Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #8 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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This Daily Mail reporter is simply contributing to the conspiracy theories and 9/11 truth movement agendas of the infowars website. MOO

And we have to remember that there was a terrorist hiding (or possibly being hidden by friends) somewhere in the town of Watertown (and not knowing if there were others involved). He abandoned a vehichle and blood was found in different areas. LE was checking and rechecking houses (doors/windows open that were previously closed, etc), calls about suspicious packages/backpacks, people hearing noises in the alleys and their back yards, etc.

I don't see this as a "police" state but as "police" protection.

I am behind today on what has been discussed here, so please excuse me if this is old news. I am sitting here in tears and questioning myself "this is happening in the USA?" This is NOT what we the American people were told happened in Watertown in the house to house search!


That's how house to house searches are done. They take command. It's safer for everyone involved if they let it be known form the outset that it's a serious situation.

I know it's startling to see but if you want to be upset be upset at the bombers who put LE and the neighborhood in this situation.

Edit: I had to laugh.. that house was like a clown car. People just kept coming out, it's like they were having a lockdown party
I hear you....however are we suggested that anyone who's a s residents and spends months in another country with a known radical underground they should be flagged by the FBI and investigated? ..... Or only if they had been flagged previously AND the spent months in a foreign country?

People have been flagged for a lot less and innocent people on the no fly list.
I was questioned for visiting Eastern Europe intensively.
He should have been thoroughly investigated and dropped the ball. IMHO
Yes apparently it got tense. LE has to be prepared that one of the suspects forced his way into a home and possibly holding a resident at gunpoint so they took heavy-handed measures IMO.

A couple images from the neighborhood which are scary also:
View attachment 32621 Daily Mail

View attachment 32622Shot of inside a home

Those are from inside a home that was right where the shootout took place.
It was much more than typical slobbery. I've lived in college dorms and I've been to plenty of awful bachelors places, but the photos showed something entirely different. If they'd kept it up they could have gone on Hoarders.

I almost feel as though the pics were of their stairwell leading to the apartment. Looks like the only pic of inside is through a keyhole??? Agreed that the pics showed a mess of shoes, bags, etc. but no rooms, no furniture were shown. moo
CNN just reported that the parents have agreed to cooperate with the feds and will be flying to the US tomorrow.
Sorry if this has been posted already.

A Georgia lawmaker revealed new information Wednesday that implied a federal law enforcement agency may have dropped the ball over the Boston Marathon bombings.

Channel 2 Action News first told you Tuesday about the comments Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Georgia, said raising concerns a law enforcement agency may have known about the bombing plot before it happened.

Channel 2's Lori Geary talked with Chambliss Wednesday, pressing him for answers.

"We're going to get to the bottom of whether or not somebody along the way dropped the ball on some information," Chambliss told Geary.

Here's my opinion...and it is based on my experiences asa volunteer with the American poor...both urban and rural. We have limited resources to help our own. In this case we have a family that requested refugee status. We gave them welfare, housing assistancd, food stamps,scholarships, etc.

Then the Mother returns to Russia..no longer concerned about whatever caused her "refugee status" to avoid a shoplifting charge. Dad no longer feels like he needs to be a "refugee" and he leaves for home too.

Now,we receive numerous alarm statements from the Russian government that Big Brother has terrorist aspirations. No longer , like his parents, the FEARFUL refugee...he makestrips home...and we learn that he has six (6) meetings with a Jihadist American-hating Iman while on his visit.

Bingo! These areno longer fearful refugees! Time to pull the green card and allocate that money, help, resources, to our OWN American poor.

These are not genuine refugees...they go back and forth like a trip to McDonalds...they have NO fear of oppresion in their homeland. They are grifters.

Why are we lavishing the limited monies we have on them?

To me, We need to feed our own children first. But maybe this us because I actually INTERACT with people here in America who are in desparate need. I mean...face to face.

Ummm I think we are talking about two very different things here. I was only addressing wether American residents should be flagged for traveling to countries in which known radical underground communities exist.

You are addressing social welfare in terms of the allocation of resources to the needy.

I'm pretty sure those are two different topics.

Also just as an aside TT had gone back to his home country before his parents had ever gone back there, his parents went back there fr the first time only recently (from my understanding), and then TT went back a second time. Wen he first went there, there was not yet a government tracking him, the Russian government requested tracking after ths first visit in 2011. I'm not sure why the government would have had any reason prior to the mother and fathers return to have flagged them.
Maybe he won't get a funeral at all - I read at the DailyMail (so basically it's gossip) that nobody has come forward to claim his body).

Has anyone seen reports in MSM (from a reputable source) of this?

I've noticed the Daily Mail is hyper agressive at getting pics and videos out, hyper aggressive at getting the story out but not so good at getting the story or captions accurate.

Basically for me it's the go to place for pics... then I read the story about the pics elsewhere
CNN just reported that the parents have agreed to cooperate with the feds and will be flying to the US tomorrow.

What info could they possibly provide? They are both denying that the sons were anything but perfect angels.
I think that is the house they were living in. Was watching it live. They thought the brothers were still in there, may have been, I can't remember, I think they were. Before shoot out in street.

Is this the house with the old man who wouldn't come out? He was on 2nd or 3rd floor?
CIA sought to have Boston bombing suspect put on terrorist watch list


The agency took the step after Russian authorities contacted officials there in the fall of 2011 and raised concerns that Tamerlan Tsarnaev — who was killed last week in a confrontation with police — was seen as an increasingly radical Islamist and could be planning to travel overseas. The CIA requested that his name be put on a database maintained by the National Counterterrorism Center.

From that article it sounds as though the parents WILL be coming to the States:

“During the talks it was decided to take the Tsarnaev parents to the United States. The parents have given their consent to this, they will be involved in the U.S. investigation,” the source told RIA Novosti.
Just a heads up in case anyone missed it, and thanks to Norwegian for telling us earlier, Dateline tonight:

New details surrounding the Boston Marathon bombings. The inside story of the manhunt, capture and investigation told by those who lived it. Plus, who exactly were the alleged bombers and what was their motivation? Lester Holt reports a special Dateline report on Wednesday, April 24th, at 8pm/7c.

"The CIA asked the main U.S. counterterrorism agency to add the name of one of the suspected Boston Marathon bombers to a watch list more than a year before the attack, according to U.S. officials.


The new disclosure suggests that the U.S. government may have had more reason than previously known to scrutinize Tsarnaev in the months leading up to the bombings in Boston. It also raises questions as to why U.S. authorities didn’t flag his return to the country after a seven-month trip to Russia last year."


Didn't this period of time coincide with the Gen Petraeus (sp?) scandal?

Heads will roll ...

Didn't this period of time coincide with the Gen Petraeus (sp?) scandal?
I wonder what other balls were dropped during that debacle and in the interim before all that dust settled.
I've noticed the Daily Mail is hyper agressive at getting pics and videos out, hyper aggressive at getting the story out but not so good at getting the story or captions accurate.

Basically for me it's the go to place for pics... then I read the story about the pics elsewhere
The DailyMail is trash. It's not reputable at all, imo.
CNN just reported that the parents have agreed to cooperate with the feds and will be flying to the US tomorrow.

I am surprised by this. I thought the FBI flew over there to question parents. Why would they need to come to the US if the FBI can question them here?

I also thought the mother was in danger of being arrested for not showing up at her arraignment for the shoplifting charge if she entered the US.
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