Terry Lenamon is Casey's New Atty. **REVISTED**

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Hi all,

Yes - I am writing a book with Terry Lenamon, it's scheduled to be published sometime this year - I think late summer/early fall. He's found the publisher, I'm the legal researcher/writer on parts of it.

Over time, I've become more and more involved with Terry in various projects (I'm a named coauthor of his blog now, for example) as he's really become focused on how the system is breaking down, not just in Florida but all over the place.

The book is about the right to counsel provided under the federal constitution, as applied to those who can't afford to hire a lawyer. While my part of the book is written (first draft), Terry is still dictating his and I think he's got around three chapters left to do.

Rambling on (forgive me!) it's focusing on the Supreme Court's expansion of the right to counsel for the poor to more and more situations (mental health proceedings, juvie cases) as well as into the process earlier and earlier (during investigative questioning, etc.) ... and how the fiscal reality is that state budgets are left with the responsibility of paying for both the defense and the prosecution in all these cases.

The Court has ruled for indigent defense but doesn't give instructions on how to pay for it. Last fall, the State of Georgia fought hard for guidance, and got nothing back. Not even a written opinion, just a summary adios.

Georgia, meanwhile, is in serious straits and its criminal justice system needs help. Meanwhile Im sure y'all have heard about things in California, where in some cities they are just letting prisoners out and not pursuing some crimes b/c of lack of funds. Stuff like that.

Terry has also started a nonprofit that is growing very fast over in Florida - deans of the law schools there, other attorneys/law firms all working together in a volunteer effort to contribute as best they can (it's called Florida Capital Resource Center). He's really committed to this.

Next week, there will be an announcement of a new co executive director for the non-profit he started b/c it's too big for Terry to keep up with and still keep up his law firm.

Still rambling, forgive me again, so that's the skinny on my connection with Terry Lenamon. Have I asked/bugged/whined/cajoled/annoyed him about Casey Anthony? Yes. (Especially about that report of his.) He won't say anything except what you've read online already. Believe me, I've been pushy. Hasn't helped. He's so #$@# tight-lipped that he probably knows who really assassinated JFK, too. (Joke.)

Reading the posts here, do I think he's a good lawyer? Yes, I do. He's dedicated to being a good attorney in a time when so many were/are dedicated to making lots of cash. I like this about him; with his talent, he could be making a lot more money for his boys and family in a personal injury practice, for example. Instead, he's got to fight for court appointed level fees and he eats a lot of time.

One thing Terry and I don't agree on, though. He was in town last month to go over the book stuff and over nachos, I told him the story about how I was at a Bar function, setting next to Charlie Butts, a highly respected criminal defense attorney here in San Antonio. I will never forget asking Charlie Butts about whether or not he had ever met anyone that he thought to be truly evil (referring to the book People of the Lie by Scott Peck, if you've read that...good book).

Charlie had been a prosecutor for many, many years before he became a defense attorney and I can't remember which side of the courtroom he was on for these four cases but he did name four people, three men and a woman, that he said he did indeed believe were evil. He said he couldn't see anything when he looked in their eyes, and that he never wanted to be alone in a room with them. Like Scott Peck, he said it was something of omission: there wasn't any psychological dx that explained their behavior, etc.

Terry said he hasn't met anyone he believes to be truly evil. He told me that in his years of dealing with some of the most horrific crimes imaginable, that he's found severe damage or what he called "brokenness" - not that he's excusing them at all, but that there was a lack there somewhere. Terry's big on discovering the why of things, he wants to know why something horrible happened, very into psychology and brain science, etc.

Me, let me get it out here now (ramble, ramble): I'm a Christian. I believe in the existence of evil. If I didn't before my years representing kids in CPS court, I definitely do now. Like Charlie Butts, I think I've seen it. I'm not saying that Terry isn't; Terry is Catholic. But I can't go so far as he does on the psychological perspective. We don't agree here.

Geez Louise, I've typed a book and the computer clock says it's 11:30.

This place is addicting. And I told myself I wouldn't go into Websleuths till the weekend! Yikes yikes.

Sorry for the rambling, and thx for the patience,
Glad to have you here Reba!!! I really enjoy your blog!!!
"Casey Anthony is a unique individual. A close inspection of her case clearly supports not filing a notice seeking death," attorney Terence Lenamon wrote in a report obtained by the Orlando Sentinel.

