't even responding to your posts

I'm talking about why they're coming to the US to be interviewed, why they may not feel safe discussing their son's current situation in Russia.

You're talking about why the left Russia 12 years ago or whatever it was and why they went back, this isn't an immigration discussion, there's a political thread for that.

How and why the parents got here and how and why they felt safe going back to Russia have zero to do with their current situation coming back to the US to talk with authorities about their sons activities in Boston.
Why would they say that tho if it were not true. Seems like it makes it look worse.

While we are here, the media "Did the FBI drop the "ball" ?

Well it seems to me if the "Ball"was to prevent a terrorist attack on the USA, then I would say , yes they did.

Where is the confusion!!!!!!!!!!
What does that have to do with what I posted? I wasn't even responding to your posts

I'm talking about why they're coming to the US to be interviewed, why they may not feel safe discussing their son's current situation in Russia.

You're talking about why the left Russia 12 years ago or whatever it was and why they went back, this isn't an immigration discussion, there's a political thread for that.

How and why the parents got here and how and why they felt safe going back to Russia have zero to do with their current situation coming back to the US to talk with authorities about their sons activities in Boston.

But what if one or both of the parents were aware of the sons' intention? Could that possibly be the reason for them going back to Russia? Perhaps they felt their sons would not be caught.

It's still interesting though that they are coming back to the US.
Where are you guys seeing pictures of inside the home where you say it was so messy, no children's toys etc? Can't find the link or pics on a google search.
I saw them (pics) too -I wanna say daily out of London- lets not forget that we run a series on TV called "Hoarding or Hoaders or something!
Maybe they want mom to come back to positively identify Misha? Or, I'm grasping at straws.
I think you mean Lord and Taylor :floorlaugh:

Darn whiffed a prefectly good one liner...lol yep I did, must remember, Lord and Taylor for free lingerie, Macy's for pressure cookers
But what if one or both of the parents were aware of the sons' intention? Could that possibly be the reason for them going back to Russia? Perhaps they felt their sons would not be caught.

It's still interesting though that they are coming back to the US.

That's wide open to speculation...

It is interesting they are coming back, we'll find out soon enough I imagine. Could end up being nothing or something in a bigger scope

Heck they might even end up staying here depending on what dirt they spill.

They might have real reason to fear going back this time around.
There Are Almost No Chechens in the United States—Here's Why

It's much easier for refugees from the region to settle in Europe than in the U.S.


So why are there so few Chechens in America? Mainly, because we don't resettle Chechen refugees here.

...And frankly, says Kathleen Newland, director of refugee programs at the Migration Policy Institute, the Chechen population was never of "special concern" to the United States, and the hope was that the region's displaced citizens would return home when its wars ended.

...This asylum process is how the suspects' father, Anzor Tsarnaev, a Chechen man who was living in Dagestan in southern Russia, ended up in Boston: He and his then-8-year-old son Dzhokhar, the surviving suspect, arrived in the U.S. legally in 2002 on a tourist visa, and then petitioned to stay as asylum seekers.
The parents coming to the USA raises concerns for me. First, the mother has an outstanding warrant. Regardless of the circumstances, why should she receive special privilege of being allowed into USA without facing these charges? She has been so outspoken over the bombings and her angelic sons who were framed as she says.
Why let her back into our country?

The biggest concern is that any communication with his parents will put fear into DT and totally slow down or shut down any answers the government is getting! IMO, each passing day that DT is isolated in the hospital room, the greater our chance of getting answers before he lawyers up. When did terrorists, or even suspects, have the privilege of having visitors?

Of course, this is assuming that his parents are granted rights to visit him. All criminals are someone's child. Age makes no difference. Age might make us more tender hearted regarding the criminal, but let's remember the horrific crime he committed and the many victims whose lives have been changed/ruined forever due to DT!
And considering that mother could be arrested upon arrival on the shoplifting charge, why did she even agree to come (assuming she did agree and msm isn't just blowing smoke)?

I really think a deal was made with her that they would drop that charge, if she could help them to get the young lad, their ANGEL to start giving them the information that they really need, names places dates, etc, as it looks like he is not telling them really what they want to know, just my take, I wonder where they will stay, because let us face it, I am sure that there are people that would like to harm them, more tax payers money.

I'm sorry I do not want to fight with you. I understand your heart is in the right place and you are seeing this issue through the eyes of people you work directly with. It's noble. But there are many sides to this issue and depending on experiences or people we have known are vantage points are going to differ some. I know we are both just feeling defensive over people we have seen struggle.
I understand, but under the circumstances, I don't see a problem with this. I'm not sure where LE would find the time to obtain search warrants for all of the homes. Had they taken the time to obtain search warrants and politely request admission to the homes for a search, allowing the living bomber to get away, complaints would be raised about that. This whole incident puts everyone between a rock and a hard place. I would have no problem if swat teams ordered me out of my home to search it. Sorry, can't please all of the people all of the time.
And it becomes even more ironic! If we go with the reality that what we tell the world is that we have rights against govt intrusion.

Don’t know about any of you but I am pretty confident that I would feel more than intruded upon if 6 guys, with assault rifles, bulletproof vests decided to just come on in.
There is more irony here as well. 9000 Le folks, over 20 hours and at the end of the day it was a kind old man that, for free (!) ended it.

During the actual day when they kept calling him a hero it bewildered me. As a society are we saying that a fellow American who stumbles upon what appears to be a serious injured human being and they call help for the downed human being who needs help is a hero or a human being that cares about another human being... It was a human – he did not know who it was.
For that to be her

oic requires some pondering on our parts as to what it says about us. No?
The parents coming to the USA raises concerns for me. First, the mother has an outstanding warrant. Regardless of the circumstances, why should she receive special privilege of being allowed into USA without facing these charges? She has been so outspoken over the bombings and her angelic sons who were framed as she says.
Why let her back into our country?

The biggest concern is that any communication with his parents will put fear into DT and totally slow down or shut down any answers the government is getting! IMO, each passing day that DT is isolated in the hospital room, the greater our chance of getting answers before he lawyers up. When did terrorists, or even suspects, have the privilege of having visitors?

Of course, this is assuming that his parents are granted rights to visit him. All criminals are someone's child. Age makes no difference. Age might make us more tender hearted regarding the criminal, but let's remember the horrific crime he committed and the many victims whose lives have been changed/ruined forever due to DT!

Agree, I can't see why these same parents who had the money to travel to Russia and their son TT had the resources to take vacations back and forth from Russia to America suddenly cannot use the same resources for themselves at this particular juncture in time. I cannot believe the conspiracy-driven truther parents are now continuing to take advantage of the US by making us PAY their way to America so they can "support" their terrorist sons. Shame on us Americans for being used and abused, yet again, by this atrocious, repulsively immoral family.
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