Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #8 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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I have two questions, maybe someone here knows:

1) what did the brothers study? Were they techies? Did they have a natural talent that would make them able to build bombs and circuit boards etc from scratch without actual help, only with reading online?

2) almost everybody, especially young people, nowadays has a cell phone or smart phone on them at all times. Did DT have one on him? Did he call or text someone when he was lying injured in the boat for roughly 20 hours or so? I would feel surprised if he didn't. He must have been in pain, hungry, thirsty. Was he just lying there waiting to die? I would rather think he was waiting to gather some strength and make his way in the dark to some friends or so. Did he know Boston was shut down and the area was swarming with 100s or 1000s of police? What was his plan? What was he gonna do without help?

If I would make a guess I'd say there will be more arrests in this case. Someone knew, if not before the attacks but afterwards. And they didn't call police.

I believe they have already been taken into custody.
OK we have pics of the shootout from CNN, The gentleman who posted these also had them on a blog and his twitter feed I'll decipher, snip, paraphrase and arrange his comments from the blog to keep it brief

link to pics

pic 1: The Honda on the left, Mercedes SUV on the right Brothers in front of the SUV

Pic 2: more of the same

pic 3: Red circle shows bomb at brothers feet that they'll soon throw at police

pic 4: more of same

pic 5: #1 has already walked down the street with bomb and thrown it at police #2 has climbed into Mercedes SUV, turned it around and is speeding towards police and brother. the Mercedes is the closest vehicle to the camera in this pic, you're looking at the backend of it.

pic 6: Same pic as above, the red circle is the police wrestling #1 to the ground as his brother speeds toward them

pic 7: aftermath

pic 8: bomb blast mark on road

pic 9: bomb squad tech at blast site

pics 10 through 12 aftermath/investigation
CNN Nic Robertson investigating in Dagestan: the family is in denial about their sons' involvement.

I'm having a difficult time believing mom did not encourage them.

The mosque that TT visited appears to be known for terrorists (dad and mom and family didn't know?).

One of the regulars at the mosque on Kotrova Street was Murad Lakhiyanov, one of the most famous leaders of the Islamist underground in Dagestan. In October 2005, police cornered him in a Makhachkala apartment, and after an eight-hour gun battle that included mortar fire from both sides, he was killed. By then, the mosque had already gained infamy as a haunt for local terrorists. In 2002, an explosion ripped through a May Day military parade in the Dagestani town of Kaspiysk, killing 44 people, including 12 children, and wounding 133 others. A manhunt then began for a handful of suspects, some of whom turned out to be regulars at the mosque on Kotrova Street.
Six months later, one of the suspects, Murad Abdurazakov, was found hiding in Temirchiev’s home in Makhachkala. Temirchiev, who spoke to TIME on the terrace of a Makhachkala café just down the street from the mosque he helped build, was sentenced in 2003 for abetting terrorism and served the next six years in the Shamkhal Colony, a high-security prison in Dagestan where many convicted terrorists are held. After his release, he spent time in Moscow and St. Petersburg before returning to Dagestan in the fall of 2012, so he would not have been there at the same time as Tsarnaev. “But I know that our numbers have grown in proportion to the pressure against us,” he says. “Inshallah, they will continue to grow.”
CNN AC 360 now with new footage and analysis.
Tonight at 10 PM ET Psychologist Dr. Patrica Saunders & Crime Analyst Sheryl McCollum will be on my show to discuss the latest in the Boston Bomings. Click here to listen: http://t.co/abw7UlAhJ1
I just don't see how anyone living with them, especially TT, in a "crowed apartment", or even spent any time with them, did not see or hear anything to raise some eyebrows. Definitely not anyone living with them.