* The techniques used to analyze hair and air samples from the trunk of Anthony's car to prove evidence of a body are "novel, experimental, in the early stages of development, inconclusive and highly susceptible to mishandling," Lenamon wrote. Even if the evidence is enough for a guilty verdict, it would not be enough to support the death penalty, according to the report.

* Details of the Anthony case are insufficient to justify the death penalty, the lawyer wrote. She doesn't have a criminal record. There is no history of child abuse. The crime was not cold, calculated and premeditated. No one knows how death might have happened -- if at all. In the months leading up to Caylee's disappearance, Anthony's behavior was described by friends and family as "erratic and not entirely rational."

* Filicide -- the act of a parent killing a child -- is different from other homicides. The underlying reasons why mothers kill are complex and can be divided into various categories.

* Juries are more likely to show mothers mercy. The report mentions Andrea Yates, a Texas mother who drowned her five children. She was sentenced to life in prison but later sent to a mental hospital. Susan Smith, the South Carolina mother who drowned her two children in a lake, got life in prison.

* Experts will likely agree that Anthony was "suffering from episodes of extreme emotional distress and disturbance since her daughter's birth," the report said. Even the lack of emotion after her child's disappearance and the arrest "is not normal," Lenamon wrote.

* Anita Simmons, an Orange County woman who beat her 8-year-old daughter to death, got 42 years in prison, the report said. Lenamon also cited other examples around that state that also led to life sentences.

"A careful consideration of the totality of the circumstances in this case leads to a clear conclusion that filing a notice of the death penalty is not the right thing to do," he wrote.

I believe that IF Baez would have graciously stepped aside, checked his Ego and Pride at the door and allowed the more experienced, expert attorney, Terence Lenamon, to lead the case IMO it would have gone to trial and been over with much much sooner...and IMO the possibility existed, at that time, that Casey may have gotten off or gotten a lighter sentence but then the remains and additional evidence found..the case took a dramatic turn.

Terry Lenamon was able to get the DP off the table..Angel of Death Row, Andrea Lyon was not able to accomplish that, after the remains and additional evidence were found.

TL(the DP qualified lawyer) wanted to go the route of mental health..Baez (the novice who only tried 1 murder case and lost) objected...

IMO Baez made huge mistakes in 2008 (and continued to do so) from fighting the Prosecutions Motion for a Gag Order,(Where Baez himself stated he would always side with the First Amendment), to advising Casey to give up her Right to a Speedy Trial..to not following the advice and strategy of an experience DP qualified Florida Lawyer...

And now here we are...
I believe that IF Baez would have graciously stepped aside, checked his Ego and Pride at the door and allowed the more experienced, expert attorney, Terence Lenamon, to lead the case IMO it would have gone to trial and been over with much much sooner...and IMO the possibility existed, at that time, that Casey may have gotten off or gotten a lighter sentence but then the remains and additional evidence found..the case took a dramatic turn.

Terry Lenamon was able to get the DP off the table..Angel of Death Row, Andrea Lyon was not able to accomplish that, after the remains and additional evidence were found.

TL(the DP qualified lawyer) wanted to go the route of mental health..Baez (the novice who only tried 1 murder case and lost) objected...

IMO Baez made huge mistakes in 2008 (and continued to do so) from fighting the Prosecutions Motion for a Gag Order,(Where Baez himself stated he would always side with the First Amendment), to advising Casey to give up her Right to a Speedy Trial..to not following the advice and strategy of an experience DP qualified Florida Lawyer...

And now here we are...

KC would have been so much better off if she had stuck with and listened to TL. He was probably the only lawyer she had that seemed to make a well reasoned, well researched, well argued, and simply outright sane case for her defense. he seemed the consummate professional at every step and the type of lawyer any of us would want representing us should it ever come down to it. While innocence is probably not an option I am betting he could have steered the outcome away from capital punishment.

And please keep in mind. I don't want KC to get off. I don't want her to get away with anything because she had a good lawyer. But I do think she deserves fair and competant council, which she just simply is not getting from her current zoo. The whole thing with adding KB to the witness lists to me just reaks of a lawyer serving his own purposes and not his clients.
And also keep in mind, directly from KC's jailhouse letters.....she wants to have another child when she gets out. Now that is an evil thought. A child is not a "throw-away" object you can get rid of because you are tired of taking care of it. This alone should keep her locked up at least until after child-bearing years. jmo
Hi all,

Yes - I am writing a book with Terry Lenamon, it's scheduled to be published sometime this year - I think late summer/early fall. He's found the publisher, I'm the legal researcher/writer on parts of it.

