Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #9 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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Wait a second....question....

So its been widely reported DT hit TT while driving the SUV away from the scene of the crime.....correct?

Yet during the day on Friday they were looking for this green honda, and apparently located it....with blood in it, I believe in Cambridge, not far from the place in Watertown DT was eventually located.....correct?

But how did DT manage to get the SUV and the Honda away from the scene of the shootout the night before?

I think it's one of the fog of war moments... the search for the Honda the following day was later said to be a mix up of some kind. I remember here on WS somebody mentioned that then a bit later said never mind it was a mix up. not sure if it was the police or the media that created the false story.

we were also getting some stuff from the scanner feed that wasn't totally reliable that day..

either way we do know we have pics of the honda at the scene of the shootout in police custody following the shootout
Based on what "Danny" says, it appears that DT left his honda somewhere and both of them were in SUV. Which would explain how police eventually found the honda.

"Directed to a quiet neighborhood in East Watertown, Danny pulled up as instructed on an unfamiliar side street. The sedan stopped behind him. A man approached — the skinnier, floppy-haired “Suspect No. 2” in the photos and videos released by investigators earlier that evening — and Tamerlan got out, ordering Danny into the passenger seat, making it clear that if he tried anything he would shoot him. For several minutes, the brothers transferred heavy objects from the smaller car into Danny’s SUV. “Luggage,” Danny thought. "

From Andrew Kitzenberg's eyewitness photo essay

The shooters were also driving the green sedan on the left. They had the back passenger door open and were going back into the car where they had additional supplies (assumingly, more ammunition and explosives). They also had backpacks at their feet where they also had additional supplies.


These pics have been shown on TV numerous times.

ETA: After Danny's escape, they apparently went back for the Civic.

Right...I have read that. That's why I am so confused, since the SUV guy seems to have said both brothers were in HIS car at the same time. Otherwise, how could he have heard them speaking in Russian, and heard "Manhatten"???

I see your ETA, so I guess they did at some point separate again. Surprised they would take that kind of time in the scheme of things, but hey like I said, this was major Amature Hour!
I wonder what Dzhokhar is thinking tonight. I hope he is beyond remorseful with himself and his actions. His life is over regardless if his punishment is life in prison or death. I just can't wrap my brain around WHY he did this. There is evidence as to why Tamerlan did this...but not his brother. I just don't get it.

Personally, I don't give a damn whether or not he ever feels remorseful.

He can't undo what he's done. Any remorse he may or may not ever feel won't resurrect those he murdered or restore the limbs to those he maimed.

If he feels remorseful, that's between him and his God.

He chose to participate in bombing, killing, maiming innocent people, including children. He chose to participate in assassinating a police officer & wounding another. I don't believe that a person who participated in the carnage we've witnessed is capable of experiencing remorse. I believe that a person capable of experiencing remorse wouldn't have done the things he's accused of doing.

If he feels anything at all, it's likely chagrin at being captured & facing LWOP or the death penalty.
Conspiracy and Bad Government.

If everyone would reverse that, then we would be cooking.

This country keeps us all happy and watching t.v. or disgruntled and watching t.v. Or whatever each person chooses.

Look at other countries and how little they have, right now, learn about what is going on and has been in Chechnya. There is no comparison.

While everyone feels they are not being told facts, there are lots of reasons. And, those reasons are to keep us all safe, having livable living spaces that are not made of sticks from trees, food, running water, heat and a.c., and cars. Our country is not allowing daily bombing with homemade bombs b/c is is not united. (At least not when our LE, FBI, CIA, other Government, are watching over us.)

While we have our own many problems here, think about being born in another country and what you have to face. Especially any women reading here.

The conspiracy is not here. Our country is not trying to hurt us, they need us to keep it going. Other countries want to hurt us. Not our own.
I forgive you for word choice, agree tho- hey a little levity is ok........

then we would be cooking.
Right...I have read that. That's why I am so confused, since the SUV guy seems to have said both brothers were in HIS car at the same time. Otherwise, how could he have heard them speaking in Russian, and heard "Manhatten"???

I see your ETA, so I guess they did at some point separate again. Surprised they would take that kind of time in the scheme of things, but hey like I said, this was major Amature Hour!

Well, according to Danny, they left DT's car and both were in SUV. Presumably after Danny escaped, they went back to pick up DT's car. It's a bit confusing, but I am sure police will sort it out.
LMAO! So the reason I don't have a definitive answer to this is that THEY DO NOT KNOW?!?!??!

Well, that would in fact explain it I guess...but enough of us were watching/listening, why don't WE at least know for sure? LOL!!

As you can all see, this specific fact REALLY bugs me! And if they don't know the basic information as what cars were actually involved when, then hell they don't know much at all for sure!


Perhaps, up to a point. Situation was fluid and evolving...however, doesn't necessarily mean they don't now know about many things.

IMO, a narrative is now evolving in the media.
OH my dear we must keep our evergrowing cast of players in line (We have already exceeded Gone WIth....!) I was talkin mom!! Dont know why for some reason the wife just hits me as clueless and like little brother just ended up caught in this whirl wind of hot heads.

In more than one instance neighbors have stated endless screaming -- behavior we have witnessed by all.

My vote , I think the world would be shocked , if he ever can talk, I think he would be soft spoken - dont know where i get that from but!

Too many people! Understood now lol.

I agree with you, fwiw. I get the same feeling that wife was busy and had no idea, JT seems a rather weak personality. And given how his friends have described him, and described themselves as completely shocked by his involvement... Well, yeah, I also tend to think he got caught up in it somehow.

The WHY he got caught up is what I want to know though. To please his brother? His mother? Excitement? Politics?
OK...this is sort of adding up now. Thanks everyone!

