TES to make an announcement today in the Caylee Case???

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Aug 30, 2008
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Okay, so I don't have ALOT of facts on this so I am wondering if anyone else has heard this, and if this thread needs to be removed for more "valid" proof just let me know and I will remove it. I am just passing along what I came across.

Allison, whomever she is, http://profile.myspace.com/index.cf...=F02E8A65-695C-4B48-B076B5DA13C17F0E299041964, told a Caylee Supporter, http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=408666722 this as it is posted on her blog on myspace:

Monday, September 29, 2008

TES to Make Announcement in Caylee Case

It was brought to my attention by a Caylee friend that Tim Miller will be making an announcement today regarding Caylee's case.

If you recall, I posted a blog a week or so ago about a searcher who had discovered something wrapped in a rug and thrown into the water. The searchers were removed from the sight and investigators removed the "package".

Upon returning the next day, the searcher reported a very foul odor and the "package" was gone.

This discovery, if it was, in fact, a decomposing body, would fit with the time frame that it would take to get a definite DNA result.

This is a sad case, but let's keep in mind that if it is Caylee's body, she will get the appropriate burial that she deserves--dignity, respect, and love.

As sad as it is, we may be able to focus on justice for the suspect now.

I will post a transcript or a video (if available) as soon as Miller makes his statement.

Edited to add--Allison provided the info about Tim Miller making a statement today. Thank you Allison.
We heard same thing last week and Tim Miller said not to believe unless it came from him... I will check out his site.

Also, I think LE would make any announcement regarding evidence.

Sure wish it would be true and this coming to a conclusion....
count me in as curious. Don't we have posters here who have had prior contact with TM? Maybe they could verify?
There has been a rumor swirling around the internet that something would be happening at 6pm today. No idea what it is or if it is true.
Kimi - if you haven't considered writing teasers for the cable news shows, you should! :blowkiss:
This rumor has been going on at least 3 weeks now! I won't believe it til I hear Tim say something. That stale story has been around a long time now.
I have sent an email to Erin in Tim's office... will let you know when I hear back... they are busy cleaning up back there.
Personally, I think you will see LE arrest Casey if there was really a body or a part of caylee that was found long before Tim gets to say anything. I don't believe this rumor but I hope I am wrong!
What a weird coincidence
I was just looking at the TES site , crying my eyes out at all the bodies this team has found..
It is truly sad and wonderful at how these people can go out and search for those they do not know..
I pray that someone will receive closure soon..
Right now, Caylee and Trenton are in my hearts.I know if there are any angels for them, it is the team with TES..
I encourage you all to read the Found section on TES site..Sad as it is, it will also give you hope that this baby will be found..
This rumor has been going on at least 3 weeks now! I won't believe it til I hear Tim say something. That stale story has been around a long time now.

I have been waiting for them to make a statement too... but Ive got my fingers crossed maybe something is going to happen tonight... Richard Grund's myspace blog says "stay tuned" Monday night for the truth to come out... I hope this isnt another big teaser for regurgitation on NG...:eek:ther_beatingA_Dead
This rumor has been going on at least 3 weeks now! I won't believe it til I hear Tim say something. That stale story has been around a long time now.

I agree and I also heard that he might be coming back to search since the waters have went down alot here. Maybe it is an announce for that.
Personally, I think you will see LE arrest Casey if there was really a body or a part of caylee that was found long before Tim gets to say anything. I don't believe this rumor but I hope I am wrong!

I agree. If TES really did find a body, LE would need to identify it and then they'd make the announcement. Not Tim.
Maybe Casey is being arrested now..(wishful thinking), as she is meeting with her case manager, so we don't see it happen..
Maybe they have her...and the rest is to come this evening..
Gee, something needs to happen!
I hope it's not just wishful thinking but there's a few people here that have contact with the wonderful TES folks and there's been no indication that much had been found.

I think sometimes we want something to be done so badly or feel something so deeply that rumors start looking like the truth. No knock against that particular poster at MySpace...but you know where I'm coming from.

On the other hand however...sometimes there is a grain of truth to some rumors. I suppose the thing to do is keep hoping for a speedy conclusion.
I heard an online radio host interviewing Tim and he did mention an announcement regarding this case to be this Monday. I've been ill for two days, so can someone help me locate the link to that radio show?? Please my head is just hurting to much to read!
Personally, I think you will see LE arrest Casey if there was really a body or a part of caylee that was found long before Tim gets to say anything. I don't believe this rumor but I hope I am wrong!

I think the most likely scenario would be Casey being arrested, and then a press conference by LE. If TES searchers did find anything critical to the case, LE might have Tim at the presser to make a brief statement.
Here is the Texas Equasearch website, hopefully the press releases page will be updated soon with news on the Caylee search.



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keeping my fingers crossed that
something happens soon
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