Over time, I've become more and more involved with Terry in various projects (I'm a named coauthor of his blog now, for example) as he's really become focused on how the system is breaking down, not just in Florida but all over the place.

The book is about the right to counsel provided under the federal constitution, as applied to those who can't afford to hire a lawyer. While my part of the book is written (first draft), Terry is still dictating his and I think he's got around three chapters left to do.

Rambling on (forgive me!) it's focusing on the Supreme Court's expansion of the right to counsel for the poor to more and more situations (mental health proceedings, juvie cases) as well as into the process earlier and earlier (during investigative questioning, etc.) ... and how the fiscal reality is that state budgets are left with the responsibility of paying for both the defense and the prosecution in all these cases.

The Court has ruled for indigent defense but doesn't give instructions on how to pay for it. Last fall, the State of Georgia fought hard for guidance, and got nothing back. Not even a written opinion, just a summary adios.

Georgia, meanwhile, is in serious straits and its criminal justice system needs help. Meanwhile Im sure y'all have heard about things in California, where in some cities they are just letting prisoners out and not pursuing some crimes b/c of lack of funds. Stuff like that.

Terry has also started a nonprofit that is growing very fast over in Florida - deans of the law schools there, other attorneys/law firms all working together in a volunteer effort to contribute as best they can (it's called Florida Capital Resource Center). He's really committed to this.

Next week, there will be an announcement of a new co executive director for the non-profit he started b/c it's too big for Terry to keep up with and still keep up his law firm.

Still rambling, forgive me again, so that's the skinny on my connection with Terry Lenamon. Have I asked/bugged/whined/cajoled/annoyed him about Casey Anthony? Yes. (Especially about that report of his.) He won't say anything except what you've read online already. Believe me, I've been pushy. Hasn't helped. He's so #$@# tight-lipped that he probably knows who really assassinated JFK, too. (Joke.)

Reading the posts here, do I think he's a good lawyer? Yes, I do. He's dedicated to being a good attorney in a time when so many were/are dedicated to making lots of cash. I like this about him; with his talent, he could be making a lot more money for his boys and family in a personal injury practice, for example. Instead, he's got to fight for court appointed level fees and he eats a lot of time.

One thing Terry and I don't agree on, though. He was in town last month to go over the book stuff and over nachos, I told him the story about how I was at a Bar function, setting next to Charlie Butts, a highly respected criminal defense attorney here in San Antonio. I will never forget asking Charlie Butts about whether or not he had ever met anyone that he thought to be truly evil (referring to the book People of the Lie by Scott Peck, if you've read that...good book).

Charlie had been a prosecutor for many, many years before he became a defense attorney and I can't remember which side of the courtroom he was on for these four cases but he did name four people, three men and a woman, that he said he did indeed believe were evil. He said he couldn't see anything when he looked in their eyes, and that he never wanted to be alone in a room with them. Like Scott Peck, he said it was something of omission: there wasn't any psychological dx that explained their behavior, etc.

Terry said he hasn't met anyone he believes to be truly evil. He told me that in his years of dealing with some of the most horrific crimes imaginable, that he's found severe damage or what he called "brokenness" - not that he's excusing them at all, but that there was a lack there somewhere. Terry's big on discovering the why of things, he wants to know why something horrible happened, very into psychology and brain science, etc.

Me, let me get it out here now (ramble, ramble): I'm a Christian. I believe in the existence of evil. If I didn't before my years representing kids in CPS court, I definitely do now. Like Charlie Butts, I think I've seen it. I'm not saying that Terry isn't; Terry is Catholic. But I can't go so far as he does on the psychological perspective. We don't agree here.

Geez Louise, I've typed a book and the computer clock says it's 11:30.

This place is addicting. And I told myself I wouldn't go into Websleuths till the weekend! Yikes yikes.

Sorry for the rambling, and thx for the patience,

So why was he helping a girl who already had an attorney and who had financial means? I don't know if she had the 250k when he was her attorney...but he was obviously helping her for the fame factor. Does he not see how he is part of the problem with the system?
Hi all,

Yes - I am writing a book with Terry Lenamon, it's scheduled to be published sometime this year - I think late summer/early fall. He's found the publisher, I'm the legal researcher/writer on parts of it.

