Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #8 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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Here's my opinion...and it is based on my experiences as a volunteer with the American poor...both urban and rural. We have limited resources to help our own. In this case we have a family that requested refugee status. We gave them welfare, housing assistance, food stamps,scholarships, etc.

Then the Mother returns to Russia..no longer concerned about whatever caused her "refugee status" to avoid a shoplifting charge. Dad no longer feels like he needs to be a "refugee" and he leaves for home too.

Now,we receive numerous alarm statements from the Russian government that Big Brother has terrorist aspirations. No longer , like his parents, the FEARFUL refugee...he makes trips home...and we learn that he has six (6) meetings with a Jihadist American-hating Iman while on his visit.

Bingo! These are no longer fearful refugees! Time to pull the green card and allocate that money, help, resources, to our OWN American poor. WHERE IS THE COMMON SENSE?

These are not genuine refugees...they go back and forth like a trip to McDonalds...they have NO fear of oppresion in their homeland. They are grifters.

Why are we lavishing the limited monies we have on them?

To me, We need to feed our own children first. But maybe this is because I actually INTERACT with people here in America who are in desparate need. I mean...face to face.

Grifters. The entire family of grifters. Not sure if it wasn't part of the plan when they first brought them over.
I just do not trust the entire family.
Ummm I think we are talking about two very different things here. I was only addressing wether American residents should be flagged for traveling to countries in which known radical underground communities exist.

You are addressing social welfare in terms of the allocation of resources to the needy.

I'm pretty sure those are two different topics.

Also just as an aside TT had gone back to his home country before his parents had ever gone back there, his parents went back there fr the first time only recently (from my understanding), and then TT went back a second time. Wen he first went there, there was not yet a government tracking him, the Russian government requested tracking after ths first visit in 2011. I'm not sure why the government would have had any reason prior to the mother and fathers return to have flagged them.

No, in regard to these bombers these two topics intersect. Absolutely intersect. I am saying when social resources are allocated to "refugees" and those refugees willing return to their Homeland...and another Government makes numerous attempts to warn us that one of those Green Card Holders with Refugee Status..is not pnly making trips back home...but they believe him to be a serious terror threat...TIME TO PULL THE PLUG!

Our generosity needs to have some rationality to it. Especially when so many of our OWN are needy. In this horific story, we have every right to examine how we have become a terror sponsering nation...by NOT FOLLOWING up on abuse to our system and generosity...we have not only cheated our own poor..but made ourselves more vulnerable to terror.

So, the two issues indeed intersect.
It was much more than typical slobbery. I've lived in college dorms and I've been to plenty of awful bachelors places, but the photos showed something entirely different. If they'd kept it up they could have gone on Hoarders.

Agree and if the wife lived there, if I were her parents would be very embarrassed that the entire world is seeing the dirt that they lived in, and to boot had a toddler living in it, I guess she never cleaned, and working or not, that is not an excuse.
He was not a citizen. He was a...guest with benefits. So, my answer is yes. If you had a houseguest who spent six months with people who hated you and wanted to hurt you...would you have his dinner ready and your guest room comfy for him?

You have to look at it all in context. He was a Chechen, Chechen rebels are at odds with Russia not the USA. When Russia asked about him it wasn't to warn the US per se, it was for the US to poke around and find out if he was going to do something in Russia. The Chechen rebels have no quarrels with the USA.

Russia was covering it's butt, not necessarily trying to aide the US.

Even not being a citizen he was a legal resident and is protected under the same rights as a citizen is and I doubt the FBI or anyone was going to tromp all over his rights to help Russia.

Hind sight is 20/20, easy to be critical now but at the time when you look at things in context, the path was not so easy.
From that article it sounds as though the parents WILL be coming to the States:

“During the talks it was decided to take the Tsarnaev parents to the United States. The parents have given their consent to this, they will be involved in the U.S. investigation,” the source told RIA Novosti.

Wait DURING talks it was decided.....something tells me the Feds don't mind using tax payer money because they feel these parents are going to be very beneficial to their cause...

I wonder what info they are willing to give up, and what's been promised in exchanged?
Now...if the parents are coming to US, will the mom start ranting about how the US is trying to kill her family again?
Now...if the parents are coming to US, will the mom start ranting about how the US is trying to kill her family again?

And considering that mother could be arrested upon arrival on the shoplifting charge, why did she even agree to come (assuming she did agree and msm isn't just blowing smoke)?


