TES DONATION - Will You join With Me ?

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GOD BLESS TES SEARCH TEAM AND VOLUNTEERS!! Every child deserves this much. Those who can PLEASE help out but everyone's prayers are needed too! We can all pray together that every resource will be supplied, and the many searchers who turn out will not weary or fatigue, that the weather will cooperate and their steps will lead to Caylee :blowkiss:
Just donated. Yay for TES!!! I also sent an e-mail to all of my friends and family urging them to donate. We live in Idaho, so most people here don't hear a lot on this case. I hope everyone I know will support TES!
Who will join with me to make a donation to TES ? I just donated again, and although a small amount, it all adds up. Even a five dollar contribution by many of us can help.
God bless Tim and all those who donate their time to search for little Caylee.
Here is a link to their web site: http://www.texasequusearch.org/index.html

Tim Miller is offically added to my list of charities and worthy causes. I just donated and also got to express my thanks to Tim. I figure either put up or shut up and lord knows I can only accomplish one of those!!
Just donated to TES and encourage everyone here at WS to do the same. Even $5.00 will help!! Please help Tim find Caylee when he resumes the search on November 8th.

My husband & I had planned to drive to Orlando to help with the search for Caylee, but decided to donate to TES instead.

It will be wonderful day when she is brought home!
My donation is in. Thanks Tim for all you do. :blowkiss:
I am donating by mail. Previously someone hacked into my computer and got my credit card number from my ordering books , so I am no longer using a card online. Fortunatly, the company subtracted those charges from my acct..
I hope Tim sees that the water hyacinths are raked away or out, of the waterways during the searches for Caylee , esp. where the new tip came in about possibly Casey walking through the woods with the shovel and bag. It would be so hard to see anyone under the roots of the plants. What a heartbreaking thought, God bless the little angel.
I donated a pretty penny and I feel so good about it :) I cannot wait until the searches resume in Nov. as I'll be there searching for baby Caylee.:blowkiss:
Well, transaction complete. I wish I had a million dollars to give. Since I do not, my little bit will have to do. But a bunch of little bits adds up. I hope everyone is able to give some, if not prayers work too.
Just donated (3rd time this month). Every little bit helps.

I just donated 5 bucks. I'm kinda poor right now, but i figure if everyone chips in...
Thank you for making this so easy for us- and thank you all for the support you give the searchers.
I donated again too.

I think they will find her this time too. With all the bounty hunters and bail bondsmen helping, it just seems as if the odds are in their favor this time.
Just wanted to add it feels GREAT to be able to DO something to help! I'm a single mother and live about as far as you can get (in WA) from where search is going on. Have felt so helpless especially because we didn't know when TES might come back. I am SO thankful they are not giving up, they need our help. Everybody can do something--help with the search efforts, support the search by donating, and/or offer your prayers.
Karen Anne,

You are such a blessing! :blowkiss: I've been thinking of doing this for some time, but didn't really know how to go about it. By providing a link, you've given some of us no excuse to not donate. I just sent in $20.00.

Thanks again!

Made my donation this morning and feel great about it. Would love to travel to FL, but it's not possible. I live in Texas and with regards to the Kroger card, you can scan the card and send it out via email and Kroger's will recognize it. I've done it before with another charity organization. I actually posted it on a website. Once you link the organization to your card, it's a done deal. Everytime you use the card, a percentage goes to the organization. Wonderful and easy way to make money.

Pray this darling angel is found quickly so everyone can have some closure.
I donated $50 today. that's all I can do right now between the market drop and the hurricane business has been slow. Once we get back into business I will donate more and often.
I also added a link asking for help in donations or time to my email signature. I'm a Realtor so I email alot of people. I hope some of the people I email will notice the bold tes link and donate. As soon as I figure out how to add a link to his website onto mine I will.

We have all been trying to figure out what to do for christmas this year. As we have everything we could need. I think I will ask my family to donate to TES for my christmas present, and challenge them to do the same.

GO Tim we are all behind you!!:dance:
I just sent Texas EquusSearch a money order and I thank you Karen for bringing this wonderful cause to everyone's attention. Tim needs the money to accomplish this overwhelming task and he also needs to know that we support and appreciate him. Thank you to all that donate as well.
Yay! My SSI check finally arrived and I was able to send my promised $10.00 which I will send every 3rd Wednesday of the month. I sent it for the search for Caylee but in the name of Laura Miller. God bless Tim for his unselfish sacrifices and may the arms of angels protect him from unappreciative people while he is in harms way searching for their loved ones while they refuse to lift a finger to help!
Who will join with me to make a donation to TES ? I just donated again, and although a small amount, it all adds up. Even a five dollar contribution by many of us can help.
God bless Tim and all those who donate their time to search for little Caylee.
Here is a link to their web site: http://www.texasequusearch.org/index.html

I joined you in making a donation to TES. I'm a custodial parent with financial difficulties, but this great organization is a worthy cause.


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