So to me at least, it sounds like they were in fact trying to ditch their own car since they knew LE was on to them. They probably knew an APB would be put out on their car!

ETA - scratch that!!! Then they wouldn't have taken both cars to the shootout.

Because the Chinese guy wasn't at the shootout, we know that. Right? LOL!!

Whatever. I guess it's as confusing as it was before I asked but thanks for trying to help a girl out!
OK...this is sort of adding up now. Thanks everyone!

So to me at least, it sounds like they were in fact trying to ditch their own car since they knew LE was on to them. They probably knew an APB would be put out on their car!

Then the carjacking victim escaped so they went back and picked it up?
Since police would be looking for both cars after victim escaped.
Then the carjacking victim escaped so they went back and picked it up?
Since police would be looking for both cars after victim escaped.

Yeah, I added an ETA after reading what I posted made NO DAMN SENSE! LOL!!!
The green car was a Honda Civic owned by and registered to Dzhokhar's father, and being driven by Dzhokhar.

I have now 'heard' Danny's (the Chinese guy) twice, once written and once related on TeeVee by one of his professor's. There is a glitch in the professor's retelling of the story on behalf of Danny. It seems in his story there are sometimes two cars and sometimes just the one SUV. So, I think something is being left out because otherwise, it doesn't make sense based on the other facts as we know them. There were two cars at the shootout on Laurel Street, for instance.

They may have used TT's car to get to the point where they were to hijack the SUV. On the way back to Watertown they picked up the Honda.
Yep. From the links provided here it seems she saw here husband on TV when he was a just person of interest.

The shooting of the police officer and subsequent manhunt hunt were all AFTER she phoned him. So we can't make the leap she should have known what kind of person he was because when she made that call NOBODY knew for sure what kind of person he was.

Yes his pics came on TV in the midst of a search for the bombers but by then we'd already had two guys dressed in track suits, a missing person who looked vaguely like TT and video of a man running after the explosion thrown about as possible persons of interest. It may have been the first two suspects formally brought forth by the FBI but far from the first two the media had shown the world.

That story was slow to unravel that afternoon. We got it in little bites

I'm not making excuses for her but I'm certainly not going to hang her out to dry because her first reaction was to call her husband... Lord knows if my face was splattered allover the news I hope my wife's first reaction would be to call me and see what's going on. I'd hope my wife's first reaction would be that's just crazy talk not my husband

I don't believe they were ever called "persons of interest". When FBI released the photos,they were flat out suspects.
YUP! I found that interesting on Thursday afternoon - they were VERY SURE about who they were looking for! Calling them suspects immediately should tell those that question if these guys were actually involved. The FBI really had no doubts. And they have no responsibility to tell us exactly what that is until Jahar's trial.
Carjacking victim is cracking me up.
He was battering them up!

"“Oh, that’s why your English is not very good,” the brother replied, finally figuring it out. “OK, you’re Chinese . . . I’m a Muslim.”

“Chinese are very friendly to Muslims!” Danny said. “We are so friendly to Muslims.”"


I wonder what Dzhokhar is thinking tonight. I hope he is beyond remorseful with himself and his actions. His life is over regardless if his punishment is life in prison or death. I just can't wrap my brain around WHY he did this. There is evidence as to why Tamerlan did this...but not his brother. I just don't get it.

For his sake I hope he is remorseful. (It won't make much of a difference to others. )

As to why he got into this, I believe that he was following big brother's lead, as he had apparently done since childhood (the mom said DT followed TT everywhere, adored him). 19 year old dope head, never learned to make important decisions by himself, or to form his own opinions that might differ from TT's, always followed dominant brother's lead without questioning it, never took responsibility. Everybody keeps saying that he was nice, that he was friendly, even soft, this can also point to a weak person who doesn't want to start an argument. As far as DT is concerned I don't think there is any other reason why he ended up with a bomb in his backpack at the marathon, probably completely stoned: he just followed TT. Stupid and foolish. :facepalm:

I am very curious about that too! Where was this toddler at the time TT and DT did their deadly deeds? Was the toddler left at home, maybe napping? You'd think if someone else was watching her, we would have heard from them by now. Than again, maybe not!

Maybe the three flatmates, two of which are now in custody, were looking after the girl?
Older false reports:

Initially media said they let him go (hijack victim). No, --revised reports indicate that the victim “escaped” while older brother was in trying the ATM and younger was pumping gas. He ran across the street to another gas station.


I said "AH HA" when they reported that he escaped. Because them letting him go just didn't seem to fit with what their actions were.

They had bombed the Marathon looking for massive carnage, and had killed a cop! Letting the carjacked victim go just wasn't sitting right with me and many others. It made much more sense that he escaped. Thank goodness he did...
For his sake I hope he is remorseful. (It won't make much of a difference to others. )

As to why he got into this, I believe that he was following big brother's lead, as he had apparently done since childhood (the mom said DT followed TT everywhere, adored him). 19 year old dope head, never learned to make important decisions by himself, or to form his own opinions that might differ from TT's, always followed dominant brother's lead without questioning it, never took responsibility. Everybody keeps saying that he was nice, that he was friendly, even soft, this can also point to a weak person who doesn't want to start an argument. As far as DT is concerned I don't think there is any other reason why he ended up with a bomb in his backpack at the marathon, probably completely stoned: he just followed TT. Stupid and foolish. :facepalm:

Maybe the three flatmates, two of which are now in custody, were looking after the girl?

I think you are really underestimating him.
He had a very short time to walk away from the bomb before it blew up.
I don't think someone completely stoned would make a good terrorist.
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