In the fall of 2011, the CIA asked that Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev 's name be added to to a primary terrorism watch list after Russian officials raised concerns about his radical Islamist views and possible plans to travel abroad, The Washington Post reported Wednesday."

Why wasn't he?
And considering that mother could be arrested upon arrival on the shoplifting charge, why did she even agree to come (assuming she did agree and msm isn't just blowing smoke)?

Exactly.....and wasn't she the one that said they are angels and they are framed? She didn't believe they did it so why is she cooperating now??
You have to look at it all in context. He was a Chechen, Chechen rebels are at odds with Russia not the USA. When Russia asked about him it wasn't to warn the US per se, it was for the US to poke around and find out if he was going to do something in Russia. The Chechen rebels have no quarrels with the USA.

Russia was covering it's butt, not necessarily trying to aide the US.

Even not being a citizen he was a legal resident and is protected under the same rights as a citizen is and I doubt the FBI or anyone was going to tromp all over his rights to help Russia.

Hind sight is 20/20, easy to be critical now but at the time when you look at things in context, the path was not so easy.

Then why did our own CIA want him added to our Terror list? Does the FBI suspect THEM of having some agenda?
What info could they possibly provide? They are both denying that the sons were anything but perfect angels.
Something must have come up in the initial review that they want to investigate in a different setting. Being in Russia maybe the parents don't feel comfortable speaking candidly
No, in regard to these bombers these two topics intersect. Absolutely intersect. I am saying when social resources are allocated to "refugees" and those refugees willing return to their Homeland...and another Government makes numerous attempts to warn us that one of those Green Card Holders with Refugee Status..is not pnly making trips back home...but they believe him to be a serious terror threat...TIME TO PULL THE PLUG!

Our generosity needs to have some rationality to it. Especially when so many of our OWN are needy. In this horific story, we have every right to examine how we have become a terror sponsering nation...by NOT FOLLOWING up on abuse to our system and generosity...we have not only cheated our own poor..but made ourselves more vulnerable to terror.

So, the two issues indeed intersect.

So any refugee who has the audacity to make a trip back home to say, visit family? Have their children meet their grandparents? Should be considered a serious terror threat? Are we to not allow any of our refuges to visit their homeland? Are we to force them to stay her and never leave because they are in fear of their lives that they will be accused of being a terrorist if they do?

It's a fine line and I agree with you, the system is certainly not perfect. I agree that people should work hard and not abuse the system. ALL of my ancestors were immigrants, they came from multiple countries, where various ages on their arrival, and none spoke English. But they all learned, they all worked, and they didn't get handouts from the government, they put up withAnd I think a fair number of Americans share a similar background. But we have to remember times are different, the minimum level of education required for base level jobs is different, the policies are different. So immigrants now have a different set of challenges then our ancestors did. It's like comparing apples to oranges. I think we need to watch that for the sake of justice we not starting to create policies that are guilty until proven innocent.

Also it is not the abuse to our system and generosity that is culpable ... If we want to view what we are doing wrong as a society...it is budding our noises into the conflicts of every other country as if we are the only country on earth that knows how to handle an issue and self govern....because that is where are luck of resources for our OWN needy comes from....not from tending to the refugees whom we displace because of nose butting.
And considering that mother could be arrested upon arrival on the shoplifting charge, why did she even agree to come (assuming she did agree and msm isn't just blowing smoke)?

I don't understand it either, but is sounds like maybe she didn't have a choice and this is worded gently???

“During the talks it was decided to take the Tsarnaev parents to the United States. The parents have given their consent to this, they will be involved in the U.S. investigation,” the source told RIA Novosti.
Has there been any clarification on WHERE the toddler was on the day of the Bombings?

Am I reading correctly that mother T said that she "doesn't care" if DT is killed? Is she saying that he is irrelevant and that only TT was important?

Where are people seeing the pic of the "hoarder" like home?
That would imply the CIA just is indiscrimate in its requests. I think if they wanted it...they had darn good reasons.
Evidently the FBI or State department felt differently about it.

And lets be honest the CIA is known to not to always play by the rules.

I'm not saying mistakes were not made but I'm also not buying that TT was laid out on a silver platter for the FBI or whoever and they decided to just ignore the warnings.
Something must have come up in the initial review that they want to investigate in a different setting. Being in Russia maybe the parents don't feel comfortable speaking candidly

And they are going to be comfortable speaking in the US?
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