Over time, I've become more and more involved with Terry in various projects (I'm a named coauthor of his blog now, for example) as he's really become focused on how the system is breaking down, not just in Florida but all over the place.

The book is about the right to counsel provided under the federal constitution, as applied to those who can't afford to hire a lawyer. While my part of the book is written (first draft), Terry is still dictating his and I think he's got around three chapters left to do.

Rambling on (forgive me!) it's focusing on the Supreme Court's expansion of the right to counsel for the poor to more and more situations (mental health proceedings, juvie cases) as well as into the process earlier and earlier (during investigative questioning, etc.) ... and how the fiscal reality is that state budgets are left with the responsibility of paying for both the defense and the prosecution in all these cases.

The Court has ruled for indigent defense but doesn't give instructions on how to pay for it. Last fall, the State of Georgia fought hard for guidance, and got nothing back. Not even a written opinion, just a summary adios.

Georgia, meanwhile, is in serious straits and its criminal justice system needs help. Meanwhile Im sure y'all have heard about things in California, where in some cities they are just letting prisoners out and not pursuing some crimes b/c of lack of funds. Stuff like that.

Terry has also started a nonprofit that is growing very fast over in Florida - deans of the law schools there, other attorneys/law firms all working together in a volunteer effort to contribute as best they can (it's called Florida Capital Resource Center). He's really committed to this.

Next week, there will be an announcement of a new co executive director for the non-profit he started b/c it's too big for Terry to keep up with and still keep up his law firm.

Still rambling, forgive me again, so that's the skinny on my connection with Terry Lenamon. Have I asked/bugged/whined/cajoled/annoyed him about Casey Anthony? Yes. (Especially about that report of his.) He won't say anything except what you've read online already. Believe me, I've been pushy. Hasn't helped. He's so #$@# tight-lipped that he probably knows who really assassinated JFK, too. (Joke.)

Reading the posts here, do I think he's a good lawyer? Yes, I do. He's dedicated to being a good attorney in a time when so many were/are dedicated to making lots of cash. I like this about him; with his talent, he could be making a lot more money for his boys and family in a personal injury practice, for example. Instead, he's got to fight for court appointed level fees and he eats a lot of time.

One thing Terry and I don't agree on, though. He was in town last month to go over the book stuff and over nachos, I told him the story about how I was at a Bar function, setting next to Charlie Butts, a highly respected criminal defense attorney here in San Antonio. I will never forget asking Charlie Butts about whether or not he had ever met anyone that he thought to be truly evil (referring to the book People of the Lie by Scott Peck, if you've read that...good book).

Charlie had been a prosecutor for many, many years before he became a defense attorney and I can't remember which side of the courtroom he was on for these four cases but he did name four people, three men and a woman, that he said he did indeed believe were evil. He said he couldn't see anything when he looked in their eyes, and that he never wanted to be alone in a room with them. Like Scott Peck, he said it was something of omission: there wasn't any psychological dx that explained their behavior, etc.

Terry said he hasn't met anyone he believes to be truly evil. He told me that in his years of dealing with some of the most horrific crimes imaginable, that he's found severe damage or what he called "brokenness" - not that he's excusing them at all, but that there was a lack there somewhere. Terry's big on discovering the why of things, he wants to know why something horrible happened, very into psychology and brain science, etc.

Me, let me get it out here now (ramble, ramble): I'm a Christian. I believe in the existence of evil. If I didn't before my years representing kids in CPS court, I definitely do now. Like Charlie Butts, I think I've seen it. I'm not saying that Terry isn't; Terry is Catholic. But I can't go so far as he does on the psychological perspective. We don't agree here.

Geez Louise, I've typed a book and the computer clock says it's 11:30.

This place is addicting. And I told myself I wouldn't go into Websleuths till the weekend! Yikes yikes.