If it's true that they only started planning a week before the first attack, then IMO it's understandable. However, I can't imagine that TT wasn't expressing violent thoughts in the months (maybe years) leading up to the attack, especially to those closest to him. IOW, I think he probably made some very graphic and aggressive statements to, at the very least, his wife. Pure speculation and JMO, MOO, OMO, etc. That said, he has been described as aggressive and anti-social, really quite the expletive-deleted, so perhaps such statements would not have seemed out of place.
Poignant first person story:

In the first horrific moments after the Boston bombing, with smoke still billowing around the wounded, I know what is going through the minds of the maimed victims......
...Overcome with a sense of deja vu, I feel my past converge with the future of those wounded spectators. I lost my leg in a bomb blast. I know the violent shock of a day that begins well and ends with an amputation, the fog of drugs and surgery, the months of painful rehabilitation.....

Tonight at 10 PM ET Psychologist Dr. Patrica Saunders & Crime Analyst Sheryl McCollum will be on my show to discuss the latest in the Boston Bomings. Click here to listen: http://t.co/abw7UlAhJ1

Thx for the heads-up, Levi.

Will the program be taking callers? If so, I may just call in with questions.
It doesn't surprise me at all that this mother is so ..... Ummmm .... Protective of her son .... It's my experience with similar cultures that sons are everything! Especially a first born son....especially to a mother. She is in so much denial because to her he is practically royalty. I'd be willing to bet she did everything for him and helped inflate his ego and feelings of self importance, as well as fostered these same feelings towards him in his siblings. To this mother her son literally could do no wrong. .... Which again I'm sure she waited on him hand and foot.... And why I have such a hard time believing a kid who was likely raised that way, especially a male would play "stay at home dad" and change diapers.....

Just my two cents

I have a hard time with TT as a stay at home dad taking care of his daughter too. If it's true, perhaps this scenario was so humiliating and painful for his ego that it pushed him even further into his extremist worldview/craziness.
Older Boston Suspect Made Two Trips to Dagestan, Visited Radical Mosque, Officials Say

Read more: http://world.time.com/2013/04/22/tsarnaev-in-dagestan/#ixzz2RKgYvIm5

Interesting article. But I did have to read this sentence several times before realizing they should've included the word "later killed". :eek:

...[The mosque]....has been a hangout for men killed in shootouts with Russia’s counterterrorism forces.

Read more: http://world.time.com/2013/04/22/tsarnaev-in-dagestan/#ixzz2RKsepf4Q
If she was living in the Cambridge apt with the MIL, she probably put a lot of pressure on KT to covert. the MIL seems like a piece of work to me.

True, I could see that but something tells me that by the time she actually met his mother, she had already agreed to convert. If she and he were so devout, it is unlikely he would have brought her home to mom, without already having this established.
I have a hard time with TT as a stay at home dad taking care of his daughter too. If it's true, perhaps this scenario was so humiliating and painful for his ego that it pushed him even further into his extremist worldview/craziness.

And where was his daughter when he was participating in the "extracurricular" activities?
True, I could see that but something tells me that by the time she actually met his mother, she had already agreed to convert. If she and he were so devout, it is unlikely he would have brought her home to mom, without already having this established.

I agree. Apparently after his mother started encouraging him to beome religious, he became so devout, he was the one encouraging mother to wear head coverings/traditional clothes.
TWO trips to Russia would explain what had me confused, the report of the Russians warning the FBI that TT had met with an extremist/radical cleric 6 times. That would be the first trip.
the video footage with captions of a reporter's cel phone interview: <modsnip> kept saying "they killed them, they killed my sons." she kept saying T was "lovvvvvving, lovvvvvving"

also: they killed them because they're muslim, nothing else!!!

why does she talk like both of her sons are dead? ay yi yi

grudge match pay-per-view: this conniver vs Cindy Anthony (I'd pay big bucks to see that)
And where was his daughter when he was participating in the "extracurricular" activities?

Heaven only knows. I wouldn't put it past that expletive-deleted to have her nearby, playing or watching TV, while he assembled the bombs. In all likelihood, her safety wasn't even a blip on his radar screen. She was probably more of an inconvenience than a joy to him. If he had enjoyed fatherhood in the slightest, then the path he took would have never been appealing. JMO, OMO, MOO, etc. But can you imagine leaving your young child with such a horrific legacy? Well, apparently, he could.
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