Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #8 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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I don't think it was his mother that turned him away from boxing....I thought it was that Misha character....?
there was an article linked here, his mother said hitting in the face is against Islam, along with drinking, smoking, clubbing. T said Misha discouraged an interest in music

sounds like he was being pressured to deny all worldly interests
I would be floored if the maternal grandparents didn't know how their daughter and granddaughter lived. Maybe it's just me, but I am just nosey like that when in comes to my child/grandchildren!

I couldn't do it either! It does seem strange, but KR has taken on a life so removed from her upbringing. I had thought perhaps they've had to accept her new life as it is or risk loosing her and the granddaughter for good.

I thought of it similar to a woman in an abusive relationship. The family are in a very tough situation. Firstly they could try and get her end the relationship with the man. This is most probably going to end up with the woman not seeing the family anymore to satisfy the partner or because they think the family are the unreasonable ones and the partner is the victim.
Secondly they can sort of accept the lifestyle as it is, even though they don't like it. That way she is kept close and they have a relationship, but most importantly they are there if things go very bad and she needs to get out.

I'm rambling now, sorry!! I'm so curious about the family dynamic! I feel I'm just going along tangents which seem possible. It's very interesting and incredibly sad for that poor child who has to grow up to find all this out.
Is Misha an actual person or is it a term for a position or is it something else?
I am sorry you feel that way. I have visited Iran for vacation and I wore the hijab without complaint because "When in Rome"....

When I travel I am open to foreign cultures and experiences, when I am living in my home country I expect foreigners/newcomers/visitors to fit into the ESTABLISHED culture & society.

Crazy that! So sorry if that offends!

But she wasn't wearing the hijab in earlier interviews or when she was in Russia 20+ years ago...why all of a sudden now?
But she wasn't wearing the hijab in earlier interviews or when she was in Russia 20+ years ago...why all of a sudden now?

She isn't just wearing the hijab....she is trying really hard to look ultra conservative (and failing).
I don't think it was his mother that turned him away from boxing....I thought it was that Misha character....?

Mother encouraged him to become religious. Apparently it's against Muslim religion to hit other men on the face, so he coudln't box.
mom wants TT to be buried in Boston

will she even be able to locate a cemetery anywhere in the US much less boston that will allow TT to be buried there lol??
She isn't just wearing the hijab....she is trying really hard to look ultra conservative (and failing).
exactly...look at her picture from 20+ years ago from Russia, she was no where close to conservative...
Now, to get the EXACT dates for that trip...
It seems that it occurred before the summer of 2011 and a few months before his friends were brutally murdered.

From what has been reported by msm, trip to Russia was in January 2012 and lasted six months. Not in 2011.
Do we know why the uncles have different last name from TT/DT's family?
Does it have anything to do maybe kids from first/2nd wives?
Do we know why the uncles have different last name from TT/DT's family?
Does it have anything to do maybe kids from first/2nd wives?

No, the last name doesn't change depending on which wife has kids.
The uncle might have changed his Russian sounding last name to sound more American.
No, the last name doesn't change depending on which wife has kids.
The uncle might have changed his Russian sounding last name to sound more American.

I can understand if 1 uncle does it, but both uncles changed their last name?
Being in denial might at the moment be the only thing that keeps her from breaking down. With all the media attention it might just horrify her that she could be seen publicly at the weakest, saddest, and most shameful moment in her life. She might also be trying to keep feelings of guilt at bay, after all she raised these monsters. She is trying to keep up a strong front. Fighting might be all she knows. Life in that part of the world certainly seems to support that attitude. But of course in this situation, and for outsiders, her behaviour comes across as more and more bizarre and crazy.

I think she should not be trashed. Nobody knows what really goes on in her heart. At the moment she is simply reacting to all that happened: her sons being terrorists, one son dead, the other facing DP, and media all over her 24/7. Not a situation I would like to have to deal with, and half of the time publicly at that. Denial, anger, crazy talk, is understandable imo. She might change after a while.

BBM-I understand your feelings, but quite frankly, I am shocked at how outspoken this family is and has been! You would expect most families to go into hiding somewhere out of shame and/or fear or just for peace to grieve. But not this family. No they are out there with fists flying and guns a blazing. I'm sorry, but she can go back to obscurity for all I care. If she wanted to speak to the media, she should be apologizing for the monsters she raised. Or say nothing at all. Period.
I tried to ignore this, but I can't help but find this incredibly offensive.....Accepting other cultures is not the same thing as overlooking the potential shabby living conditions of their daughter and granddaughter.

And it comes across as if you are insinuating that abuse and neglect are considered part of the "culture" these parents where being "accepting" of.

I hope that is not the way you intended it to come across, because that is a very inaccurate and damaging accusation.
I predict that this case will raise all kinds of communication problems among those who are following it and posting about it

it's inaccurate to say that horrible crimes against women and children in the particular culture we will find ourselves discussing do not exist, and are not prevalent: stoning female adulterers to death, stoning to death or publicly lashing females who engage in premarital sex, rape victims being killed because they bring dishonor to the family, being forced to endure arranged marriages that end up being abusive. I don't see how we can be expected to ignore the elephants in the room

usually we scroll on by or make one, and only one, comment saying we disagree. we rarely say that someone's comments are damaging, because they are only words on a screen. most of us are set in our ways and beliefs and it takes more than words on a screen to change the way we view something. that being said, you are entitled to your opinion regardless of how it's perceived
Just heard an interview with a neighbor of TT and Katherine on Fox. Her apartment was directly behind theirs. According to this neighbor, during the summer when windows were down, she could hear KT, shrieking and yelling, very angry with it going on for hours at times, til the middle of the night. The reporter asked her several times, I assume to be clear, if it was angry yelling she heard, and the neighbor repeated, "yes, angry."
@JJenny, reports just came out that he went to Dagestan 2 times. Once for about a month in 2011, then the Russian request/report to the FBI, then the triple murder and finally, TT leaves for 2nd trip January-June 2012.
I don't know that SHE was ever a lawyer. Look how young she was when married, then had 4 children not far apart. If she did that and was a lawyer, good for her!

We know cool Uncle Ruslan is a lawyer here. That is all we know about anyone actually being a lawyer, or even practicing as one.

All else we have is a bunch of messed up, contradictory articles, and the words of a lady prone to histrionics and may have taken a drama class or two, lol.

(I just noticed this new emoticon, :stormingmad:, love it.)

There are a lot of contradictory articles. I am having a hard time getting a handle on the timeline and fully understanding the family dynamics. Mom does give a pretty big clue that she is clueless however. imo

I like this new emoticon too. Fits well here. :stormingmad:
My e-mail from MIT President L. Rafael Reif re: Memorial Ceremony with Law Enforcement for Officer Sean Collier to be held tomorrow Wednesday, 4/24/2013 noon at Brigg's Field on campus. (You may have to enlarge screen using Ctrl + to see the text).



Also, you can read a beautiful tribute to Sean at http://mit.edu/mitoc/www/#events/special.shtml

"Sean Collier, an MIT police officer and MIT Outing Club member, died last night. He did one of the bravest and most heroic things any human being can do for another - Sean risked his life in the call of duty and was killed on MIT's campus. He gave his life for us, and we will always remember him for that."

"Sean's excitement about the outdoors was contagious. He could keep an entire carload of hikers entertained on the long drive to distant trailheads, and was always willing to share his favorite hiking snack: pepperoni, or "roni" as he called it. He could find the bright side of any situation, be it bad weather, turning back just before the summit, or a fender-bender on the way to the mountains. His grin was irrepressible, his trip descriptions irresistible:"
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