Sorry for the rambling, and thx for the patience,
Funny...when I was reading earlier posts...I was like hey...I saw that name right here not that long ago. Welcome back!
So why was he helping a girl who already had an attorney and who had financial means? I don't know if she had the 250k when he was her attorney...but he was obviously helping her for the fame factor. Does he not see how he is part of the problem with the system?
You've got that right!!
Holy Schizzle! Did anyone read the article posted by Devilsadvocate in the news thread? TLs book is coming out and hes dishing the dirt on JB too! Talked about giving photos to OS and JB getting mad because it would ruin their $200000 photo deal. No wonder this guy left; he seems to have ethics! Well except where he says FCA was "frightened" and "warm and loving". LOL he says that CM desparately wanted on the team and filed bar complaints against him.

Who called that the CM contempt motion was typical of the DTs "look over there" strategy because something was coming out?

So why was he helping a girl who already had an attorney and who had financial means? I don't know if she had the 250k when he was her attorney...but he was obviously helping her for the fame factor. Does he not see how he is part of the problem with the system?

I was going to ask the very same thing. You beat me to it. Thank you my friend!!
Hmmm maybe he's the source of the licorice story.

"That’s when I said I’m going to talk about interactions in the jail, things I observed, work production information. I hired a lawyer, and they [the defense] walked away. They were opening Pandora’s box."
Holy Schizzle! Did anyone read the article posted by Devilsadvocate in the news thread? TLs book is coming out and hes dishing the dirt on JB too! Talked about giving photos to OS and JB getting mad because it would ruin their $200000 photo deal. No wonder this guy left; he seems to have ethics! Well except where he says FCA was "frightened" and "warm and loving". LOL he says that CM desparately wanted on the team and filed bar complaints against him.

Who called that the CM contempt motion was typical of the DTs "look over there" strategy because something was coming out?


BBM - yes he does... kind of a mismatch to the rest of the team. This was a very interesting article. Looks like we will be having some of our questions answered now that the case is over. :great:
BBM - yes he does... kind of a mismatch to the rest of the team. This was a very interesting article. Looks like we will be having some of our questions answered now that the case is over. :great:

I won't buy his book just because he was part of a defense that could have cared less about little Caylee. He may have more ethics than the rest of them, but why did he wait until the trial was over and done with to come out with this information? That's what ticks me off.
I won't buy his book just because he was part of a defense that could have cared less about little Caylee. He may have more ethics than the rest of them, but why did he wait until the trial was over and done with to come out with this information? That's what ticks me off.

Oh no, I won't buy the book. The recap in the article was good enough.:innocent:
Yowzers! What is going on?:waitasec: I'm so busy running around getting ready for Christmas and new news is flying on in! :santahat:

Juicy bits here - Juicy bits there - It's starting to feel a lot like Christmas here at WS. :yesss:

So what else ya got for us Santa? Hmmm? :sleigh:
Oh no, I won't buy the book. The recap in the article was good enough.:innocent:

No I won't either but I'm sure there will be interviews and recaps so we'll get what really counts - it always happens...
No I won't either but I'm sure there will be interviews and recaps so we'll get what really counts - it always happens...

I'm waiting for Jose's reply. :floorlaugh: Possibly even Andrea Lyon too? :floorlaugh:

I'm surprised Jose has lasted this long without shooting back a reply? Maybe Casey won't stop texting him long enough for him to text Geraldo?
I won't buy his book just because he was part of a defense that could have cared less about little Caylee. He may have more ethics than the rest of them, but why did he wait until the trial was over and done with to come out with this information? That's what ticks me off.

I won't buy his book either but things have a way of coming out (as it did in this interview). Now that the trial is over, there will be others coming out of the woodwork and we may end up finding out a whole lot about this dysfunctional defense team. I absolutely agree with you about why he didn't bring this out sooner but I have an idea that it has something to do with ethics when speaking of an ongoing case and attorney/client privilege for the time he was with them. I am just truly enjoying the fact that the defense and KC aren't enjoying themselves much despite that joke of a verdict in their favor. This book (and article) will probably make them enjoy things even less. :innocent: :floorlaugh:
Yowzers! What is going on?:waitasec: I'm so busy running around getting ready for Christmas and new news is flying on in! :santahat:

Juicy bits here - Juicy bits there - It's starting to feel a lot like Christmas here at WS. :yesss:

So what else ya got for us Santa? Hmmm? :sleigh:

Have I have told you lately how much I enjoy your thoughts?
You are good!

Merry Christmas!
Oh no, I won't buy the book. The recap in the article was good enough.:innocent:

yeah once I saw him talking about OCA as a warm loving little girl I nearly lost my breakfast I havent eaten yet. no thank you.

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